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15344756 No.15344756 [Reply] [Original]

feminist literature suggestions?

>> No.15344766

a finnegan's wake thread died for this.

>> No.15344789

Angela Carter

>> No.15344801

Read the dials on the stove

>> No.15344808

confessions of a teenage drama queen

>> No.15344861

Emma Goldman

>> No.15344864

Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée

>> No.15344865

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.15344920

Depends on the type of feminism you want to know about. It's been a long way since The Second Sex.

Gender Trouble by Judith Butler is current and a must read. It's a little bit dense, and radfems hate it because 'abolish gender', but we don't care for TERFs here.

By the way, if you're a spanish speaker, Divinas by Patricia Soley (a former model) is an extremely interesting and comfy book of essays on the gender politics of modeling and beauty

>> No.15344938

The Bible

>> No.15344939
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Voltairine de Cleyre. Absolute savage.
Emma Goldman is also good.

>> No.15344960

Shulamot Firestone, Olympe de Gouges and Flora Tristan are your friends.

>> No.15344962

X fucken D such a rebel lad, doing misogynistic jokes omg he must have been ignored by his mom all through his 12 years of life

>> No.15345020

Simone de Beauvoir is authentically based

>> No.15346299

I would still recommend reading The Second Sex, though.

>> No.15346345

Virginia Woolf

>> No.15347298
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Calm down, roastie.

>> No.15347320

seconded. Woolf is based.

>> No.15347646

>We don't care for TERFs
Speak for yourself sweetie. Some people care about women's rights being about women, and not larping incels in dresses.

>> No.15348055
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Sure thing, TERF

>> No.15349492


>> No.15350174

"Pornography" by Andrea Dworkin.

>> No.15350192

I can't wait until robots replace women.
books for this feel?

>> No.15350207

Sade was a feminist though.

>> No.15350208

I can’t wait till the plague that wipes men out

>> No.15350212

Seething roastie

>> No.15350218
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Don't waste your time reading garbage. Read instead Arthur Schopenhauer Essay on Women

>> No.15350222

it's a nothingburger

>> No.15350225

In what sense can feminism exist if femininity does not exist?

>> No.15350244

Uh...kinda based

>> No.15350283

No, I mean the one that takes away the ability to make anymore human males. Enjoy your plastic dolls, we’ll impregnate ourselves.

>> No.15350295
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>we don't care for TERFs here
How does it feel that your movement has been coopted by men fetishizing a romanticized ideal of what it is to be a woman and then claiming they've felt your struggle despite having absolute autonomy to choose to be or not be, a woman?

>> No.15350306

and then abort it

>> No.15350314

I don't like trannies, but I hate woman more than trannies, so I hope trannies make seethe as many woman as it is possible.

>> No.15350326

>No, I mean the one that takes away the ability to make anymore human males. Enjoy your plastic dolls, we’ll impregnate ourselves.
Interesting, what methods you will use? They are even effective? What about genetic diversity? How you even plan to implemented? They are even natural?

>> No.15350334

Also you realize you need sperm to get pregnant right?

>> No.15350337

>fetishizes clothes
>it’s totally not a fetish!

Naw, why go through the trouble of extracting your DNA and sending it on an artificial sperm to your mates egg and then abort it? No, this would pretty much bring an end to abortion. Now wont that make your god happy?

>> No.15350344

>artificial sperm
Is that even real? Where is your citation? You realize if technology disapears all females will disappear as well because there will be no males.

>> No.15350359

>What about genetic diversity?
There’s a lot of women in the world
> you need sperm to get pregnant right?
A lot easier than an r9k artificial womb
>what method will you use?
I’ll write it. ;-)

>> No.15350360

munro, atwood, kraus, the list can go on..

>> No.15350361

Afaik, gender abolitionists believe that femininity/masculinity exist but that they are restrictive and oppressive so they shouldn't, and see feminism as a way to destroy femininity. Idk though, might be wrong

>> No.15350381

dworkin (woman hating, pornography: men possessing women, and intercourse), shulamith firestone’s dialectic of sex, sheila jeffreys’ idea of prostitution and the spinster and her enemies (i recognize she’s controversial for the transsexual empire but her work on female friendship/antiporn and antiprostitution is still notable and gender hurts is interesting), germaine greer’s female eunuch

>> No.15350384

>A lot easier than an r9k artificial womb
Citation required. Where is your evidence?
>I’ll write it. ;-)
So you know at least the basic of genetics? Mendel laws? Chromosomes? RNA/DNA? Mutations? I doubt you know at least the basics of genetics, if you plan to do such thing you should consider to study in a genetic related career. Also, what would happen if society collapses and technology disappears? You would not be able to reproduce.

>> No.15350389

Mean to this>>15350359

>> No.15350396

Fair exchange.

>> No.15350398

>There’s a lot of women in the world
You still need a sperm to impregnate. Females do not produce sperm.

>> No.15350399

Terminology troubles. It’s the historic name of the movement, and was never meant to make felinity/masculinity disappear or flatten. That’s a modern liberal iteration. The movement is essentially a SOCIALIST one. Hence why liberals have turned it into this monstrosity.

>> No.15350400

>What about genetic diversity?
Psshh. If there's one thing I hate more than a woman it's a nigger

>> No.15350402

Where do you think you are?

>> No.15350408

gender abolitionists don’t so much want to do away with the feminine and masculine so much as they seek to destigmatize masculinity in women and femininity in men—they want these things not to be deterministic of one’s life outcomes...so they can exist but ought to be largely irrelevant, from what i understand

>> No.15350410
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>Genetic diversity means having nigger DNA
Study the basics of genetics please.

>> No.15350418

Black fingers typed this post

>> No.15350428

Actually Spanish/Med, but since Varg and /pol/ think meds are niggers then your post makes sense.

>> No.15350429
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>Citation required
It’s a meme with what looks like a baby lamb carcass in a vacuum pack. Ugly meme.
Sperm is a bunch of DNA carrying swimmers. Far easier to recreate, so feasible in the light of a such a pandemic.
I’m saying that I’ll write the story. This is just the first part of book and rather tragic. I am still doing research

Orange fingers typed this post

>> No.15350480

>It’s a meme with what looks like a baby lamb carcass in a vacuum pack. Ugly meme.
So, your citation is this book? Lmao
>Sperm is a bunch of DNA carrying swimmers.
Then ovum are nothing more than balls carrying DNA
>Far easier to recreate, so feasible in the light of a such a pandemic.
According to who? Do you even know the basics of genetics?

>> No.15350515

>your citation is this book?
No. I only found out about this book after coming up with my plot.
>far easier
Than artificial wombs, yes.

>> No.15350527

Thank you! Personally I feel that masculinity and femininity are valuable concepts that can be useful if detached from power so it's good to know that gender abolition advocated for that rather than complete destruction (and thus loss of culture)

>> No.15350561

>Than artificial wombs, yes.
Both procedures are hard. Yes, artificial wombs are harder to make, but making artificial sperm is not easy task. You know how much information is in sperm? 50% of you comes from sperm.Again do you even know the basics of genetics?

>> No.15350570

Do you? Have a book rec?

>> No.15350574

Also you don't an artificial womb to make artificial ovum. Scientist already made one out of stem cells. You could do the same procedure for sperm again.

>> No.15350590

This. Read the Bible, OP.

>> No.15350599

My knowledge in genetics is basic. I cannot give you many books. Most of the stuff I learn was thanks to cousin that studies genetics. However, I can give you infographics that my cousin send me.

>> No.15350615

You don't need*

>> No.15350662

>but we don't care for TERFs here.
I think you've got this mixed up with twitter

>> No.15350679


>> No.15350785
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butler sucks and terves are based, speak for yourself

>> No.15350927

>largely irrelevant
And you do that by making the expected socio-cultural roles of men and women interchangeable, thereby reducing gender to a purely arbitrary categorization of a loose aesthetic. I think that if this were achieved, you would have have effectively abolished gender as any kind of meaningful category anyways, so its kind of a difference without a distinction. I don't see why gender abolitionists would be opposed to trannies through, because their acceptance would basically reinforce the idea of gender as purely aesthetic.

>> No.15350938

Terfs are always cuter than their radlibs peers.

>> No.15351073

femdom literature suggestions?

>> No.15351240

Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

any anything by Kristeva

>> No.15352686

I don't suggest rubbing alcohol, since it tends to evaporator too fast, especially when heated, and the vapors are immediately flammable, which can cause a burst of flame that might singe your hair. Instead, dashing the interior pages of the book with a small amount of gasoline and placing it in a fire pit, then slowly approaching it from a distance while crouching and holding a lit a baroque lighter in your outstretched hand is ideal. Once the first book is lit, you can add as many others as you want, but be careful not to exceed the capacity of the fire pit. If any small scraps of burning paper are being carried aloft by the heat of the flame, you should hold off on adding any more books until the fire dies down a little. I don't recommend burning any in a fireplace indoors, as many books contain noxious chemicals, unless you possess a dedicated incinerator with an efficient chimney. Whatever you do, be sure to have a bucket of water and a bucket of sand handy for extinguishing the fire when you're done. First, pour the bucket of water over the fire, then dump the bucket of sand over top the remains, and use your food to spread it out. This will stop any embers from reigniting the fire after the water evaporates, and as you know an unattended fire is a major safety hazard. Good luck.

>> No.15352690

nigger cattle

>> No.15352734

I hope you copy pasted this lad.

>> No.15352737

Decline of the West

>> No.15352763


>> No.15352772

The female Eunuch by Germaine Greer

>> No.15352788

Based and bookburningpilled.

>> No.15352801

>start Second Sex
>like 100 pages talking about how fucking bacteria and animals reproduce

>> No.15352805
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Only a woman could have such a dull sense of humor.

>> No.15352813

I should have proofread it.

>I don't suggest rubbing alcohol, since it tends to evaporate too fast, especially when heated, and the vapors are immediately flammable, which can cause a burst of flame that might singe your hair. Instead, dashing the interior pages of the book with a small amount of gasoline and placing it in a fire pit, then slowly approaching it from a distance while crouching and holding a lit a barbecue lighter in your outstretched hand is ideal. Once the first book is lit, you can add as many others as you want, but be careful not to exceed the capacity of the fire pit. If any small scraps of burning paper are being carried aloft by the heat of the flame, you should hold off on adding any more books until the fire dies down a little. I don't recommend burning any in a fireplace indoors, as many books contain noxious chemicals, unless you possess a dedicated incinerator with an efficient chimney. Whatever you do, be sure to have a bucket of water and a bucket of sand handy for extinguishing the fire when you're done. First, pour the bucket of water over the fire, then dump the bucket of sand over top the remains, and use your foot to spread it out. This will stop any embers from reigniting the fire after the water evaporates, and as you know an unattended fire is a major safety hazard. Good luck.

>> No.15352865

Feminism is gay.

>> No.15352871
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>> No.15353059
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Doesnt the forced dissolution of those socio-cultural codes of masculinity and feminity also imply a sort of repression from people who subscribe to those notions at large?
Seems like people already know that there is no bound "true" essence of what is maculine or feminine but they still have their preferences and use these labels to destinguish them, like we do with all sort of categories and names. Heck, if history taught us anything is that we in fact love to repress other people and even ourselves with labels, and the investments to do reach them.

It all seems harmless and easy when we are refering to things as "socio-cultural" but when we move that out of the way and see that this is in fact people's subjective opinions and notions that we are trying to overcode to fit with new ones that we are implying to be more "liberating" and "harmless" make it all seem like very naive thinking to me, from what i see you cant really decode something without putting another code running in it, the man that tries to fit himself into a "traditional" masculine model is running a code that is just as dogmatic and oppressive as the other that thinks he is free from those and thinks he is trying to hear the ones to his true desire.

Cant help but compare it to christianity back during its proselytizing eras before and during colonialism, that sometimes would say to pagans that their "true self" was something in par with the christian model and their pagan ways of life were fake codes of oppression. Or how neoclassical economists think that goverments should stop "regulating" the market when in fact wether the goverment truly does something or not about the economy its always a form of regulation itself either way.

>> No.15353066
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>> No.15353080
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>> No.15353104
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>> No.15353108
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