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/lit/ - Literature

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15350552 No.15350552 [Reply] [Original]

Which emotion do you think has inspired the best literature/is the most 'literary' ? imo it's love

>> No.15350566

Love that has begun to fade away

>> No.15350569

Either love or melancholy

>> No.15350572

Bloodlust, indubitably

>> No.15350576

A longing nostalgia for a place you never were with people you never met but know.

>> No.15350579


>> No.15350587


>> No.15350592

Are you even in love if it isn't tinged with melancholy?

>> No.15350602

Existential angst.

>> No.15350603

Hey that's a good question. Thanks OP

>> No.15350607

No worries, just trying to write an anniversary letter and it got me thinking :3 The answers are fun!

>> No.15350612
File: 63 KB, 485x647, ayler2_vert-da750c5c2cac9bcf651172977ceac1182275f997-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pain of separation

>> No.15350697

The feeling of injustice

>> No.15350760


>> No.15350796

Despair and vindictiveness
To me it's the most emotional feeling and then the vindication of it

>> No.15350800

Your favourite book for this feel?

>> No.15350914


>> No.15350946
File: 83 KB, 1189x669, Baudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He, who wishes to unite, within a mystical accord,
>The shade with the heat, the night with the day,
>Will never guide his paralytic body
>To this red sun we call Love.

>> No.15350954
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The most powerful emotion in existence is spite.

No great deed, moment in history, invention or piece of art could exist if not for the phrase "I'll show you, you bitch!". For example, Schopenhauer was filled with so much spite from the actions and words of his mother that he gave us some of the best pessimistic philosophy ever written.

>> No.15351119

>Teeming, swarming city, city full of dreams,
>Where specters in broad day accost the passer-by!
>Everywhere mysteries flow like the sap in a tree
>Through the narrow canals of the mighty giant.

How were french poets so based?

>> No.15351218


>> No.15351251

The desire to be loved and not be alone

>> No.15351254

Envy of gigachads who plow through life with 100 IQ.

>> No.15351261

Fear of Angst.
Love for Love.
Resentment for Ressentiment.
Lust for Depression.

>> No.15351268

Desire itself and lack of desire

>> No.15351477

Think that's just you desu
Agree, what's your favourite work on desire

>> No.15351481
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>> No.15351483


>> No.15351505

Who painted that?

>> No.15351559

i did

>> No.15351839

The most powerful emotion is regret. To desire is bad enough, but to be so close to accomplishing something, and then to fail miserably, is the ultimate sign of our humanity--that we are good enough to know we are good, but then to be bad enough to never be gods, and never truly be in control of our lives and our futures. That's the worst suffering and the best reflection of who we are.

>> No.15351847

The sublime. Passion (violence).

>> No.15351963

Philippe de Champaigne

>> No.15352025


>> No.15352085

fear, German Angst, coma, German Koma, and Koma read backwards

>> No.15352186

Wouldn't you just class that under desire in its impotent form?

>> No.15352629
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Being /lit/ means letting go of childish emotions and instead becoming a hardcore pragmatist.

>> No.15352642


>> No.15352645


>> No.15352650
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>most lit feeling?
bonding with a wordless beast, aknowledging the empathy of a non-human

>> No.15352671

> mfw zoomers and millenial cunts ruined that word for me
i always trip over it in classical works, even knowing what it is meant to convey and how fit it is to do so, because the cringe response is now automatic
every time someone mentions his "anxiety" online i just dismiss him/her as a faggot/attention seeker.

>> No.15352863

What did he mean by this

>> No.15353615

Frog retardation, who cares

>> No.15353830
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Tamler, is that you?

>> No.15353850
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>mfw i can read