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15322411 No.15322411 [Reply] [Original]

Trannies and Ledditors Get Out Edition

previous thread >>15304975

Here's the link to the new sffg discord: https://discord.gg/AUK3Rrx

Come June, would any of you like to do a read-along of Interlibrary Loan?

Don't forget that the-eye performed a siterip of BiB. It can be found at:
Ctrl+F will serve you well.

>> No.15322422

Sanderfag a hack and a tool

>> No.15322432

Whats bibliotik? what does it have that lib gen doesnt?

>> No.15322436


Did sandersonfag die? not that i mind. all the drama is coming from tranny sffg discord now

>> No.15322444
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Itt: chad authors

>> No.15322448

It's one of the most difficult private trackers to get into. Most files are of retail quality (or as close as you can get) thanks to the autism of staff. This siterip was highly sought after by many who could not get in. It also pissed off Bibliotik staff and they mentioned they likely wouldn't allow anyone new in as a result. May as well get what you can. But they're cunts so who cares?

>> No.15322456

I'm a newfag. What's this sanderfag shit? You talking about the author? Or just some autist?

>> No.15322464

the old thread isn't even on autosage, what is wrong with you? more splitting up the community for no reason besides attention whoring

>> No.15322467

l u r k

>> No.15322471


>> No.15322477

redditors split up the community. this is chemo

>> No.15322482

ok dude. hopefully this thread will contain the drama.

>> No.15322486

Bump limit is 310 posts. The old thread is below 280.
Ask me how I know you're some retarded newfag shilling his discord bullshit.

>> No.15322506

ask yourself how to be more of an autist

>> No.15322551

>Ask me
How about I don't and you can pretend I cared and did :^)
Continue seething, homo

>> No.15322552

Accept your mistakes and be aware of your "surroundings" before you call anyone autistic.

>> No.15322560

If this thread sticks around then I'll post my thoughts on Shadow of the Torturer tomorrow.

>> No.15322579

Looking forward to that! I'm on Sword of the Lictor, so it'll be nice to see what someone else reading the series thinks so far

>> No.15322583

not op but youre a faggot autist

>> No.15322587

>Accept your mistakes and be aware of your "surroundings" before you call anyone autistic.
Are you reading this shit when you decide to post it? Seriously, read back what you just posted and tell me that shit isn't 100% cringe. Get over yourself fag lmao

>> No.15322588


>> No.15322604

Don't worry, once morning comes we'll get raided by plebbit all over again. Just be thankful that the thot posters have given us a breather.

>> No.15322616

¡Absolutamente basado y rojo-empastillado!

>> No.15322637

It's alright. They already started last thread by claiming there was illegal porn in the new discord. I'm sure they'll think of something equally stupid to throw around come morning.

>> No.15322857

Redpill me on Sanderson, /sffg/

>> No.15322865

He writes shounen anime, markets it as young adult, which then gets read by 30-something manchildren

>> No.15322918

A friend recommended me The Way of Kings, Oathbringer, and another series by a similar author whose name isn't coming to mind right now. Is it even worth bothering?

>> No.15322958

1000lb club is like 1/2/3/4, it's not Chad at all.

>> No.15322961

So you're saying you're not a fan of Eragon?

>> No.15322963

>You talking about the author? Or just some autist?

>> No.15322977


>> No.15323002

Only if it accepted it had shit genetics and pinned. Write CLEN and TREN your prose.

>> No.15323097

So was Jolenta mostly just an old bimbo with fuckloads of plastic surgery? And how old was she, really?

>> No.15323231

Is he right guys?

>> No.15323542

No, and get better friends.

>check his videos
>shit for women
>Rothfuss is "poetic"
>He likes Weeks
>"Why you should read Stephen King"
I want to say things that would make tranny janny ban me. I can't stop looking at that disgusting throat of his.

>> No.15323550

Are the Earthsea books any good?

>> No.15323565

How long until all of Bibliotik is part of libgen?

>> No.15323632

I'd put them in the same camp as Redwall. They're solid for kids, but you're not going to get a whole lot out of them as an adult

>> No.15323715

Just finished Antony and Cleopatra, the final novel of Masters of Rome. It was so good

>> No.15323814

Maybe I’m a retard but who’s the guy in armour? And is that Agia between Dorcas and Baldanders? Also Dr Talos is missing surely

>> No.15323852

agilus, agia's twin brother. i would guess. yes agia is next to dorcas. dr talos is missing

>> No.15323861

Ahh of course, the helmet makes sense now.

Would love to have also seen Jonas (who would actually share Finn’s robot arm) and Malrubius/Silk

>> No.15323878

Do you mind pitching it to us? Never read it.

>> No.15323941

Nah she was fairly young when met Bal & Talos in the inn. But the surgery was either so extensive she couldn’t live without it or was designed to require constant supervision by Talos (hence it’s breakdown once they part ways)

>> No.15324046

Recently I got caught in an argument with a friend about Terry Pratchett. I remember trying to read a book of his when i was around 14-17 years old, because I suffered from severe clinical depression and tried to get back into reading. Recommended by a long gone friend. It was a story about Death retireing and then zombies just appeared, or something. I got bored really quickly and while some parts were interesting, most of the other stuff was annoyingly to read. I dropped the book and forgot about the author. Anyways, I shared my experiences with my friend and she basically turned the friendly discussion into a heated argument, because Pratchett is great social commentary, satire and absoluletly hilarious. Turns out a lot of people i know seem to adore this man (or his books, that wasnt clear) and I felt like a literature outcast, getting called a humorless asshole and things like that. Just because i dont worship a certain author. Well, i gave them the benefit of the doubt and started reading "The Colour of magic". Halfway through, it seems like a wholesome, easy read to relax with funny ideas and names, weirdly written cuts between scenes and generic fantasy elements with some twists in it. Meanwhile I looked up Pratchetts reception on the internet and it seems to me at last, that there are rarely if none negative views on his works, just "Its the best, period" without any explanation and if negative views come to light, the pitchforks and torches come out and the hunt begins.

So in short, how did that happen? Is this the case of "Read 20 books then you get it"-kind of thing, or do i miss something? I just want some civil opinions, or something similar.

>> No.15324134

I don't hate Pratchett, I enjoyed some of his books as a kid. Not as good as Alice or Wizard of Oz of course, but miles above Harry Potter and Hunger Games and all that crap which is memed nowadays.
On the other hand, Pratchett retards are absolutely insufferable. Fucking manchildren forcing their immature popcorn on others. They wouldn't read a serious book if they life depended on it.
Get better friends.

>> No.15324138


Imagine letting the 'Reddit Boogieman' live in your head rent free for so long, Anon. Pathetic.

>> No.15324143

She was the waitress at the inn, anon

>> No.15324155

agias black haired

>> No.15324188
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The man wrote a lot and not only in the Discworld series. Some of his books are "worse" though, the older ones before he mastered the craft, and the some of the new ones when his Discworld series might have gone on for a bit too long and the Alzheimer started to severely affect him, but not worse by much.
Oh he's known for his great characters, his wit and his puns, but the main selling point is that the books have heart and don't shy away from talking about sad things, the most shocking example being violence-induced miscarriage, complete with the psychological aftermath, in one of the Tiffany Aching books, which is a book marketed to children.

>> No.15324224
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I wouldn't worry about it, Discworld and Pratchett are practically sacred cows in certain nerd circles. This isn't totally senseless. He had a period where he really hit his stride and everything he put out was witty, charming and original (except when he was recycling is own ideas). This seems to have been enough to fool people into thinking practically everything he wrote was solid gold. Except some of the early discworld books which get treated like a redheaded stepchildren despite being perfectly adequate works in themselves.

>> No.15324259

I don't know what's going on. Been away from /sffg/ for a couple weeks, and you guys devolved into discord drama.

I will say this though... As just a principle: Delete the discord. Discords always become about the personalities of the users, and not the subject of discussion. You don't have that much to say about the books you're reading. And anything worth saying should be said in the thread. As that is the entire point of the thread existing in the first place.

Discord will only invite drama.

>> No.15324264

It's nice that you're enjoying CoM, but it is one of his weakest books. You may be right that it's a case of having to read a bunch of his work before you understand. The thing about Pratchett is that at his best he's a very witty guy having fun in a world of endless possibilities, and you get to come along for the ride. He's not aiming to write an epic or to give you a sniff of his farts; it's just a turtle hurtling through space and the people on it go on adventures.
I think the fans are so insufferable because defend him as they would defend a friend. And that's what Pratchett becomes after a while: a nice old tosser telling you funny stories at the pub.

>> No.15324366


Thank you for your insights. I feel like it helped me understand the whole situation better. And the books. I will continue reading them, because so far it has been a nice filler for work breaks.I wish you guys good luck and many nice reads.

>> No.15324381
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What horrible image.
You should be ashamed of yourself OP.

>> No.15324676
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I want to come up with an alternative history setting where microprocessors were never invented (while computers still advanced in other ways) but I can't come up with a reason why not.
An idea I had was that this Earth didn't have that much silicon, but after discovering just how common silicon is I think removing it would fuck with the planet's chemistry too much.

>> No.15324698
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>Ledditors Get Out Edition
But anon, sffg IS leddit

>> No.15324778
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>> No.15324791

I tried to read two or three Discworld books before. I couldn't get past the first 50 pages. I find it too light. I don't know how to explain it better, I just couldn't care enough about it, there was nothing interesting to keep me going. I've read Good Omens, that was alright.

>> No.15324828

reading the bible currently ;)

>> No.15324906

It's postmodern fantasy that's really aimed at people who love DnD and other nerdy shit, it's not for everyone. It's interesting as an alternative to (certain kinds of) magical realism.

>Recently I got caught in an argument with a friend about Terry Pratchett. I remember trying to read a book of his when i was around 14-17 years old, because I suffered from severe clinical depression and tried to get back into reading. Recommended by a long gone friend. It was a story about Death retireing and then zombies just appeared, or something. I got bored really quickly and while some parts were interesting, most of the other stuff was annoyingly to read. I dropped the book and forgot about the author. Anyways, I shared my experiences with my friend and she basically turned the friendly discussion into a heated argument, because Pratchett is great social commentary, satire and absoluletly hilarious.
That's Reaper Man and it's one of his strongest books in terms of being actual deep literature, it's a weird combination of K-Mart realism (if the title wasn't a fucking clue) and nostalgic British fantasy with some far reaching heavy themes in there.

>> No.15325006

Where did all these retards come from all of a sudden? /sffg/ is as bad as outer lit right now.

>> No.15325028

Some idiot made a goodreads group which got linked on reddit.

>> No.15325037

there was this friendless weirdo at my school that blitzed through every Terry Pratchett book so aggressively he carried them everywhere. He sat in the library every break time reading them continuously. In lessons he'd finish work early just so he could sit at the back of the class reading. He was supposedly amazing at maths but one exam season he somehow missed two pages of the exam (stuck together I think) so he cried in the playground and people threw shit at him and stuff, was so funny.

anyway don't be like this kid, avoid Pratchett

>> No.15325111
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When I saw this man, I was expecting something wholesome like The Hobbit, turns out he's ruthless, holy shit. I did not expect The Broken Sword to be so dark.

>> No.15325191

Anyone read The Bone Ships? Sounds interesting.

>> No.15325203

For the last time, fuck off Hugo Tranny. You haven't said anything new since your first day in the general.

This is a photo of old Anderson, he wrote The Broken Meme while young, some of his late shit is quite comfy.

>> No.15325212
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Books like picrelated?

>> No.15325215

The pic is pretty bad but the writing is even worse.

>> No.15325279

That explains it. Guess it is time to go elsewhere untill thwy fuck off.

>> No.15325285

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.15325335

>but one exam season
What's an exam season?

>> No.15325349

Bitch you can't google?

>> No.15325363

It came up with British people talking about revision, and as someone from Britain I have never heard someone say something like "one exam season" in normal conversation.

>> No.15325400

Bitch first hit off google.
Stop making excuses.

>> No.15325421


>> No.15325450

I'm saying what do you mean by*one* exam season? Was it something you had regularly through school? Like in Britain we wouldn't use that phrasing, at least not normally. Like a teacher maybe because they would experience it regularly.

>> No.15325559

Yeah I meant the period of the year when we have exams. Called it exam season at school and I called it exam season at uni. Idk maybe I'm a posh cunt

>> No.15325570

I thought you sounded ESL or autistic tbqph.

>> No.15325603

nah mate just from sarrf ees London init

>> No.15325610

So autistic, no worries.

>> No.15325633

anon, don't pretend you didn't just discover this general and this website

>> No.15325672
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Welcome reddit rejects!


>> No.15325675
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woops! OP here, I posted the wrong discord link
the real one is:

>> No.15325679
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>very interesting take on sci-fi, ai, and bio modifications
>multiple povs become tiring, especially towards the end
>can skip entire pov chapters because they are personal thoughts that affect nothing in the plot
>unsatisfying ending
Not bad, but i won't be reading the sequels.

>> No.15325729

KYS, aeos, your server is garbage

>> No.15325792

Fuck yourself I bet you're from Nottingham or Pickering or some such irrelevant part of the country where people breath through their mouths and have VE Day street parties only for their roll ups-ravaged lungs to collapse when Big 'Rona steps onto the scene via a Carling they shared with their warty clapped misses.

H.G. Wells was from Catford and without him we'd have succumbed to the Martian Invasion immediately.

>> No.15325883

Now that looks like some heavy-handed traditionalist wank. How droll!
So you want fantasy books about corrupt systems of power set right by virtuous symbols of stability? Try the first Mistborn trilogy, or ASOIAF.

>> No.15325893

I'm not joining a server ran by someone so dishonest. Take your political campaigning somewhere else.

>> No.15325898

>Grandfather... hmmm.
stopped reading here.
do better

>> No.15326133
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How's this friend? :^)

>> No.15326159

>trannies continue to seethe this late into a thread
I can only lmao so much

>> No.15326823

So you think a SF/F book done in the style of Hyperion (i.e. a story that involves a group of characters telling their own stories) would sell today? I feel like I haven't read anything else in that style since Hyperion, which is weird. Did it not inspire a bunch of copycats, or did they all just flop because it was lightning in a bottle?

>> No.15326877

I believe so. As long as it isn't shit, it likely would sell. Anything half-decent will sell.

>> No.15327075
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>> No.15327180
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>mfw Good Reads /sffg/ group is about to get purged

>> No.15327224
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Pratchett's earliest books are his weakest (well not counting the degenerative disease works like Judgement Day) and nowhere near as good as the later stuff.
To get into it, it helps that it's divided into series so if you don't like the Rincewind books (they pick up later when they're more about comedy China/Japan with Interesting Times and comedy Australia in The Last Continent) then you might like the Vimes books (city watch thriller/cop show type stuff), the Witches books (Shakespeare inspirred), Death, Wizards etc.
I'd say he hits his stride around Pyramids/Guards Guards! and his writing style cements somewhere around Reaper Man/Small Gods but there's good and so-so books in there between.
That said his "social commentary" is weak beyond a few quips that edge on the nerves of modern politics (like questioning the notion that being a minority/poor/etc doesn't mean you're automagically a good person) and his humour can sometimes get way too into "wink wink nudge nudge we both know what I mean roight?" territory with how self-satisfied it can get. Lots of old pop culture references too if you know how to spot them or just check out L-Space annotations afterwards.
t. someone who is/was a fanboy of Pratchett's throughout most of my life, read all his books and own official Josh Kirby art prints.

Also I echo the notion that Discworld fans are often pretty bad.

>> No.15327276

That's a good thing right?

>> No.15327619

>100k ratings
this is a very easy requirement pass right? i think none of my books have more than 100k reviews

>> No.15328012
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Newfaggotry like always. A small group of children can and will ruin any discussion or community they target.

>> No.15328346
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Has anyone read any of the Galaxy's Edge books? I'm aware of the comparisons to Star Wars, but to be honest when I consider the state of current Star Wars I think a counterpart/rip-off might actually be appealing

>> No.15328389
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Has anyone here read The Way of Kings by Sanderson? A friend gave it to me as a gift a few years ago and I'm wondering if it is worth getting into. I mean it's >1200 pages and I really don't want to waste that much time if it's garbage, especially after reading all the 'Sanderfag is a hack' posts in every thread

>> No.15328450
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Decided to give something a bit different a go and I picked this up on Amazon for £1 in the daily deals.

It is quite comfy and wholesome to be honest. It is a pretty British book though, think some of its charm would be lost on you if your weren't from Bongland. A nice change form reading edgy sci-fi and fantasy for once. Not cure how it compares to the authors other book Cloud Atlas because I haven't read it but I also got that for £1 in the daily deals.

>> No.15328541

How about you read it and judge for yourself? If you don't like it after 200-300 pages move on to the next thing and as far away from similar authors.
On the other hand, you might discover you like pedestrian genre fiction for neckbeards which would open tons of options.

>> No.15328569

it has one of the best endings ive ever read in a book. sanderson has shit for prose and you'll have to suffer through cringey shallan chapters but his pacing and worldbuilding is great.

>> No.15328605
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Has anyone read Greg Egan's latest book INSTANTIATION?
Is it closer to Axiomatic or Luminous?

>> No.15328633

Not quoted but
>best endings
I've read several of his other books and his endings have always been utter shite. Even by the standards of fantasy he's uniquely bad in writing endings.

>> No.15328652

I don't understand people who start at book 9 in a series then act all confused when they didn't like it.

>> No.15328743

>On the other hand, you might discover you like pedestrian genre fiction for neckbeards which would open tons of options.
That's what I'm afraid of the most
I never read any fantasy in my life, except for Harry Potter as a child, and I'm scared this will turn me into a reddit neckbeard manchild

>> No.15328783

Remember when this show wasn’t complete tranny degenerate trash?

>> No.15328808

Eh neither. I thought it was a dud and most of the stories were not good.

>> No.15328816

Yeah when the white midwestern dudeweedbro creator of it was still in charge.
You could chart the downturn with how many other people got involved and the sharp veer of the cliff when Ward left.
Not that I was ever much of a fan, western cartoons weren't really ever my thing, but the contrast between "creative show if a bit dumb" and "shipper drama hostile to everything that came before" is pretty stark.

>> No.15328948

I grew up reading genre fiction but eventually opened up to other types of books (outer lit). I still like reading plebby shit too from time to time. An unknown series or author is always a dice roll, more so with fantasy or SF, but I look for interesting prose, world building, decent dialog, etc. which is why I've sampled many series.
I learned what sort of books I should try to avoid or when to stop. You make your own rules the more you read.

Manchildren also have their own rules, it's just that they only read inside their comfort zone.

>> No.15328998

It's fine.

>> No.15329038

Reas Bakker

>> No.15329102

It's very solid by the numbers fantasy, depends on if that's what you want out of 1200 pages or not.

I loved Kaladin (one of abt 5 iirc POV characters) and his arc over the first 2 books but by the time the third book came out I just couldn't be bothered to try and remember what had gone on in order to carry on with the series
Sanderson's big problem with writing books that long is that he's not very rereadable, solid to good on a first read but there's not a lot to come back for a second time.

You'll probably enjoy it enough for it to be worth your time

>> No.15329128

It's one character telling multiple stories but A Conspiracy of Truths came out like two years ago and did well enough commercially to get a sequel.
The conceit is that the main character is a bard type jailed for kafkaesque reasons and then gradually destabilises the realm that imprisoned him by influencing all of the power players with the stories he tells them.
More of a focus on the framing story than some works inspired by the Decameron/Canterbury Tales but there's clearly still room for them within spec fic.

>> No.15329178

>Goodreads top reviews are all by YA-reading women
>tagged as LGBT
>Bard's name is Chant
Is it any good?

>> No.15329219

I tried. I am always on the lookout for good military sci-fi.
But the first novel in that series was painfully formulaic without the quality of writing needed for me to push through.

>> No.15329226

The reason he's bad at endings is because he's bad at pacing

>> No.15329227

I read like 50% in one sitting and liked it and then never got back to it. The author seems to be one of those ones that makes a big deal out of being a twitter personality so they're probably annoying, I just avoid finding out in cases like this.
The LGBT stuff is the Bard's apprentice being gay but iirc he's missing until about 40% of the way into the book, probably more major in the sequel where he's the pov.

>> No.15329530

Tell me about the Vorkosigan Saga - what is it like? Do you enjoy it? Where would I start, just at Falling Free or Shards of Honor?

>> No.15329559

you know what im in the mood for

space pirate tale

anyone got a good rec?

would prefer one that has strong psychology, exploring the ethos of being a pirate, with conscious pronouncements of themes like freedom, endurance, survival, keenness, etc.

exotic locales like hiding in an asteroid (in lieu of a cove) strongly preferred.

>> No.15329564

Either read the Shards/Barrayar duo or just start with The Warrior's Apprentice which introduces the main protagonist of the series
Shards is a weaker entry and not that typical of the rest of the series but Barrayar is really good.
Come back to Falling Free later if you get into the series.

Easiest way to do it is to just read in omnibus order from "Cordelia's Honour" onwards.

>> No.15329573
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Revenger series.

>> No.15329724

well it was the best part of way of kings. i havent read any of his other books

>> No.15329759

mistborn 1 ends well too

>> No.15329782

Try the emperor's soul if you want to sample Sanderson.

>> No.15330331

would prefer to not read YA

also prefer POV of the pirate

>> No.15330366

I remember liking a few episodes several years ago when it had come out but never really sat down to watch more than whatever was on a couple of times. I only found the pics and the pic in the OP while looking for something about Triskele. It's a shame it went the way it did, but I can't say I'm surprised. That's just the new normal nowadays. Trannies ruin 99% of whatever they touch lately.

>> No.15330517

Pratchett in his prime was a master at delivering stories that give the target audience what they want without them feeling like they're being pandered to. I feel like that's a kind of rare quality in genre fiction. There are plenty of authors who stick to genre convention and deliver efficiently without any big aspirations towards literary merit (here I immediately think of Jim Butcher), and while that style obviously has a huge target demographic there are people who recoil because they don't want to read something that's "just" a generic fantasy story. Pratchett took those same ingredients and layered them with humor and self-reference and some genuine thematic coherency and his audience ate it up because it felt different enough without actually being too complex or challenging to lose that basic genre appeal. There's an old rule of marketing that says you should try to give the customer more than they expect but less than what would overwhelm them, and intentionally or not Pratchett used that rule really well.

>> No.15331119

Trannies are the new Jews.

>> No.15331176
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>> No.15331635

My God I haven't been here in nearly two years. Are Donkey and CASfag dead? When did /sffg/ turn into outer /lit/? Since when is everyone obsessed with trannies?

At least Sanderfag is a hack has remained a universal constant

>> No.15332123

Although it was packaged and marketed as such, it really isn't YA. It just happens to have a young protagonist. I recommended the series as because the pirate POV is mostly in the second and third books, but there's some pirating in the first one too.

>> No.15332223

Haven't payed attention since the I read the first one, love Reynolds, thanks for the rec

>> No.15332262

Terms of Enlistment by Marko Kloos is absolutely fantastic. Hits the Forever War/Starship Troopers beats without getting stale.

>> No.15332272

I’m British and I fucking hate when British authors just wank off about Tube Stations or little villages or other garbage stereotypes. I read to get away from this shit that’s my daily life.

>> No.15332277

i started the sanderson is a hack meme ama

>> No.15332284 [DELETED] 
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>imagine being so obsessed over trannies that you spend every wakin hour thinking about them. Imagine being so obsessed with trannies that you spend your sad little no life everyday searching for stuff about trannies to read, you go to reddit and other websitse, you wat h videos made by them, you read articles written by them and when you aren't doing that you are on 4chan posting about them.
>imagine being obsessed over trannies that they affect your behaviour, the way you think. You see them everywhere they aren't and convince yourself that anyone who doesn't like what you like or has a different opinion to yourselves is a trannie.
>imagine living your life like this, day in, day out. Nothing but constant thoughts about trannies, constantly searching out newstuff to feed your observation. Always seeing them in everything that you do and posting about them non stop on 4chan.

Imagine this being you.

>> No.15332297

Mariani bothers me in the same way that viewing our impending future closing in on us bothers me. Sharply and in great quantity.

>> No.15332306

>expecting me to read all that shit
take your (You) and fuck off back to your dilation station

>> No.15332333

Enjoy your trannie obsession and having them control your life living in your head rent free 24/7 365.

>> No.15332336

whats a good book to read?

>> No.15332345 [DELETED] 

Nice manifesto, homo. Dropped immediately at
Consider that """people""" (that is to say, subhuman yuropoors) like you consistently fail to offer even a modicum of value to a majority of the conversations or topics they attempt to engage with. Then kindly acquaint your neck with a rope.
>imagine spending all that time on your post just to get called a homo by the same people you try to talk down to

>> No.15332354

>I say the word "tranny" as a catch-all phrase to refer to all white knights, forced diversity fags, and SJW's, so I must be obsessed with them.
Stop polluting the thread, retard.

>> No.15332355

Is that what your verbose sassy spears were trying to say all that time? Shit man, I thought I was on LiveJournal

>> No.15332367

Guess the truth hurts,doesn't it :^)

>> No.15332376 [DELETED] 
File: 379 KB, 1200x800, HugoTranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a well known fact that trannies refuse to provide arguments and but still expect you to agree with them.
I should have listened to the warning.

>> No.15332377

Why don't you enlighten us, tranny? Does it?

>> No.15332383

ignore and report

>> No.15332405

The brain of a discord tranny, ladies and gentlemen. Observe as if defaults to predictable and low quality responses when met with even slight resistance to its poor attempts at virtue.
>the tranny cries out in pain as it strikes you

>> No.15332438

Fuck I never realized... I've read it and reread it and read so much secondary analysis and theory... And there is still so much I do not know

>> No.15332514

Who are you quoting tranny faggot?

>> No.15332567
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Personally I felt the chapters in Short Sun where SIlk turns up in Nessus and hangs out with young Severian a little unneeded and felt a bit like fan service. That being said, I feel once I re-read Short Sun everything will click into place a lot more and I'll enjoy it to the extend I now enjoy New Sun

>> No.15332615

Kindly explain that dash thing. You're implying they're the same character??

>> No.15332620

>all these sitposters getting btfo and buttmad

>> No.15332656

In one of the final chapters of Return to the Whorl, Silk is visiting The Matichin Tower and young Severian refers to Silk as Malrubius

"Then the bird [Oreb] came yelling, “Watch out! Watch out!” like it did sometimes. The big man [another torturer possible one of the masters] stopped to look at it and said, “What’s that doing in here?”

“It belongs to Master Malrubius, Master,” the boy told him, and the big man he called Master hit him across the face. He did not do it like he was angry with him or anything. He did not sneer either. He just did it, the way you would swat a fly. Then Father [Horn-Silk] came up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Father, and his mouth dropped open. He did not say anything, just backed away. I think he must have run"

Personally I think the Silk-Horn entity is another eidolon similar to Malrubius in Urth of the Long Sun, appearing as Malrubius to Sev and Silk to cast of Short Sun.

>> No.15332666

I agree. It probably should have been shorter. On the other hand, maybe Wolfe felt like he ought to show a different perspective on Urth than Severian's.

>> No.15332680

Your opinion: is the Short Sun the same star that Urth orbits? I don't think so, and I definitely don't like the idea.

>> No.15332775

Eh? There's the original Short Sun (Sol/Urth) which The Whorl launched from, then the second Green-Blue Short Sun where The Whorl arrives. Both are confusingly called The Short Sun throughout the books

>> No.15332838

Blindness by Saramago

>> No.15332857

How old were you when you realized that grimdark fantasy is the only fantasy worth reading?

>> No.15332892

Where birdanon?

>> No.15332998

Meh, I don't read much from British authors and this one is kind of like that but it makes a nice change to the usual dark fantasy and hard sci-fi. It is a nice change in tone and it is nice to see the British way of life expressed using British slang and terminology.

It is a fun, lighthearted read, which is also pretty dark and creepy at times.

>> No.15333000

it sucks because you can't go back to normal fantasy

>> No.15333015
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Double trips of truth

>> No.15333028

12, so not much older than you. Than I stopped because I'm not a tard.

>> No.15333041

What made the Osten Ard series so great again?
I remember someone on 4chan telling me a long time ago that there was something so fucking amazing about it but I can never get into it

>> No.15333049

>grimdark is bad
>edgy is bad
These are the opinions of a person who wants to seem mature, but isn't.

>> No.15333110


>> No.15333144

Only a teenager would think that is an insult per se.

>> No.15333175

>I am old enough to post here, honest
>>hee hee they won't know because I am very mature for my age
You haven't fooled anyone m80

>> No.15333191

I'm not the one trying to look mature. I simply like what I like.

>> No.15333241
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Jorge does your mother know you are posting on 4chan?

>> No.15333248

Well you are certainly failing.

>> No.15333345

the first fantasy i read was malazan so immediately i guess?

>> No.15333390

can you just shut up and join the 50% already

>> No.15333461

>on lit and can't even read a paragraph
Yea. A lot of these fags here don't even read. They ask someone to "explain what happened in the book so they can get a good laugh", then go on pretending like they read the book. Wish we could report you and you readlet friends into oblivion.

>> No.15333546

Are we being raided? Where did the portuguese faggots come from?

>> No.15333569

the OP specifically said get out reddittors and tranny's

which is like waving a big gay flag saying invade our general

>> No.15333597

So the OP is a rebbitor tranny faggot that used reverse psychology to point to his ilk where the "party" is? Seems plausible.

>> No.15333644

>Simon Archer
>Logan Jacobs
>Eric Vall
>Dante King
Where did these authors pop up from? All of a sudden they have a huge bibliography (filled with shit books) after popping up from nowhere.

>> No.15333658

New murderbot is good but I'm kinda surprised at the way they went with it. It's billed as the first novel in the series but it's very much just taking the story template used for the novellas and just adding more pages to it, there's nothing that truly makes it feel different to the prior books.
the op is someone who was been trying to derail the thread for a fortnight

>> No.15333666
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>portuguese faggots
Spics you politically correct faggot. The proper term is sssssspics.

>> No.15333725

The place to post is pol you political incorrect faggot. The proper place is >>>/pol/

>> No.15333731

Trying to figure out what kind of tax system to use in my fantasy novel.

>> No.15333774

Jesus Christ, you ignorant fuck. The pic is not Portuguese, that's Spanish, and most likely from a South American country.
And Portuguese people are not latinos, where did you guys go to school.

>> No.15333952

Don't you have some tacos to be eating, Jose?

>> No.15333993

>in Portugal
Oof. Our food is so good that we don't need to import any. At least call us poor, socialists or something accurate.

>> No.15334027

You’ve been posting this for years. Aren’t you bored yet?

>> No.15334155

>And Portuguese people are not latinos, where did you guys go to school.
Oh come on, no need to be so hurtful. Do we really need to be that precise when calling each other names you Dago?

>> No.15334160

Truth will set you free.

>> No.15334183
File: 405 KB, 1588x2500, starchart_taldain_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading this self-published amazon trash but it has some good moments
>generic peasant MC who accidentally magic
>MC is 13
>mentor dude gives no fucks
>2nd or 3rd time they meet (I think when MC is leaving to live with teacher), straight up tells 13yo MC to literally shut the fuck up
>insults MC all the time but likes it when MC insults back
>mentor lives innawoods and the Mysterious Being that protects his house (owns it basically) takes the form of a cat that the mentor (and then the MC) literally calls the goddamn cat
there's a part where the MC rescues his mom and brings her there for safety. The mom is describing it and asking about it. MC goes, "oh that's the goddamn cat!" instrinctively and his mom yells at him for it.
just any time it's brought up it makes me laff
>what's his name?
>grandfather always called him the goddamn cat. said he seems to like it

>grandfather (mentor dude) talks mad shit to this fae lord in the fae realm
>"well I'll kill <MC>!"
>yeah I don't give a fuck, do it and you know I'll still rip you apart piece by piece
>spooks him into not doing shit
mentor dude talks mad shit about all the magic users of the current era and how he'll make MC into a giganigga, i love it

I'm reading this series for the lulz purely at this point.

>> No.15334215

lmao, I'd never heard that one, probably something American. I'll allow it.

>> No.15334229

I enjoy this series despite it being pretty trashy.
>grandfather (mentor dude) talks mad shit to this fae lord in the fae realm
This scene gets better with later context The stupid deer antler hat he wears is that Fae lords literal antlers which he cut off because the Fae lord was a bag of dicks.
The second book was mediocre, but I liked the third more.

>> No.15334230


>> No.15334255

I'm glad you knew what I was talking about. I had checked some reviews and one mentioned how the MC makes dumb decision after dumb decision which I found to be pretty fucking spot on and I don't like it
I had figured they were the Lord's antlers, that was a bit of a given
Second book seems like it'll be boring school setting but I suppose the inevitable "MC shits on powerful wizard(s)/etc" moments will be fun. Also fuck the King apparently guy sounds like a faggot hope MC makes him choke

>> No.15334269

The school shit is pretty bad, but eventually the Bull character takes it a bit too far and The MC just fucking kills him.
The king is implied to be a body stealing immortal whose soul jumps into the bodies of his male heirs, he's the primary villain.

>> No.15334292

I'm glad that MC doesn't mope terribly much about killing. Also his lowkey harem is a bit amusing as long as he doesn't start being forced into a route that interferes with the plot.
I read the first handful of words there and don't want to read the rest! Well we'll see how it goes. Seems like it's possibly built up to be much bigger, with the congruences, but I also have no idea how long this series plans to be.

>> No.15334332

What book? Sounds like fun.

>> No.15334340

Art of the Adept by Michael G Manning

>> No.15334350

Oh neat. I've read Mageborn and that was pretty good. Thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.15334459

The goddamn cat gives me Mogget vibes. Hope it's something cool.
>tfw gonna go back to sleep and start book 2 in the meantime
Glad it's ~100 pages shorter.

>> No.15334477

its fucking long so you end up really into the story. at least thats why i think found it remarkable, i mean its a great series and all but but too special. i can name others that i liked more even though i havent read much fantasy

>> No.15334680

I just finished reading The Andromeda Strain and I was kind of disappointed.

It felt like it was way too short.
By the time it became interesting, it was over.
The "oh fuck the laboratory is compromised we're all gonna die" part lasts like 5 pages and 3 minutes.

I also thought the stakes/scale would be higher.
Like they need to find a way to fight the strain or millions will die or something.

But it was just the story of 4 scientists who make a bunch of stupid mistakes all the goddamn time but in the end it doesn't matter AT ALL because the organism just mutates to a benign form and literally fucks off into space by itself.

Still a fun read though I guess.

Anything similar to recommend?

>> No.15334706

just finished deadhouse gates what should i read next? i've read halfway through blindsight should i finish that off or is it a waste of time?

>> No.15334905

did you like deadhouse?

>> No.15334919


Thoughts? Is he right?

>> No.15334923

Guys why are the witcher books so boring?

>> No.15334947

i didn't mind it didn't think it was good as the first book kinda dragged a bit with the on going battle across the desert

>> No.15334959

made it about 30 seconds then quit

>> No.15334967

Blindsight and the subsequent Echopraxia are a contemporary masterpiece - absolutely worth it

>> No.15334997

Which ones?
I found the two short stories books and Season of the Storms pretty good and entertaining.

The five books from the saga are pretty boring in general though and I would not read them again.

>> No.15335342

>green screen
>twitter reaction gifs
>boring reddit taste and opinions
Is being succesful on youtube really this easy?

>> No.15335354

I dropped WoT in the first book and couldn't possibly argue the skin color or race of characters but these two faggots just smell of smug libtardness.

You'd think that either side could produce some quotes from the books to establish skin color but apparently the author never bothered describing the characters.

>> No.15335451

Oh I see. My memory is a bit rusty. Makes sense, and it's probably what I thought at the time, but some things are too convoluted to commit perfectly to memory.
I don't even recall why Sev calls him Father either.
>"He turned around and saw Father".

Anyway. it's a nice in-universe symbol. Jesus did come back from the grave, but rather came back as an eidolon.

>> No.15335871

Yes, i absolutely love it, if you are into honor porn get into it. One of the MCs is annoying and quirky in a setting inappropriate way but she has enough morally ambiguous shit to keep you interested.

>> No.15335904
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>6 million words
>Story not even halfway through
Why am i so addicted to it? Is it just the time sunk fallacy?

>> No.15335916

Discordia dramatis eus niggerus blancus
Trantolantula trantosexuala estas severus
Wolfus molfus rolfus jolfus PRAISE JESUS
Joinus discordus bonium verium

>> No.15335929

What's good about it?

>> No.15335963

There's good long stuff out there but if you're worried about only liking it because of time invested maybe you're not as into it as you think.

>> No.15336008

The world is really interesting and it has a good pace and progression. But i think the reason I stick with is because of the gazillion plot threads and mysteries that are constantly bought up and resolved.

>> No.15336055

Wish harder, and if your anus quivers enough, the jannies might grant you your wish

>> No.15336104

They popped up from brain dead coomers crotches. That's why they sell so much.

>> No.15336233

You're a lost cause. You are reading volume two, after that stupid goblin lover who sacrifices her own people to save people that want her dead, makes a bunch of pacifist shit. That iphone angry feminist jogger is no better.

Nothing. It's shit. Author gets paid by the word, so she stretches the story and fills it with utter shit to reach her weekly upload word count goal.

>> No.15336248

>doesn't deny that he is the "good laugh anon" that parrots what people explain to him, so he can pretend he read a book

>> No.15336317

>a fortnight
Negro I stopped lurking and started posting 2 days ago. You trannies are on one, for real.

>> No.15336363

One shouldn't count shoulder press in their 1000lbs club. It's bench, squat and deadlift.

>> No.15336372

>/sffg/ knowing what 1/2/3/4 is

>> No.15336396

I've seen a lot of people who like this but I just can't bring myself to touch litrpg

>> No.15336432

If you're referring to the first two short story collections I respectfully disagree
If you mean the series proper it's probably because Sapkowski had a neat idea but lacked either the forethought or practical skill to write a saga about a loner monster hunter who stops being a loner and kills fewer monsters

>> No.15336448

I don't deny anything. I haven't gone as deep into sff as I'd like. I'd very much like to read something good if you have suggestions.

>> No.15336456

We were >>>/fitlit/ for a day afterall.

>> No.15336524
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>> No.15336617

>not lifting away the pain of losing a sci fi reading gf

>> No.15336635

Did you see how her character spiraled at the end of volume one? She went from a head strong woman who wants to do stuff herself, into a feminist.

>> No.15336636

>sci fi reading gf
There come a momwnr when these fantasies become harmful you poor soul.

>> No.15336686
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I was with her for a month and cried on a bi weekly basis for almost a year.
Lifting was the only thing that made me smile during that.

>> No.15336712

Just read The Dark Forest, and I was fucked lied to. Three-Body Problem is shit compared to this, the sequel is way fucking better.

>> No.15336733

Is podium publishing's publisher packs the best self published has to offer? I read three of their packs so far and they were great. I'm wondering if I can just pick up their publishers pack and expect good quality.

>> No.15336746

>reading 3 meme problem

>> No.15336761

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

>> No.15336767

The first book sets expectations really fucking low, but the second book is actually good.

>> No.15336779

Yeah Dark Forest and the third one are fucking amazing compared to 3BP.

>> No.15336789

I'm really scared of continuing actually, because Dark Forest ended on such a high note that I'm paranoid that they somehow fuck it up. Thanks for the confidence though.

>> No.15336831

I've never even met a woman who reads sci-fi. Not even bad sci-fi, just no sci-fi period.
I'm e-friends with a /lit/ girl who is more /lit/ than anyone else I'll meet but she doesn't read fiction.

>> No.15336921

there were threads on this before. chinese and western readers on lit critically agreed that TBP and DE were both weak. the former for feeling like a draft, the second for being too long with embarassingly cartoonish characterization and sociology.

>> No.15336982
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I've also stuck it in a girl who likes the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, but she's a bitch. Seeing that book by her bed almost made me want to get back together with her.
But about the ex i still miss. Yeah, it's rare, and it's been hard to explain to my friends why i felt the way i did, so i just dropped the subject.
It's a bad feeling, trying to date someone that's not her and being utterly bored, it's also unfair to those girls for me to compare them to her. Not that i'm successful with girls anyway.
At this point i just appreciate that she exists and that we spent some wonderful time together.

>> No.15336992

Back to being a little worried. I really don't want Dark Forest to be ruined for me, and it really depends on Death's End. There's also an extra book called The Redemption of Time. How's that one?

>> No.15337041

>At this point i just appreciate that she exists and that we spent some wonderful time together.
So she isn't dead? Fuck, give me back my sympathy.

>> No.15337074

Hey, you can have it. She's alive and hopefully well, shit just didn't work out.

>> No.15337084

Meh, it's used goods now

>> No.15337194

>three hand pussy

>> No.15337240
File: 176 KB, 318x475, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone familiar with the Emaneska series? The first book showed up as an Amazon ad but the cover was good enough to catch my eye. Just wondering if it's worth reading or not

>> No.15337286

>ben galley

>> No.15337669

What's everyone reading?

>> No.15337820

Sword of Kaigen. It's got literal dive bombing ninjas, medieval sword master society alongside cell phone towers. Idk, it's solid, but for pure enjoyment I'd say 3/5.

>> No.15337928

>Sword of Kaigen
By Mai Long Wang

>> No.15338035

I tried The Bone Ships and what a ride it is.
And no I do not mean it in a good way.

>> No.15338063
File: 66 KB, 308x577, phew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15338066

A ride without lube?

>> No.15338075

>dr who

>> No.15338092

Don't be like that.

>> No.15338105

The art on this is horrendous
>tfw judging a book by its cover

>> No.15338122

Yeah some of the books have been surprisingly decent. I'm not the biggest fan of this one, however.

>> No.15338127

Citadel of the Autarch. I'm trying to find the rest of the Solar Cycle in Spanish in ebook form and it is fucking difficult. I suppose I was lucky to find BotNS and UotNS in Spanish.

>> No.15338132

A dry ride would be extremely painful.

>> No.15338206

A book about slut birds looking for a dicking.

>> No.15338386

you type english fine enough, why spanish? after botns, the rest of the solar cycle becomes much easier to read.

>> No.15338579

Ze Tian Ji/Way of Choices:
I keep meaning to read something else but I end up coming back and reading more of this anyway.
It's perhaps the slowest paced work of fantasy ever (hence why I was breaking it up with other stuff) but there's something magical about it that shines through even past all of the obvious issues of a semi-professional translation of Chinese.
It takes the usual xianxia stuff of cultivation, power levels, magic schools and tournaments and turns it into something totally unique. It's a work that spends 300 pages on something that would last about 30 pages in other works within the genre and somehow doesn't end up feeling indulgent or like it's dragging.
Honestly fascinated at how it was one of the first entries in the genre to get a tv adaptation when so much of the appeal here stems almost entirely from stuff that can't be translated from the page.

>> No.15338984

Don't defile the Night Land fan art with your shitty discord link.

>> No.15339016

Blood Music by Greg Bear

>> No.15339268

It's more for someone else that's reading along. Although the Spanish translation is very accurate. With the exception of a name or two that must be translated, everything else is pretty much exactly the way it should be.

>> No.15339480

So far I don't know what I've gotten into.

>> No.15339529

shadow and claw because I'm a newfag (at in regards to fantasy). I can't really describe it, but I can feel that there is something special about Wolfe's prose; I find myself reading far more closely than I would with any other author.

>> No.15339562

can you post an example of the spanish including some dense words? spanishs largest dictionary is still only 90k words afaik so id like to see how obscure english words are expressed.

>> No.15339933

>Come back to /sffg/ after a few years
>There's a discord link in OP
This general has really fallen. When did the discord trannies invade?

>> No.15339940

Not this shit again. We're finally talking about sf & f again. Fuck off back to outer lit, homo. Or check the previous thread, and the one before that until you have your answers.

>> No.15339944

>The wind whipped Agia's chestnut hair as she looked back at us

>> No.15339962

>obscure english words
Most obscure words have Latin or Greek roots, easily recognizable by a Spanish reader that's not braindead.
A ton of word appearing in both English dictionaries and BotNS are borrowed from other languages, like oubliette (an easy one) which is a French word, same as oriflamme, barbican, etc.

>> No.15340077

Sure. Here's an excerpt in English, then in Spanish, from CotA, Ch. 1 - The Dead Soldier (El soldado muerto)

>The men who followed him on foot were antepilani of the heavy infantry, big shouldered and narrow waisted, with sun-bronzed, expressionless faces. They carried three-pointed korsekes, demilunes, and heavy-headed voulges. This mixture of armaments, as well as certain discrepancies among their badges and accoutrements, led me to believe that their mora was made up of the remains of earlier formations. If that were so, the fighting they must have seen had left them phlegmatic.

>Los hombres que lo seguían eran antepilanos de la infantería pesada, de hombros anchos y cintura angosta, con caras bronceadas e inexpresivas. Llevaban korsekes de tres puntas, escarcinas y alabardas de pesada cabeza. Esta mezcla de armamentos, así como ciertas discrepancias entre las insignias y equipos, me indujo a creer que en sus filas había restos de formaciones anteriores. Si ése era el caso, los combates que debían haber visto los habían dejado flemáticos.

>> No.15340093

Anyone read The Black Company? How did you like it?

>> No.15340094

In the biggest Spanish dictionaries, do words like these and the names for ancient animals appear?

>> No.15340137

>mazmorra secreta
I don't know if they appear in dictionaries, but they do exist at the very least.

>> No.15340157

Oh scratch that. Damn, a lot of the flavor and specificity is lost in translation.

>> No.15340175

Usually no. English is more of a Frankenstein monster in that sense.
For example, in Spanish, oubliette translates to "calabozo" or "mazmorra" which are already borrowed from Arabic and either is different enough from another synonym of prison ("prisión", "cárcel", both with Latin roots), so it would make no sense to borrow a second word from French.
Barbican is French for an Arabic word, and since Spanish borrowed heavily from Arabic, there's a direct translation ("barbacana"). Oriflamme comes from the Latin words for gold and flame, so Spanish has "oriflama".

>> No.15340184

>Spanish borrowed heavily from Arabic
That tends to happen to any country that was conquered for centuries.

>> No.15340260

Having it borrowed from Arabic sounds fine sometimes, but since BotNS is heavily inspired by the French gothic, using the French evokes different associations and imagery, and is more faithful to Wolfe's design, if more inconvenient for the reader.

Using a semi-rare Arabic origin word over French seems a weaker choice, except in cases where it would be superior for evoking a certain tone, like the alienness and vilification of such a prison, the way Native American shrines were once referred to as mosques. But since oubliette refers to an place on the Autarch's grounds afaicr, oubliette would have made more sense. If the origin of the Arabic is invisible or just normal to most people, I suppose it doesn't really matter.

>> No.15340263

Lost how? I'm genuinely curious, since Spanish is my native language, but I've spoken English since I was about 4 or 5yo. I'm approaching my 30s now. It seems to me that most of the idea is coveyed accurately, although at times the translator does a little more if he must, to make sure it works. For example: 6 pages in English may take 7 in Spanish to get the exact point across.

>> No.15340306

altered carbon

>> No.15340339

Yes, of course. However it's hardly relevant considering those words are translations of a translation.
The worst offenders in that quote are probably voulge, mora and accoutrement.
Korseke has no direct translation to Spanish. "Equipo" is too vague and loses the allusive imagery and voulges are just one shape for a pole arm or halberd. Demilune is just a halberd with a crescent shaped blade, and an "escarcina" is actually a curved saber like sword, while the English ver. clearly alludes to a pole arm. So there's a clear mistake.
In either case, it's very unlikely the soldiers carried chain or plate mail, metal weapons attached to wooden poles, etc. or marched in a Spartan column. The translations of a translation aspect works for some too.
Nigga wat. The oubliette is a rocket shaped space ship**, what does a French Gothic landscape has to do with anything.
I would never read it in Spanish, but yeah, it does fail quite a bit. Oubliette and calabozo mean exactly the same for the most part (both gloomy underground prisons), but there's a definition for oubliette that mentions the access-point being a trap door in the ceiling (**hint hint) which obviously is lost in the Spanish use of calabozo or mazmorra.

>> No.15340392

>alabarda v voulge
afaict in spanish dictionaries, this refers to halberds, but wolfes english choice voulge refers to a weapon, although functionally similar, looks nastier and cruder, which evokes a different image.

>equipos v accoutrements
this is plain comparatively, with the french having a more bizarre and poetic tone.

>filas vs mora
mora here evokes ancient sparta, and also delivers a pun for a latin word meaning 'delay', offering an impressive evocation of standardized discipline countered by the futilities that arise in battle.

overall the english delivers a more baroque and weird array of evocations.

>> No.15340399

its great, check it out. the ending drops the ball a bit, but still satisfying

>> No.15340415

yes, within the autarchs domain. are you aware of wolfes french literary influences? theyre pretty damn relevant to his vision.

>> No.15340434

>"Equipo" is too vague and loses the allusive imagery
its more than that though. wolfe does a lot of dense punning, admittedly some words he used he may have offered puns by accident, but a lot of it deliberate (think of his take on the tree of life).

>> No.15340487

I only know about Proust tbqh. Are there others? In In Search of Lost Time, most landscapes are Northern and provincial. Paris is only alluded in like book 5 but I guess Gothic inspired churches were in other parts as well.
>the tree of life
I'm not sure I follow. Remind me where is that coming from? I don't recall a tree in New Sun but my memory sucks.

>> No.15340671

Dune fucking sucks ass, how can anyone read it? Even pulp fantasy has better worldbuilding, this is nonsensical.

>> No.15340756

I read it when I was a lot younger and remember loving the whole series. I can barely even remember it anymore though, I guess I have shit memory

>> No.15340916

Deaths end is better than 3BP even though youll hate the main character 100%. It has a fairly good number of good ideas imho so youll like it if you are into "mind candy".

Redemption of time is fanfiction and it fucking shows Dont bother .

>> No.15340931
File: 35 KB, 315x499, 51XSzBCxC-L._SX313_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody even read L Ron Hubbards sci-fi books?

>> No.15341002


>> No.15341012


>> No.15341013

I read battlefield, it was ok, there are better books, would not recommend.

>> No.15341019

Huh, well a lot of the stuff you guys pointed out went right over my head. If you'd like me to post anything specific you might be curious about, let me know! It'll likely be in the new general by then.

>> No.15341068

next thread will be worse
abandon all hope ye who post here

>> No.15341096

someone make the new one

>> No.15341098

Why don't you post and try to make it better, friend. >>15341083 new thread up

>> No.15341109

>doesn't even have sffg in the subject
>irrelevant image
>posted too early
continue on with your one man wrecking spree, only you can kill us and finally set us free by making the thread forever. never let anyone else make it and continue on for many years to come doing so.

>> No.15341170

idk im seeing good discussion and a lot of different ip's in spite of your naysaying.

>> No.15341259

New thread, can we get back to normal now please?

>> No.15341329

^There lies trannies and Sandersonfag

The real new sffg:

>> No.15341345

God you are a pathetic twat, why don't you kill yourself? Have you ever wondered why no one likes you and why you have no friends?

>> No.15341383

Naw, people love me! I'm the life of the party. :^)

>> No.15341422

No you're a just a retard that everyone laughs at not with.

>> No.15341507

No. It was trash all the way through.