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15335561 No.15335561 [Reply] [Original]

Is Taxation theft?

>> No.15335642

By definition it can't be not called theft

>> No.15335654

By definition. im a socialist, but i despise contrarianism. I personally think its warranted theft, but theft nontheless.

>> No.15335666

By living in the United States you agree to have money taken from you. It's not theft if you agree to it. If you don't like it move to Somalia.

>> No.15335685

By standing in front of my penis you agree to bend over and take it up the ass.

>> No.15335695

Go live in another nation if you don't like your current nation's policies.

>> No.15335696

if 100% of your wages were deducted as taxes, you'd have no doubt about being a slave. thank god they only take 30-50% in most western countries

>> No.15335703

>Hon, we're going nation shopping!

>> No.15335709

Not under our current law-framework. Should it be considered theft? I don't know.

>By living in the United States you agree to have money taken from you.

>> No.15335718

By definition taxation is theft, yes.

>> No.15335724

As soon you as hit 18 you can leave the country and go to the tax free zone of Somalia. Why haven't you left already?

>> No.15335725

It isn't theft if you've already used the things it funds.

>> No.15335747

business owners make their profit by reducing the wages of the worker, this is on of the greatest theft.

>> No.15335748

Taxation is theft

>> No.15335755

Is this what memertarians whinge about every single day?

>> No.15335765

Please prove your previous claim.

>> No.15335773

Libertarians are right with the state being naturally an authoritarian entity which imposes itself over the individual.
Libertarians are wrong believing that this is an inherently bad thing.

>> No.15335777

>OP asks a question
>statecucks can't answer

>> No.15335782

Which one?

>> No.15335791

Property is theft.

By its definition it’s a payment. Don’t like it? Don’t live there or don’t be born there.

>> No.15335798

Theft is justified and right.

>> No.15335808

But using something or not is completely unrelated to the action of theft.

>> No.15335809

False logic. You probably did not choose to be born in the US, and there really isnt an alternative place where you can live sins taxation. its practicly impossible to be able to choose if you want to be part of a nation or not.

>> No.15335822

You guys are pathetic.

>> No.15335824

>By living in the United States you agree to have money taken from you.

>> No.15335834

Where can you go to not get taxed?
What if I do not though? What if the things I use are non negotiable?

btw, i am not libertarian, and I think tax is a justifiable theft, but a theft nontheless.

>> No.15335837

Not if you've agreed to the terms & conditions, which is living in the country past 18 years of age.

>> No.15335845

The idea of theft prerequisites the idea of property.

>> No.15335846

Compulsory nature does not equal theft
You have a compulsory need to care for you children, are they robbing you of your time do energy?
>there are incels who will reply “yes”

>> No.15335853

No it's not. You're not voluntarily agreeing to the act nor are you compelled by some previously agreed contract.

>> No.15335879

Besides justice and internal/external security and justifiable public infrastructure, how does the socialist state justify taking people's money?

>> No.15335888


>> No.15335897

>Somalia doesn't have taxes

>> No.15335898

taxation is theft but i don't care if it's theft. both the state and the people should steal from corporations.

>> No.15335900

Don't you see how completely retarded is the claim that "living until an arbitraly age indicates an implicit acceptance to being robbed"?
That's equivalent to "By giving your stuff, under the threat of violence, to the thief, you are agreeing to the theft and therefore it's not theft"

>> No.15335915

This is the only valid objection in this thread.
t. ancap

>> No.15335921
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>> No.15335923

I don't know. I'm not a commie.

>> No.15335957

It's the legal adult age, not arbitrary. Your parents accepted this terms and conditions. They could've raised you anywhere else. Taxes come with thw whole package of citizenship. But it seems like you want all of the privileges but none of the resposability.

>> No.15335965


>> No.15335968


>> No.15335992


>> No.15335995

Yes only because current states are illegitimate. Taxation is not inherently theft

>> No.15336002


>> No.15336003

You can opt out of childcare by putting them for adoption. You can't opt out of taxes.

>> No.15336014

Under the laws of the US which you have chosen to live in you give up the right to a certain percentage of the income you make here. By living here you agree to the laws. If you don't want to follow certain laws than you are free to leave and find another country.

>> No.15336017

Stays on /Lit/

>> No.15336028

rolling for /pol/

>> No.15336044

Yes it is. It’s the laws of a land
End capitalism and end the state and you won’t have the needless complication of taxes

>> No.15336049

So, by living, I accepted some implicit contract that gives the state the right to rob me? But not only that, my parents ALSO agreed to some implicit contract, that I'm sure they never even heard of, that gives the state the right to rob me?

Cmon man, do yourself a favor and if you want to object the claim that "taxation is theft", use this >>15335846

>> No.15336085

Generally speaking theft is based in legal representation and rights in property respected by the society in which you live. Others must respect your property rights in order to have it be taken and meet the legal definition of theft. Otherwise it is just a taking. In order to have property rights in things respected by others you need a government to oversee dispute resolution and enforcement of decisions after a determination of whether a theft occurred. Taxation is how you pay for that system, therefore taxation is mandatory to even have the concept of theft and cannot be theft itself.

>> No.15336097

>So, by living, I accepted some implicit contract that gives the state the right to rob me?
By raising your children in whatever country you agree with its laws, yes. You can call it anything you want but in the end, you've agreed to it, as did you parents.
>But not only that, my parents ALSO agreed to some implicit contract, that I'm sure they never even heard of
Ignoring the laws doesn't mean they don't apply to you. Don't be a nigger.

>> No.15336105

Imagine that you came up with it all by yourself

>> No.15336126

Taxation is a law ergo it's not theft which is against the law

>> No.15336134

Rolling for /sp/

>> No.15336140

Yo, taxation is in the tax code and theft is in the criminal code. Those seem different to me.

>> No.15336166

Nuh-uh, private property rights are ontologically basic and are natural kind features of the world. What are you gonna claim is a social construct next, gravity?

>> No.15336175


>> No.15336207


>> No.15336226

Roll for exblode :DDDDDD

>> No.15336235


Besides justice (the entire legal system and it's participants/governing bodies) and internal/external security (all policing, military forces, governing agencies and their over seeing bodies) and justifiable public infrastructure (schools to educate for basic infrastructure function, healthcare for those supporting infrastructure, roads, communications maintenance services for infrastructure and all of their governing bodies) how does the socialist state justify taking peoples money?

Anon, I...

>> No.15336236


>> No.15336240

The real question is

Is Theft a form of taxation.

>> No.15336243


>> No.15336252

Okay faggot, can you prove gravity existed before it was "discovered"?

>> No.15336279


>> No.15336283


>> No.15336301


>> No.15336347

Its theft how much that midget makes kicking a ball

>> No.15336364

you can't do what he does

>> No.15336381

>Literally pick up your bootstraps and move

>> No.15336388

Doesn't it cost like 6k to revoke your citizenship and move, not including cost to actually move. Why are libertarian faggots so retarded?

>> No.15336389

So its theft for white people?

>> No.15336397


>> No.15336406

they use things like roads and police as well

>> No.15336411
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>im a socialist

>> No.15336426

> you have to pay to leave
Lmao repeat after me, “I am free”

>> No.15336462


>> No.15336461


>> No.15336508


>> No.15336510

rollan for /pol/

>> No.15336531

let /fit/ have their fun with this

>> No.15336539

/h/ give to degenerates

>> No.15336549

The retards paying hundreds a month to watch him kick the ball are paying him

>> No.15336581


>> No.15336596

In an ideal society where everyone pools money to contribute to the greater good no.
But when billionaires use it to fund their pedophile orgies on private islands then yeah.

>> No.15336700

Theft happens without your knowing. Taxation is more like a tribute, collected by the oppressive powers that will respond by murdering you if you refuse.

>> No.15336737
File: 44 KB, 400x538, soylin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ofcourse its not theft, we prefer to call it collectivization!
>have you heard of gulags, by the way?

>> No.15336828


>> No.15336837

lol, there isn't a single place in the world without taxes. not a single one. can you even move to somalia if you wished to? no. retard.

>> No.15336856


>> No.15336940


>> No.15336954


>> No.15336965

>no dubs so far

>> No.15336970


>can you even move to Somalia if you wished to?

Of course you can you fucking retard. If you're born in the first world you can live literally fucking everywhere. Especially in third world countries, as long as you don't fuck with local politics and shit, you'll be instant 1%

Do you know what expats are poorfaggot? Holy shit I've never been so triggered in my life. Fucking Americans I swear.

>> No.15337012

maybe you should ask yourself why there isn't a single country without taxation , that would be a more interesting discussion?

>> No.15337033

>By living in the United States you agree to have money taken from you. It's not theft if you agree to it. If you don't like it move to Somalia.
You can replace "have money taken from you" by literally anything. Seizure of land does not transform you into a moral authority, only into a usurper
>By living in the United States you agree to have black men come into your home and assfuck you daily. It's not rape if you agree to it. If you don't like it move to Somalia.

>> No.15337039


>> No.15337054


>> No.15337060


>> No.15337061

300 years ago there wasn't a single country on the planet without slavery. Your point?

>> No.15337063


>> No.15337075


>> No.15337080


>> No.15337096
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I never agreed to this.

>> No.15337116

disapoointed by the lack of dubs here
Take it to /v/

>> No.15337117


>> No.15337127
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>> No.15337133

>there wasn't a single country on the planet without slavery

you're baiting right?
>also implying slavery is bad...

>> No.15337156

Messi's got a point here. Not only a great athelete, but also an intellectual, truly an overman

>> No.15337174

>lol, there isn't a single place in the world without taxes. not a single one
So then people maybe leave the world

>> No.15337187

Take to the /po/, it’s safe there

>> No.15337230

no it's not theft, it's extortion