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15358362 No.15358362 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone thinks marketing is a joke subject, but it’s extremely powerful. People are completely blind to how influential it is. It’s also very unethical and based on manipulation of emotions

Great video on the topic

>> No.15358393

It's the final straw for the whole 'human are irredeemably retarded' thing. If we can be convinced to buy pointless shit because we see an ad with an attractive person with a product and our imbecile brains unironically think 'hurr if me buy me attractive' then we deserve to be enslaved by marketing teams.

>> No.15358642

Well duh

>> No.15358661

Its a joke at lower levels , where its logo design, or cold calls, or setting up displays, convemtion booths, and all sorts of consumer traps.
but those heads of pr/marketing aren't joking.
But are totally fucking with everyone.

Also its all about following trends.

>> No.15358677

>tfw in marketing

this guy overstates things. half the time we don't know what the fuck we're doing. marketing is the art of sounding like you know what you're doing when you actually don't so that you can scam your boss to spend millions on something you can't even calculate the ROI on all the while pretending you are doing it rigorously because you have some puffed up, irrelevant statistics to back up your garbage. at the end of the day, I don't even know if the marketing I do works because it actually does or because I can craft a convincing enough narrative that it does

>> No.15358679

There is nothing wrong with psy-oping people to coonsoom blindly

>> No.15358704

it's like a trillion dollar industry, yes it works. The entire internet is practically nothing but selling information to advertisers

>> No.15358836

Most all the actions you take when you are developing the design or copy for a product are backed by studies and statistics showing that specific methodologies work. Bernay's Propaganda was horribly accurate. Aristotle's rhetoric was horribly effective. The entire process is disgusting. Huge organizations spend tons on research for it. You are the result of that.

>> No.15358857

Anyone who works in marketing deserves to be hanged.


>> No.15358874

So it is evil because it is extremely powerful? Or because the power itself is extrinic to you? In which case shut up with your blatant ressentiment and complaining.

>> No.15358884

Look at how soulless americamutt is. That's peak power of social engineering and consumerism through marketing.

>> No.15358898

i hate this faggot and carlin too

>> No.15358911

I don't see what you resenting the advertising industry has to do with the soul, but again this is just you co-opting poor moral terminology for the purpose of slander.

>> No.15358912


>> No.15358920

Watch the documentary I linked

>> No.15358931

you're buying into the marketing that marketers have made to justify their existence. these "scientific" studies and "research" are bullshit. the design and copy we make is literally just common sense. be simple, direct and a clear CTA. if you think that's some genius, evidence proven idea that is tricking people into buying things they don't want or need, then you're mistaken. the only thing i'll give is that sheer repetition of an ad will give some results or at least give the brand awareness so that when the consumer decides to make a purchase, that brand will be top of mind.

>> No.15358938

In other words: You hate Christ.

>> No.15358944

Marketing is not random. It’s targeted, intended, and manipulative.

>> No.15358947

the 1950's was the beginning of a new type of advertising,
where it was more about getting the consumer to buy the product rather than educating the consumer about the product.
Enter bernays.
Celebrities, sexy ladies, funny jokes.
And things you can do to enhance freedom.
And the ingredients, price, etc are all in the margins.

Advertising is a powerful tool,
but it is evil becuase we use it irresponsibly.
like that goddamn fiji water ad.

>> No.15358953

I don't see what Jeus Christ has anything to do with what I am talking about, except as him being vaguely related to my posts themes via morality.

>> No.15358972

Wrong. Bernays was literally the opposite of that. It was about manipulating the customer to buy the product by linking products with self-worth and the unconscious. Saying it like wanting to buy the product makes it rational. Bernays realized that you don’t need to be rational to get people to buy your productive. You have rip out their deepest emotional irrational desires from them.

>> No.15358973
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>> No.15358976

>t. bugman materialist cultist

>> No.15358986

the product i market is targeted at gen z retards. all the "targeting" i do through sophisticated digital platforms that can do interest, age, demographic targeting have achieved nothing. the people who purchase the product have mainly been millenials, despite me not targeting them at all.
we try to manipulate but it rarely works.

>> No.15358993

You don’t work in marketing

>> No.15358998

Have you ever read the New Testament?

>> No.15359017
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Every. Single. Fucking. Time

>> No.15359025

The entire field was dominated by Jews in that time and probably still is. Watch Century of the Self and google most of the names.

>> No.15359026

Well, "we" don't use it, because "we" aren't in the advertising industry. Those who do use these techniques are using them to get that which they value: customers, which they value because of the money they gain, which they value so they can satisfy their own desires. Calling them evil because they are irresponsible implies that they would be good if they were responsible (that is, if they had a sense of obligation towards fulfilling your own values), from which your whole forced opposition exposes itself for what it is.

>> No.15359036

Modernity might as well have been a Jewish invention.

>> No.15359041

No, I do not read pretentious and mediocre books on morality.

>> No.15359051

I am the exact opposite of every word you tried to identify me with.

>> No.15359062

i wish i wasn't. trying to get out desu

>> No.15359081

Anon, when the world figures its shit out, the entire 20th century will be colloquially known as "the Jewish century."

>> No.15359095

people are skeptical of the feats attributed to marketing for the good reason that they are massive as fuck and unexplained as fuck, thereby being incredible. i will watch your video OP, but i hold you responsible if this turns out to be unscientific bullshit

>> No.15359105
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There's a book that I found years ago that made such claim and it was written by one of the tribe themself. I don't have anything against the average Jew, but their more successful elite cousins are a reservoir of dangerous ideas.

>> No.15359174


So you are saying my ethical argument is wrong becuase im making an ethical argument. Got it

Convincing me to shell out 50 bucks for a hunk of plastic that is pretty much a pile of shit, becuase your company decided to cut corners and fucked up now they have to run a fancy ad campaign to put a shine on this piece of shit, which involves deception.

In business ethics, a business transaction should ge as transparent as sarran wrap.
Obfuscating the true nature of product only sheds light on the true nature of the merchant.
And that is they dont care about the consumer, its only a barrier to get to their money.

I fucking hate you yuppie sophists.