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/lit/ - Literature

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15343926 No.15343926 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best sci-fi novel ever written and why is it Stranger on a Strange Land?

Discuss, comment, or just insult me or my mother.

>> No.15343969

You're a faggot and your mother is a whore. A Canticle for Leibowitz is better, though Stranger In A Strange Land is also good as science fiction goes.

>> No.15344022

What if Jesus but sex cult ?
Yea he was too much or a coomer to write anything really good.

>> No.15344156

The part where it turned into a nudist orgy cult is where I wanted to stop.

>> No.15344166

This was one of the worst things I've ever read.

>> No.15344393

At least the "Dune is the best sci-fi novel" people are close. Heinlein isn't.

>> No.15344595

I think you meant The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, anon.

>> No.15344911

>'Dune is the best sci-fi novel' people are close
Begs the question, what is the best sci-fi novel?

>> No.15345046

OP here.

Please choose one of the following:

a) Re-read this book and shut the fuck up.
b) Tell me what is the best novel already.

You guys don't deserve to be my water brothers honestly.

>> No.15345076

You know /lit/ has detoriated when OP is right

>> No.15345209
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>> No.15345253

Weirdly I just read this, loved the first half but after that every page just lost my interest more and more. The first half took me a day and the second took me two weeks... I'd put anything PKD as best scifi over this.

>> No.15345267

it's Czarne oceany or Lód.

>> No.15345285

You sound like one of those ultra marvel fan boys.
Keep consuming low iq media

>> No.15345413


I don't know about the best, but it's great.

Best argument for ethical cannibalism I've seen.

>> No.15346598

I'd say Book of the New Sun, but Dhalgren and Canticle for Leibowitz are contenders. Stanislaw Lem might be in the same league, but I haven't read anything by him.

>> No.15346701
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I had the exact opposite experience. The gay ass "muh mystery" start was garbage and overconvoluted as heck. It started to pick up a bit when they moved into the Gary Stu lolbetarian guy's home and was really great exploration of cults until they did the jesus metaphor thing. It's a top notch sci-fi novel, but I don't think it's the greatest. It's better than Asimov for sure.

The best part about it was the Martian culture, language and the ""magic"" part. I think it was also really redpilled on cults not being inherently bad. I'd rec it to mostly anyone.

>> No.15347104
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>better than Asimov

>> No.15347456

That novel is god-awful

>> No.15347911

Water brother, drink deep

>> No.15347940


>> No.15348910

Sorry, that's not Dune Messiah.

>> No.15348990

i gave up 300 pages in Jubal was an obvious self-insert and it read like an overly long reddit post

>> No.15349941

I like Stranger but agree with you on the superiority of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

Great book as a first contact though experiment. Not thrilled with the prose and the characters were pretty bland.

>> No.15349952
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It's Dying Inside and it's not even very close.
The only other contenders are This Immortal or something by Delaney

>> No.15349973

It's a great book but I'd barely consider it SF.

>> No.15350507
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>blocks your path

>> No.15350609

Only Lem I've read was Fiasco. Maybe something was lost in translation...
I should get around to reading Solaris one of these days, but that really put me off him as an author.

>> No.15350723

The Book of the New Sun

>> No.15350746

/lit/ would love this book if they could get over their sci fi stigma.
It's the same 'genre' as Stoner, The Stranger, and all the other shit they won't shut about, arguably better than some of it too

>> No.15350825


Book of Skulls is really good too and very /lit/.

>> No.15351010

Book of Skulls is better but yes Silverberg is GOAT

>> No.15351099


>> No.15351260

Would highly recommend Solaris

>> No.15351332

I haven't read much Sci-Fi but Neuromancer and its follow ups are pretty good.

>> No.15351392

You're all wrong. Glory Road is both the best Heinlein novel and the best fiction novel. Words cannot describe how much I love Glory Road.

>> No.15351415

>erotica bad
go fuck yourself

>> No.15351539

Your mother sucks cocks in hell and you are a coprophagic nancy boy.

How does Gibson rate? I'm a couple chapters deep into Count Zero.

>> No.15351550

The first half was far stronger than the second.

The priest character is a fun concept. If you die, you come back missing chromosomes.

>> No.15352494

the description makes it seem like coomer capeshit tier classic.