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File: 886 KB, 1800x1010, night_land__attack_of_the_abhumans_by_j_humphries-da7m2cq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15340314 No.15340314 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Night Land the toughest fantasy world in existence?

I was arguing with a friend of mine and he thinks that a high level D&D party could just gate in and start clearing it like a high level dungeon. I'm basically having to tell him, no dude, a high level party would basically get slaughtered.

Like they might start out ok with the lower level wanderings but they would run into shit that would Fucking wreck them.

>> No.15340357

Depends on the edition and the classes but I think you are seriously underestimating how broken high level clerics, druids and wizards are in DND. Especially if you place them in a setting without many of their natural counters.

>> No.15340359

The only reason the protagonist was able to survive was because he was alone for the most part and also a strong psychic. Its the universe where even thinking too loud gets you instagibbed by Watchers or Silent Ones, any kind of bombastic DnD party will just get driven mad and torn apart by one of the great ones, or just thrown in the House of Silence

>> No.15340360

Start with the Greeks

>> No.15340379

>eat tablet, drink, sleep, wake up, eat tablet, drink, walk, repeat
How did I manage to finish this books? It was painfully dull, and the prose weird as fuck.

>> No.15340388
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>and now we walk all the way back but with added LEEEON HELP bonus

>> No.15340413
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They didn't fuck a single time on the way back!

>> No.15340455


Meng, I don't think you understand the absolute terrors that exist there. These are things that would Fuck up all of the Lovecraft stuff.

Like you could send in Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Silver Surfer, Thor and Black Bolt and ain't any of them Fucking coming back.

>> No.15340474

explain why night land is tough and why it would destroy the toughest

>> No.15340639


Who...are you?

>> No.15340674


>> No.15340689

they did cuddle though

>> No.15340742

Stop thinking like this. Please. Comparing an honest story to a table top game is cringe and extremely limiting.

>> No.15340750

You do know that Wizards have Wish right?
I'm not sure a high level party could "clear it" like a dungeon because it's basically the whole earth though.

>> No.15340772

No, I just opened notepad and wrote about my new fantasy world the Nighter Land that is much tougher. It has everything the Night Land has but 50% bigger and meaner, so I think it's safe to say that the Nighter Land is the toughest fantasy world in existence. Any level DND party would lose because the second rule of the Nighter Land is that all rolls are 1s. Also its atmosphere is a gas poisonous to all DND characters, giving them an unavoidable permanent irreversible unhealable -100% per turn to their health.

>> No.15340801

how do you even get into that conversation. Your "dnd buddy" is a s@yum. Same goes for half this thread

>> No.15340945

Oh shit. I gotta update my wiki, Toughest Fantasy Worlds Ever

>> No.15341150
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That's what you think

>> No.15342801


>> No.15342823

Imagine writing a book like this today, where a boyfriend lovingly beats the shit out of his gf because she misbehaves and that only makes her pussy wetter

>> No.15342885

A saiyan?

>> No.15342905

tg is a much better board, lit is shit

>> No.15342906

Nightland is one of the worst stories written in one of the most imaginative settings ever. The world around is so interesting that you kind of forget that the plot centers around a roided simp crossing literal hell to get m'lady to safety

>> No.15342947

Pretty much nailed it. I loved the menace of the House of Silence and hazards along the way, but the love story wasn't great.
The implication that the House of Silence let him by the first time so it could kill him and his lover when they returned was great though. The sense of dread I felt when they used the great weapons, after saying that they were a waste of the earth current was great too.

>> No.15342993
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If the party starts off in the Last Redoubt and is Prepared, having consulted the Monstruwacans on their planned journey they may have a slim chance of achieving something in the night lands. Knowledge matters far more in this setting than power.

Any group that goes in blind is doomed. You draw attention, get overwhelmed by mobs of night hounds and abhumans until something like the Slowly Turning Wheel shows up and goes straight for destroying your soul. Have your friend actually read The Night Land and Awake in the Night Land.

>> No.15343000

>Awake in the Night Land
Is fanfic shit worth reading? I've read the original in the original autism language

>> No.15343008
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It's very respectful to the source material and the ending is pure kino.

>> No.15343126

I totally agree, everything is brilliant excluding the story.

>> No.15343440


>> No.15343806

People seem to like the setting but have qualms with the plot. Anyone know if there is a wiki or something to kinda read about the world.

>> No.15345397


>> No.15346124


There is actually a decent rewrite of the book that you can find on Amazon. Eliminates a lot of the stupid attempts at thou and forsooth language and the cringe stuff.

>> No.15347372

Damn I gotta read this book.

>> No.15347428
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>> No.15348257

I actually started read the og version and I got to say. I’m loving the faux-17th century hack job of wording, idk what you guys are talking about m, it’s great. It may not be authentic, but it gives it a great mythical quality of magnitude. I can see why some wouldn’t like it, but I think it adds a good bit and makes it feel like a classical epic. Which somewhat goes hand and hand with the ancient collectivist civilization that has somewhat decayed from its old glory. I read some, but the audiobook version on Libravox has some high quality voice work to. Has a great somber tone, would recommend listening.

>> No.15348296


>> No.15348413

Imma bump one more time, cause I’m really enjoying this so far. Thanks for bringing it to my attention /lit/

>> No.15348451

Also read Hodgson's other sci fi like House on the Borderland and his nautical adventure stories, they're pretty comfy.

>> No.15348512

Good to know, I’ll check it out some time. I’m at the funeral in chapter 4 rn and have to say I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Old tyme speech and all.

>> No.15348528

People keep dancing around the question though.

Could a high level D&D party port in and have their way with the place?

>> No.15348674

No because they would have to contend with the House of Silence which has had humanity under siege for 20 million years. A high level party could deal with the mobs and even something like the Hag and other physical horrors but once the greater powers are stirred up things will escalate to a point where the party wouldn't stand a chance. Things that can kill you just by being seen while the House attacks them psychically.

>> No.15348695

bumping because lol a D&D thread, im PRO DIVERSITY

>> No.15348840

talking about D&D is like talking about a daydream you had, both utterly meaningless and pointless

>> No.15348853

Could Hegel defeat the house of silence?

>> No.15349059

It honestly is enjoyable. A bit corny, but so's the romance, and having that against the backdrop of unknowable slow-burn apocalyptic monstrosities is so nicely out of place.

>> No.15349094


>> No.15349099

Agreed. It definitely is corny, but it feels like authentic cornyness if you get my drift.

>> No.15349115
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Hegel IS the House of Silence

>> No.15350056

So what exactly is this House of Silence?

>> No.15350071

I think The Casebook of Carnacki the Ghost Finder and The Night Land share the same universe.

>> No.15350136
File: 250 KB, 688x382, 274AD35A-0FC3-4958-8690-C6DD9D20D569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god... I think you might be right. An endless defining silence of the absolute ideal. Dialectics within dialectics within dialectics, ad infinitum. Brave souls go in but do not come out, not even capable of preserving their spirit through suicide (mere idolatry), damned to forever be tortured and mutated into horrible beastly geists. Doomed to be the embodiment of the worlds conciousness coming to be and living with the pain of being an imperfect particular of a universal God. Neither a truth nor falsehood can be grasp as the difference is received to be merely that of a flower in budding and a flower in bloom. A more sickening stasis is incomprehensible and possible not even possible.

>> No.15350173

>tfw you realize that Hegel is the true mastermind, even from beyond the grave
>tfw you find out about Hegel's occult interests and his connections with hermeticism
>tfw you realize that the Dialectic is a magic spell
>tfw you realize that Marx was puppeteered from beyond the grave by Hegel's terrible sorcery
>tfw you realize the entire 20th Century was controlled by Hegel's magic
Hegel is the Anti Christ
October 31st 1831 Hegel is witnessed to have burst into flames and disappear from this earth.

Writings found outlining spirits corruption by evil. Satanic altar. Books burned.

Satanic Hegelian rituals outlawed. Erased.

Dark triad, 666

>> No.15350191

holy based

>> No.15350265
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>> No.15350347

Are you ten years old?

>> No.15350422

the fanfiction is garbage.

>> No.15350431

Why do you think this? That is an interesting idea

>> No.15350508
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What was his fucking problem?

>> No.15350517

Who cares, nigga, we're talking about sci-fi/fantasy here, not your boring bland stoic reality.

>> No.15351473
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This story was made for our generation. We've lost our guiding light and source of power. We've literally isolated ourselves indoors, away from a wasteland full of monsters that can endanger your soul as well as your life. We've forgotten the traditions of our past and only have gimped weapons to fight with. We meet our kindred spirits online, anonymously. Our enemies try to spoof us to gain our trust, but are thwarted because they can't utter our Master Word.

We would not be anybody's first choice of action heroes, but the experience has made us tough, and we are not tempted to sit there while our friends are wiped out, throw the gates open to monsters, or give up and run into the House of Silence.

>> No.15352448
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>Master Word

>> No.15352470

what book are you fairies arguing about?

>> No.15352519
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Jesus imagine if he crossed the Nightland only to find out that she's 5/10, fat, and not white..

>> No.15352688
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>> No.15352755


>> No.15353031

Love it when the cover has nothing to do with what it covers

>> No.15353058
File: 133 KB, 546x885, IMG_20200512_173553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is The Night Land the Dark Souls of The Book of the New Sun

>> No.15353337

That is still a thing, there definitely is a subgenere of erotica written for masochistic, submissive women. 50 Shades was basically this idea, except cringy.

>> No.15353657

Read the wikipedia article and sounds neat, but I dont really want to read 550 pages of it.
Is Dream of X good?

>> No.15354903

70 pages in and I don't know if I can finish, it's incredibly rough.

>> No.15354924

haha earth current goes wrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.15356038
