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15364667 No.15364667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>girl on tinder telling me she loves philosophy, especially Plato
>”Plato’s cave is my favourite allegory”

>> No.15364679

and yours is a frog

>> No.15364680

Her coochie must be god fucking tier for you to allow such heresy

>> No.15364684 [DELETED] 

Name an allegory that's better than Plato's cave, you fucking midwit.
Let me guess, you think Davidson's Swampman is more robust? lmao

>> No.15364685

shame you can't unliterate people

>> No.15364696

Ask her if she is an intellectual.

>> No.15364698

you can, but it won't be pretty

>> No.15364703

ask her why

>> No.15364711

She's trying to impress you, bless her heart.
Give her a smooch.

>> No.15364731

what's wrong with what she said?

>> No.15364743

Plato's Cave wasn't supposed to be a documentary!

>> No.15364745

I told her to read Plato and asked her if she’s going to fall in love with me fuck me or ghost me. I don’t usually have this confidence with women but I’m catfishing with a picture of some guy I found on /soc/. Surprising actually because the guy is not even hot, kind of ugly like myself actually, yet I got 99+ likes in a day. Starting to think the incel shit is a meme.

>> No.15364792
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>> No.15364802

It’s obvious she’s just namedropping what she knows in an attempt to look educated. The phrasing is very awkward — “favourite allegory”? Wtf, who has a favourite allegory? Allegories aren’t like books or films. They’re just too broad of a category to pick favourites in. She just didn’t know what to call it but knew that it was called “the allegory of the cave” so chose that phrasing. Also the allegory of the cave is known by almost everyone, so it’s like saying “my favourite classic song is moonlight sonata”. Only it’s different because having a favourite classic song isn’t as weird as having a favourite “allegory”.

>> No.15364809

This always makes me laugh. A rare based-poster spotted in the wild

>> No.15364816

either this or she’s joking. i can imagine saying, “wow...the cave? my favorite allegory” if i were being cheeky

>> No.15364826

It's a shit allegory.
Allegory of the cave is my favorite allegory as well.
You are right, the phrasing can look strange for someone unfamiliar with Plato but clearly she was demonstrating that she knew about the other allegories/analogies that Plato used ALL OF WHICH WERE DUMB FUCKING SHIT.

>> No.15364835

All you had to say was "Here's my allegory *pulls out dick*, but where is your cave?" What a goddamn faggot. She was literally begging you to fuck her.

>> No.15364839

You should ask her what other allegories it beat out to become her favorite.

>> No.15364840

Cut her some slack, she's just horny.

>> No.15364844

Yeah, no subtext here, none at all. Does she need to go into detail with how her favorite part is specifically the in-and-out dynamics vis-a-vis the cave, and that she really hopes that the philosopher will go very deeply into the cave, to really reach those at the back?

>“favourite allegory”? Wtf, who has a favourite allegory?
I do, and I am by far the most erudite autist on /lit/.

>> No.15364866

Ask her about her top 5 allegories that it beat out.

>> No.15364950

Did she tell you about how she's a huge fan of the oxford comma yet?

>> No.15364957

I'm a huge fan of "fewer" and think it's retarded that we just abolished it instead of giving it a proper antonym.

>> No.15364963

>I do, and I am by far the most erudite autist on /lit/.
Keep up the good work anon.

>> No.15364967
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For context

>> No.15364970

There are quite a few from the Bible like the prodigal son.

>> No.15364974
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>It’s another frog pretends to talk to a girl thread.

>> No.15364979
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>> No.15364994

Inb4 250 replies thread

>> No.15365010

>bertrand russell
cringe, I hope she gives you herpes

>> No.15365015

It's already too late. You fucked up catastrophically by putting her "in control."

Here's how you deal with women: you make sure every suggestion you make gives her an out, so she has total plausible deniability, and can blame everything on you and pretend nothing happened at any point. That's how you get laid.

Unfortunately knowing this will make you realize that "love" is impossible with women because they will throw you into the dumpster at the first sign of trouble. You are there for their benefit, full stop.

>> No.15365017

This is probably bait but she clearly has little to no actual interest in philosophy and you should have just moved on to the sleepong together part.

>> No.15365028

There is no hope for you, the last man.

>> No.15365076

Plato's Cave isn't even the best cave allegories in ancient philosophy. De Antro Nympharum is way better.

>> No.15365107

I'm sure you're a smart guy but damn, you have zero game my dude.

>> No.15365130

Women are children and you are literally fucking up any chance you have of getting laid

>> No.15365157

The Problems of Philosophy is a good introduction to philosophical logic, epistemology (direct realism/indirect realism/idealism/etc.).
I don’t think so. It’s a pretty mundane interaction.
No idea what you just said nigger. Probably some incel shit. I’m drunk so I might have fucked up reading comprehension. Rate my poetry:
Beyond the forest in that vast expanse of land
Dusk lays its claim upon the heavens
And naught stirs ‘cept owl and man.

With regal plumes upon their heads, three elders gather near the fire,
Their faces pallid, long, and lean; their fingers cold upon the lyre.
In low, aching voices sing they of an unremembered time,
Before the land was ever tilled, before the dawn of humankind.

And slowly doth the zephyr, rising from the rustling grass
Drift their song along the darkness, carried on its misty back
To another camp, where stirs a young creature with count’nance grim.
‘Wherefore doth the music play at such an hour?’ asks the Nephilim.

But his father, already risen, sitting like a boulder upon the ground
With a still, reflective face, in his heart a grief profound,
Hushes him. And whispers:

‘This is man.
To him this world is destined, given to his hand.
Soon every acre of this Earth shall be under his command;
Let him sing while he still can.’

Why not if she said she has interest in it I’m inclined to believe her what I can’t believe however is that a woman as beautiful as her would spend her time time reading philosophy or any woman really. I mean just imagine a woman holding the dialogue of euthyphro between her dovelike (Solomon!) breasts coming upon the part where Socrates explains the distinction between whether something is pious because it is loved by the gods or is it loved by the gods because it is pious. Why? It’s such an incongruous picture I can’t even imagine it. She should go out and live and be the nubile, joyous, youthful unfettered creature she was designed to be.

>> No.15365163
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God fucking damn. You're both so fucking stupid, but a cute girl will still never talk to me about anything ever, let alone share any interest in philosophy with me. I fucking hate this stupid fucking world, some retards have all the luck.

>> No.15365167
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This is why white girls are getting Kong'd by BBC. How can you be this autistic?

>> No.15365189

What can I do if I have this level of autism with girls? Genuinely asking

>> No.15365198

Masturbate? They're not worth the trouble, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.15365220

Incredibly based post.

>> No.15365224

i'm dyin'

>> No.15365232


>> No.15365237


God everyone on Tinder is such a fucking loser. It's unbearable to read such incessant preening. I stopped at "I'm a Kantian". Jesus Christ, OP

>> No.15365244

Learn how women communicate -- stop taking what they say literally. Learn what flirting is. Learn how to be playful and witty. Don't get into the weeds with your nerd interests -- keep the conversation light.

>> No.15365250

Read The Manual.

>> No.15365261
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>why yes, I'm kantian

>> No.15365264
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>Are we going to fall in love/fuck/date/ghost each other or what

>> No.15365280
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>a woman as beautiful as her
you're exaggerating

>> No.15365285 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 699x921, 663A7002-7656-4D84-9374-48513702030E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s wrong with that lad? She asked about philosophy. I made a corny philosophy related pickup line. I gave her some book recs. Maybe I’ll have spurred her on the journey to enlightenment. Probably not. Anyway what does it fucking matter? My penis is deformed (pic related) so I will always be a virgin.

>> No.15365298


>> No.15365299

this is a blue board my dear autist

>> No.15365306

He tried to overcompensate for the earlier nerd shit with a spastic lurch to wannafuckville.

>> No.15365309

that's just a typical uncut faccid grower cock. nothing too bad. I'm sure it looks normal when erect.

>> No.15365321

you are just fat and dorky anon, that can be solved by other boards

>> No.15365329

Please. If my deformed cock counts as porn then all the more so the Is Coffeee Good For You threads should all be taken down.
I have pinhole phimosis. I can’t get the skin under the head.

>> No.15365332
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>Hey, girl, did you know that the question now is as to a criterion, by which we may securely distinguish a pure from an empirical cognition. Experience no doubt teaches us that this or that object is constituted in such and such a manner, but not that it could not possibly exist otherwise. Now, in the first place, if we have a proposition which contains the idea of necessity in its very conception, it is priori. If, moreover, it is not derived from any other proposition, unless from one equally involving the idea of necessity, it is absolutely priori. Secondly, an empirical judgement never exhibits strict and absolute, but only assumed and comparative universality (by induction); therefore, the most we can say is—so far as we have hitherto observed, there is no exception to this or that rule. If, on the other hand, a judgement carries with it strict and absolute universality, that is, admits of no possible exception, it is not derived from experience, but is valid absolutely à priori.
>lol it's whatevs, wanna fuck??

>> No.15365348

blue means you should be able to browse the board during work

a random penis is not porn, but also not allowed, same as gore or whatever

>> No.15365358

And how is my penis any less safe for work than girls with their asses out? Anyway ban me I need to write more and read more and visit this board less anyway

>> No.15365382

>but what about
don't be a child. those threads are also deleted when the janny's online

>> No.15365392

I see them all the time

>> No.15365432

Very autistic post right here

>> No.15365440

It's probably op too

>> No.15365510

The answer is that he is actually hot and your perception is skewed. You might actually even be dumb.

>> No.15365512

Go see a doctor

>> No.15365527

damn man, i know this girl. I'm going to tell her.

>> No.15365579

This absolutely must be a troll thread. There's no way OP actually posted a picture of his penis on a blue board with a retarded filename like that.

>> No.15366432

top kek

>> No.15366700

>big into philosophy
>also btw I know nothing about philosophy, I just meant it seems cool from a perspective of ignorance
Why do you people waste your time on these apps?

>> No.15366714
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>Plato's cave was supposed to be an allegory!
>Machiavell's Prince was actually a satire!

>> No.15366724

based projector and overanalyzer

>> No.15366742

I'm a 28 years old kissless handholdless hugless virgin trying to redeem myself, can anyone explain to me what exactly did he do wrong here? and how would you've handled it?

>> No.15366748

Always give the woman plausible deniability so she can blame you for everything if anything goes wrong.
That's why you ask them to "netflix n chill" instead of "fuck."

>> No.15366755
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>> No.15366761

unless you're hot, then you can ask them if they want your dick and they'll agree straight away.

>> No.15367127

The thing is, can someone's favorite song be moonlight sonata and still be a person who's well versed in classical musical? Or maybe they only listened to one classic song, and that's their favorite. If that's the case, then is that really so bad if they don't pretend they aren't an expert on the genre?

>> No.15367137

>dating girls with real or fake interests in intellectual pursuit

rookie mistake

>> No.15367140

OP is an incel don’t worry

>> No.15367153

asking a girl to fuck just randomly like that is terrible

instead of 'if I were you' you can come up with an excuse of for meeting up, like teaching her or some shit idunno philosophy will never get you laid on tinder

being good at music or art probably will. good at writing no idea

>> No.15367156

this is right and you're dumb if you can't see it

>> No.15367182


>> No.15367198

>Plato's cave is my favorite allegory

Holy shit, I'm putting this on my resume that's so goddamn funny

>> No.15367237

that still decreases your chances in most situations

>> No.15367260

caring about females interests you a simp

>> No.15367270

This. If this turns you off to women you should be gay.

>> No.15367277


Think a bit harder, you're doing something wrong if you didn't reread the allegory of the line at least three times and think about it for a day before moving on.

>> No.15367286
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>cute girl looks up to you and tries to impress you by appearing knowledgeable about something you like because she wants to connect with you
>you fucking pseud femoid, have you even memorized A Thousand Plateaus? Do you even have a shrine to your favorite Pre-Socratic? How many times have you masturbated to Sartre's lazy eye?

>> No.15367287

Show her response.

>> No.15367296

The allegory of the line is better than the allegory of the cave, it's just less famous because it's nearly impossible to explain secondhand to brainlets and isn't able to be misinterpreted by the illiterate as being about elites controlling the world or some gay political shit.

>> No.15367315


>> No.15367330

Let me guess, the cave is your favorite allegory?

>> No.15367360

I love how talking about this is on the same level of a music album or a movie

>> No.15367411
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>Plato’s cave wasn’t an allegory
>We’re actually all imprisoned in a real cave and unseen actors are making shadow puppets on the wall in front of us
>Plato just wanted to let us know

>> No.15367538

blackpills are cringe

>> No.15367580
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The allegory of the cave is nice though. My brain cums whenever I read the part of the republic with that the divided line and the sun.
You don't have to buy it but it is beautiful admit it

>> No.15367593

The trick with women is you act as though she wants to act like a slut, but wants all of it to be your suggestion. Just be enjoyable to be around, and lead things where you want them to go, while making it actually fun for her to go along with it, and that way you end up having sex.

>> No.15367605

I don't understand how a person could not "buy it." If you don't think the forms exist and shape our reality, then you don't think that concepts themselves exist and that all of our thoughts and perceptions are based off of them.

>> No.15367626


>> No.15367657

That adorable, the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15367784

Ngl this made me burst out laughing

>> No.15367866

>favourite classic song
lol you are just like her

>> No.15367883

kek owned

>> No.15367944

>misinterpreted by the illiterate as being about elites controlling the world or some gay political shit.
I hate that this is unironically how it was taught to us in high school.
Completely retarded and embarrassing.
>da cave is like north korea where no one know anything!!1!

>> No.15367961

Well, you only like philosophy inasumuch it allows for shitposting here, so it seems like Tinder's working out for you.

>> No.15367985

ugly, mentally ill, socially maladjusted people exist anon. we arent all going to make it.

>> No.15368056

I like your poem anon.

>> No.15368068

If you understand the allegory you should be able to explain it to me. But you can't because you don't actually understand it because it's impossible to understand something that just doesn't make any fucking sense.
You are merely posturing, and the fact that you have not even began to try to explain the allegory indicates I was right.
1. Why does it matter that the line is divided in unequal parts but the relative sizes of the parts themselves don't matter?
2. How is it in any way an analogy? An analogy is when you use a similar situation in a different context to explain something. To me it seems like it's just a simple diagram. No phenomenon about lines is used to reflect what he's talking about.

>> No.15368085

Exact quote:
>Now take a line which has been cut into two unequal parts, and divide each of them again in the same proportion,
Why? Why does it matter that the proportion is the same as the first one, but the first one doesn't matter, as long as it's not 1/2???
> and suppose the two main divisions to answer, one to the visible and the other to the intelligible, and then compare the subdivisions in respect of their clearness and want of clearness, and you will find that the first section in the sphere of the visible consists of images.
How do you find that? What the fuck is he talking about? How do you, just by looking at the line, recognize that one segment is clear and other is not? WTF
>And by images I mean, in the first place, shadows, and in the second place, reflections in water and in solid, smooth and polished bodies and the like: Do you understand?

>Yes, I understand.
>Imagine, now, the other section, of which this is only the resemblance, to include the animals which we see, and everything that grows or is made

>> No.15368098

Someone should teach this man about agree and amplify. He played right into his hands. Would have made it harder for the black dude.

>> No.15368142

Post pics

>> No.15368232

Where can I learn about all these rhetorical tricks to make me seem cool?

>> No.15368237


>> No.15368279

Loving Plato isn't cringe. However, citing to the most cliche part of Plato can be cringe. I do love the Allegory of the Cave, though. You should be a little nicer.

>> No.15368390

>agree and amplify
How would you use this method in his situation?