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/lit/ - Literature

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15361835 No.15361835 [Reply] [Original]

>Cant write about dating girls because im marrying the first guy ive dated
>Cant write about vagrancy because my parents never divorced
>Cant write about war because I never served in combat itself
>Cant write noir because im not an officer
How do I cope /lit/? I want to write intiguing, genuine stories with societal commentary.

>> No.15361840

Asian women are vastly superior to white women. And ladyboys are superior to asian women

>> No.15361852

>T. has never had to date either
The more in demand a woman is, the worse they are.

>> No.15361875

take up an interesting hobby or learn how to conduct interviews

>> No.15361881

Write about what you know or impose what you know onto a fantasy situation

>> No.15361906

Write about the fascinating phenomenon of white cucks who hate themselves because they think they're not interesting. Here's an example. I was discussing my 23andme with my Romanian friend in his office, and this old waspy professor was listening in and came to join the conversation. Turns out the gypsy was 20 jewish, some percent Turkish, etc., and the prof chimes in with the following comment, "God I wish I was interesting, I'm only Germanic, English, Irish and French." Perhaps you can explore the self-hatred of the modern educated white class. You may have something to say about that, and nobody that's interesting or w/o a political agenda is exploring it.

>> No.15361911

Why are women so disgusting?

>> No.15361937

What a fucking faggot. I'm like polish, italian, spanish and a little bit of native american and it's not interesting at all; besides, i'm a fucking manlet. How can white people be so dumb to not appreciate what they have

>> No.15361951

Imagine thinking you have to do something to write about it

>> No.15362069

Your basically white goofball.

I feel like the backround or context of a scene is actually quite important. To contrast, compare an action movie to storm of steel. If you failed to capture the apathy of the situation, the interactions between the individuals feel meaningless.

If I just guess what the daily life of an officer is, I wont be able to properly ascertain his reactions to things.

>> No.15362275

This. It’s an interesting phenomena in which the perceived exotic is worshipped while ignoring rich cultural heritages.
It’s a fascinating sociological study.

>> No.15362281

Have you been to war yourself?

>> No.15362560

You research and learn from others if you are unwilling to go to live yourself

>> No.15362603

I hope you would never date a girl in the first place you potential carpet muncher.

>> No.15362647

Lots of authors have written about places they've never been to and lives they've never lived.
It sounds like your real problem is that you wish you were living a more interesting life, one worth writing about.

>> No.15362779
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>In post revolutionary France, a fashion emerged amongst the aristocratic women who survived the terror. They cut their hair short to resemble victims of the guillotine whose hair was cut before being beheaded. The style was called ‘coiffure a la victime’

A male author could never write historical fiction convincingly if women are involved.

>> No.15362909

DFW wrote a story about a kid climbing a diving board. And found more depth than most would with the experiences you listed.

>> No.15362933

Im active duty but getting legit combat contracts requires ts clearance, something I couldnt get even if I passed selection.

>> No.15362962

>I feel like the backround or context of a scene is actually quite important.
Wikipedia is always a good place to start

>> No.15363021

nobody cares about your comments on society, probably just stupid, banal, DRUMPF!!-tier nonsense

>> No.15363119

>outing yourself as a bougie karen

>> No.15363173

this is arousing

>> No.15363179

latinXs are the MOST superior

>> No.15363258

You know Latinos don't actually like white people telling them how to speak their language, right?

>> No.15363279

I live close to the border in an area with greater than 50% hispanic population. Wetbacks are definitely not superior to asian or white women

>> No.15363314

i live in socal
if you ignore the X you are a bigot!

>> No.15363417
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Well, yes, but that doesn't mean I'm so pushy as to tell someone else they're using they're own language wrong.

>> No.15363453

i think latinos are the ones that perpetuate the X, and whities hopped on the trend to be "woke"

>> No.15363500

98% of Latinos disagree. Search "latinx survey"

>> No.15363519

Yeah but at my woke university it seems like 50% lol. I guess the 2% are very vocal.

>> No.15363530

>Cant write about war because I never served in combat itself

>> No.15363646 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 690x536, 1589249058512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indians also dislike Native American. African-Americans call each other something else as well...
In fact, anything with a hyphen is un-American. Americans don't divide their loyalty with some other place.

>> No.15363657
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>> No.15363660

>he can't larp
Never gonna make it.
That's writing 101.

>> No.15364523 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 918x1024, 1577061335783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think asian women are terrible attractive. I am an absolute globohomo and dont have a fix race preference but to me asians are rather bottom tier. Unless they have thighs and are bossy (which sadly is rare). Dont like cuties that much.Thick dominant brown > thick dominant white > thick dominant asian. Not even a contrarian. It is the /lit/, high test, übermensch choice

>pic not related

>> No.15364541

Pic also not allowed anon.

>> No.15364565

they are girlfriends

>> No.15364575

oh guess I will be banned soon. Welp, I lurk more anyway

>> No.15364592

I didn't report it. Just delete it.

>> No.15364600

cool story bro

>> No.15364611

who gives a fuck what a disgusting spic likes

>> No.15365495
