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/lit/ - Literature

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15327044 No.15327044[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me... How has the video not been deleted yet?

>> No.15327060

because of "for educational purposes" excuse

>> No.15327067


>> No.15327102

Why should it?

>> No.15327202


>> No.15327236

faggot confirmed at 5:34

>> No.15327243

Stop shilling your videos you faggot.

>> No.15327252


it hasn't been deleted because nobody really cares

>> No.15327261

adults touching each other's private parts in a non-sexual way? what's wrong with that? are you American? Bacause those cunts are such prudes.

>> No.15327428


>> No.15327455

Friendly reminder that one of the entries to report a post is "This post is advertising or begging."

>> No.15327460

He's so aesthetic

>> No.15327462

Why would it be deleted?

>> No.15327477


it's about a book though, you're just too much of a tool to get it. Or you're a prude who freaks out when he sees penises.

>> No.15327485
File: 65 KB, 480x640, IMG23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourselves a favour /lit/. Get off this site and read a book.

>> No.15327494


fuck off Quentin

>> No.15327514

based Quen

>> No.15327519

based q

>> No.15327575

not only am i going to report this thread, but i will also report that video to the authorities.

>> No.15327609

he is sexy

>> No.15327639


you better report him for being too sexy as well.

>> No.15327654
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>> No.15327717

What terms of service did this break? Are you guys really that fragile that this mundane shit shakes you up. jesus

>> No.15327723

he has you on the ropes /lit/

>> No.15327749
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>> No.15327756
File: 25 KB, 616x98, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.15327786

based based based based

>> No.15327827

he's jacking him off, it's not educational at all. It's a dude being jacked off. Wtf.

>> No.15327842

They're not jacking off. They're barely touching each other. Have you ever jacked off?

>> No.15327844

this shit is fucking retarded

>> No.15327849

And? Other youtube videos on Bataille show graphic pictures of people being tortured.

The Americans on this site, I swear

>> No.15327853

No i haven't ever jacked off. You're disgusting, this isn't literature.

>> No.15327857

there must be other 'artistic' gay porn up on youtube

>> No.15327861

Bataille the writer and philosopher isn't literature? cope more yankee

>> No.15327868

So people tried this shit years ago and were banned from the google platform for it.

>> No.15327869


ok wtf you guys are just defending this because it's a dude jacking off another dude on youtube. there isn't artistic merit. It's just another dude jacking off another dude, that you think is funny, because it's on youtube. Where is the art? Show me exactly where the artistic merit lies.

>> No.15327873

haha this nerd prude. go back to your nunnery

>> No.15327876

>I am offended by it therefore everyone should be!

Christ dude, not even Youtube is as prude as you

>> No.15327878

Bataille was a homosexual and a cuck and thus not a philosopher. Sorry faggot, stay mad.

>> No.15327880


>> No.15327886

It's provocative and raw. The fact that you're having this reaction shows it succeeded as provocative art.

>> No.15327889

please have sex with me

>> No.15327891


just show me the artistic merit. you can't because there is none.

>> No.15327893
File: 8 KB, 249x249, 1588807106819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck e celebs

>> No.15327894

>being so buttfrustrated that you have to make believe fake stories

>> No.15327897


>> No.15327901


pepe is an eceleb.

>> No.15327902

artistic merit is subjective. Show me an objective system of measuring art that isn't just "muh opinions"

>> No.15327905

Q is not a celebrity, though.

>> No.15327913


>> No.15327918

stop smoking your skin looks terrible

>> No.15327920


video starts, man shouting, bad editing. videos of animals being killed??? ok, shitty music, shitty dancing,... Now the main bit, two dudes jacking each other off. then fucking this dude just sings "let me entertain you" with ronan keating (sped up?) in background.

how can you guys defend this literal turd of visual-audio media? how far are your heads up your asses?

>> No.15327924

Why are you getting so triggered over this? Literally just hide the thread if you can't accept it

>> No.15327930

Bro you just dont get it.....

>> No.15327932

there's nothing to get

>> No.15327933

Do Mormons have internet access now?

>> No.15327939

Eat shit and die attention whore.

>> No.15327940

that's exacly what a non-getter would say.

>> No.15327942
File: 388 KB, 2048x1365, 1588602748944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Americans getting triggered over minor nudity as always

>> No.15327950

he's alright. trupfags like you are cringe, though.

>> No.15327960

>adults touching each other's private parts in a non-sexual way
they were literally jacking each other off tho

>> No.15327969

Its not sexual until one of them gets hard, you know the rules

>> No.15327970

I mean it was not really jacking off. There was nothing erotic about it, they were basically just waving each others dicks around randomly

>> No.15327971

I wouldn't post under a tripcode unless it were for the specific reason of rattling people on this board.

>> No.15327972

>calling someone an attention whore

>> No.15327976

lmao you got fucking wrecked

>> No.15327980

They didn't seem to enjoy it in a sexual way and their penises never reached full erection. True masturbation is tougher and comepletely different.

>> No.15327986
File: 142 KB, 1200x675, E0E1F25F-7125-4EDB-AE15-DCAB15AF6954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What’s the reason?
Asking for a friend

>> No.15327991

i see you are an expert in such matters

>> No.15327992

sounds like you're also an attention whore. just nastier and more annoying.

>> No.15327993
File: 144 KB, 615x797, Jimmy Savile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Q rapes children

>> No.15327994


If this is Q then serious question, what do you want to get out of all this? WHY?

>> No.15327999

What's with all the fanboys for the literal definition of OP is faggot?

>> No.15328000

>loses argument
>let's see if the shaming works hehe
Do prudes really...?

>> No.15328001

How are you nignogs this triggered over a fucking video?
Fucking retards.

>> No.15328002

and less interesting

>> No.15328009

he's just fucking with you. as well as creating thought-provoking art. you just got filtered.

>> No.15328010

i cant wait to tweet this to blue-haired journos so they can write a story about it

>> No.15328020
File: 172 KB, 588x984, E7CCDAF9-A36F-4921-ADCE-908FDD71633E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you have power? Do you have protection from any backlash? Do you just not give any fucks for real? Who is protecting you?

>> No.15328021

Q is industry plant, we've always known this.

>> No.15328028

Do Americans use really "ass" for everything? Or is it an exclusive feature of Negro parlance?

>> No.15328038

that's a spic

>> No.15328044

obviously an arab

>> No.15328050

Tell me how this fucking thread is any different from the hundreds of the pointless threads made by coomers and paypigs of some whore whose only claim to fame is having won the genetic lottery. Enlighten me before the mods decide to get rid of this thread alongside the faggot who made it.

>> No.15328051

oh fuck yeah. that's an arab.

>> No.15328061

watch the video, if you don't get it, you got filtered friendo.

>> No.15328064

If nobody cares then why was your mom's vulva sliced offf?

>> No.15328065

I've seen American people of all backgrounds use it.

>> No.15328075

You sound like resentful incel. Have sex, tripfag.

>> No.15328085


>> No.15328090


not an argument. no one in this thread has even given their OPINION on why this is a valid artistic work.

>> No.15328093

Not many people can stand watching cringe for long

>> No.15328099

they wont do so because the artistic content of the vid boils down to very lame references to violence, sex, and some memes in Bataille

>> No.15328104

Why shouldn't it be? And who are you to say what's valid and invalid art? You literally got plebfiltered by nudity in fucking 2020. Come the fuck on.

>> No.15328110

this man proves that /lit/ is not homophobic enough.

>> No.15328118

gay-friendly enough*

>> No.15328124

if you're defending it, then give your opinion on why it should be considered art. all i want is your opinion, to laugh at.

>> No.15328125

Why do you come here if everything triggers you. This isn't your safe space

>> No.15328129


Sounds like you're thirsty virgins yourselves considering that you're desperate enough to slobber over a man who doesn't even happen to be single

>> No.15328130

this man proves you're gay

>> No.15328546

who is this semon demon?

>> No.15328563

Seems like a waste of them, your mind is made up.

>> No.15328573

>n-no u
have sex incel

>> No.15328900

Welcome back, King.

>> No.15328906

>i can't

>> No.15328918

Oh no, not nasty!

>> No.15328932

>if you effortpost, I will laugh anyway
It's a catch-22. I'd rather not waste my time. Any argument in good faith starts with a proposition. Prove you are arguing in good faith by providing a reason why you think it's not art.

>> No.15328944

>being repulsed by someone jerking off his friend for attention is prudish
Do faggots really...?

>> No.15328955

I'm not him. I won't laugh. Go on, have some fucking balls.

>> No.15328970

>attention whore
so like a tripcode?

>> No.15328980

Nobody forced you to watch the video, faggot. Daily reminder.

>> No.15329006

>people ITT actually calling it "high-art"
yall serious? It's a good visualisation of the ideas of the book, but that's literally it.

>> No.15329055

>"ehrmehgerd check out this based ebin video, totally /lit/"
>watch video of two grifters jerking each other off
>"wow that's gay and retarded"
>"ehrmehgerd nooone forced u to watch it"
From the bottom of my heart, I implore you to kill yourself.

>> No.15329064

No one in this thread call it high art you schizo

>> No.15329066

You literally just admitted you watched it voluntarily TOP FUCKING KEKS

>> No.15329075

Yet you are still here.

>> No.15329077

Literally two posters above arguing about whether its art or not. I am not schizo, you are out to lunch

>> No.15329079

Nigger/hick detected. Opinion discarded