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/lit/ - Literature

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15351466 No.15351466 [Reply] [Original]

Ever notice how outwardly religious people on this board are all somehow "poisoned"? Every word they say is just virtue signaling, even in they pretend otherwise - it always boils down to "I'm better than you, and here's how". What an astonishing amount of ego, for somebody who claims to be enlightened. Perhaps, they only subject themselves to higher powers, so they themselves can become exalted? I mean, they are absolute nobodies, but with God? Suddenly, they become gods themselves.
Also, they can't detach themselves from their ideas, and as a result are incapable of having a discussion (the literal opposite of the Logos they pretend to worship).

>> No.15351469

There are a lot of things on this board that should be bannable offenses.

>> No.15351480

You spot religious people through virtual signaling, you don't spot them when they do other things.
> it always boils down to "I'm better than you, and here's how".
Having a coherent worldview, or having standards tends to make one a better person.

>> No.15351485

>books for this feel
>self-help threads
>write what's on your mind (that's the nest all this other garbage hatches from)
>what does he read?

>> No.15351496
File: 172 KB, 564x600, 1581799170949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally just virtue signaled that your kind is better than anybody else, faggot. I'm not proposing to ban religion - I'm proposing to ban the garbage like your posts.

>> No.15351516

Kill all gamers.

>> No.15351521

While they're kind of off-topic they do tend to be of reasonably good quality. I'd much rather the pure shitposting/content-free threads get deleted faster/at all.

>> No.15351532

Nice try sperglord.
Just because you have daddy issues doesnt mean some carrier pigeon messeging board has to avoid mentioning the big bad sky lord to make you feel more comfortable.

Discussion of Philosphy is indivisible from relgion, and one will always inspire debate of the other. If you wanna ban the christcucks youve gotta ban the nietzschefags, the neoplatonists, and the heathens as well.

>> No.15351538

>Ban religion posts
>Starts just bashing religious people
OP, this is just another religious post under the guise of being pro-/lit/.
Religion should be off the board because it is off topic (which is only arguable since a lot of discussion is of specific thinkers who wrote books and then the religious texts themselves) NOT because you don't like it

>> No.15351553

Or, you could, idk, READ BOOKS? All religion threads are just teenagers operating on 'common sense", arguing whether or not free will exists or something inane like that. Do these people even read? Do they belong on a literature board?

>> No.15351578

You sound like the very children youre attempting to look down upon.
The oldest books still in print today are religious. And most, if not all, religious discussion revolves around its liturature.

>> No.15351581

Not on this board, faggot.

>> No.15351590

Idk but you seem genuinely retarded. Im not even trying to be disparaging. Like, you seem too stupid to understand the topic youre trying to discuss.

>> No.15351606
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>Idk but you seem genuinely retarded. Im not even trying to be disparaging. Like, you seem too stupid to understand the topic youre trying to discuss.

>> No.15351611

Yea we are better than you. What of it.

>> No.15351615

Absolutely based

>> No.15351624

Lmao yeah ban the religious talk we need more soijacks.
OP is truely a faggot

>> No.15351630

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.15351653

>do tend to be of reasonably good quality
Fucking what? Its always just slapfights between christians and atheists/pagans, and no literature is being discussed. They should go to somewhere else to talk about their off topic shit.

>> No.15351672

Youre not gunna be able to get rid of them.
Western culture is built around christianity, as is most of its liturature. There being a bunch of modern edgy athiests around to explain how euphoric they are to the God fearing ones doesnt change that.

This is a shit thread, sage and hope it gets deleted for being an off topic meta thread complaining about fuck all

>> No.15351693

>You literally just virtue signaled that your kind is better than anybody else
>your kind
>I'm not proposing to ban religion
I know.
> - I'm proposing to ban the garbage like your posts.
There was nothing wrong with it. I am correct.

>> No.15351776

nuke everything

>> No.15351789

Never been on r9k or /b/ but I have a feeling /lit/ is the blueballed, sometimes well read, pseudo intellectual and very depressed version now

>> No.15351807

It’s always been that way. New fags and discord trannies forget /lit/ was a request by r9k

>> No.15351815

>I'm better then you
Yes I am and you will always be lower then a fucking animal because at least they contribute to their species and feel something worth living for in their lives instead of a soulless husk like you whining online.

>> No.15351834

Might as well ban stoics too at this point.

>> No.15351841

>being a passive aggressive bitch whenever someone criticize your dumb dogma
You people literally make no arguments but ironically you think you make coherent arguments when in reality you backpedal and cope.

>> No.15351854

Why do tards like you think people have issues when they don't fit into your cattle mentality? I love how you are trying to desperately dehumanize him for speaking out to this problem with christcucks. They literally pollute everything with their virtue signalling retardation.

>> No.15351866

The reasons atheists/pagan get involved in this is because christcucks are being obnoxious about their religion. They want to discuss it here yet it obviously doesn't belong here. They also derail other topics since they don't have intellectual capacity to break through their dogma hence why they can't appreciate creative works.

>> No.15351923

>your dumb dogma
Tell me my dogma.

>> No.15351931

should separate fiction with non-fiction then fuse the non-fiction with /his/

>> No.15351939

but biblel is fiction...

>> No.15351956
File: 217 KB, 713x500, AEE6601F-31A7-4FAA-ACF8-A3739687F0A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think we should ban religion threads. Religion is often the source of ideals, and we need to have some notion of ideals in order to evaluate literature, or even decide what *is* literature.
A lot of people on the chans have found religion in the last few years, and I think this is good. I think there is a warning that needs to be made, though: there is a degraded form of religion, common on the internet and in public life, where it becomes nothing more than a package of arguments; an abstraction rather than a concrete, lived reality. The more advanced form of this degradation is politicization, which in a Christian context is the same thing secularization.
Christians need to be careful not to allow this to happen, as it damages Faith. It can be very rewarding to debate religious and philosophical ideas with people who disagree, but if we are not treating reason as participatory, and if we instead choose to become a bundle of arguments, we are treating our Faith as an ideology like any other, which degrades it. The question that one must always return to is “being,” and whether one is living in the right relationship with being. Acting like a New Atheist with a minus sign is not doing that.

>> No.15351999

Fiction is real. Simply organize molecules differently and you get fiction.
Yet all organizations of molecules is real, including their potential states.

>> No.15352014

If i had a button that would eradicate every abrahamic religious people in an instant of pushing it, i would do it without hesitation.

>> No.15352027

Christcucks are annoying, but redditfags are their worst form.
There's no literature without religion.

>> No.15352043

That would be great. Even a mediocre Christian like me could go straight to heaven as a martyr.

>> No.15352055

Being able to have a normal conversation about a relevant topic without making it about one's LARP tends to make one a functioning adult
/pol/ and /rel/ are the main reasons this board is shit

>> No.15352056

I am not at all religious, but I participate in relevant discussions because of pleasing complexity and level of discussion. Maybe I'm better than you, and here's how.

>> No.15352104

>you're too stupid to understand
none of you are going to heaven with this "holier than thou" attitude

>> No.15352112

>trying to desperately dehumanize
>They literally pollute everything with their virtue signalling retardation
Always accuse your enemy of what you are doing

>> No.15352126

All me btw

>> No.15352165

>your enemy
and your LARP suddenly falls away like a cheap cardboard cutout

>> No.15352189

>If you wanna ban the christcucks youve gotta ban the nietzschefags, the neoplatonists, and the heathens as well.
That would be awesome.

>> No.15352193

You spent 9+ years within 4 walls learning your worldview, then you have allergic reaction to alternatives. Just according to keikaku.

>> No.15352210

>none of you are going to heaven with this "holier than thou" attitude
Hell isn't worse than life with humans here. Hell is justice. It's not ruled by Satan or jews. It doesn't have grey torment cubes your 'compatriots' lap up with the greatest of glee.
>I like my nation
My nation transforms into a putrid mess of slaves without standards, who eat shit and lap up all brainwashing.
>I like dinosaurs
They change their appearance to avoid the rule of cool.
>I like x
X becomes retroactively shit.

This world rejects me. At some point I declared myself the worst object in existence in hopes of enjoying something again, but I just became a better being. This world hates me.

>> No.15352375

ok, schizo

>> No.15352428
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>there are no metaphysical states one can be in!

>> No.15352441

Yeah, I liked nerdy stuff and being a nerd, too. Do I have to remind everyone what happened to that whole thing?
I liked jews too - the underdogs of history, showcasing the glory of God! Hahahahaha
Or the time I liked Western Civilization! Hah! Or that one time I liked America. Maybe I should tell you guys about the time I liked school. Or perhaps you should all remember back when I liked women...

>> No.15352471

Are you being possessed by demons rn?

>> No.15352475

No. The world is. If it wasn't, Sweden couldn't be explained.

>> No.15352497
File: 163 KB, 700x609, fuherfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the religion threads in the catalog right now, its all fedoras posting bait threads.

>> No.15352538

based. expel all LARPers

>> No.15352959

bump for justice

>> No.15352969


>> No.15353160


>> No.15353192


>> No.15353210

>nu -uh. They’re all fakes!
The point is moot. Deport all religion to /his/ or delete.

>> No.15353328
File: 41 KB, 720x598, SourcePlox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an extremely lazy argument. You know that if someone says "I'm better than you" that statement is not refutable on the grounds that it is a priori always wrong to say "I'm better than you."

You're confusing your over-socialized morals with facts, and then seething when people disagree. Remember to be a consistent atheist, you have to agree that your morals are not facts, they are feelings that have been programmed into your pea-brain by millions of years of sheer terror at the thought of having to fend for yourself as an outcast. Therefore there is nothing less chad than caring about morals; caring about morals merely shows that you are a weak, fearful and subservient creature that can be easily reprogrammed by leaders.

In short, you have no spine, so you criticize Christians because those who control cable TV pay big money to make you think that this is the road to social acceptability. This demonstrates that you are a mentally inferior cuck, and that Christians are better than you because they at least have opinions that cannot be swayed by fear of ostracism.

>> No.15353607

nice projection

>> No.15353754
File: 216 KB, 500x340, imadult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tends to make one a functioning adult

>> No.15354642

based normie poster

>> No.15354684
File: 28 KB, 768x432, biblia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban discussing books in /lit/ (literature)
yeah sure retard.

>> No.15354827

on the contrary, the anon who is blabbering about >muh well-adjusting adult is the normoid here

>> No.15354952

He's correct, though. If you pretend secular humanist values are anything but play-pretend and pavlov, you're deluding yourself.

>> No.15355056

Disingenuous post. You are the posters of the one book, and intolerant of all others that don’t kowtow to your degeneracy.

>> No.15355190

>Remember to be a consistent atheist, you have to agree that your morals are not facts
atheism or nonreligion or secular humanism
are all terms that very different people subscribe to, even if they are connected and/or identical in terms of semantics.
there are substantial differences between philosophical views on ethics between theists and between atheists, but even more substantial differences within each side. you do yourself no favors by posting in a way that demonstrates lack of awareness of even the shallowest ethical categories.

>> No.15355301

actually i should just be specific about my claim so i won't be misunderstood. i assert that: the debate between realists and anti-realists is a *relatively* inconsequential question on the epistemic status of moral statements. anti-realism is not equivalent to "checking out" and ignoring the whole issue. two people can be in complete agreement on questions of moral status, values, or duties, while completely disagreeing on more fundamental issues. it's not different from how two people can be in complete agreement on scientific questions while one is a materialist and one is an idealist.