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15343769 No.15343769 [Reply] [Original]

Actually got hired today.It was completely unexpected. Please post anything that will help in climbing the corporate ladder. Thank you /lit/erature.

>> No.15343791

when you get to the top, make sure you have a rope handy

>> No.15343848

Thank you for your kind advice, but I've to ask, why?

>> No.15343861

>tfw the work place is the same as highschool but with adults
Fuck life

>> No.15343873

Well, they do say that school environment prepares you for work.

>> No.15343875

Be good at your job but remember that self promotion and sucking up matters more than working hard.

No I’m not trying to be edgy. Learned this the hard way.

>> No.15343916

Are there any books where a person works their way up the social ladder only to fuck over everyone up there out of hate. Maybe someone highly intelligent and talented marrying into wealthy but otherwise insignificant family and slowly and meticulously destroying them.

>> No.15343938

how do i get over my autism and learn how to be more confident in my presentations and meetings? i've gotten feedback from my managers that i need to appear more confident in meetings but i just spill my spaghetti or keep quiet.

>> No.15343973

A bit late but, Machiavellianism*

>> No.15343974
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Hire mercenaries to secure your job position.

>> No.15344040

A) know what you're talking about to appear confident i.e. prepare well
B) understand people will want to hear whatever information you have to give them if you show them why it's relevant to them

>> No.15344095

Really depends on the corporation. Mines is laid back, promotion is rather based on time than performance whereas other corporations may be cutthroat

>> No.15344160

Is there any point to this if you're not moderately attractive or below 5'11?

>> No.15344636


>> No.15344679

This is true but the consequences of this will ultimately cause the downfall of society.

>> No.15344713

The problem with Macheavellianism and that whole Italian way of thinking is that even though they think they are being sneaky and one step ahead, because they usually have little to no control of their emotions, you can most always guess exactly how they feel, and what actions they will likely take. The Art of War is far more useful for conflict planning. Your enemy should not even know it is you they are up against. Your victory should be achieved before they even know they are in a conflict. It may be better to be feared than loved, but it is better still to be effective and untouchable.

>> No.15344715
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Unironically picrelated. This book is useless for making actual friends, but makes you a great colleague/salesman, and a pleasure to work with.

Honestly as long as you're not a piece of shit, which is common among 4chan users, you'll be fine.

>> No.15344735

You will be a middle manager in no time OP!

>> No.15345419

It's an office meeting/presentation. No one cares if you're a ugly manlet. You're hopefully not trying to fuck your coworkers.

>> No.15345449

Jordan Peterson's take:


>> No.15345451

Ripping off Reddit.

The 48 Laws of Power
36 Stratagems
Craft of Power
Power (J. Pfeiffer)
50th Law
Art of Manipulation

Might is Right
The Art of Worldly Wisdom
The Book of Five Rings
The Way of the Superior Man

Military Strategy & Political Philosophy
The Art of War
Art of War (Machiavelli)
On War
33 Strategies of War
The Memoirs of Ulysses S Grant

The Prince
The Republic
The Communist Manifesto
Rules for Radicals
Discourses on Livy

Social Engineering
Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking
The Art of Deception

Social Skills & Seduction
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Charisma Myth
Social Intelligence

What Every Body is Saying
The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading
You Can Read Anyone
Get Anyone to Do Anything

The Art of Seduction
The Mystery Method
The Natural

Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions
Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuation and Captivation
Influence: Science and Practice
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
Invisible Influence: The Power to Persuade Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere
Made to Stick
Return on Relationship
Winning the Story Wars
Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive

The Social Animal
Red Queen
Thinking Fast and Slow
Predictbly Irrational
Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
The Person and the Situation
The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence
Strangers to Ourselves
Sleights of Mind
Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain

Understanding Psychopathy
Without Conscience
The Psychopath Inside
The Mask of Sanity
A Psychopath's Guide to Success
The Wisdom of Psychopaths
Snakes in Suits

>> No.15345475

My fear is that no one will take me seriously. I'm young and not ugly if people have hit on me in the past but have the figure of a skinny highschooler and just look pretty feminine and young for my age.

>> No.15346082

Being kind (though not gullible) will take you further easier than being an opportunistic asshole using people to your own needs. Most people are good that way.

That being said, if someone fucks your over once, do not trust them a second time. Avoid them at all costs because they'll do it again.

t. corporatefag

>> No.15346343


People are going to link a lot of writing, but I'll give two big pieces of personal advice:

1. Do not burn yourself out with working hard. You should doing just enough to not earn the ire of your coworkers and spending the rest of your time trying to direct others in what ever way you can. Aggressively seek leadership positions on projects, and if you can't get the leadership, at least have the appearance of a leader to your higher ups. You want to be able to siphon credit from your coworkers jobs and make their work attributable to your direction.

2. Do not make friends. You can be cordial, but you'll only be able to be in a position of power if you're willing to look out for the wider group, and that means coming down on the weakest links severely. This is extremely hard to do if you look at these people as your friends, and it's what truly stops people from rising up in power within any sphere, whether it be work or hobby.

3. If you have to ever make a show of force, whether it be firing, telling someone off, or making an issue of a situation, ALWAYS make sure you're punching down. Never punch across, and never punch up. Over time, you'll know who's above you and who's below you in social capital, but the only way to learn that is through experience.

Leadership is a weird skill few people talk about the intricacies of, because very few people hold any real power in their life. You should keep your aspirations to yourself, because people will be quick to decry you as backstabbing, callous, or power-hungry, and since you're probably not a complete sociopath, those comments will get to you after awhile. Understand that the nature of being a leader is in essence the art of deriving use from your fellow man's works, no more and no less, but t

A soldier who fights well is useful, and with their experience and connection to their comrades, they can lead those people in the thick of battle. But the experienced soldier always answers to the commissioned officer, who's job it is to make him and his men do what they do not want to do. Your job is not to be liked, but to be respected, and around you will be guys who are trying to get a leg up much in the same way you got a leg up on others, so things are going to be very lonely for you.

Now, that might all sound like an unpleasant way to live, and it is. This is the reason why only the rich and privileged take up this sort of thing, because this kind of shit is the home in which they're raised. Don't feel ashamed if you want to give up and return to a peaceful life of simple living.

>> No.15347775

Cuckoldry at its finest

>> No.15348579

this basically.

>> No.15348580

befriend a roastie
get gossip about what roasties are fucking the higher ups for advancement
plant camera in office
plant mics and tracking devices in the bosses car
use device to find his or roasties house
plant cameras in the house
collect proof
blackmail boss for advancement/anything
blackmail bitch for some ass

>> No.15348588

Never outshine the master

>> No.15348598

Just be a psychopath backstabber
and use your coworkers skins as a dress

>> No.15348847

or better yet get her to #metoo him

>> No.15349499

women cant operate in business

>> No.15349718
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>> No.15349949

Should we tell him

>> No.15350246

Do stand up comedy at an open mic, bomb hard, and never be afraid of public speaking again because presentations will seem like a cakewake in comparison.
or Record yourself on your phone, play it back, make notes. Pay attention to your stance.
I reckon something like modern dancing would be a good place to start - you have to learn breathing exercises, correct your posture, you have to become very aware of how you hold you body - all that stuff helps with oration.

>> No.15350696

This isn't bad advice, but you don't need to fail horrendously to stop being afraid of public speaking and presentations. A combination of doing them enough and just not caring about your job can also get you there. That's where I am at the moment. Haven't been nervous giving a talk or in an interview for 2+ years now. Though my soul is also dying.

>> No.15351231

The Count of Monte Cristo?

>> No.15351246

>don't have war you can't afford
Thank you Sun Tzu, I am now ready for my promotion.

>> No.15351423
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Present day? SJWs Always Lie by Vox Day

>> No.15351449

This guy is right OP

>> No.15351885

>Machiavelli's guide to princely wars and intrigues
>the Art of Barely-Out-of-Bronze-Age Chinese Warfare
To be used in a slave pen's setting? For reals? Nigger? You want to use guides on military or court life to survive a nigger among niggers?

>> No.15351937

Not him but I am reminded of the film Snowpiercer, when the protagonist finally arrives in the front car and realizes that there's nothing else, that the entire train is alone, the last stand of humanity with nothing out there to save them

>> No.15352079

Summary of 48 Laws of Power:
Suck a person of power's dick so good, they get become dependent on you

>> No.15353239

You can read without taking everything literally. Both Art of War and The Prince, which are meme books, have insight that can be applied to other aspects in your life.

Apply yourself anon

>> No.15353261

>Leadership is a weird skill few people talk about the intricacies of, because very few people hold any real power in their life
Do you have anything specifically to read about this?

Great insight, thanks anon. What's your background if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.15353268

I would second this. Keeping a personable attitude is essential to networking and work relationships.

>> No.15354017

What if I'm a guy?

>> No.15354084

Nothing in particular. It's ultimately a class difference, so it's not something people bring up often because upper class people like to mythologize themselves as people who got their position through hard work. Look at how people in positions of power treat one another and how they treat each other, and seek out works that pertain to that.

I've managed a tech startup and I currently am in upper management in an accounting firm. I've personally given up playing the corporate game because in my opinion the stress outweighs the reward. There's a reason why psychopaths excel in these positions, and it's not because of their wit or their lack of empathy although those features certainly help, it's instead because they can survive happily without things like human affection and camaraderie. Going through life without friends is tough, and you'd be happier shooting for a position that earns you enough money to live comfortably as well as have a good work life balance. But to each their own.

>> No.15354146

You need everyone above you to believe in your ability to help their goals & to be a machiavellian attack dog on their enemies. Knowing what questions to ask are your strongest weapon. In meetings and emails, use them to make people look good or use them to expose incompetence. And endeavor to appear innocent and kind even when burning down another team's project.

>> No.15354172

This is also very good advice.

>> No.15354518

>Your job is not to be liked, but to be respected

good luck with this, considering that people do their job because of money, thinking that you'll ever get someone to respect you in a working environment is an illusion, the best you'll get is, they'll pretend,

if you want to define that kind of respect as "having power", then you're playing children's games

>> No.15354586

Heller's Something Happened is the best you can get.

If you don't want to end up spouting generic shit like people in this thread.

>> No.15354727

>who's job it is to make him and his men do what they do not want to do

you have a perspective about war from popular movies,

you seriously think that you can be a drill sergeant-like to someone who's about to put his life on the line? during that time, everybody shuts up, no-one dares to say a thing to the common soldier who goes to the front,

holy fuck you people, go read a book and stop drawing parallel's where are none

>> No.15354826

A drill sergeant is a non-commissioned officer. You don't understand my point.

Commissioned officers have a different dynamic with the common soldier, and that's the people I'm referring to.

Educate yourself.

>> No.15355527

>links a book of generic platitudes


>> No.15356588

Wuthering Heights

>> No.15356606

at least it's discussing the topic from a different perspective than simply just "muh power"

>> No.15356718

my point is that you're drawing a stupid parallel,

your post, until the paragraph where you bring up the army, is a caricature of a leadership position, which I presented to you by mentioning popular movies and a drill sergeant,

you're talking about different dynamics, while you're trying to connect a front line with a fucking workplace, how the fuck does that connect without ending up looking like a guy who's LARPs military inside an office,

are you the guy from /g/ who gives hist co-workers stern looks once they're behind deadline?

>> No.15356723

>gives hist co-workers stern looks

imagine getting a stern look from a geek

>> No.15356765

Outside of nepotism, no. Management is reserved for Chad, Chad Lite, family member, and friend of a manger. Best advice is to escape the office and learn a trade or go back to school for STEM. The idea being to make invaluable that puts them at your mercy.

>> No.15356905

every person in a position of leadership, who adopts this, becomes a certified pussy once shit hits the fan

holy shit, don't you people read historical accounts

>> No.15356936

what a repulsive managerial outlook, every person like this should be publicly whipped, we need a Napoleon

>> No.15357087

Thanks anon. It's going to be a pleasure to read them all

>> No.15357140

soul cancer

>> No.15357165

this but unironically

>> No.15357177

Competence and achieving goals are not rewarded.
Appearing to be competent, yet less so than your boss, and saying you are achieving more than others is rewarded.

>> No.15357180

The difference between a supervisor and a manager mimics the difference between a non-commissioned officer and a commissioned officer. One deals with small scale problems, and the other large scale, and they require different styles of leadership.

You're getting caught up in semantics.

Every person in a position of leadership adopts this. Those who don't attain a position of leadership.

It's the only kind there is.

>> No.15357254

Respect means getting people to listen to you when you tell them to do something. They can pretend all they want, but respect is ultimately an act.

>> No.15357382

managers should kill themselves and ceos should be hanged they're all fucking useless and inefficient

>> No.15357410

Dealing with a talentless narcissistic manager or a dipshit CEO? A talentless piece of hack who doesn't know anything about technology but is somehow calling the shots ?

0. Boundary setting doesn't work with these losers because they don't respect them, so you will have to adopt devious tactics. Running away is a cowardly act. Learn how to spot them and their co-dependent friends. I would highly recommend the book Cracking the Psychopath Code and works by Sam Vaknin.

1. Hack their computer! This way you can leverage their insecurities and exploit them. They probably have troubles at home. Just borrow their phone and install spy tools, best 50$ ever! Even better if you can hack their bank accounts and give them a headache.

2. Always make them look good but bad mouth about them all across the board. Firing a narcissist takes time. About 2 years if you do this diligently. Take care not to badmouth it to the narcissist's allies.

3. Adopt the narcissistic's official ideology whatever it may be. This is the most painful thing and your code will probably look stupid.

4. Always work diligently so that you become a valuable asset to the firm and let other managers/startups know. You should become the army general that dethrones the king. They are plenty of female narcissists as well and it is highly improbable for a guy to take them down. This is one place where you might need at least one female ally to take them down if you are a guy. If you are a woman then ... all the best! Not all women are empathic monks are they?

5. Always remember ... they don't really care about you or your friends. You are an extra in their drama.

6. Develop a thick skin when they throw temper tantrums ... work on your submissive poker face.

7. Narcissists are paranoid, to put it mildly, so you have to challenge them a few times truthfully so that they think you are being real with them.

8. Read a book on dealing with pets because Narcissists respond to reward and punishment like infants and pets. Set boundaries by disguising them as compliments and appeal to their selfishness. Give the narcissist multiple options that you control.

9. If you have done all these steps and won, congratulations you are now a Narcissist 2.0 in your firm!

>> No.15357411

What did Napoleon do that was different from what anon said?

>> No.15357456

>Read a book on dealing with pets because Narcissists respond to reward and punishment like infants and pets. Set boundaries by disguising them as compliments and appeal to their selfishness. Give the narcissist multiple options that you control.
Any particular book? What type of boundaries can be disguised as compliments. Lovely overview.

Are you going to have another post for dipshit CEOs?

>> No.15358039

Name a smart CEO

>> No.15358080

Elon Musk

>> No.15358122

So a dude who constantly takes credit for the hard work of his Engineer subordinates and follows all the things outlined in this thread? Ok

>> No.15358158

>Elon organizes and founds the companies
>Secures the capital and land required
>Gathers the best people to work with/for him
>Gets in front of the camera to show it off
Dude, you just posted cringe

>> No.15358166

You sound bitter because you never accomplished anything you unemployed English major fuck

>> No.15358203

Lol, everything in this thread is bullshit spouted by LARPers who probably never even sat at a deskjob or by guys like you who are certified bootlickers. Grow up.

>> No.15358220

you're a NEET

>> No.15358279

ok zoomer

>> No.15358300

musk doesn't do anything like that all he does is vomit shit on to twitter are you fucking retarded like musk? the only reason he has anything is because of his family's slave emerald mine

fuck elon musk

>> No.15358731

true cuck speech.

>> No.15358756

Yeah reading that and thinking about all the people consuming those types of books just sobered me the fuck up

>> No.15358782

Unironically this

>> No.15359953

When will this meme end.

>> No.15360255
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Don't bother with Machiavelli. He failed at being a politician and got exiled. He then wrote The Prince in an attempt to get his enemy's son to do what he wanted, but failed at that as well.
>climbing the corporate ladder
Read this:
>tfw the work place is the same as highschool but with adults
Everything is highschool with varying levels of abstraction.
>Be good at your job but remember that self promotion and sucking up matters more than working hard.
Don't just suck up to anyone though. Remember department managers have their own fiefdoms within the company, and are therefore in an internal competition with each other. Form an alliance with one of them early on.
>how do i get over my autism and learn how to be more confident in my presentations and meetings?
Practice public speaking and performance in other areas. Sometimes you will have to turn your autism back on to appear non-threatening though.
>Hire mercenaries to secure your job position.
Depending on your job, you might be able to outsource bits of it. Just don't get caught.
>Is there any point to this if you're not moderately attractive or below 5'11?
Depends on the job. If you're below average in looks, don't bother with sales, marketing or public relations.
>This is true but the consequences of this will ultimately cause the downfall of society.
Yes, and that's a good thing. Civilization needs regular resets to purge perverse incentive structures. Working hard for a society that punishes hard work doesn't benefit anyone in the long run.
>The problem with Macheavellianism and that whole Italian way of thinking is that even though they think they are being sneaky and one step ahead, because they usually have little to no control of their emotions, you can most always guess exactly how they feel, and what actions they will likely take. The Art of War is far more useful for conflict planning.
This. Trust an Asian to come up with the most brutally emotionless strategy.
>This book is useless for making actual friends, but makes you a great colleague/salesman, and a pleasure to work with.
Anything that makes you better at sales will make you better at gaining acquaintances and hookups. Some of them will turn into friends if you're not a shit person outside of work.
>I'm young and not ugly if people have hit on me in the past but have the figure of a skinny highschooler and just look pretty feminine and young for my age.
If that's the only thing you're worried about, then you're asking the wrong board for advice. Go to /fit/ and get started on bodybuilding.
This may get you as far as middle management. If you want to climb higher you have to be willing to exact revenge on hostile individuals, not just avoid them. No one will take you seriously otherwise.

>> No.15360466
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>Cuckoldry at its finest
Credited on page 92. The man is paid to orchestrate mass cuckoldry.
>befriend a roastie
For this to work, you must do one or more of the following:
-be a chad
-help her get some chad
-be gay
-pretend to be gay
>Never outshine the master
At least not to his face.
Average height of a CEO is 6'0", so half of them are shorter than that. Being tall definitely helps though, as does being attractive in general.
>Suck a person of power's dick so good, they get become dependent on you
Only works if you suck better than everyone else, or isolate them from everyone who might suck their dick better. Also you have to be willing to bite as soon as sucking no longer serves your interests.
>What if I'm a guy?
Makes no difference. You suck whatever dick or clit is presented to you, as long as it gets you what you want.
Excellent summary. I would only add that you must be able to remain calm and double down when someone tries to call you out on it.
>The difference between a supervisor and a manager mimics the difference between a non-commissioned officer and a commissioned officer.
One is a leader. The other is a bully and an attack dog.
>Respect means getting people to listen to you when you tell them to do something.
Well put.
Pure narcissists don't usually make it very high up the corporate ladder, as they are too invested in their feelings and self-image. If you want to enforce boundaries, ally yourself with one of the psychopaths who manage the narcissists.

>> No.15360510

Thank you. That was pretty detailed.

>> No.15360517

I couldn't do 6+ hours of Excel and PowerPoint without it.

>> No.15361282

I don't think I can get this thing without a prescription in my country.

>> No.15361327


Basically just be a sociopath
That's literally it that's all you need to rise the ranks

>> No.15361641

Yes. But you've to be "smart" sociopath.

>> No.15361925

Have a good relationship with every woman in your job, but remember that they like betray people.

>> No.15362347

You need to be the Chad or gay to be able to do that.

>> No.15362366

Not necessarily you can be the gay bestfriend
you don't need to be gay to achieve that
just be ready to hear them bitch about their problems
a lot

>> No.15362408

I can tell you stories and stories about how everybody came to respect me because i orbited a couple of hot girls who were literal bimbos who went on and on about their unhappiness and the basic bitch problems ,outsiders all used to appease me to kinda get with the girls
i didn't care because as i said i'm not fallen for them but they however couldn't do without me because hint hint basic bitches have no real sense of friendship , people cloutchase them all the time , the moment you show them that you are just hanging out with them for the hell of it they will open up to you
you won't bang them , but you will have fierce bitches to tear down your opposition

>> No.15363101

Even as a Chad, this is the better road to take. You will have to play gay though, as they don't take rejection well. Even telling them you're married doesn't work, because they want what they can't have even more.

>> No.15363710

>as they don't take rejection well.
Yeah, this is a strange problem with all women.

>> No.15363748

That's why you have to play gay at work. If they make a complaint against you, they are lower on the oppression pyramid and will therefore lose.

>> No.15363794

i work in a field that is mostly female (medical coding and billing).
the fact i am a man makes me better than 90% of the middle aged hags in this field. ive been doing this for 4 years now and went from 12.50 an hour to 25

>> No.15363801

don't be a pussy. organize your coworkers into a union.

>> No.15363847

Vanity Fair loosely adheres to the outline of what you're describing - but only loosely, and the anti-hero protagonist suffers a fall from grace.

>> No.15363849

spotted the unemployed one

>> No.15364012


You have to do one thing and one thing only. Earn the respect of your co-workers for the work that you do and for your presence. I'm a full stack developer. I've had like 4 project managers quit because of me ( The last one actually organized a meeting day one and gave a presentation on how project managers are like army generals, I could barely contain my sides )

Other than that be nice and upfront and work with people that mean no harm to you even if they are retarded.