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/lit/ - Literature

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15330314 No.15330314 [Reply] [Original]

who would unironically want to read this book?

>> No.15330329

My mom liked it.

>> No.15330332

Someone who's curious about Michelle Obama.

>> No.15330340

Also, maybe an African-American looking for a role model.

>> No.15330342

I fucked your mom this morning. How's it feel to know your mom got dicked down by me on fucking Mother's Day? I bet you even tasted my cum on her lips when you wished her a happy Mother's Day

>> No.15330350
File: 73 KB, 703x367, the world's first lady y'all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15330359

Michael Obama*

>> No.15330364


>> No.15330641
File: 15 KB, 220x310, 220px-Heidegger_2_(1960).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has she read Heidegger?

>> No.15330674

Does Michel have ontological argument for becoming rather than being that will finally convince me?

>> No.15330684

My gf

>> No.15330690

Is she a Deleuzian?

>> No.15330703

/lit/ is weird. Everyday a thread is made about the oddly specific book im currently thinking about. Wtf. Also, to your question OP, me. Im just fascinated thinking of what could M.Obama possibly have written about.

>> No.15331041

Bland liberal dullards who probably can't explain why Michelle Obama is impressive in any way. how is being-the-wife-of a success some girlboss victory?

btw anons, take a squiz at her princeton thesis. writes like a 12yo about feeling unequal on campus. no shit nigga it's called affirmative action

>> No.15331195

>t. reject
Also it's legacies and the wealthy you should be upset at, not the few brown people they let in each year to appease liberals

>> No.15331217

I'm not familiar with this woman. What did she do? As far as I know she married the right guy, that's all.

>> No.15331280

Who kisses their mom on the mouth as an adult wtf

>> No.15331301

seethe more

>> No.15331321

they've been doing this for a long time lol

>> No.15331647

It’s the system that uses academic institutions to justify social stratification that he should be mad at. The whole educational system need to be demolished a rebuilt from the ground up.

>> No.15331670

White people


>> No.15331745

my gf...
i give her a pass though since she is ESL

>> No.15331761

perhaps that's why she likes you. For her you are passable.

>> No.15331830

Electronic Sports League?

>> No.15331856

Do you think celebrities ever read reviews about these ghostwritten moneygrabs and laugh at fucking idiots like this person?
Trump included, so don't (You) me with "MAGAPEDE MUH ART OF THE DEAL"

>> No.15331857

Presumably people who want to become Michelle Obama

>> No.15331908

You fucking racist

>> No.15331958

trans pippo

>> No.15332024

why would anyone want to be a nigger?

>> No.15332055
File: 96 KB, 800x800, 1571597561034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also it's legacies and the wealthy you should be upset at

>> No.15332273

I teach SAT to highschool students the majority of which have never picked up a book in their lives. one of them decided to read this

>> No.15332685

Whom should we be upset at?

>> No.15332948

Same. She also watched the movie.

It's funny because my mum is a racist azn who tells my sis to never date "a black", but this niggress gets a pass

>> No.15332973

No we don't

>> No.15332984

She retroactively refuted Parmenides' idea of Being in favour of Heraclitus' (pbuh) notion of Becoming.

>> No.15333099

Wow this is shitty. Do you have the rest? I want to have read this when Biden announces his running mate so I can shit talk her immediately lol

>> No.15333271

Literally everyone, I work in a library and there is always at least 20 reserves on this thing.

>> No.15333315

yeah, becoming a man. Since 'she' is a tranny. This has been proven.

>> No.15333374
File: 514 KB, 1017x1360, Noticesyourbulge>w<.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its odd, considering all the edgy jokes right wingers made about her being a tranny, that she would choose such a tone deaf title. Are liberals sheltered from the common rabble or was it just a bad attempt at a tounge-in-cheek title?

>> No.15333375

Unironically possible

>> No.15333398

These books aren't actually written by their supposed authors. Many of them are flat out made without their subject's knowledge. The whole thing is essentially a PR stunt.

>> No.15333575

Ok that still doesnt explain the thoughtless title

>> No.15333686

Becoming animal is like breathing to her.
In fact it is the inversion of these lines of flight that she deals with in the book.

>> No.15333703

faggots who are curious about transitioning.

>> No.15334017

English as a Second Language, I think.

>> No.15334117

>The whole thing is essentially a PR stunt.
by the CIA

>> No.15334335
File: 593 KB, 1440x1005, Screenshot_20200506-211557_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15334361

Some intern mashed the random string generator until one that was vaguely grammatically correct came up.

>> No.15334417

isn't she supposed to be some sort of ivy league genius though?

>> No.15334504

Barack is a CIA asset and quite intelligent. Idk about her

>> No.15335776

I dont know about reading, but George Soros sure bought alot of them for what Barrack did to Ukraine.

>> No.15335813

the term is nigger or negro you history washer

>> No.15335814

the term is nigger or negro you history washer

>> No.15337135

>The whole thing is essentially a PR stunt.

Plus money laundering via huge advances for books that don't sell nearly enough copies to warrant such advances.

>> No.15337340


>> No.15337536


>> No.15337550


>> No.15337582

It offers a very compelling refutation of Heidegger on being versus becoming. No Heidegger scholar can afford to ignore this seminal critique.

>> No.15337594

Do you think Obama let her enjoy some of the adrenochrome as well?

>> No.15337599

this book is shilled so hard but ive never actually met anyone who owns or has read it.
im convinced an org buys up all the copies so as to stay in the best-selling lists.
kinda like how scientologists buy up all copies of dianetics to make it seem more popular.

>> No.15337689

you are like a little babby