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File: 67 KB, 300x300, 186-1869827_politically-incorrect-thread-pol-4chan-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15342680 No.15342680[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of /pol/?

>> No.15342686

They're retards essentially

>> No.15342690


>> No.15342691

dumb niggers

>> No.15342776

I am right wing, probably more right wing than most /pol/fags because they are often idiot libertarians, which is a fake ideology made up to distract and ensnare potential right wingers and prevent them from ever going too far right. I used /pol/ on and off, mostly as a news aggregator, leading up to the 2016 election.

/pol/ was okay before 2016, it had a distinct culture even if it did proselytize on other boards too much sometimes. The problem is that post-2016 /pol/ is 90% redditors and unironic old people from Facebook, along with a lot of Stormfront refugees. The most jarring boards on 4chan in terms of not "fitting in" used to be woman-dominated ones like /mu/ and /co/. Those were usually the only boards where you could see outright newfaggotry going on, unquestioned and unmolested. But that's /pol/ now too, it's just normie boomers instead of normie roasties.

That said, reacting badly to /pol/ just because it's right wing is a sure sign of a newfag.

>> No.15342860


>> No.15342877


>> No.15342883

Very cringe.
A big part of their problem was that irony became sincerity as newfags failed to recognize shitposting and larping just to be offensive and edgy. This in turn lead to even more unironic facism as stormfront fags came and joined in.

>> No.15342884
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dumb niggers

>> No.15342892

filled with niggers and anglos and jews

>> No.15342901

I can’t distinguish bots from conspiracy boomers from glowniggers from larpers from baiters from high school kids, so all in all I think it’s all the worst tendencies accelerated and deliberately monkeyed with by the authorities.

>> No.15342910

1. started off as genuine counter culture
2. got trump elected
3. trump accomplished mostly nothing
4. reading pol today its mostly black pilled and shills

>> No.15342922

After it was discovered that Trump was a zionist puppet...

>> No.15342929

Not sure about the relevancy of the webm, but it's got nice imagery. Thank you for sharing it.

>> No.15342937

Old /pol/? Or new /pol/? Old /pol/ was still often a sewer, but out of it could come occasional moments of brilliance (as for any board really). /pol/ after 2016 rapidly went to the dogs & now its basically /x/, only without the self of self-parody & humor. It's basically just the_donald now, just racist neocons that worship the US government & flat earth Q larper types. Every once I while I go lurk to see how it's going & I regret it instantly. Like old /b/ before it, it's truly dead.

>> No.15342953

>1. started off as genuine counter culture

those were the days. /pol/ was like 4chan's last attempt to salvage a new /b/ after the original got inundated by porn. there were gaza stream threads where we'd watch Israel bomb them, syrian geopolitics, conspiracy threads that were strung together much more eloquently than Q, invasion threads, OC by the boatload too. and it wasnt as politicized, ironically enough. the most a /pol/ack would give you was meme racism, but he'd be a libertarian at heart, not a cringe fascist

>> No.15342959

The worst board on this fucking website

>> No.15342961

why do you think memes like honkler and "doomer" appeared. They have become nihilists

>> No.15342966

s4s is more like b

god imagine writing all of that

>> No.15342974

identity politics obsessed retards and the cancer that has killed this site and pissed on its corpse

>> No.15342986

/s4s/ didn't exist when /pol/ first arrived and in fact they owe its name to them. /pol/ was the first to bring to light in their ragethreads a board called r/shitredditsays from reddit. They fumed over them like mad. God imagine being a retard gorilla nigger that needs to choke on a loaded 12 guage

>> No.15342999
File: 94 KB, 640x612, i crank my hog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards, through and through. Full of ideas who have no understanding of economics or politics. I loathe the far-right, but at least you fags on /lit/ are well-read and can type coherently. So hats off to you lads in that regard.

>> No.15343027


>> No.15343148

>lolbertarian good
>cringe fascist bad

Sure thing, fellow dissident

>> No.15343173

lit is just pol + pretending to read books

>> No.15343184

>cringe fascist good
>lolbertarian bad

Sure thing, fellow dissident.

>> No.15343186

based, but retarded
based retards, in essence

>> No.15343187

> memes
> most of them are not tamed to think we are all equal by deafult , that all races and cultures are equal by deafult, that genders are equal by deafult, that "human rights" are approximable to scientific laws, that all oppressed/poors/immigrants = good hearted , that the "anti-semitism" was invented by the nazis out of the blue, that the jewish tribe is the ontological victim of human history, etc
> envy, resentiment
> irrationalism (they explain everything through flawed conspiracy theories)
> ripetitiveness
> too many actual rednecks
> self indulgence (they often think they are the good, peacable ones, while the others are evil)
> bad understanding of what a race is and where race is influent factor (not everything)

>> No.15343189

Not that guy, but fuck off.

>> No.15343202

Sure thing, fellow dissident.

>> No.15343208

To be quite honest, I don't even understand things on /pol anymore and the choice of "targets". Prime example: the literally daily "nurse / women / whatever hate thread", wtf man

>> No.15343210
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They have taken "don't trust everything you hear" to its logical end: "don't trust anything you hear".
/pol/ is so (justifiably) skeptical of modern media that they create their own facts.
As much as they don't want to admit it, /pol/ lives in a post-facts world, just like their political adversaries.

>> No.15343254

fuck it's full of typos
i didn't read it a 2nd time

>> No.15343271

most incredulous, most easily psyop'd people in the world

>> No.15343311

They're based

>> No.15343322
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they are not a homogeneous group, not by a long shot, how can "they" be based?

>> No.15343325

Basically trying to fight the Jews at their own game. They’re just as subversive and degenerate.

>> No.15343328

It's concentrated autism

>> No.15343338

I feel like a lot of the people who are super vocal about how much they hate Jews are projecting their own traits on the Jews

>> No.15343355

Way too repetitive and gimmicky. I'm not moved by some kid in rural North Dakota complaining about Jews. Most are larping, but that can really only go so far.

>> No.15343369

t. Otto Weininger

>> No.15343371

> psychologism
do you realize this kind of arguments doesn't usually work with double digits IQ people?

>> No.15343394

Pol is the first of the 8 steps of cuckholding

>> No.15343469

‘It’s a silly place and I’d rather not go there.

>> No.15343489

They're right about race, that alone make them more credible than the entire mainstream who constantly and loudly lie about that subject.

>> No.15343495

Highest IQ board on 4chan

>> No.15343503
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Monarchy is the only moral ideal.

>> No.15343529

They're not

>> No.15343533

They really obviously are, but go ahead and lie to yourself about it

>> No.15343536

Low IQ emotional rejects of society

>> No.15343539

But they're not. Developmental problems in society does not equal racial IQ differentiation.

>> No.15343540

to defeat the jew, you must become the jew

>> No.15343541

They really obviously aren't, the race issue isn't black and white

>> No.15343547

There is no evidence that all human populations have the same average potential for cognitive development and massive quantities of evidence(ie. all evidence ever amassed of any kind) that they do not.

I don't care to try to convince you of this, you're either intellectually honest and admit it or you can't because antiracism is a religious principle for you.

>> No.15343556

>intellectually honest and admit it
>provides no proof and states he's correct because "you have no proof yourself".

>> No.15343573

IQ tests, gdp per capita, skull sizes, age of onset of puberty, age of molar eruption, crime rates, twinning rates, achievement in standardized tests, etc.

All of it says the same thing, you already know this. Again you're dishonest and you would try to pick apart all of it while presenting 0 evidence for the opposing hypothesis, that all populations have the same potential.

>> No.15343574

Not him but anon if you've been on 4chan for more than 6 years you should know already racism is true
Srs we have terabytes of "proof" at this point
No one will bother to post them only to have another redditfag like you type "didn't read lol"

>> No.15343589

>Literally all development issues.
Most African countries are taxed extensively by their ex-colonial powers, ie France. Their governments have been corrupt since the cold war and they suffer constant civil wars. So when a country which has not been allowed to settle and develop has terrible poverty and education it has nothing to do with hurr durr their race.

>> No.15343622

Absolutely based, Anon, see this, this is what happens when you read books.

>> No.15343627

read this. Ask yourself the question 'what would it take for me to believe there are race differences', and ask yourself if it is actually more reasonable to still think there are none when looking at the evidence. Realize that you are terrified of being racist because it is the modern version of heresy so you probably can't even think the thoughts properly.

There is no reason a Botswana should not be much better off than it is other than the people living in it. Colonialism did not magically ruin any other region of the world the way it is supposed to have done to sub-saharan africa, a region composed of peoples who show the same patterns literally everywhere they exist in the world, eg. Caribbean, minorities in the US, Canada, UK, France, Sweden, etc.

>> No.15343632

subhumans who killed this website.

>> No.15343640

Read Fanon

>> No.15343658

You're an idiot anon, you have not countered my argument on European taxation, you have not taken into account the massive damage that was inflicted on countries like Ethiopia and Angola due to Communism. You have not taken into account that modern Americanised consumer capitalism has made many of these nations corrupt and you have not taken into account how countries like Ethiopia were incredibly successful countries even before the cold war when it was a Monarchy. Your obsession with race is showing.

>> No.15343682

Do you have a single shred of evidence to support your belief that given equal conditions any African ethnicity will achieve parity on any of the important metrics with higher performing populations? Did you read the paper I linked about 30 years of study on this subject? Do you really think that it's just a coincidence that Africa and only Africa was this ruined universally by colonialism and communism when East Asia bounced back fine and even places like India are significantly more functional?

It's always fascinating talking to people this brainwashed, you can't even formulate this as an empirical question in your mind 'what is the evidence for and against', you would never even consider actually changing your mind about this.

>> No.15343697

>the massive damage that was inflicted on countries like Ethiopia

This is a fair point, Ethiopia was hit very hard and if the rest of Africa shared the same history and people I wouldn't disagree with you. But there is still strong evidence that, for instance, the Bantus are generally a standard deviation below many other peoples in terms of indicators of intelligence, even when environmental factors are taken out, and I've no heard any solid argument against this.

>> No.15343727

>East Asia
>bounced back fine
There is literally no difference between the poverty you see in parts of India and the poverty you see in Africa. There is also no difference between the wealthy cities you can see in India compared to the wealthy cities in Africa.
Africa is not some kind of constant impoverished hell hole that you ideally think of in your mind to create these illusions. Africa is a mismatch that has been caused by reactionary politics, corruption, decolonisation and civil war.

>> No.15343740

India are much more functional and way less violent than Africa on average the two are not comparable. And Indians have a lower average IQ anyway, look at how high average IQ populations in East Asia responded to colonialism.

>> No.15343750

>way less violent
What are you on about. India has been under a low level insurgency since 1967. Not to mention its neighbouring states have been buffer zones for terrorists since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

>> No.15343751

They're more well-read than /lit/

>> No.15343755

The homicide rate in India is 3.2, literally lower than the United States(whose high homicide rate is, surprise, due to Africans)

>> No.15343764

...because of their development.

>> No.15343796

What is due to development exactly? Did you know that blacks in the US in the highest percentiles of income have crime and iq measures similar to whites in the lowest percentiles of income? Did you even open the paper I linked?

Do you really want to continue this charade when we both know you have no argument and you won't change your mind anyway, youll just stow this away in your head as 'shit I cant actually think about because heresy'.

>> No.15343803

>reactionary politics, corruption, decolonisation and civil war.
Africa did not have capital punishment for a very long time, unlike Europe and Asia and thus their men aren't as limp-dicked. The niggs will do based shit like that without any regard for faggot spook morals and muh other people.

>> No.15343821
File: 89 KB, 1024x1012, 1561208805723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as people on /lit/ want to look down on /pol/ the reality is that they have a knack for pattern recognition. That being said most of their opinions are based on personal experience rather than data.

The meme is /pol/ is always right.

>> No.15343829

Anon you haven't taken into account that poor blacks still live in the ghettos that were set up for them during the jim crow era, whilst whites lived in more decently built areas. White trash can still be as immoral as the stereotype nigger in fact I would even go as far as to say that white trash and adolescent violent black youth are almost exactly the same.

Especially in this generation, where morals are not taught because it doesn't have a "practical" use. Just as religion doesn't have a "practical" use. I blame materialism.

>> No.15343833

And that's a good thing. If you don't like it go back to the reddit

>> No.15343841

1. sensibly different performances in iq tests
2. sensibly different extension of scientific and artistic achievements (not technological or social).
i'm sorry, but nature is not democratic, it never were, it will never be.

>> No.15343854

>why do you think memes like honkler and "doomer" appeared
most of current-day "meme" culture is derivative of /biz/

>> No.15343857

Haven't been on there in years. From what I remember it was /r9k/ with a political tinge. They were probably one of the funniest boards too despite this. I don't seethe at the sight of /pol/ shit since the modern zeitgeist is very on the nose political but boy it does get annoying

>> No.15343863

White trash are significantly less violent than ghetto blacks, but that's beside the point. The poor Chinks make this even more obvious since they were discriminated against and yet are less violent and end up richer even than whites. You can talk all you want about materialism, religion, as well as a hundred other factors, but it's not going to get rid of the biological component.

>> No.15343867

Everyone in this thread keeps misspelling "ressentiment" and bringing up the absurd 'stormfront invaded 4chan' conspiracy.

/pol/ is full of idiots (most of the actual Nazis and race realists are actually the more intelligent people on the board, with the dumber people being civic nationalist transplants from Reddit), but they're also right about racial realism. I don't agree with the Nazis (mostly because of their anti-Slavic junk science and their general treatment of Slavs) or think they built amusement parks for Jews in the camps, but I give them credit for accepting the biological reality of race.

I also feel like the rest of the site doesn't really understand the unironic Nazis on /pol/ and tends to conflate them with what they call "migapedes" (Trump supporters; /pol/ is essentially a warzone between the native Nazis and the Trump supporters). As I said, most of them are above average intelligence. They mostly hate Trump because they see him as an economic neoliberal that just used populism to get elected but had no intention on following through. But idiots (mostly on here) think all the Nazis are Trump supporters for some reason?

>> No.15343869

pattern recognition doesn't make you intelligent or even correct, you can very well see patterns and come to completely delusional conclusions.

>> No.15343884
File: 315 KB, 1280x808, Der_Durchbruch_der_Schutztruppe_Deutsch-Ostafrika_über_den_Rowuma_MItte_November_1917._Darstellung_von_Carl_Arriens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only correct answer.

>> No.15343887

/pol/ and racism (the board has been around for almost a decade, longer if you count /n/ and /new/) is far more native to this site than fucking /leftypol/ and chapotraphouse/DSA garbage, but somehow the latter is fine and the former is beyond reproach

>> No.15343897

>expecting shit from people who use the words "incel" "commie/tankie" "nazi" unironically.

>> No.15343923

/leftypol/ is an outgrowth of /lit/. Literary culture is left-wing, not sure why you're surprised by this.

>> No.15343927

Perhaps; I have explained this to everyone a thousand times, but leftists refuse to listen or believe me.

The actual "Nazis" on /pol/ are the ones that have been there for a long time and mostly hate Trump and support more socialist economic policy and as I said tend to be more well-read and well-spoken. Most of the racists on /pol/ have hated Trump since the Syrian missile strike because they see him as a hawkish neocon that has done nothing for white demographics.


>> No.15343940


>> No.15343941

>literary culture is left-wing
Its deeply rooted in Monarchistic tradition. The earliest printed books were made for kings.

>> No.15343953
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the thread reads like halfway in someone posted the link on /pol

>> No.15343955

Literary "culture" is barely uniform and has many different circles of political affiliation

>> No.15343966

this desu, good description