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/lit/ - Literature

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15339677 No.15339677 [Reply] [Original]

>how you're holding up under the lockdown
>current book

>> No.15339686

>dreams of amputation

>> No.15339694

> 19
> I'm fine. wish I could get a job and move out
> crime and punishment, the republic, east of Eden (I only started reading recently)

>> No.15339695

I;m thinking about thos Beans
The Street of Crocodiles

>> No.15339705

>Miss some of my friends but pretty good all things considered
>Eye of The World, Conquest of Bread

>> No.15339708

Are the people writing these articles also the ones making these threads

>> No.15339715

>excruciating pain
>summaries of books on Wikipedia to then pretend I read them on /lit/

>> No.15339723

>I want to divorce my wife but I don't have the balls to do it
>crooked house by Agatha christie

>> No.15339725

>Same as >>15339694, but I'm reading, writing, watching movies, learning to code, and am planning a short film, so this time is productive. Unfortunately, it's so loud in my house
>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.15339727

>Working out and getting wasted
>Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma, and the Last Stand of the Aztecs

>> No.15339738

>impossible and meaningless question
>Twilight of the Idols

>> No.15339740

>8 1/2
>pretty good

>> No.15339745

whyd you marry her?

>> No.15339747

>Wanted to get out and start socializing living for once the last remainder of my youth. Corona happens. Devastated.
>Lot 49

>> No.15339753

>pretty good, flew back home for my birthday
>The Holotropic Mind

>> No.15339756

>Big Chungus
>The Adventures of Big Chungus and Chungleberry Finn

>> No.15339759

article is fake
>19, 19, 21, 22
fuck, I'll be older than all of these guys in like 2 years from now. Guess that means it's really my time to finally leave, damn, this board and /sci/ are my last boards I'm leaving for good since I've quit all the other ones. Thanks for the book recommendations I guess.
>I'm holding up alright
>waiting for Gene Wolfe book, amazon is so slow now
Bye bros

>> No.15339769

>Miss friends and I want a job. Sucks.
>The Labyrinth of Solitude, (a signed copy of) Hard Times

>> No.15339800

>going back to school next week because my program was deemed essential
>just finished The Tain

>> No.15339825

>foggy mind and alone. Before this I for was once feeling I was starting to hold a grasp on life but now I'm even more lost than before and feel like whining waste
>nicomachean ethics

>> No.15339830

I want to kill myself but for different reasons
Sex and Character

>> No.15339834

see you tomorrow anon

>> No.15339849

you live near me? I'll see you when I go to the store or something. Say hi though, I don't know who you are.

>> No.15339852

phenomenology of spirit
i wish i could stop masturbating

>> No.15339876

>Finishing off some work on essays due on for my degree, and then continuing work on an article on Shakespeare in the Bloomean tradition I’m writing
>Gutenberg Galaxy, The Recognitions, Hegel, Deleuze, and the Critique of Representation, re-reading The Henriad also

>> No.15339888

We've been together for 10 years I married her in 2014 because she wanted to be married. I just don't want to be in this house with her anymore, I'm just... bored, I don't feel the same way I do about her.

>> No.15339889

>Experiencing a lot of personal growth and coming to terms with my aspergers diagnosis. Decided to do something with my social skills and have been reading some nice related litterature. I'm doing a graduate degree in economics which is going exceptionally.
>2666 Bollano

>> No.15340010


>> No.15340026

Holy crap is this board young.
No wonder the posting quality is so low.

>> No.15340082

Sounds like your conforming and destroying all that made you unique, nice work anon at least you'll have enough money and a whiny normal average-looking wife.

>> No.15340107

>19 in a few days
>better now that I've finished my uni work for the year at home
>political order and political decay

>> No.15340146

exacerbated underlying mental health issues, readying the noose as we speak / ok, got lots of reading time in
The Beckett trilogy, specifically The Unnamable

>> No.15340206

>terrible because i dread turning 21
>The Ancient City

>> No.15340220

>super happy
>Ludlum: the Lazarus vendetta

>> No.15340248

>21 soon
>starting to break
>nicomachean ethics

>> No.15340258

>>nicomachean ethics
Have you read Plato?

>> No.15340269

how do you cope turning 21 bro

>> No.15340286

here's that reply you were looking for, oldfag

>> No.15340289


>> No.15340347

>Fine, just bored
>Selected Poems by Stefan George

>> No.15340378

only some parts of the Republic

it's tough, i was really looking forward to going out and celebrating with friends. now it's looking like that won't happen for at least a year and i don't know any good substitute. in general, though, i do feel like i'm ready to cross the threshold of adulthood that 21 represents, so i can at least cope with that aspect of it

>> No.15340421

>early 20s
>the fate of reason, the israel lobby, wilhelm meister

>> No.15340465

>just graduated and my next plans fell through so no idea what I'm going to do next. Not super hopeful about job outlook because of the virus
>rereading Against Nature but in French this time

>> No.15340494

Average age is around 24.5 so far. I'm 24. I have to stop coming to this website.

>> No.15340516
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I turn 21 in August, but I graduate college this May. I am very upset where I am in my life. I have done nothing of significance with my life and don't seem like I will soon anyways. My existence is nothing better than a miserable louse's. Every day my the great success I saw in my youth becomes as rare as a hens teeth.

I read hundreds of useless books, while everyone worked towards some specific, tangible goal. I was narcissistic and ridiculous enough to believe I deserve better than a white collar wagie office job where I sit between Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Rubenstein who share the same strain of Tay-Sachs. I have a huge ego and believe I know better than all the boomers, the professors, and zoomers because I believe they are foolishly doomed to irrelevancy for their commerce-centric life, but not I because I believe in virtue and great, heroic deeds.

But what is most disturbing and upsetting to me is that I can't come to grips that I'll never be the youngest star pupil like Alcibiades. Once you are 21, you are an adult with no exceptions. And I have no forthcoming success in my life to replace such a vain and fleeting title. I condemn everyone, but I have nothing to return despite having every opportunity made possible for me.

>> No.15340578

>still live with parents. Trying to get good at math & figure out how to move out/on with my life. First half the day I feel good, second half I'm miserable. Then I watch 2 hours of tv with my dad while we eat the dinner my mom made while she watches people bicker on bravo channel. I tell myself I'll wake up earlier and try harder tomorrow.

>> No.15340587

>alternating between depression and feeling decent
>gravity’s rainbow

>> No.15340642

I'm an essential worker, nothing has changed for me
baumeister's willpower

>> No.15340663

Okay, think I might be dead in the next few weeks.
The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life

>> No.15340736

Good cause I'm drunk all the time
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.15340794

>for unknown reasons, the dread that ive felt in my life for the past year has subsided, and I am happy. I will make as much use of this time as I can
I just finished Conquest of Bread, thinking of either reading Walden or War and Peace. What do you guys think? :)

>> No.15340817

datamining thread
AI bot replies

>> No.15340826

>I am finally free of the endless cycle of work and toil, too exhausted to use my intellect for something useful. I feel better than I have in 12 years. Instead of wasting hours staring at my screen I am checking lit for interesting threads for a few minutes as I get ready for bed after a day of writing, reading, cooking, and spending time when the family.
>Mythology by Hamilton

>> No.15340924

>working, thinking about going back to school for a stem, might do math or some hard science.
>crime and punishment, actually really good.

>> No.15340940


>> No.15341011

Bad, but I live on a couch and I found out my mother and sister are getting kicked out of where they were staying. None of my issues are lockdown related though.
I'm reading a few things; Berserk for fun, the Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology, The Magician's Nephew (so I can go through the Narnia series), and I'm working on building up a digital library since I have an ereader but not many books on it atm.

>> No.15341015

>Fine, but still going into work 3 days a week or so to check up on things/people. Very shaggy and need a haircut however.
>Moby Dick

>> No.15341071

>life is perfect
>Istanbul, Orhan Pamuk

>> No.15341145 [DELETED] 

>defeated, last year I began stagnating and my motivation slowly drifted away, I've been trying to recover it and things might get better for me in a few months, even if I have to redo a semester
>The Once and Future King

>> No.15341158

> 22
> Fine, just waiting for the gym and pub to reopen.
> The Hobbit

>> No.15341165
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>defeated, last year I began stagnating and my motivation slowly drifted away, I've been trying to recover it and things might get better for me in a few months, even if I have to redo a semester
>The Once and Future King

>> No.15341182

please stop making and responding to these blogposting datamining threads

>> No.15341188
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Terrible I need a haircut but I don’t have any means of cutting my won a hair without shaving it all off and I don’t want to do that because I have a giant head
Currently reading short stories by pie. Just finished the masque of red death. It was ok, I preferred the tell-tale heart.

>> No.15341202

>clickbait election year polarization article
>ASL product
>not mining data
Imagine bumping this

>> No.15341204

I'm getting pretty fucking burned out on the stupidity of the people around me, too fucking careless to wear proper protection.
Summer's 78

I don't care/

>> No.15341265


I have a good job and am continuing to get paid almost exorbitant amounts for doing less and less work. Every day is the same and the work itself is unbearably boring. I have been thinking about my ex-gf (broke up about 11 months ago) essentially non-stop. I dream about her very often to the point where I am afraid of going to sleep lest I dream about her again. It's not even like I am starved of a woman's touch, I have been sexually active throughout the past year including as late as the first week of March. I am just slowly resigning myself to a total and complete inability to form an authentic relationship with women due to the extreme commodification of contemporary sexuality. It's like negative dialectics on crack.

James and the Giant Peach

>> No.15341301

>the tempest

>> No.15341402 [DELETED] 

>how you're holding up under the lockdown
playin fortnite and liznin to rap haha,,
>current book
moby dick you moFO

>> No.15341458

I was supposed to end uni this year but all my plans got JUSTed hard
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

>> No.15341463

So stop condemning everyone and yourself.

>> No.15341491

Fine, don't wanna go back to work ever
Passing, A Visit From the Goon Squad, both for class

>> No.15341527

>drinking way more than usual, which was alot to start with, realising now more than ever that i need to get out of the city
>crime and punishment, kind of sad that i wont have any more dostevsky to read after this

>> No.15341531

Pretty good, I can make my girlfriend come closer to me by wagging my dick, like it doesn't even matter if she's mad at me or anything, I just wag it at her and she gets all close and horny. It's our thing. ;3

She is an asshole to me too sometimes, I'm not so stupid to think that women are perfect 100% of the time, but she is awesome like that.


Roger Bacon - Opus Majus
Jacob Marschak - Economics, Information, Decision, and Prediction
Nicolaus Copernicus - Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres
Jeremy Bentham - Economic Writings vol.1 (currently Manual of Political Economy)
Aristotle - Sophistical Elenchii

>> No.15341533
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You sound a lot like me when I was your age. If I could give young me any advice, I would remind him that he is still young as fuck and has plenty of time to get shit done, but don't use that as an excuse to do nothing because it will bite you in the ass when you least expect it.

>> No.15341873

Lockdown easing, get to see my fellas again and play boardgames

>> No.15341880

クンヤンの女王 (Queen of Kn-Yan)

>> No.15341937

Good and bad, I've been writing in a feverish pace these last days, managed to write 20 pages for a novel, which I actually feel quite proud over, considering I usually hate everything I write I am satisfied.
On the other hand I started drinking and abusing hash and stimulants again.
Technological Society

>> No.15341964

>Pretty good. I work from home so not much has changed for me.
>God Emperor of Dune

>> No.15341996

I think you mean 'boomer'; 'oldfag' is not supposed to be an insult.

>> No.15342001

>pretty well

>> No.15342014

>finishing at 21

I haven't even started and I'm 20 soon. fuckckkcfgfjighfighdfl

>> No.15342115

>I love it. Lamenting the day it stops. Wish we could stay like this for a year or so.
> As I Lay Dying, The Strange Death of Europe, Phaedo

>> No.15342129


>> No.15342130

Cheat and leave

>> No.15342260

im essential warehouse slave, way overqualified as well
the picture of dorian gay

>> No.15342274

getting bored, wish people here would bother following guidelines, its just gonna get second waved to shit
lime twig

>> No.15342421

>lockdown made me quit my degenerate habits, so good.
>The Birth of Tragedy

>> No.15342432


>> No.15342478
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>I have been drafted by may farther to help redecorate 3 bedrooms, the reception room and two bathrooms at our family home. Having a lot of fun and bonding over our mutual frustrations with academia (he's a retired professor and i'm a student)
> 'In the Flow' by Boris Groys and 2666 and some of Kant's Critique of Judgement

>> No.15342547

Pretty good, working on my online exams so busy but still fairly happy, my housemates are still around so I’m not alone.
Moby Dick with the reading group, Frankenstein

>> No.15342560

>Really missing hiking around outdoors
>The glass book of the dream eaters

I loved the Tain, what did you think?

>> No.15342593

wifey wanked me off earlier, everything's good
South Sea Tales by Robert Louis Stevenson

>> No.15342632

>I've got over the whole shenanigans mentioned in last post like this, cruising my dude. Very nice!
Big feels man. Same. Fuck coronavirus.

>finishing off the davinci code

>> No.15342658

>Intensely bored, regret having a family this early.
>Machiavelli's Art of War

>> No.15342713

>not great. Finished everything I actually need to do so now mostly just drinking. Thinking about writing a piece on the fiasco with the ECB and the German constitutional court to kill a few days.
>Antifragile, Grimscribe and Anna Karenina

>> No.15342808
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I don't have exams any more and I have nowhere to go, so I've decided to finally pursue my dream and start learning ancient Greek.
Currently rereading the Nibelungenlied. After that I plan on reading the Epic of Manas.

This summer is going to be great.

>> No.15342844

>>finishing at 21
he's finishing at 20, better get to work on the reading comprehension bud

>> No.15342890
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> 18
> havent left the stables in 1.5months. fine
> On Killing, Divine Comedy (purgatory, took a big break after finishing inferno), Akutagava's 600p short stories collection about half if it already read
i dropped Death on credit halfway in because somehow it was indigestable. may be the translation, that prose style is too retarded to go on for 500 pages

>> No.15343345

>Bretty gud
>American Psycho

>> No.15344551

> 24
> almost losing my mind
> i can't read. feels like having an extreme quarantine.

>> No.15344883

>a bit listless
>Catch 22, Algebraic Geometry

>> No.15344895 [DELETED] 

>Just chillin with online learning and somewhat lazy, trying to catch up on some content on Netflix
>We, Little Women, and Entertaining Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (not reading as much as I should though)

>> No.15345073

>NEET, I'm okay, makes no difference
>Illuminatus Trilogy

>> No.15345179

Better to seed them with totally fabricated data, no?

>> No.15345221

No, better to cut out the cancer and ban this blatant fuckery.

>> No.15345241

>never been better, I wish the lockdown would last forever
>Albertine disparue and hegel's science of logic

>> No.15345273

>>never been better, I wish the lockdown would last forever

Under 18

>i dropped Death on credit halfway in because somehow it was indigestable. may be the translation, that prose style is too retarded to go on for 500 pages
Really? Did you like Journey?

>> No.15345281

>I don't even know anymore.
>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.15345753
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>struggled at first, but am now getting my shut under control
>I, Claudius

>> No.15345781
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>working from home, lifting weights, nothing's really changed
>Two Years Before the Mast

>> No.15345792

> working on my packet to join the army as an officer and ultimately chase after becoming a green beret. Feeling uneasy about the entire process and the loss of freedom. Also weighing if I should move to Austin TX and live on a ranch with my mentor as I work tirelessly to learn the ropes of a business he is willing to fund once I learn enough and break off on my own. Only girl I’ve ever loved recently contacted me. It’s clear I am still important to her. Speaking with her has rekindled emotions within the depth of my soul. She represents the most meaningful time period of my life. That level of meaning has been something I have chased after for years. I constantly feel as if everything pales in comparison to the entirety of the situation I was in at the point in my life. I truly wonder if I will ever be able to experience what I did many years ago.
>master and the margarita

>> No.15345802

>learn the ropes of a business
What's the business anon

>> No.15345805
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>> No.15345826

> 27
> I’m about to start taking classes again but I didn’t even know what
I’m doing with my life anymore and I have no idea what I want to do. I don’t mind quarantine much but I’ve been lazier than usual and doing things I haven’t done in years.
> I haven’t read in 2 weeks

>> No.15345838

>got laid off at the end of March, spent most of lockdown looking for a job
>The Black Swan

>> No.15345872

>mastering emotional control around dysfunctional narcissistic family; exhausted.
>war and peace; plays by esquilo, sofocles & euripedes

>> No.15345905

same as this guy
should write my thesis but i dont understand shit about the papers im supposed to read

>> No.15345927

meh, to little work
Decameron, Dutch translation.

>> No.15345944

>Lockdown is over here, reunited with all my friends the past week, had a great time
>Destruction and Sorrow Beneath the Heavens and Brothers Karamazov

>> No.15345960

>Ups and downs
>Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Dagon and other stories

>> No.15345977

the average lit user

>> No.15345985

>I'll be older than all of these guys in like 2 years from now
nobody tell him
i guess /sci/ can't do basic math

>> No.15346025

The odyssey
I’m chillen for now

>> No.15346033

there is a psychological reason for this, if she is not having kids then your monkey brain thinks she is infertile. the answer is have a ton of kids

>> No.15346061

Imma keep it G anon, you sound passive and defeated. Take control of your life and remember, you can do whatever the FUCK you wanna do

>> No.15346103

>chilling mostly, miss my friends and time is wasted a lot easier but I am enjoying the time to myself
>ccru collected writings

>> No.15346157

He was saying that if all these anons aged two years, then he'd still be older than them at his current age.

Sorry anon, you're the retard here

>> No.15346226

Still working but no friends, which is nothing new
Carrion Comfort

>> No.15346232

>working out, vidya, and contributing to the Coronameron. Gud but could be better
>Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.15346265

>Wonderful. Hardly mind the shut down though open is better than closed at this point.
>A Confession by Leo Tolstoy

>> No.15346272

Freight brokerage sir

>> No.15346280

>living with mentally disturbed family
>Libra by DeLillo

Been wanting to read this. Is it good?

>> No.15346424

>Bit stressed, though feel I should be more stressed or at least have been more urgent with how I've been going about since the schools shut down. Finishing a-levels this year and since I completely fucked up my mocks I thought I had another chance and just do a load of essays while in lock down before the grades get sent off. Turns out I've managed about 4 since like mid-March. Working on a Hamlet one that I wanted to have done like Tuesday last week though the rate I'm going ill be happy having it ready this Sunday. Really can't be bothered with school anymore. It is mental like how school completely fucks off any interest for learning outside of it tho. Like I didn't read anything from like age 11 when it started being proper English literature and what have you and only started again last August when I got given the Hobbit. Also interesting how since I've started reading loads by myself any energy in school has completely fucked off. Somehow since I've started reading Shakespeare by myself I've got worse at writing about Shakespeare. It's weird like I got sent an unseen question to do that was an extract from grapes of wrath and I was like nice one I've read that and love the book this should be easy as piss. I felt fucking felt ill writing about it, it's like school is designed to take any and all beauty out of literature and turn it into fucking one of them oil balls you get in London sewers. Got a B tho so I'm not complaining. Not going uni partly because I don't want to be in debt, partly because there's nothing Id want to study mainly because I have like no career aspirations, and partly because I'm an absolute social retard who had like maybe 5 conversation in the past year and a half at college. Its mainly down to me just outright refusing to be the first to talk and when someone does say something I give them like the most short and dry answer possible. So yeh nah at least I'm not blaming anyone for me being a fucking mong. Feeling pretty directionless too, like I said there's literally no kind of work I'm interested in, I feel I'd just hate any job the same as another so fuckin yeh I'm not bothered as long as I can have something that pays enough to like have a cheap flat, be able to go gym, buy a load of chicken breast and have enough left over for some bookie wookies. Been writing poetry for a couple months, think it's going alright, seen I've got from getting outright laughed at in crit threads to getting praised fairly consistently so am happy with that, even if I still have like nothing to write about, also having a go at writing a short story even though as always I've got fuck all ideas to actually put in it. Happy the UFC's back on even though it really fuckin shouldn't be, and the fact that my boy Tony lost and we will never get him against Khabib, probably the saddest thing I've ever seen in MMA. I couldn't even watch to the end of the because I'm that much of a pussy.
>The Red and The Black

>> No.15346580

>i wish i were dead or had enough of a salary to afford to live on my own and have savings, being confined with my parents is fucking awful. it's so difficult to be productive
>finishing up shakespeare's pericles, trying to hop back on the moby dick reading month train

>> No.15346605


>> No.15346619

>bored by uni
>critique of pure reason

>> No.15346750

I just emerged from a month and a half long prostitution bender in which I blew 1.3K on expensive city escorts. I feel queasy about my lack of self control. COVID I couldn't give less of a shit about.
Outlines of Pyrrhonism

>> No.15346773

>>i wish i were dead or had enough of a salary to afford to live on my own and have savings, being confined with my parents is fucking awful. it's so difficult to be productive
That’s a pretty big variation there. Anyway, what are you doing currently?

>> No.15346820
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>it's meh. working from home in wageslave job
>gravity's rainbow

>> No.15346839

Wtf this is literally me

>> No.15346844

>ok, i've been a shut in since puberty

>> No.15346848

>annoyed at how little has changed
>The Cantos - Pound, The Divine Comedy

>> No.15346925

(((Avi Rubin))) the eternal jew spreads his filth again.

>> No.15346941

You read any Land?

>> No.15346965

>Very cozy, baking and cuddling with my boyfriend a lot
>The Sacred History

>> No.15346977

I, Claudius is great, heard of Empire of the Atom?

>> No.15346985

Lockdown? Lmao what kind of third world shithole do you think I live in
>Medieval Latrines and the Law

>> No.15347036

>great except for the fact I lost my job and can't get unemployment benefits
>Ulysses, re-reading Madame Bovary

>> No.15347049
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>in pain, have a stomach ulcer

>> No.15347054
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>I don't wanna do yard work
>A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson

>> No.15347061


>> No.15347069

>I'm going to kill myself via gun on July 13

>> No.15347093

>14, I mean 18
Pretty well
>No Country for Old Men and Sun&Steel

>> No.15347100

How are you guys in relationships but dont live with your gf coping ?

>> No.15347186

Nah bro don't do it.

>> No.15347207

Hear me out.


>> No.15347276

holy shit I hated that steaming pile of garbage

>> No.15347297

>Online testing is broke
>Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog Somewhere Beyond Death

>> No.15347321

There's no need to.
You can solve it in any other way.

>> No.15347325

>recently got a raise and promotion. Working remote as I like and only coming into the office for meetings.
>The Federalist Papers and Seneca’s letters

>> No.15347437

>very good, got another job due to it and finally have the time to fix all my shit

>> No.15347472


>> No.15347485

I envy you, having managed to have a family at that age, I am afraid I will never have one

>> No.15347519


>> No.15347638

practice manager of a medical office, we are open
reading tom hollands book on early islam

>> No.15347650

>Just fine
>Men Among The Ruins

>> No.15347675

Favorite Evola by far. Read any Cioran?

>> No.15347718

>having a family this early.
whats it like

>> No.15347745

>really good, mainly because there's no school for another five weeks or so which means i can play shit tons of OW
>Phaedros, The Republic, The Idiot

>> No.15347766

I feel like an mc in a Houellebecq novel.
Portrait of the artist

>> No.15347773

>Just working on my 1,000 page masterpiece. Expect it to be finish by the weekend wherein I shall burn it so that no other human may see.
>Ulysses (5th rereading), The Man Without Qualities (2nd rereading), and Green Eggs and Ham (first time with this subtle masterpiece)

>> No.15347778
File: 100 KB, 750x683, EXNYLV5XQAEMeJ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are wholly meaningless. Post and leave, self gratification nonsense. Does anybody even stick around?

>> No.15347812


I do. Interesting to see what people are reading.

>> No.15347855

You try to talk to people and they just aren't there. They don't give a shit. They probably don't even exist, and if they do they aren't even reading what they say they are.

>> No.15347872

I post multiple fake ones in each thread to screw up the kikes' datamining.

>> No.15347873
File: 297 KB, 604x403, 1570613636235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chillin but really afraid that quarantine would be down in a few weeks
>Mathematical and Philosophical Logic, History of Western Philosopy, The Frogs by Aristophanes

>> No.15347876

>I should have finished with college already but I never liked going to certain classes
>The Castle

>> No.15347885

how was it?

>> No.15347893

grow up
nothing matters at all ever

>> No.15347895

how was what?

>> No.15347937

right now i'm unemployed and the job market has gone from bad to worse due to this covid shit

>> No.15347964

Yeah, it sucks. I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself for still living with your parents given the situation though. Did you go to college or trade school or anything?

>> No.15347987

i have a bachelor's in fine art but it doesn't seem to have been the best choice. granted, i genuinely enjoy having the skillset but it's frustrating not knowing how to make a stable living. making it in the art world requires a lot luck and risk, something which (as cliche as it sounds) i don't seem to have enough of...

>> No.15348020

Cringe image but based >READAN. I finished watching the Kizu movies a few days ago, and I felt that it lacked the drawn-out conversations and internal monologues that gives the series its charm (and brings depth to the characters). Something tells me that it's probably just a problem with the adaptation. Are you finding that to be the case?