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15331551 No.15331551 [Reply] [Original]

>started the talk with my moroccan 7yo kid brother
>explained how his dutch gentrifying neighbor kid friends had an absolutely unfair advantage over him
>told him he'll fight an uphill battle his entire life and that he's his friend's racial inferior
>explained that if this was a highway, we'd have a paper map in a 1980s Mercedes while his blonde friend runs red lights in a 2004 Volvo with GPS
>told him that he's watching white youtubers that have lives while he's wasting his like a good slave
He started crying like he hadn't in months. Genuine anger. I feel so elated.

>> No.15331573


Last one was harsh though, poor kid

>> No.15331579


Good job, hopefully he self-selects out based on the resentment you've given him.

>> No.15331591

This kid will end up becoming sort of evil professor of sociology that brainwashes thousands to hate you. Congrats I guess.

>> No.15331602
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Even did a Monopoly metaphor where white people and chinese were multiple rounds into the game when we finally started playing with only shitty brown tiles unsold and how he would wish to be in jail just like with the boardgame.

In retrospect, it might've been too much but maybe he'll start reading books now.

(tried to explain cultural capital, too)

>> No.15331606

Cool, but this isn't related to literature

>> No.15331621

>In retrospect, it might've been too much but maybe he'll start reading books now.
>maybe if he becomes a sniveling resentful crybaby like me something good will happen

White supremacy isn't real but it might become real if woke POC keep circling the drain like this

>> No.15331622
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>> No.15331623

I guess it's more comfortable for you to believe this than to admit to yourself you're retarded

>> No.15331640

Are you a literal retard?

>> No.15331641

When talking about racialisation of class and economy the terms 'black' and 'white' are often used because they're the most evident examples of racial struggle but in the 21st century there is no solid distinction between WASPs and nots. Instead 'white' refers to the native colonising population and foreign detractors and 'black' signifies all of those caught under the wheel, including other whites.

>> No.15331651
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>> No.15331706

>Instead 'white' refers to the native colonising population and foreign detractors and 'black' signifies all of those caught under the wheel, including other whites.
That's the silliest explanation of the race struggle psyop I've heard so far

Mexicans are literally on track to take over the middle class in America. Not because of some institutional-race-class conspiracy, but because they drive around mowing lawns doing actual profitable work while "whites" jerk off to tranny porn in their basement and coast off of dying industries going into credit card debt

It really is that simple. Hardened determined demographics of people replace the weakening decadent ones.

>> No.15331714

Latinos are a net drain on the tax system you deluded coward

>> No.15331725

>explained how his dutch gentrifying neighbor kid friends had an absolutely unfair advantage over him
Probably wouldnt be an issue in morocco though.

>> No.15331742

Yes, but the periphery is already in subservience to the centre.
He doesn't have to live in Morocco to be it's most privileged citizen.

>> No.15331753

>muh tax system
The system is run on alchemical babylonian magic, it drains itself by existing. There is no "drainers" or "givers", it's an imploding ponzi scheme.

Mexicans by ratio do the physical labor that "whites' won't do in metropolitan areas. As this is happening, whites are draining away spilling semen to the trans section on pornhub while working some job that isn't even real. Eventually there will be a turn where Mexicans become the middle class and these "whites" just drain away and become the equivalent of today's native-indians

Of course none of this makes any sense to you because you have the turbo-charged vibrating dragon dildo buzzing away in your blown out asshole, bought on sale from Amazon

>> No.15331764

Yeah that's why Mexico is such a great place to live, the mexicans are just so industrious. you fucking faggot

>> No.15331780

Of course latinos are more hard working than whites and blacks. Only asians go even harder at it.

>> No.15331790

>just so industrious
This is code for "They don't have pride parades and buttpump behind dumpsters for Instagram"

Mexicans still have their connection to the blood and soil, they grow/cook their own food, have community gathering spaces, and work with their hands. America is a 24/7 gay parade in many places. Large parts of Mexico are nicer than parts of America.

I say this as someone who finds Mexicans completely repulsive. People like you are coping

>> No.15331800

you guys should go live in the wondrous hardworking regions of latin america you apparently admire so much

>> No.15331826

>Only asians go even harder at it.
Asians are miserable slaves, managerial types

Blacks are just gone completely

Rural whites will persevere and re-build their culture eventually with portions of urban whites leaving the cities, while the liberal whites will just buttpump into oblivion and go extinct

Just go to rural America

>> No.15332299

no. I like being nice to kids.
although I did tell my little brother Santa wasn't real accidentally, slipped out of my mouth.