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/lit/ - Literature

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15334606 No.15334606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the actual best way of spending your life? At this point I'm pretty sure becoming a wagie and starting a family is one of the absolute worst options. What about:
>living on NEETbux?
>Starting your own business?
>Full on /diy/ lifestyle, harvesting your own crops?
>Turning a hobby into cash?
>Moving to a different country and go full hippie with a van and everything?
>Moving to Nepal and becoming a buddhist monk?
>Being a pirate?
>Travel Asia by foot, surviving by taking up jobs here and there?
>Being a drug dealer in Hawaii?

>> No.15334631
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>Skilled labor / artisinariat / highbrow trifecta (clergy, medicine, law)
You need stability and community more than the advertising conglomerates would have you believe.

>> No.15334651

Hahah, how do you cope with the fact that your ancestry is going to end with you?

>> No.15334657

Line out Allen Ginsberg and this is all fairly based and comfy.

>> No.15334709

i bet conor murphy had sick threesomes-fivesomes

>> No.15334778

Give yourself to Christ and become a monk.
Or give yourself to Christ and start a Christian family.

These are the only real options in 2020.

>> No.15334836

That's cozy

>> No.15334896

No-one procreates alone, one does for all humanity, even most degenerate retard.

>> No.15334941

Christcuck spotted

>> No.15334958

This has absolutely nothing to do with literature, you fucking normoid.

>> No.15334964

>9 replies, 10 posters
You're not even him.
Also, your reply isn't even comprehensible.

>> No.15334987

Why do you assume that OP has no brothers?

>> No.15335004

That's the patrician way. Many authors and philosphers did the same.

>> No.15335069

I speak for myself when I say it doesn't matter if one does or not, because
1) everyone is their own person
2) most likely if one seeks a common trend, others are already following suit. The common trend here is that white people are procreating less and less. Those who DO procreate a lot of times are ones that have only up to 2 children, but 2 is only enough to continue the bloodline on a neutral ground. This is of course not considering the possibility that at least one of the 2 children will choose to not procreate or die out to a random cause.

>> No.15335085

Massive cope. Reminds me of the people that follow the kurt cobain "better to burn out than fade away" mentality.

>> No.15335105

why are faggots here so obsessed with normie goals?

>> No.15335117

its bait that touches on 4chan insecurities

>> No.15335120


>> No.15335132

Why do you assume OP is white?

>> No.15335177

I don't. But I'm not going to expect to get to interview him about it or if he's really male or living in a muslim- or mexican-invaded shithole.

>> No.15335185

That is a wholesome meme, thanks.

>> No.15335189
File: 163 KB, 700x557, aristotlealexanderthegreat121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided on stay at home dad. Found a wife who makes near six figures and was getting desperate for a husband and child. I spend all day with our son reading, shit posting and working out so I can be a good trophy husband at work functions. It's not all that different than most of my philosopher heros. Hopefully I can impart enough classical education to my boy that he can use to conquer the world and name cities after himself.

>> No.15335200

These were the only options ever.
We already belong to Christ.

>> No.15335220
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Varg's life is the best you can hope for today unironically

>> No.15335227
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I am convinced that the current system deliberately destroys the ability to even conceive of other forms of life in an attempt to drive you into wagiedom. Even reading that list provides some relief desu.

>> No.15335232

Christ isn't going to suck your cock and keep you warm at night.

>> No.15335235

He could also be half white which would exclude him from white identity as told by the one drop rule, see you make too much assumptions in general

>> No.15335242

Amen. Glad to see more of my kind around here, not just dead-end losers.

>> No.15335251

It's pretty awesome desu.

>> No.15335252

According to who? You? Enjoy a mind numbingly boring life because of your own inadequacy and bitterness towards normies

>> No.15335263

what are some /lit/ approved books to learn how to do this? perma-culture and related political, social, agricultural, religious philosophies?

>> No.15335274

Read the source material and use your personal integrity to form your own path towards the good.

If you need a guide book to unfuck yourself, a guide book will not help.

>> No.15335277

>one drop rule
burger meme

>> No.15335292

>Read the source material
ok where do i start with this

>> No.15335300

What you need more is a plan, not just reading books on growing food and building shit. That and a sense of preparing for the future. Make money, spend little, save up, buy land, find a natalist woman, share her your natalist desire, get together, teach her knowledge and live with her enough for you both to get a feel, then procreate.

>> No.15335315

The hardest part is finding the right woman

>> No.15335341

Your best bet is in a church or the internet, although if you live in Europe it can't be too hard to find some pagan sect or whatever the fuck pagans have there. Fuck, try pagan metal shows. See if there's a possible diamond in one of those. You need to cast your line in not-so-normie places, boy.

>> No.15335355


>> No.15335371
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Maybe copies of the Whole Earth Catalog would be of use as inspiration.

>> No.15335408

its much more difficult in the States. all the pagan orgs/communities ive encountered are comprised of confused/pathetic larpers.

>> No.15335430

Normies are Christian you retard
>Enjoy a mind numbingly boring life
>*returns to spending all day shitposting and watching cartoon porn*

>> No.15335447

There is not one human not coping with something. All the king's and llamas and slaves share this commonality. But you can still strive for the best possible outcome of any given situation.

>> No.15335466

Are you trying to reaffirm a western cultural tradition? Than with the Greeks. An Eastern tradition? Either the Pali Canon or the Upanishads.

>> No.15335469

I would've believed this statement if you had said it maybe thirty or sixty years ago.
Actual christians are dying out, and the world has become morally darker and darker because of it.

>> No.15335481
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how do i find a religious communal group in the United States centered around farm work? Kind of like Amish but takes outsider. Christian-centered proffered but am fine with pagan as well, am ok with slightly cultish groups. Mormon ok as well. Please advise.

>> No.15335660


>> No.15335668

>Normie goals.
Be a productive member of society?

>> No.15335673

im curious - what does your wife do for money?

>> No.15335674

lmaoing at the easter fetish

>> No.15335675


You found your own lmao. All you need is a gf.

>> No.15335686

Given that you'd take whatever comes first, sounds like you're a poor match for those people, so do something sensible and leave them alone.

>> No.15335736

I believe the Amish and Hutterites do take converts, but it is uncommon (and even more uncommon for the conversion to last) and they don’t actively proselytize.

>> No.15335797

Everything ends with me

>> No.15335807

It's science and engineering research. She is fantastically book smart and reasonably curious about almost everything. Marry the smart girls. Looks fade away astonishing quick. But a non basic bitch is a treasure from the heavens.

>> No.15335821

All of your fucking ng ancestors managed to shoot their goo in a sloot and this is the best you can do? If you can't figure out a way than it's better your line dies off.

>> No.15335932

>At this point I'm pretty sure becoming a wagie and starting a family is one of the absolute worst options.
Yes, it's horrible.

>Starting your own business?
This is the best option.

>Turning a hobby into cash?
Nope you're gonna hate the hobby.

>> No.15335933

This is what post-modernism looks like: People becoming weak because of weak parents and grandparents who abandoned tradition and let in technology and other aspects of modernism, which makes people weak and adopted by things that tried to replace traditions.

>> No.15335950

do you have any reccs for books that go into this?

>> No.15335959

Lasch's culture of narcissism has a solid takedown of the tendency which grew into formal antinatalism.

>> No.15335979

there are plenty of childless productive members of society.

>> No.15336082

>living on NEETbux?
You should be prepared for the welfare system to collapse, which you are hastening by draining it. To that end you will need to practice a skill and treat it as if it were your job. This will also stop you getting depressed and becoming the worst kind of NEET.
Books have been written on how to get the most out of government programs.
>Starting your own business?
Unless you inherit a big chunk of money you will have to get a loan and be a slave to the bank. 90% of startups fail in the first year, so never put more than 10% of your savings into one venture.
>Full on /diy/ lifestyle, harvesting your own crops?
You need at least an acre of land to feed one person, even if you are a very skilled farmer. You also need to make money to pay for water and fuel. Seeds also have to be bought each year, as the seed companies irradiate them so that they will not breed the next year. You could buy heirloom seeds and start breeding your own seed crop, but this will have much lower yields.
>Turning a hobby into cash?
Turning a hobby into cash requires even more work than a regular wagie job. The hobby will cease to be fun unless it is your entire motivation in life.
>Moving to a different country and go full hippie with a van and everything?
You would need to pick a country that has a lower cost of living. You also need a way to make small amounts of money in a richer country and get them into your new home. There's actually a whole youtube channel about this, so I'll just link you to it.
>Moving to Nepal and becoming a buddhist monk?
Similar to the hobby idea, this is a lot of hard work and you will hate it unless it is your driving passion. The fact you're considering other options means you would probably not want to be a monk permanently. Maybe a temporary retreat.
>Being a pirate?
>Being a drug dealer in Hawaii?
Committing any crime, even a victimless crime that shouldn't be a crime, always comes with risk. Smart people may commit the occasional crime, but only a fool would take it up as a career. The only smart career criminals are the ones who get others to take the risk for them. As a pirate or a drug dealer, you would be one of the lackeys taking the risk.
>Travel Asia by foot, surviving by taking up jobs here and there?
If it were easy to survive by taking up jobs here and there, there would be no beggars. You would get better results from working temporary jobs in rich countries and then backpacking in poor countries for as long as the money lasts.

>> No.15336148

This is a based post.
>You would get better results from working temporary jobs in rich countries and then backpacking in poor countries for as long as the money lasts.
A friend spends half a year as a beauty therapist in the UK and half a year travelling in India. So it's possible.

>> No.15336348

You have about a 0% (zero percent) chance of finding a decent women involved in a "pagan sect". At best you'll find a cute hippy girl who hasn't yet completely destroyed her body with drugs and is only there because of an unaddressed ego complex and sense of entitlement.

Best bet is to convert to Islam.

>> No.15336417

Silence, muslim. I need you to die.

>> No.15336447

>If it were easy to survive by taking up jobs here and there, there would be no beggars. You would get better results from working temporary jobs in rich countries and then backpacking in poor countries for as long as the money lasts.
The only thing I see wrong with this line of thinking is COL in Western countries is rising fast and those temp jobs don't leave you that much in savings.

>> No.15336501

>Given that you'd take whatever comes first, sounds like you're a poor match for those people, so do something sensible and leave them alone.
given that you're a faggot how about you shut the fuck up and let adults speak

>> No.15336512

Unfortunately here in murrka they cripple you in three ways: medical needs, financial debts, and ignorance and fear.
>raised by neglectful boomers on fast food, mouth full of cavities by the time you reach adulthood, hooked on 17 different prescriptions, weak and sickly body from hormone-water and goyfeed, will continually live in fear of needing medical intervention, limits ability to live abroad away from your (((doctors)))
>brainwash kids that if they don't go to uni they're gonna be a burger flipper. hook them on five or six figures of debt. their boomer parents left them nothing, provided nothing, and never set them up for success. financial liabilities act as a chain around their neck you can reel them in by
>education system utterly abysmal, the american knows nothing of history, geography, anthropology, culture, or language. he does not know how to get along anywhere but in his comfortable cradle-to-grave car-fueled american lifestyle of walmarts and mcmansions. the american is fed a diet of retarded hollywood movies that stereotype the rest of the planet and the american never seeks to learn anything. if asked about the rest of the world, the american has a vague idea that other places and peoples exist, but he is sure neither where nor how other men come to subsistence. he paints the world with the heavy hand of a toddler at a coloring book. all education has been dumbed down for him, stunting and devolving his brain, ensuring he will never leave the plantation. needless to say, he is painfully monolingual, a brash loudmouth quick to anger, and lives in fear and irrational, seemingly directionless, origin-less rage.

just the act of living in this country kills your soul.

>> No.15336514

>Best bet is to convert to Islam.
I've dabbed on mudslimes in the past but fuck, everyday this is looking more and more like the correct solution. Practically speaking this IS the best obvious answer. I just can't get past the amount of non-whites in the religion.

>> No.15336518

The /pol/ack’s lament

>> No.15336532

>just the act of living in this country kills your soul.
my parents drank the globohomo koolaid and moved from the old country. didnt teach me the language. didnt teach me family history or culture. only went to burger catholic mass on easter and christmas. my entire life has been based on consumerism. my entire culture is tv shows, movies and music. i feel devoid of everything in life. how do i escape this.

>> No.15336573

Current islam is not traditional in any way, nevermind that it's an alien culture with no history in any culture that is European. I would only be yoked to a muslim woman with a mutilated pussy long enough for me to knock out the teeth of her parents.

>> No.15336584

was it really, really that fucking hard to retain our old country culture and language? really? why are chinese kids raised bilingual? i am a rootless nobody, i have neither community nor stability, there is nothing but the number in my bank account and my resume to hold me up. my parents lived and died to amass useless, hideous, valueless material possessions that amount to a hoarder's den of a shitmess. our family is repulsive and i've been driven to cutting off all contact. i have no fond memories of my childhood or family at all. they care about nothing but eating novel foods and acquiring material possessions while living in a shabby, dirty little shack. all my relatives my age are either gay, have attempted suicide, are obese, or are on welfare. what does america have to offer me? a rat race fueled by hollywood dreams of glitter and razzle-dazzle negroe's luxury, hookers and blow, sportsball tickets, and fancy cars to mill around endless suburban wastelands.

the way i was raised, my entire life will be about slaving away at a job i utterly despise, which leaves me exhausted and miserable, which slowly kills my body and blinds my eyes, wearing clothes i detest and talking to people i loathe, all for the promise of maybe, one day, being able to buy my own mcmansion and spend my days driving a car back and forth from shoprite and walmart. and at the end of life, what you can look forward to in retirement is moving from the cubicle to the couch to watch daytime television until your body rots from the inside out.

such a miserable existence. and here i am, utterly fucked, because i have medical issues and student debt thanks to my oh so caring and wonderful parents' raising me in neglect. american parents dont' set their kids up for success--they harass them, use them as emotional punching bags, bully them, throw them out at 18, give them no direction, no support, no affection at all. i read literature because i have nothing else.

>> No.15336589

whats left then

>> No.15336593

>brainwash kids that if they don't go to uni they're gonna be a burger flipper. hook them on five or six figures of debt. their boomer parents left them nothing, provided nothing, and never set them up for success. financial liabilities act as a chain around their neck you can reel them in by
Literally my parents

>> No.15336607

Get together with like-minded individuals on the internet, and trickle down. Give the movement a name, spread the word, get men and women to come to it.

>> No.15336619
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>wearing clothes i detest
If you are talking about formal attire I agree. Fuck that scam
>talking to people i loathe
I don't loathe the people I loathe the business talk and their enthusiasm (or fake enthusiasm) to indulge in it.

I know what you mean though bro. I took DNA tests, looked up the etymology of my last name, even traveled to where my supposed ancestors came from in Europe to establish any semblance of identity.

>> No.15336620

teeth health is all genetics idiot.

>> No.15336627

What are some (niche) hobbies that you can turn into cash?

Let's get a list together bros; how do we cash out on reading?

>> No.15336640

>>Being a pirate?

how do i become a fucking pirate frens? do i need to serve in india at first?

>> No.15336648

You can tell this isn't by someone whose actually like the guy in the image since they're shilling the pedophilic jew scrabbles by Ginsberg.

>> No.15336649

Is there something like a Christian monastery but you can have a wife and kids? The community makes a living through crafts like wine, honey, ect?

>> No.15336652

>and starting a family is one of the absolute worst options.
t. Anti-natalist shill.

>> No.15336656

Becoming a professor in the field you love is a thousand times better than being a coding monkey or living in a van

>> No.15336668

Academia is terrible and not worth it anymore

t. Assistant professor in STEM

>> No.15336674

found your problem

>> No.15336684

I was a professor in germanic lit and my department got shut down for being problematic

>> No.15336691

Humanities is even worse. Professorships are fragile careers, you want an anti-fragile career. Read Taleb.

>> No.15336701

So the alternative to a fragile career is learning code bro

>> No.15336709

The best way of living is to realize we live in a RPG. There's a dungeon master and you shouldn't fuck with him.

>> No.15336714

>for being problematic
It probably was

>> No.15336725

The best way of living is to realize we live in a RPG. Be whatever you want to be, but accept your limitations.

>> No.15336765

why can't you fathom a more substantial goal in life than nutting in someone

>> No.15336798

>no reading comprehension.
Thanks for bumping the thread with your otherwise useless post.

>> No.15336823

Get tolerable, slightly below okay paying job with not too shit coworkers
Do hobbies on free time, at least one social
Go out with one friend at least once a month
Have a pet maybe

That's my plan, feel free to rate

>> No.15336854

problematic mean intellectually curious

>> No.15336866

Academic jobs are very hard to get. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.15336968

Yeah but it's better to try than to work a shit job not knowing if you could of made it.

>> No.15336977

>Practically speaking this IS the best obvious answer. I just can't get past the amount of non-whites in the religion.
Only solution to that is to realize the many faults of white communities and humble yourself, convert, undertake an honest and pious study of the religion, then convert your white friends/have lots of children.
Islam is a universal religion, not for any one race of people. I've heard this varies in different countries, but the mosque in my city has many ethnic groups from all over the world, including European and Asian converts. The important difference between multiculturalism as it is under Islam, is that Islam teaches people to take pride in their heritage while respecting that of others. As well, most of Islamic the theology and philosophy descends from the Greco-Romans, so it is much more in line with 'Western Civilization' than most people realize. More so than our current system of global capitalism.

>> No.15337183

That's not hard at all. You just suck.

>> No.15337218

It's a terrible job. Get wealthy and do research then.

>> No.15337341

You don't lose your huwhite card by enjoying some jewish poetry or music anon

>> No.15337357

>Get tolerable, slightly below okay paying job with not too shit coworkers
This is where your plan will fail.