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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 200 KB, 1894x1274, Mishima-Yukio-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15339085 No.15339085 [Reply] [Original]

Mishima was a dumb faggot, why do you like him?

>> No.15339107

Because he's handsome and I wouldn't mind him fucking some zen into me.

>> No.15339132


All Japanese men are stupid.

>> No.15339143

He's literally the samurai version of some viking muh nazi larper.

>> No.15339163

He was a manlet

>> No.15339191

and I'd LET that MAN have at it!

>> No.15339613

I don't like him. The Temple of the Golden Pavilion is one of the most idiotic books I've ever read.

>> No.15339641

he’s based becaused he practiced what he preached i.e someone who isn’t a coward unlike the ivory tower intellectuals

>> No.15339645
File: 57 KB, 911x445, mishima and dazai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as i like bullying the mish, his books are 10/10

>> No.15339658

If you're not reading him in Japanese why are you talking about him

>> No.15339732

Mishima’s writing is deeply philosophical. It addresses a value crisis that I’m fascinated by: the conflict between tradition and modernity. I believe his desire for a public suicide is analogous to his desire for novelistic creation, and I think the way his books explore death is particularly profound because these same books blueprint his own death. Furthermore, I think Mishima masters two different styles: the modern and traditional. Works like “The Sound of the Waves” and “The Frolic of the Beasts” operate in a traditional and idealistic path, almost on the level of fables or legends. Mishima was intensely interested in Greek antiquity and traditional Japanese drama. These entities reflect clear value systems that emphasize masculinity and a sense of societal cohesion. You’ll notice that, in almost all of his “modern” work, there is a clear sense of societal erosion, an individualization that Mishima resents. This “modern” work also disdains traditionalism, as if its values are impossible in modern times. The “modern” half of his oeuvre also addresses the insecurity of masculinity in an era that has deprived men of their identity. This is most apparent in “Confessions of the Mask” and “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion.” In the face of his own emasculation by modernity, Mishima strives for traditional values as a locus to identify himself. Mishima’s homosexuality compounds his masculine crisis, making him into an almost tragic who can never square himself with what he desires to be.

I acknowledge that some of Mishima's work is subpar, although I've only read him in translation. Still, at his peak, his insight is unique and compelling.

>> No.15339736
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Explain why. Everything in Nankin's book so far points to the notion that a lot of people don't really get his work (not even in Japan) above a certain level. No actually one knew Kimitake Hiraoka, let alone his alter ego. Fun fact: a lot of his personal essays remain untranslated

>> No.15339752

for me, it's the mcchicken. the best fast food sandwich

>> No.15339761

None of this moves me. It is too obsessed with worldly matters and humanity. To reduce one's being to relation to society is problematic. It is better to tread metaphysical territory and at least attempt to grasp ideals that are beyond one's humanity, rather than obsess with superficial appearances or gay dramas which hint at nothing deeper. It compartmentalizes human experience into one's identity and its relationship to others.

>> No.15339771

>It is better to tread metaphysical territory and at least attempt to grasp ideals that are beyond one's humanity, rather than obsess with superficial appearances or gay dramas which hint at nothing deeper.

read sun and steel, nigga. Mishima is the opposite of that. He despised materialism.

>> No.15339787

>....Through the common suffering, the shared cries of encouragement, the shared pace, and the chorus of voices, I felt the slow emergence, like the sweat that gradually beaded my skin, of that “tragic” quality that is the affirmation of identity. It was a flame of the flesh, flickering up faintly beneath the biting breeze—a flame, one might almost say, of nobility. The sense of surrendering one’s body to a cause gave new life to the muscles. We were united in seeking death and glory; it was not merely my personal quest.

>Only through the group, I realized—through sharing the suffering of the group— could the body reach that height of existence that the individual alone could never attain. And for the body to reach that level at which the divine might be glimpsed, a dissolution of the individuality was necessary. The tragic quality of the group was also necessary—the quality that constantly raised the group out of the abandon and torpor into which it was prone to lapse, leading it on to ever-mounting shared suffering and so to death, which was the ultimate suffering. The group must be open to death—which meant, of course, that it must be a community of warriors... "

>...The pounding of the heart communicated itself to the group; we shared the same swift pulse. Self-awareness by now was as remote as the distant rumor of the town. I belonged to them, they belonged to me; the two formed an unmistakable “us.” To belong—what more intense form of existence could there be? Our small circle of oneness was a means to a vision of that vast, dimly gleaming circle of oneness. And—all the while foreseeing that this imitation of tragedy was, in the same way as my own narrow happiness, condemned to vanish with the wind, to resolve itself into nothing more than muscles that simply existed—I had a vision where something that, if I were alone, would have resolved back into muscles and words, was held fast by the power of the group and led me away to a far land, whence there would be no return. It was, perhaps, the beginning of my placing reliance on others, a reliance that was mutual; and each of us, by committing himself to this immeasurable power, belonged to the whole.

>In this way, the group for me had come to represent a bridge, a bridge that, once
crossed, left no means of return.

>> No.15339934

Then why does he fixate on the beauty and strength of the human body? I've attended lectures on Mishima.
If anything, the human body feels more like a prison.

>> No.15340035

>Mishima: it was only much later, after I had begun to learn the language of the flesh, that I undertook to help in shouldering a portable shrine, and was at last able to solve the puzzle that had plagued me since infancy
this is why

>> No.15340923

If you knew anything you'd know that beauty and strength are metaphysical.

>> No.15341066

>Mishima was a dumb faggot
>why do you like him
I don't see the contradiction here

>> No.15341302
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It's all about the aesthetics. You can be a total retard but if your aesthetics are on point people will check you out.

>> No.15341312

What he preached was stupid as fuck, cutting himself open with a knife though.

>> No.15341966

He's hot

>> No.15341986

All Japanese are manlets.

>> No.15341999
File: 364 KB, 650x730, 2q3ysc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wrote good book

>> No.15342092

dazai is like water. he stands for nothing but in this he can never lose.

>> No.15342103

His books are good. I don't care how much of a retard an author is if whatever he writes is enjoyable

>> No.15342175
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Seppuku as an ultimate act of devotion toward ancient ideals is stupid as fuck to normies, indeed.

>> No.15342178
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he was a handsome, opinionated manlet with an aesthetic worthy of dying for and a fetish for me exactly. why would i not like him?
t. corpse-pale, slightly taller, teenaged with a hard-on for intricate violent acts

>> No.15342403
File: 9 KB, 236x362, 1569690747036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and true.

>> No.15342709

that is some awful sword grip discipline
no wonder he was a faggot

>> No.15342729

dont care, i look at the pic and imagine him gripping my european cock :)

>> No.15342805

Mish had direct samurai ancestry to Ieyasu, and the last samurai died only a few decades back before he was born. The relationship is different and you are wrong. Also, fuck you.

>> No.15342815

The sword is a substitute

>> No.15342832

This sounds pretty gay but after reading the Greeks ever since I was 16 I've despised growing old and fantasising about my own perfect death just like them. Truth is it'll be far from 'perfect' but that doesn't change the fact, I won't and can't live after 30. Maybe I'll write a book or two done before then... just after I jerk off once more.

>> No.15342839

>not 20

never going to make it

>> No.15342846
File: 73 KB, 1200x675, erhejhfergre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 20

>> No.15342848

the movie about him was cool
tried to read a book by him but gave up quickly

>> No.15342857

t. rootless burger cattle

>> No.15342861

i feel the same. no desire to live past 30, i want to live the fuck out of life before that.

>> No.15342862

Try Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea. It's like 100 pages.

>> No.15342880

Probably don't read Sea of Fertility this year, anon

>> No.15342896

I'm waiting to get "the sailor who fell from grace with the sea" by him through the mail.

What am I in for?

>> No.15342913

You'll never look at your mother the same way again

>> No.15342926

animal torture

>> No.15342939

I'm reading Forbidden Colours at the moment, exactly halfway through at the moment. The copy I have claims it is considered his masterpiece back in Japan. I'm surprised, it's not one I have ever seen discussed here.

>> No.15343234

that scene was really well-written

>> No.15343301

>Mishima’s homosexuality compounds his masculine crisis

I think that's a Western reading. Liking men doesn't make you any less of a man in Japanese culture. His masculine crisis has more to do wit having been a sickly, wimpy youth.

>> No.15343309

why else, because /lit/ is full of dumb faggots

>> No.15343331


Tout hussard qui n'est pas mort à trente ans est un jean-foutre.

>> No.15343436

This my first time hearing about him, but
>Kimitake Hiraoka (平岡 公威, Hiraoka Kimitake, January 14, 1925 – November 25, 1970), known also under the pen name Yukio Mishima[a] (三島 由紀夫, Mishima Yukio), was a Japanese author, poet, playwright, actor, model, film director, nationalist, and founder of the Tatenokai. Mishima is considered one of the most important Japanese authors of the 20th century. He was considered for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, but the award went to his countryman and friend, Yasunari Kawabata.[5] His works include the novels Confessions of a Mask and The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, and the autobiographical essay Sun and Steel. Mishima's work is characterized by "its luxurious vocabulary and decadent metaphors, its fusion of traditional Japanese and modern Western literary styles, and its obsessive assertions of the unity of beauty, eroticism and death".[6]

>Mishima's personal life was controversial, which makes him still a contested figure today.[7][8][9][10] Ideologically a right wing nationalist, Mishima formed the Tatenokai, an unarmed civilian militia, for the avowed purpose of restoring power to the Japanese Emperor. On November 25, 1970, Mishima and four members of his militia entered a military base in central Tokyo, took the commandant hostage, and attempted to inspire the Japan Self-Defense Forces to overturn Japan's 1947 Constitution. When this was unsuccessful, Mishima committed seppuku.

This was absolutely, unironically based. He actually attempted to change something himself and has done something he will be remembered by. How can someone hate this, has humanity really gotten this limp-dicked?

>> No.15343523
File: 44 KB, 1240x744, 5321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just chill the fuck out, mishima

>> No.15343595
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trying to change something in the most retarded way possibly. hurrr so based. kids these days

>> No.15343604

>How can someone hate this, has humanity really gotten this limp-dicked?
Yes, we have. Also the problem is that he was against the entire post-war order, an order that the liberal intellectuals who dominate Japanese culture have spent their lives shoring up. Compare him to someone like Takeuchi Yoshimi, an insider who was bashed by all his "friends" for daring to argue that there might be some good to be drawn from the Meiji Restoration and Pan-Asianism on the eve of the hundredth anniversary of the former.

>> No.15343635

>trying to change something in the most retarded way possibly. hurrr so based. kids these days
>lol imagine having ideals, questionable or not, and actually fighting for them instead of wasting your 20s sitting in your house and jerking off, fucking keeds lolle
I would snap your twig neck in half if i were to meet you.

>> No.15343649
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>> No.15344417

Mishima wasn't a homosexual. He wrote a fictional novel about a fictional character who was a fictional homosexual. Mishima visited a gay bar a couple of times as part of researching that work of fiction, which was fiction by the way. Making autobiographical claims about an author based on imaginary characters who don't exist is simply absurd. In real life, Mishima was a married man and had numerous children. The social construct of a "gay man" simply doesn't exist in Japanese or Asian culture, and is in fact of symptom of western capitalist decadence. Decades after he died, an acquaintance he barely knew published a trashy, obscure "tell all" "table talks" kind of book where he claimed to be Mishima's lover. The idea that Mishima was a "homosexual" (whatever that means) is completely unheard of in Japanese popular consciousness, but is literally the only "fact" any westerner knows about Mishima, which is telling. Slandering Mishima as being a homosexual is in fact part of a coordinated effort by the western bourgeois intelligensia and intelligence agencies (is there a difference?) to feminize and emasculate Asian men in western popular culture. I'm surprised Bruce Lee hasn't been deemed a transsexual icon by the twitterati yet. Disgusting.

>> No.15344905

>I'm gonna suck this dick, IT'S FOR RESEARCH I'M TOTALLY NOT GAY

>> No.15345313

t. hasn't even read dazai

>> No.15345395

He literally plowed the empress

While feeling nothing but disdain for women

An absolute Chad

>> No.15346380


American Seppuku


>> No.15346603

Kenzaburo Oe, is that you?

>> No.15347082

Idk this seems like a huge cope to me

>> No.15347200
File: 998 KB, 1186x1751, Screenshot_20200512-220512_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to read sun and steel but everywhere I look online it's legit £100+ and I'm not likely to find it at any bookstore, what do? (and don't say read a pdf I'm not a moth)

>> No.15347220

Manlet larper that ended up killing himself.
Pretty much just the average 4chan user

>> No.15347252
File: 271 KB, 1000x600, suicide vs soduku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good books innit
nice aesthetics
western-japanese samurai larper
and he was redpilled on death. knew how to die.

eh not really. legit warrior samurai died hundreds of years before. just because an office exists doesn't mean it has any of the quality supposed. well, those samurai qualities are mythology/invented anyway so i guess it works.

>> No.15347254

This, if Mishima were alive today he'd be browsing this board daily which makes him based

>> No.15347283

As if one didn’t need more reasons not to read him

>> No.15347376

>and don't say read a pdf
What are you, a fucking faggot?

>> No.15347483

Is your bookshelf a windows folder?

>> No.15347553


>> No.15347651
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>> No.15347711

Because he was a transcendental dumb faggot. He's the greatest provocateur to ever live.

>> No.15347722

What's wrong with wanting to at least remember the ancient transcendental spirit of your people? Mishima already knew that Japan was going to become more Westernized and that there was no way back. The entire Seppuku was just a farewell and welcome of the new age that was going to hit his land.

>> No.15347723

Jesus christ why, idk who anyone could enjoy a book starring at a screen while scrolling for the next "page"

>> No.15347736

Having beliefs and convictions is seen as cringe sweaty, play your videogames now.

>> No.15347790

because if they were each only $10 that would be $80,000, not counting shipping and bookshelves. holy shit you retard, I read to get the books in my head, not to stuff my walls with them to show off for some kind of social consoomerist credit.
>huurrr must consoooooooommmm!!!!!
buyfags are the scum of the earth. you concern yourselves more with being seen as a reader than actually reading any fucking books. half the shit i read isn't even AVAILABLE in print.

>> No.15348148

your comments don't read like they have been written by someone who has read 8000 books. So that begs the question:
how much of those have you actually read

>> No.15348166

Japan was Westernized in a good way. They looked up to Europeans and learned good things from them. Japan should resist Americanization though. Modern Europe is being Americanized also.

>> No.15348213

How do i see beauty as clearly as him?

>> No.15348217
File: 238 KB, 2961x347, hyper romanticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep p based imho family

>> No.15348222

>play your videogames now

What are you even saying dumb cunt? You don't understand what honor is.

>> No.15348256

>If anything, the human body feels more like a prison.

you probably never played a contact sport and have basedtits--that is why you think that way

>> No.15348267

I was pretending to be a caricature of the type of people who wouldn't understand masculine concepts, i am with you.

>> No.15348288
File: 192 KB, 1000x563, socrates strength.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything, the human body feels more like a prison.
That's because you're a weak soiboy that clings to stupid shit like transhumanism.

>> No.15348311

Nope, I'm just not a dumb edgelord cunt like you. My life was the reverse of Mishima in some ways. I was very strong and exercised a lot when in my early teens. I was into boxing. However, I gradually became more interested in academic and literary matters, and I focused more on the word. There's more to life than being an edgelord Zen lobotomized meat-head jock.
Also, in the age of guns, muscles mean nothing.

>> No.15348363

post body

>> No.15348368

This LARP is pathetic.

>> No.15348379

>Also, in the age of guns, muscles mean nothing.
Yeah I guess that's why all those soldiers are 300 pound neckbear-oh wait maybe having a strong athletic body benefits you no matter which era.

>> No.15348383


>> No.15348442

You're missing the point if you think Mishima was against words, lmao. He calls Sun and Steel "confidential criticism" or some shit. He was criticizing a certain excess that he indulged in.

>> No.15348449
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>> No.15348456

>>15348256 >>15348363 >>15348368 >>15348379 >>15348383
I used to be a boxer, dumb faggots. I was very swole and had white women hit on me all the time, but I would turn them down because I valued monogamy.

>> No.15348469

Yep, definitely a LARPer.

>> No.15348470

I think excess of abstractions is superior to fixation on the body.

>> No.15348471

>but I would turn them down because I valued monogamy
God bless your soul

>> No.15348472


>> No.15348477

Why would I be LARPing? It was a long time ago. I'm out of shape now.

>> No.15348487

I thought I was clear in how that was a long time ago. I am no longer in shape and as muscular before. I liked Ross Enamait a lot, and I was one of his earliest fans.

>> No.15348524

This is a cop-out, you do not lose a great deal of muscle mass unless you've been starving yourself or doing cardio very often till now.
I would recommend checking out >>15348363

>> No.15348529


>> No.15348558

What a fucking edge lord.

>> No.15348591

It's been around 8-10 years.
Also, I had very strong chest, abs, lats, and back, but my arms were always skinny. I could do heighted one-arm push-ups on a ball, but my muscle definition on arms were always low for some reason. I was 140 lb and 5'8'' with low body fat. I forgot how much I could bench, but I think it was 225 lb for one rep. I forgot how much I squatted and deadlifted.
I don't really think working the body is that be-all and end-all. It seems a pathetic thing to waste one's life on. Get a real craft. Even a fisherman has more interesting things to say than a fucking weight lifter or athlete. I am not a nigger.
Also, I would say all weight-lifting is dangerous. I do not advise doing HIIT, intense kettlebell workouts, or anything Crossfit recommends. Stick to stuff like gymnastics/calisthenics and ballet. I think the power of ballet is underestimated, and something about it creates the best boxers. I remember an 80 year old Russian making niggers cry after how hard he hit their training pads. I was nowhere near as strong as this Russian who was very existential with a melancholic past.

>> No.15348608

you are going to get mocked by passing /fit/izens

>> No.15348615

I think benching 225 lb is decent at a weight of 140 lb.

>> No.15348648

I forgot to mention the Russian got his power from ballet because it helped him shift weight effectively. Stuff like gymnastics and ballet are better than weight-lifting.

>> No.15348668

>5'8'' - 172.72cm
>140 lb - 63kg
>225 lb - 102kg
Breh... you cannot claim that you were strong with these numbers, a good fighter maybe, as you've said, it's not all about brute force. You're alright, just sadly born with the congenital disease of being American. I respec you now.

>> No.15348679

Weird ass kids so japanese kids

>> No.15348688

225 lb is considered advanced. I was not a weight lifter or power lifter.

>> No.15348690

Strong is beautiful.

Simple as.

>> No.15348699

Jealous straightoid fingers typed this

>> No.15348700

No. Wisdom and creativity are more important.

>> No.15348715

If you're a 170cm 60kg manlet yes, here in slavland you do 100kg in 2 months.

>> No.15348721

I said beautiful.

>> No.15348724

Putin is a strong and admirable man. He is 5'7''. That is the cut-off point. 5'8'' is not manlet.

>> No.15348729
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OP is most likely a bottom pussy in denial.

>> No.15348734

Being beautiful is about virtue, modesty, and humility, not strength.

>> No.15348752
File: 14 KB, 356x429, 1589064582159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'8'' is not manlet.

>> No.15348757

Putin has a strong presence even though he is 5'7''. This is the cut-off point.

>> No.15348768

That's because he's a former KGB officer and the president of Russia. You're coping, fren.

>> No.15348776

Virtue demands we love ourselves just as we do others. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15348804

It is

>> No.15348829

Why don't you just come down to it and say dick size is more important? I think all of this is superficial crap concealing some kind of psychosexual issues.

>> No.15349460

>trying to change something in the most retarded way possibly.
t. liberal arts academic sitting in his cozy dorms writing about how society is bad and wrong

>> No.15349680
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>> No.15349688
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Why that colour scheme, though..?

>> No.15349848
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>> No.15349874
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was schraders film any good?

>> No.15349890

It's literally considered one of the best biopics ever made

>> No.15349899

yeah it's good, but the guy they got to play Mishima doesn't look like him very much

>> No.15349908

thanks, I've been meaning to give it a watch I guess I'll do it tonight

>> No.15349930


>> No.15349934

And his death was pathetic and painful.

>> No.15349935

MC dies at the end.

>> No.15349951
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>> No.15350486
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They sure did dress well. Almost like Mishima was a natural at fashion design...

>> No.15350536
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>> No.15350542
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I dunno about that...

>> No.15351015

Can we get a Mishima version of the Guenon copypasta. We need to put some of these materialists to rest

>> No.15351018

>manlets can't be handsome

>> No.15351026

99% unread

>> No.15351051

that shirt rules

>> No.15351083
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>> No.15351172

>larping of the highest order
These photos need a date. I want to know when the pathetic change began and how it affected his writing.

>> No.15351198
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Mishima was writing about doing exactly this nany years before he formed the Shield Society. Runaway Horses and Patriotism hint it.

They were formed with the consent of the Japanese military and got military training. Their main purpose was to fight Marxist and communists. If he's larping, he went so far as to blur the real with the LARP.

>> No.15351212
File: 88 KB, 742x882, 1589159348421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who goes out into the real world, forms a group of like-minded people, and works hard to realize their ideals is LARPing

>> No.15351222

So the earliest hint would be Patriotism (1960).
>Runaway Horses
Don't know when he began working on it but it was published 1 year before his death. Sun and Steel, 2 years before.

It's still a larp and as pathetic as those civilians doing border patrol and the faggots with their ARs protesting the lockdown.

>> No.15351245
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1588956451210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really incapable of seeing the difference between forming a small group for the purpose of physical and mental training, which is what Mishima did, and standing around outside with a gun slung around your shoulder shouting and screaming about how you'd like to go back to work? Do you actually think these two things are the same? Are you that unintelligent?

>> No.15351247

>>work hard
>for 2 years
>full of trad nerds and closet homos
>some weights and sword practice lmao
>nothing but a puppet for some retard Nationalist
>muh ideals
Sorry you got offended, dude. Please don't go and shoot your school.

>> No.15351255
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Okay, dude. Have fun being cool while sitting around and doing nothing.

>> No.15351270

>It's still a larp and as pathetic as those civilians doing border patrol and the faggots with their ARs protesting the lockdown

How come? You think the men of those times are like those of today, especially compared to American "men"? You trivialize something noble by comparing it to degenerated militias of overweight Americans defending a cult of shallow consumerism.

>> No.15351284

>unironical wojak posting
>M-maybe I'm not doing much but I respect Mishima-san
Be wary of celebrity worship and idealization.

>> No.15351298
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I don't idolize Mishima. I think he was ineffective and to a significant degree represented what was bad in the prewar order. But that doesn't mean that I'm a nitpicking twat like you.

>> No.15351304

This is Mishima, Aesthetic Terrorist right?
Worth a read? Can't find a digital copy anywhere so would have to buy

>> No.15351413
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I understand what is really at the core of your frustration. My take is showing deep respect for dead men that represent your ideals is fine for the most part. Like that noble jewboy on a stick. It's when you do so to the living that it constitutes a problem. You have to wonder why guys like Mishima have a cult of personality or meme status forming around them, though. We have lost so much faith in ourselves and our institutions that we have resorted to a kind of meme idolatry of people out of vulnerability. It shows dark signs of the state of our world.

Yeah, so far it is, but it's not a biography. I'm not done with it yet though. It's an analysis of rare untranslated works of his and tries to use that information as a way of building a coherent picture of this very flawed but noble man. So far it gives a sense that Mishima is a lifelong dedicated construction of a romantic, but at the same time blended together with him so that there was no longer a distinction between the two. Rankin calls Hiraoka a "performance artist", which is pretty on the mark and justifies the LARP criticism a bit.

I recommend reading some of his novels beforehand for context and because there's spoilers. Reading through I realized I knew jack shit about Temple. That novel flew over my head and explains why I didnt like it very much

>> No.15351547

I'm reading Sun & Steel right now, should I have been reading Confessions of a Mask instead? I feel I'm missing a lot of context.

>> No.15351575

dude was full autism

>> No.15351591

Have you read Marguerite Yourcenar's essays on Mishima?

>> No.15351598

Yeah, Confessions is good if you're going to keep reading him. It's got those morbid and existential themes that will appear often in his later work.

Sun and Steel is hard and abstract in general but it shows how his opinion over his work changed as he neared the end of his life. Seen under the context of his life, it's worth a read, but as something isolated, it's just a very tormented artist's diary/manifesto and it won't resonate much unless you already sympathize with his views.

>> No.15351657

I've heard of it, but no I havent. Is it good?

>> No.15351701

Me neither, but I was curious because
I heard it was pretty good and that it didn't go into any silly psychoanalysis. I found an ebook in my native language so I'll probably give it a read.

>> No.15352048

he was gay

>> No.15352416

>i was very swole
>140 lb at 5’8

>> No.15352582
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lmao dyel manlet ngmi

>140 lb benching 2pl8s.

>> No.15352766

So what's his best book?

>> No.15352841

>Ideologically a right wing nationalist
>Mishima formed the Tatenokai, an unarmed civilian militia,

I see what all the fuss is about now. /pol/ influence, and a man creating a scene so that his books are read by someone, anyone.

>> No.15353077

He was already famous by then. Pewdiepie is the reason he got popular among zoomers so fast.

>> No.15353153
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WOW! these brave peta heroes throw paint on peoples fur and release farm animals into the wild. they fight for their ideals and beliefs. SO BASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

WHOA! did these brave souls just take down another 5G tower to fight covid-19? they have strong beliefs and take action! MOTHERFUCKING BASED!""!!!!!!!!

and fucking kek! acting hard on an anonymous board. kys you absolut retard

>> No.15353173

Gays tend to have higher IQs.

>> No.15353176

Manlets are typically more handsome than lanklets. I'm tall as fuck and my face is all fucked up. Seems to be the case with us lanklets.

>> No.15353180

Will you fucking faggots quit crying about /pol/ in every goddamn thread already?

>> No.15354151

There are doctors dying in Africa because they followed a dream to change / better the world. People devote their time to the poor, abandoned animals, etc.
There are soldiers who joined the military for similar (silly) ideas.
Even if you hate them, feminists, that Greta girl, those Green Peace dudes, etc. are all trying to change the world.

I guess it's better or more aesthetically pleasing if the person following a strong belief to take action is a Japanese buff man, trying to restore some dumb traditional bullshit. Pretty convenient.

>> No.15354192

Wish I was a dumb faggot.

>> No.15354297
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