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15346500 No.15346500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do religious people exist.

>> No.15346522

Why don't atheists just fucking kill themselves already if they think there's nothing?

>> No.15346532

Because unlike virgin christfags we don't need some other entity to give our lives meaning.

>> No.15346546

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.15346566

But your lives have no meaning at all. Everything you do now will mean nothing at the end like you believe. You're just selfishly living for the fleeting grasp of feeling something. You really should kill yourself fren.

>> No.15346585
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>using IQ
Pseudoscience at its finest.

>> No.15346586
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>You're just selfishly living for the fleeting grasp of feeling something.

>> No.15346590
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wtf I love religion now. Fucking hate labcoat bugmen.

>> No.15346604
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To bulli you to BEGOME ORTHODOX

>> No.15346610

Your entire existence is contingent on the work of labcoat bugmen; you’re a petulant child lashing out against your father for not letting you play pretend all day.

>> No.15346630

>faggot atheist would rather worship virgin labcoat bugmen than chad GOD ALMIGHTY

>> No.15346646
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>He'd rather watch porn on an iphone instead of trading seashells in the Kula Ring
What are you even doing on /lit/?

>> No.15346651

Most atheists, I met, were cowards and traitorous snakes, most theists, I met, were honorable. Go dilate your fake "pussy" with your science. What matters at the end of the day, is not the Truth™, it is survival and and I am more willing to entrust righteous, religious people with my survival than atheistic, nihilistic trannys.

>> No.15346661

Fear of death. It really is that simple. In fact, civilization is nothing but one giant distraction from the fact that you’re going to die one day. Don’t tell this to the people on /x/, but their most obscure conspiracy theory known as ‘The Final Understanding’ is exactly what this is all about.

>> No.15346672
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>rather be NEET coombrain watching discovery channel than Jason sailing on the Argo

>> No.15346675

What you call "fear of death", I call "love for life".

>> No.15346676

>Fear of death. It really is that simple. In fact, civilization is nothing but one giant distraction from the fact that you’re going to die one day. Don’t tell this to the people on /x/, but their most obscure conspiracy theory known as ‘The Final Understanding’ is exactly what this is all about.
Is this really the "final redpill"? I came to that conclusion in high school.

>> No.15346680

>fear of death
Huh guess all those willing human sacrifices, or people wrapping themselves in the clothes of plague victims to die faster were super scared of death? Fear of death arrived with agrarian societies.

>> No.15346681

take drugs if you’re honestly this stupid and if you already have then yikes

>> No.15346687


>> No.15346689

>would rather
I’m talking about reality you larping niggers. You aren’t ebin monks in a 12th century monastery or le based noble savage shell traders. You’re pencil-neck modern faggots who spend your all free time shitposting about books you barely read.

>> No.15346690

I'm trying to link some studies that will counter your horseshit but 4channel will not let me. It says that I spam. Any recommendations to get through that?

>> No.15346698

Tradlarpers can’t read and can’t think.

>> No.15346706

>Huh guess all those willing human sacrifices, or people wrapping themselves in the clothes of plague victims to die faster were super scared of death?
They were literally promised an afterlife, dumbfuck. This was quite literally their means to cheat death

>> No.15346712
File: 66 KB, 500x500, IMBLYIGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m talking about reality
And you then proceed to make gaping assumptions. Shouldn't you be watching your 4:30 Kurzgesagt video?

>> No.15346715

take a screenshot of it and post the picture, duh

>> No.15346714

>fear of death
You're obtusely cliche.

>> No.15346719

>all these replies
speaks for itself I feel.

>> No.15346724
File: 31 KB, 640x640, shut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre agrarian societies
>promised an afterlife
You worked real hard for that Bachelor's degree, didn't you?

>> No.15346728
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Nevermind, here's the links on jpeg format.

>> No.15346737

Fuck man I spend most days wishing I had the balls to kill myself, I dunno what you're talking about.

>> No.15346745

You are not the average normie for whom religion is just one big cope to feel better about their impending mortality.

>> No.15346755

Are you afraid of what is after you'd've died or are you afraid of the pain that you might have to endure while committing suicide?

>> No.15346760

You obviously would rather, seeing as you're creaming yourself defending modern existence.

>> No.15346775

My hands get super shakey and I get cold when I pick up my gun, I never go through with it. There's no causality here, just inability.

>> No.15346779

The larping has melted your brain to the point that you literally can't distinguish between a factual statement (you, personally, are not a based bronze age warrior king) and a normative statement (bronze age warrior kings are bad).

>> No.15346804
File: 31 KB, 280x305, seething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The larping has melted your brain to the point that you literally can't distinguish between a factual statement (you, personally, are not a based bronze age warrior king) and a normative statement (bronze age warrior kings are bad).

>> No.15346813

Bronze age warrior kings are objectively good. If you believe bronze age warrior kings are bad, you are gay. This is a factual statement.

>> No.15346822

You cannot read. This is a factual statement.

>> No.15346826

fucking cringe video game bullshit

>> No.15346841
File: 40 KB, 601x508, soycry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cannot read. This is a factual statement
>fucking cringe video game bullshit

>> No.15346866
File: 181 KB, 1300x1390, EE75A9DC-0C54-40E2-9036-0B6D8BCA3425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bronze age warrior kings are objectively good. If you believe bronze age warrior kings are bad, you are gay.

>> No.15346871

The only "innovation" religiosity stifles is that which is based on the feeble logical postivist justifications for technologies that are designed to debase and destroy humanity in the name of hedonism or untempered "progress." Your atheist utopia is one of unimaginable sorrow and discontent. When you find yourself reversing aging and living in a virtual reality where every single neuron is being stimulated and endlessly renewed to give you the most pleasure your human body can take, and you find that the hole that you've spent your life trying to ignore has grown, and that creeping dread that hits you in waves when you're unable to distract yourself with stupid little toys has mounted, then perhaps you'll realize that in all of your materialistic coping you left no room to investigate the fundamental reason for your insatiable need for this false progress.

t. a scientist

>> No.15346888
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>> No.15346901

Based and Alyosha-Pilled

>> No.15346903
File: 130 KB, 637x1024, 1577061619209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a sense of some sort of higher being or force is an essential part of the human phenomenological experience.
also having a shared value system is great for fostering community. if you think that the french-liberal egalite liberte fraternite isn't just a protestant sect that has dropped all the divine stuff you're just fooling yourself. this isn't to say you can't have a morality without religiousity, just read Nietzsche, that's his own project, but we haven't had a communal moral system (in the past 4000 years) that left a historical footprint that wasn't at the very least rooted in the structure of religion.

>> No.15346906

>t. a scientist
( X )

>> No.15346916


>> No.15346922


>> No.15346929
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>he doesn't fit into my preconceived model of reality


>> No.15346936


>> No.15346937

>why is ther evil?? Religion btfo!
>Actually it's because of free wil-

>> No.15346944
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>> No.15346958
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>> No.15346982

>implying that the end exists

>> No.15347019

Imagine believing in death, lmao nigga just like live

>> No.15347024
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>> No.15347047
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This really is the based answer. I'm nonreligious and I still always post in these threads against the science circlejerk. If someone posted an actual criticism of religion I'd love to see it, but it's always this redditor garbage.

>> No.15347145

I'm not quite sure how the statistics for all of these studies that link atheism and science are taken, but I highly doubt how factual they are. While not the majority, I'm certainly not the only religious scientist I've encountered. I've worked in both an evobio and neuro lab and had multiple Christian colleagues in both. My suspicion is that the number is much higher, but most religious scientists keep quiet about it because they don't want to jeopardize their position by outing themselves, given how commandeering and discriminatory outspoken atheists are.

>> No.15347208

From what I've seen it really depends on where you're working. NYC/DC/Baltimore? Don't tell people you're religious. Anywhere that's outside of bigger cities? No one cares.

t. worked in all three above cities and remote parts of Montana/Nebraska

>> No.15347219

>I'm not sure how real the data are but they're probably bullshit because I disagree with them
lol yeah you sound like a bio guy to me
>religious scientists keep quiet because they don't want to jeopardize their careers
How can you have this much of a persecution complex? This isn't the Soviet Union, no one is losing their job or getting blacklisted for offhandedly mentioning that they're religious.

>> No.15347249

>no one is losing their job or getting blacklisted for offhandedly mentioning that they're religious.
t. never worked in a cliquey office environment. I've seen people get passed over for promotions for having the wrong hair color. What possible career do you work where there isn't politicking like that?

>> No.15347274

>What possible career do you work where there isn't politicking like that?

>> No.15347282

Urbanites think religious people are cool as long as it's exotic.
Eastern Orthodox, Muslim, Hindu, etc. = cool and interesting
Protestant and Catholic = gross conservative that reminds me of my boomer parents

>> No.15347292
File: 133 KB, 435x512, 1538579792938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man that might be the funniest thing I've read on 4chan in a long time.
>What career do you work?
I'm not religious myself, but it was actually the exotic religious people that got the most flak from other also-exotic secular people. Kind of hilarious.

>> No.15347308
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>>What possible career do you work where there isn't politicking like that?

>> No.15347352
File: 158 KB, 1200x945, B7BFFF77-3F16-440C-9C5C-683D863882AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD bless Tom Osborne

>> No.15347353

Well, what do you live for and why do you think that makes you any better than others?
I live for the moments spent with my frens and that's perfectly enough for me.

>> No.15347363

>>What possible career do you work where there isn't politicking like that?
You know I'm something of a scientist myself

>> No.15347383
File: 20 KB, 449x527, elsajeanq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do you work anon
I work at the science building, doing a science, 9-5

>> No.15347390

I remember being a teenager OP. Thanks for reminding me of my edgy and cringy atheist phase. Sometimes I sometimes wish that I could experience that again, this feeling of ‘knowing-it-all’, of superiority and of the disdain for all these ‘obviously retarded sky daddy worshippers’. But I don’t really miss it, I know that this feeling comes with a price: of emptiness, of feeling cold, abandoned and alone in this meaningless universe. You actually want God. You actually want someone to come and save you, to tell you that all of this isn’t just for nothing, that this existence isn’t just a random occurrence, a chance encounter of atoms colliding randomly with one another. That’s why lash out at religion, because they seem to have something that you don’t have and secretly you want it. You turn to science as a replacement religion, for you believe that it will save you. But it won’t. I won’t deny that it has its used, but it won’t fill that spiritual void that this godless modernity has created inside of you. I’ve been there and maybe I’m projecting, but I sincerly hope that you and everyone that feels similar gets to see and experience the things that I’ve seen and experienced that made me change my mind. I hope that everyone can finally and truly see one day. Maybe you will one day have your moment with the divine, with the transcendent, with The One, with God. And if it’s even just for a fraction of a second, you will see, you will see the beauty of it all, you will see how wrong and arrogant you were, you will finally really feel what ‘peace’, what ‘catharsis’, what ‘completeness’ and ‘truth’ really mean.
Sorry for my long rambling, just wanted to shitpost at first, but this is sincere. I love you all and I hope that all of you get to experience real ‘peace’ one day, even if it’s just for a moment. You’ll know it when it’s there.

>> No.15347395

I work at the stock market myself.

>> No.15347425

That's true. I'd assume there's a large amount of variation in fields as well. Most of my work has been around California. SoCal can be pretty bad but you'd have to really not care about your job security to mention any kind of religious inclination around SF.

>no one is losing their job or getting blacklisted for offhandedly mentioning that they're religious

You've definitely never worked in the field then. At least in industry there's probably some legal safeguards for discrimination that can keep them from outright firing you, but they'll be sure to give you the most menial tasks and make your work life hell to make you leave on your own for disagreements much smaller than this. And if you're in research? I've seen people fired for not cleaning glassware correctly. Being a scientist in the US means you're infinitely expendable.

>> No.15347445

Why are you so obsessed with religious people? I'm irreligious because that's how I was raised but these days you will find more fanatical and uneducated people among the irreligious. You focus on the religious and won't even acknowledge your own unexamined faiths. I hate to break it to you, but religious people are generally fairly learned and critical.

>> No.15347451
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Me? I work at the business factory

>> No.15347462

I fucking LOL'd

>> No.15347508

Furthermore, it's not the religious deciding policy and what you can't say and do, it's militantly irreligious ideologues. The same people who can't even define what they believe in or give an outline. Because they don't have the mental capacity to decide to believe in something, they're just kneejerkedly tugged along by social fear headed by dumb trends invented by a thirdparty.

>> No.15347520

>durr if you repli that mean u threatened

>> No.15348079

most scientists are dumber than many priests and monks

>> No.15348109


>> No.15348116

Imagine believing that you must subscribe to some organized cult to believe in the existence of a trascendential and infinite being.

>> No.15348159
File: 45 KB, 640x326, 1588614009097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you don't. Naturally, it follows that every boy and man ass in the vicinity must be ravaged.

>> No.15348241

This comic is fucking cringe

>> No.15348322

to generete butthurt among teenagers

>> No.15348391

Daily reminder that it has been rigorously demonstrated empiricism stifles spiritual advancement.

Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading spiritual writers are theistic.

Daily reminder that people who meet the capitalist-empiricist definition for 'intelligence' generally have little to no spiritual awareness.

Daily reminder scientists lack spiritual awareness and social skills.

Sciencebrains are literally a lesser breed of human.

>> No.15348404

>daily reminder it has been scientifically proven that science is great!

>> No.15348421

>religiosity stifles scientific innovation
Wtf I guess I love religion now

>> No.15348423

Why are you not an ascetic hermit since you are more likely to go to hell

>> No.15348497

>ooga booga me hate science :(

>> No.15348574

Why would you throw it all away if you believe it is the one flash of experience you will ever have?

>> No.15348644
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Make me

>> No.15348672
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Okay, heathen

>> No.15348869

based and tedpilled

>> No.15348935
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>> No.15349266

Morals are immutable

>> No.15349392

rape is allowed in amazonian tribes