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15336204 No.15336204[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>philosophy spends 2,000+ years laboriously toiling over the mysteries of life and our origins
>can't come up with anything
>science explains it all in a 10 minute video
not a good look, philfags.

>> No.15336230

I'm literally a "scientist" (meaningless term btw) and I enjoy philosophy. I don't think anyone but spergs tries to compare philosophy and science, they're too different things.

>> No.15336232

You got me there. I cant cope.

>> No.15336239

True. 4chin is the land of the sperg unfortunately.

What if we had a normiechan...?

>> No.15336265

>posting from phone
>starts with "the universe started"
>not answering any question of "why," merely pushing it back farther

>> No.15336273
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Still one of my favorite

>> No.15336293

cuckzegat shill, fuck off

>you're alive because of ATP bro, isn't that wonderful?
>what is ATP? what is energy?

>> No.15336297

>in the beginning gob (the dead universe) allowed cells and ATP to form
There be your god

>> No.15336300

you aren't actually a scientist

The whole video is explaining the "why". Dead universe becomes live universe for a bit. Laws of physics compels certain chemical behavior from the live universe bits for a while, then live universe bits go back to being dead universe.

and we literally have scientific data demonstrating this.

>> No.15336306

Hahah cope

>> No.15336333

>can't even explain how a fucking magnet works
GG, I'll stick with Aristotle.

>> No.15336341

Isn't rationality in the abstract a product of philosophy? So intuition should be alone on the bottom?

>> No.15336351
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>The whole video is explaining the "why". Dead universe becomes live universe for a bit. Laws of physics compels certain chemical behavior from the live universe bits for a while, then live universe bits go back to being dead universe.

You don't honestly think that counts as a "why" answer, do you? Are you that stupid?

>> No.15336359

>Being is water... um, I mean ATP

literally as much explanatory power as an uncharitable reading of the Pre-Socratics, kill yourself

>> No.15336362

>I'm literally a "scientist" (meaningless term btw)
( X )

>> No.15336373

>I don’t understand the theory so it has no substance

>> No.15336399

it's the same immanentized spinozist "the universe is self organizing matter/energy/substance etc." trash we've been reading for centuries, and you call yourself a seeker of truth. kill yourself

>> No.15336400
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HA. Like “In the beginning god made everything up himself” is any better a cosmology.
“Atoms” or particles, as it turned out.
>Kill yourself
I’m not a part of your death cult, anon. That wouldn’t make any sense.

>( X )
Is this you aiming your penis at him?

>> No.15336416

>it's the same immanentized spinozist "the universe is self organizing matter/energy/substance etc." trash we've been reading for centuries
This is what I meant about not understanding it

>> No.15336437

>Thales was talking about atoms bro

Shut up you fucking nerd

>> No.15336443

>Universe wills itself into being
We figured this out thousands of years ago, scifags. Read more.

>> No.15336445
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At the sight of a transsexual, the philosopher will ask "what the fuck is this?" while the scientist will enquire "how does it work?"

>> No.15336451

>Thales was talking about atoms bro
If only he was he would’ve been right. philosocucks can’t even read lol

>> No.15336459

Why are you on /lit/, braincicle?
Democritus and Epicurus have been proven right

>> No.15336464

obvious bait

>> No.15336468
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>Democritus and Epicurus have been proven right

>> No.15336480

I think the first thing to keep in mind is the fact that philosophy and science were synonymous during much of the human mental journey. You may say "philosophy spent 2000 years debating this issue without getting results", but it does not make much sense, since science was struggling for much of that time to fish for the same results.

Second, it is certain that the role of revealing the truth about nature and universal phenomena today is undeniably the role of science. However, philosophy is a pleasant and thought-provoking occupation for all sorts of people who enjoy thinking only for the pleasure of thinking, whether they are poets, doctors, physicists, chemists, film directors, etc, etc. Philosophy is a kind of literature that creates characters and plots based on ideas; it is something like poetry that creates metaphors with abstract concepts. Many scientists enjoy doing philosophy not in order to reach a definitive and irrefutable conclusion about nature or life, but only for the pleasure of exercising the voice of the neurons, the pulsation of the brain gyres, the setting on fire of the brain-spinal fluids. Philosophy, from this perspective, is a way of producing mental pleasure, something like a game played not with muscles and body movements, but with creativity and reasoning.

Not to mention fields where philosophy is still relevant. Take fields like ethics, law, language, among others. Ethics and law are human inventions, not natural phenomena. Thus, there is nothing you will discover in nature that will refine such fields, but only the investigation of our own species, our own history and our social journey.

I am not trying to defend philosophy because I study philosophy or work with philosophy. Honestly, if I were to dedicate myself to something other than literature and my current profession (Law) I would study something in STEM. Also, most of my reading is fiction, poetry and literary criticism, not philosophy. However, I believe that philosophy is very relevant for great minds, as is the case with Einstein. For brains like this, philosophy did not have to "serve something" or "be of use". It was often just a way to pass the time, but much more profitable, advantageous and beneficial than playing video games, for example.

>> No.15336486

>Pre-microscope civilization happens upon atomic theory
>well akshully... NO!
Stfu, braincicle

>> No.15336498

>can be split into constituent parts
fuck.... we got too cocky atomistbros...

>> No.15336522

It doesn’t disprove the ancient theory. Microscopes add more depth to it. Get your head out of your ass

>> No.15336550

>atoms being splittable doesn’t disprove the theory that atoms can’t be split
so this... is the power... of ancient philosophy

>> No.15336557

Someone actually looking for a why to live will likely find this video lacking.

So what I'm basically a big Rube-Goldberg machine? How does this answer a why?

>> No.15336565

>I’m going to keep pretending to not understand any of this
>Praise Plato in Jesus name, amen.

>> No.15336599

Anon... just because we call them "atoms" doesn't mean they are actually atoms like Democritus said they were.
We just stole the name to use for really small things, but he was still fundamentally wrong.

>> No.15336616
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Where was he fundamentally wrong?
>We just stole the name.
Right, so we could apply the name to the smaller particles, I know. Fundamentally right.

>> No.15336638
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I'm a STEM major and Kurzgesagt is peak pseud cringe. Fuck positivists

>> No.15336661

>Where was he fundamentally wrong?
Every single detail of his “””theory”””

>> No.15336671


more like sheissgefragt

>> No.15336683
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Completely agree.

Philosophy at its base form is just the masturbatory empty thoughts spewed by persons infected with the disease of reason.

Reason does not solve anything, in fact it destroys everything in its path. We have a word for people who have to conceptualise everything into almost symbolic algebraic equations of logical inferences at the expense of common sense and experience - autistic

Name a 'philosopher' that achieved anything of merit besides sitting alone in their house pretentiously 'thinking' and giving symposiums of their cretinous ideas to flocks of golf-clapping plebians

You can't? Oh, that's right - You wasted your life studying reason and philosophy, kill yourselves immediately

>> No.15336698

>Name a 'philosopher' that achieved anything of merit besides sitting alone in their house pretentiously 'thinking' and giving symposiums of their cretinous ideas to flocks of golf-clapping plebians

Are you actually serious?

>> No.15336715

>I think the first thing to keep in mind is the fact that philosophy and science were synonymous during much of the human mental journey

An assertion you only hear being made by students of philosophy. Bahahahahaha

>> No.15336730

>I’m a STEM pessimist weeb
It’s a series designed to turn kids and laymen onto science and stuff. Get over yourself.

Epicurus expanded upon it. And they’ve been proven to be the most right about the makeup of the universe. No fire, no water, no forms. It was atoms.
Are you now excited to list all their ideas shortcomings? It won’t matter. It’s obvious where and why they didn’t have the whole theory perfectly right. Like Darwin didn’t have the whole picture we have now when Origins of the Species was first published. This, as it turns out, is the nature of science.
It’s just disturbing that we buried their discoveries for so many centuries for mysticism

>> No.15336731
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There isn't a "good reason" for anything, that's internalized sky daddy thinking. There's no big guy in the clouds deciding that things mean something, they just are. Sky wizard believers came up with things of value over the past 5000 years, mostly by coincidence. Now that empiricism and science have disproved the god of the gaps and Aristotlean physics, we have developed into a more reasonable society based on evidence, and evidence shows that there is no metaphysical meaning to things and that we basically spent most of history wasting our time. There's no inherent meaning to existence, do what you want as long as it doesn't interfere with other people's pursuit of happiness.

>> No.15336738

Go on; starting naming accomplishments. I'll wait

>> No.15336751

>I'm a STEM major
> Fuck positivists
kek enjoy the bread line

>> No.15336762

The original question was “how best to live”
Again. Epicurus had it right.
>There is no meaning!
Relax and enjoy.

>> No.15336776
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>Epicurus expanded upon it.
He was also all wrong
>And they’ve been proven to be the most right about the makeup of the universe
>no forms. It was atoms.

>> No.15336785

>do what you want as long as it doesn't interfere with other people's pursuit of happiness.
Why should I care about other people’s happiness?

>> No.15336791

>Now that empiricism and science have disproved the god of the gaps and Aristotlean physics

>> No.15336807

I'm going into clinical stuff rather than hard research

>> No.15336808


Did you even read the rest of the post? For example:

>t is certain that the role of revealing the truth about nature and universal phenomena today is undeniably the role of science.

>> No.15336829

kek like clockwork

>> No.15336850

>I’m a STEM pessimist weeb
Aight, I'll concede the first and the third points, but how did you get that I'm a pessimist out of that?

>> No.15336863


>> No.15336906

>He was also all wrong
In the same way Darwin was all wrong for not having it all together from the start.
What is Heisenberg referring to here? Energy? Smaller particles he hasn’t seen yet?
Implying there’s no more physicality to the universe anymore. Splitting the langue up to resurrect Plato.

When you proclaimed to be a salty bitch that hates “positivism”

>> No.15336922
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Because cooperation and social contracts are necessary to create the optimal amount of happiness.

>> No.15336926

Because that’s what the Democrat party told him to believe

>> No.15336936
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that's not my picture MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

>> No.15336952

>When you proclaimed to be a salty bitch that hates “positivism”
You know what "positivism" is, right? It doesn't mean "being positive". It means scientism and rejection of all philosophical doctrines in favor of scientific proofs.

>> No.15336955

>Them demicrats is evul. They wants us to be nyce to thu darkies and chinks

>> No.15336957

Why should I care about creating the optimal amount of happiness?

>> No.15336980

>You know what "positivism" is, right?
Naw. I hate philosophy. Too much coining of new terminology. Worse than slang.
The videos are just intros for fun. People take them too seriously.

>> No.15336981

>In the same way Darwin was all wrong for not having it all together from the start.
The difference is that Darwin wasn’t totally wrong about everything
>What is Heisenberg referring to here?
The actual description of subatomic particles in modern physics, which bears no resemblance to naive atomism
>Energy? Smaller particles he hasn’t seen yet?
No, those would both be retarded

>> No.15336984

Stay mad

>> No.15336995

Social contracts, cooperation, and so on are the only ways to reach the singularity, which will get rid of our material problems.

>> No.15337010

>The actual description of subatomic particles in modern physics, which bears no resemblance to naive atomism
Still not a refutation of the ancient first step.
> No, those would both be retarded
Didn’t answer. So just subatomic particles we’ve since been throwing into accelerators, yes?

>> No.15337014
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build your filthy world without me

>> No.15337015


>> No.15337018

>just be nice to everyone because it’s the right thing incel. Biden 2020

>> No.15337020
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Cool man, so you just insulted me over a word you didn't even bother to look up. Very epic.

I can understand that if you're an ESL though, English is a bastard of a language.

>> No.15337025

>Mistakes me for a partisan hack.
Oh, no, dear boy. Statism is the evil. The evil that has bred you and your twisted ideas

>> No.15337029

Cope seethe

>> No.15337032
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>i fucking LOVE SCIENCE
>we can finally make everything LESS WORSE by abolishing any ethnic identities and ensuring human capital has acccess to animal crossing!
You people will hang

>> No.15337044

But whats holding up rational intuition?

>> No.15337046

Isn’t anonymity just greeat?

>> No.15337048

>Still not a refutation of the ancient first step.
Yes it is. Subatomic particles are not just little balls bouncing around in a void. Democritus was wrong and so are you.

>> No.15337055

God bless it!

>> No.15337057

>rent free

>> No.15337059

Why should I care about getting to the singularity? I don't care about solving your problems.

>> No.15337066

It will also solve your problems.

>> No.15337076

>ask why
>get how
money back pls

>> No.15337089

Cool, I'll let you guys work on that while I do whatever I want

>> No.15337092

>not just little balls bouncing around
>Has never read Lucretius
Enough of you.

>> No.15337099

Go ahead, as long as you don't try and stop scientific progress. There's no deity that's going to judge you for spending the next 20 years jerking off.

>> No.15337107
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Any sort of transhuman singularity will means theyll cut your brain out and use the hardware to run bank transactions, while letting you keep 30% to experience an orgasm. Youre saying a fitting end for man is to embrace endless pleasure slavery forever.

Drop all this utilitarian bullshit. Just say youre a hedonist who serves capital

>> No.15337115

Of course I haven't read him. Atomism is fundamentally wrong (as proved by modern science) so he's a waste of time.

>> No.15337122

>we have developed into a more reasonable society
Could've sworn it was the nukes that did that.

>> No.15337126

scientific progress is already stopping itself anon

>> No.15337131


>> No.15337172

This science fan shit annoys me. Just understanding that ATP, replication, cellular metabolism *exist* is fucking meaningless, it's incoherent without the enriching context (the intricacies of metabolism) which is abstracted out into a bunch of applications and deeper insights, each hard fought nugget of clarity producing tenfold enigmas along the way.
Basically, this is so simplified and removed from context that it might as well be nothing. If you watch this and think you now appreciate or understand something you have actually lost information. Un-knowledge,

>> No.15337179

This post was made by an anglo.

>> No.15337192

No, reactionaries trying to police what women do with their bodies and where people are allowed to go are the brakes on progress.

Capitalism and free movement have countless people out of poverty. Religion and asceticism created serfdom and slavery.

>> No.15337198

have lifted*

>> No.15337202

You’re laying it on a little thick

>> No.15337201

>implying progressivism isn't reactionary towards the traditional state

>> No.15337216
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>No, reactionaries trying to police what women do with their bodies and where people are allowed to go are the brakes on progress
lmao yeah sure man, it's the reactionaries. Read a fucking book, literally any book.
>Capitalism and free movement have countless people out of poverty. Religion and asceticism created serfdom and slavery
Oh sick I'm glad those 5yr old sweatshop workers stitching together 5 packs of $20 t shirts aren't getting fucked over by global capitalism

>> No.15337234

>whining about muh sweatshop workers alongside a picture of neetch

>> No.15337254

Anon.... you haven’t actually read Nietzsche

>> No.15337263

Educated societies have less children; unfortunately, some of these educated people are malicious and have no empathy, resulting in them taking advantage of societies that are still trapped in traditional mindsets that make them ripe for exploitation. This can be solved by educating young people in developing societies, ending the stigma around abortion that causes giant and unsustainable families in the global south, birth control programs, etc.

>> No.15337267

>haha adkshyually neetch was a humanist

>> No.15337268

>muh sweatshop workers
One day when your more mature you'll be ashamed of the fact that you ever described your fellow human beings plight in those terms.

>> No.15337289
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>> No.15337298

>when your more mature
Good b8, you almost got me

>> No.15337300

He's right though, it is pure slave morality to complain about the plight of what are basically..slaves

>> No.15337321

no religion and ascetism were properly reactions to the world-eating globohomo borg leviathan you defend with such relish. read a book faggot

>> No.15337328

>wanting to help slaves
>Slave morality
jesus christ dude did you only read Nietzsche's wikipedia page? By your retarded logic, Nietzsche helping anyone that he would call a slave makes him a slave. Fuck me you're so dumb.

>> No.15337334

master morality is still slavery to this world's energic economy. power is for the weak.

>> No.15337344

He literally defines slave morality as the slaves inverting the old morality of good and bad, noble and slave, to one of good and evil, where the slave is good and the master oppressing them is evil. That is exactly what you're doing by crying about the slaves and claiming it's unjust

>> No.15337345

"In the beginning there were the laws of physics" bro they don't exist as unchanging laws outside of our conceptualization of them, there's no proof either we just assume that. You literally make it sound like another form of creationism

>> No.15337369

>dude the laws of physics are just, like, your opinion, man
based retard

>> No.15337375

You are based

>> No.15337380
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>inverting the old morality of good and bad, noble and slave, to one of good and evil
How did you manage to read nietzsche this poorly? Since he literally defines it as such, where? Give me a quote faggot. $50 says you pick an out of context aphorism.

>> No.15337386

they don't cause what they describe, they're just formalizations, you're such a fucking sped

>> No.15337445

Positivism is still a philosophic position.