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15341672 No.15341672 [Reply] [Original]

What would he say about IQ testing?

>> No.15341675

Probably some retarded shit like he always does.

>> No.15341677


>> No.15341680

"What's IQ?"

>> No.15341681

something in ancient greek that we wouldn't know until it was written down and translated and came out as something talking about how philosophers have the biggest IQ and are the bestest

>> No.15341689

The highest IQ should lead the nation as philosopher kings. He'd throw some stuff about the soul and what is just in there too.

>> No.15341700

IQ is orthogonal to morality. Most high IQ people are bitter social misfits that you can find on /r/iamverysmart/
Their social resentment makes them unfit to rule.
The actual smart way to pick the ruler is to take a moral chad with above average intelligence and proven achievements (preferably in the battlefield) and surround him with high IQ incels who would advise him.

>> No.15341707

“It’s for grade schoolers” would be his literal words.

>> No.15341717

You would very likely find Socrates and any great philosopher posting prefabricated irony laden bullshit meme posts on 4chan's literature board, truly the high IQ passtime. Hellooooo??? Did somebody say BASED??? I think so!!!

>> No.15341726

People on some crappy Reddit board aren't actually high IQ.
>inb4 but /lit/ is bad
No one here is the philosopher king either and I don't claim that.

>> No.15341730

The people posting on the subreddit are low IQ people who are indignant about the breaches of social protocol. The people whose posts are posted on that sub are high IQ.

>> No.15341745

>The people whose posts are posted on that sub are high IQ.
If you think that you might be retarded.

>> No.15341754

Don't worry, it's a midwit trait to assign social dysfunction with low IQ.

>> No.15341756

based giga autist

>> No.15341761

He would probably ask a lot of questions about psychometrics in general until he understood how it works. He would then demand an unambiguous definition of what IQ actually is. When all of our definitions fail to hold up to questioning he would then provide his own, which would conveniently help to justify rule by philosopher-kings. We would then ask him why he didn't just come out with that in the first place and spare us all the boring questions. He would reply with some long winded rant about how he is so smart because he knows his limits etc...

>> No.15341771

Reddit isn't better than this place. Especially some "I am smart" reddit.

>> No.15341772

>The actual smart way to pick the ruler is to take a moral chad with above average intelligence and proven achievements (preferably in the battlefield)
You need more than just above average intelligence to make good decisions on a large scale. If you're going to invest all power in an individual, he needs to be a 130+ IQ gigachad who lives his entire life by a strict moral philosophy.
>and surround him with high IQ incels who would advise him.
They would likely try to undermine him more than advise him.

>> No.15341780

He'd incorporate it into his weirdo secret matchmaker ritual in the Republic where the philosopher-king and guardians choose who fucks who without them knowing about it.

>> No.15341788
File: 54 KB, 400x600, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can you even read? I never implied reddit is better. To the contrary, I implied it's bad because the whole subreddit is just low IQ normies coping.
How it would actually go:
>takes the IQ tests
>finds out he's low IQ
>is angered by the result and attempts to disprove the validity of IQ
>asks a lot of unrelated and stupid questions about IQ
>can't find a flaw in it, gets utterly BTFO
>leaves in an extreme rage
>goes to his students to talk about the encounter
>makes up a story where he actually aced the tests but out of good will and curiosity questioned the validity of the test
>describes the person taking his IQ test like an even bigger imbecile than himself
>his low IQ students eat it up
>one of the morons writes a book about it
>the western canon now has one more book

>> No.15341793
File: 17 KB, 300x167, 300px-Brain_metabolism_and_drug_addiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even ask this? Why do you even care in the slightest about the concept of IQ? Everyone has a high IQ, it's all about their discipline in living a free addiction life, look at the pic I've posted, it references cocaine addiction but I'm pretty sure porn, sugar, and alcohol have the same effects, especially sugar. Who the fuck cares about IQ anyway, you need to do something with it to prove you're smart, not just say hey I got 160 you subhuman.

>> No.15341808

Socrates never claimed to be intelligent, only to have wisdom.

>> No.15341817

>I have no proof of my claims but I believe them anyway
lol wtf
This is the definition of coming to conclusions and then finding evidence to justify those conclusions, except you didn't even find evidence.

>> No.15341819

the thread is about socrates though?

>> No.15341824

>I have no proof of my claims but I believe them anyway

sounds based to me

>> No.15341825

Socrates was Plato's headmate

>> No.15341826

>can't find a flaw in it
Are you serious? IQ is a very flawed concept.
and before you try to ad hominem by saying I have a low IQ, my IQ is pretty high, my had me tested when I was a kid. pretty cringe but that's why I put it in the spoiler

>> No.15341831

Probably because you're stupid
This might make more sense if it weren't directly referring to a scientific issue

>> No.15341837

socrates never talked like this

>> No.15341857

>Probably because you're stupid

Incredibly based

>> No.15341868

>If you're going to invest all power in an individual, he needs to be a 130+ IQ gigachad who lives his entire life by a strict moral philosophy.
Why? Most monarchs in the past were alright. And certainly not all of them were especially intelligent.

>> No.15341900
File: 26 KB, 460x416, az1zj1m_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why? Most monarchs in the past were alright.

>> No.15342011
File: 3.26 MB, 3264x2448, 15892740266751067998404780187427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was already smart enough to know how stupid he was.

>> No.15342286

"Well anon, I'm sure you're right and you have been very clear about what you mean when you say 'Intelligence Quotient' but I must ask a question. As you know, that master whom we all respect, Democritus, says that the form of a mind is the prime mover that animates all change. If, as Leucippus claimed the element of fire/air is the essential form of mind that is in everything would it not be that the forms of these minds are just as evenly distributed as those bowls in the sky that cause eclipses." Or some retarded shit like that.

>> No.15342583

I'm sick of people fucking larping as knowing shit here
what the fuck is wrong with you
why are you willing to be fake
why not just read and learn instead

>> No.15342630

Socrates would be (rather: is) dismissive of most of what IQ tests test for. IQ tests are utterly removed from what Socrates/Plato are concerned with in terms of philosophical merit. The criteria for merit established in the dialogues concern more general character qualities, such as courage.

>> No.15342641

Socrates attacks the notion of courage in Shorter Hippias (at least the answers he is given as to what courage is).

>> No.15342908

Yeah they were. A few were extraordinarily good rulers and some were terribe rulers. Those are the ones you hear most about. The majority of monarchs were simply alright.

>> No.15342912

If you say so.

>let's his wife get raped on their wedding night

>> No.15342935

Wanna make some arguments instead of wojak posting and le ebin greentexting?

>> No.15342964


>> No.15342978

Its a myth. It says so right there you turd

>> No.15343043

He never claimed to have wisdom, did you ever read him?

>> No.15343046

In Apology, yes, he does. Also in another dialogue, he says that an oracle said he was the wisest man alive.

>> No.15343194

>if he had high IQ
By zeus! I am the greatest
>if he had low IQ
By the dog! *100 page dialogue about how the test is flawed*