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15327270 No.15327270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Either God(theological) exists, or he doesn't. Which is it?

>> No.15327287
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define God

>> No.15327290 [DELETED] 
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>god? don't believe in him

>> No.15327299
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>> No.15327310


>> No.15327312
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>> No.15327323

>he’s too stupid to understand the results of the study
Get your testosterone checked

>> No.15327340

Explain yourself?

>> No.15327351 [DELETED] 
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yeah atheists are so manly; that must be why they love to open their borders to rapefugees, cut off their cocks and take estrogen to become "women", and lecture people on toxic masculinity. this christian bitch has more testosterone than a thousand liberal atheist faggots put together. and before you say "HUHUH ATHEISTS AREN'T NESSISARILY LIBERALS" read this, then stfu: https://www.pewforum.org/religious-landscape-study/religious-family/atheist/party-affiliation/

>> No.15327373

Religious just means actively participating in a religion, not necessarily believing in God.

>> No.15327374
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>Yes I go through my 20's and early 30's as a godless hedonist
>Yes I become spiritual in my late 30's
>Yes I become a dogmatic religious person who follows the path of righteousness by 40
>How the fuck could you tell?

>> No.15327388

Sorry sweetie, but religion has been shown time and time again to be associated with femininity and a less masculine outlook on life. Your cliche low IQ /pol/ whining won’t change that.

>> No.15327391

>religious person

>> No.15327446

As expected, /lit/fags can't answer a simple question and turn it into a political shitshow.

>> No.15327451

amerimutt detected. Politics are not binary. Only in your shithole country they are because any more would be too much for the eternal anglo. Not every atheist is an american type lefty (or how you dumbfucks call it "liberal"). The churches pushed for rapefugees in europe. Not just the cstholics the protestants as well.

>> No.15327461 [DELETED] 
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>muh /pol/ boogeyman
ah now I understand! you're a r*dditor. you and your dilator should go back there; you'll fit in better

>> No.15327481

Election tourist detected
Get the fuck out of here, low test brainlet

>> No.15327516 [DELETED] 

LMAO okay nigger, keep crying about /pol/ as if it's not the most r*ddit behavior one could engage in
I don't give a fuck about Europe. As far as I'm concerned we should have let Hitler finish you cunts off 80 years ago. And yeah different political terms have different meanings in different countries, wow you're so intelligent for pointing that out. Brain dead faggot.

>> No.15327534

>LMAO okay nigger, keep crying about /pol/ as if it's not the most r*ddit behavior one could engage in
t. newfaggot

>> No.15327565

Just leave anon, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15327583

Either there's a horse on Jupiter, or not. Which is it?

>> No.15327590

Imagine seething this hard about getting btfo lmao

>> No.15327616

There's no horse on Jupiter.

>> No.15327623

It does. But It is not a person, though we owe It moral duties.

>> No.15327637

You could just be agnostic like all reasonable people

>> No.15327647

I am. Abd that's exactly why it's a big problem.

>> No.15327653
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>> No.15327657

There's no horse on Jupiter, But I wish there was one*.

>> No.15327667

It is impossible for a horse to exist in Jupiter

>> No.15327730

god exists, his name is xbox

>> No.15327870
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connor is that you from future?

>> No.15327885


>> No.15328139
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"God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived"

>> No.15328148

You can't prove either, read Kant

>> No.15328150

But what mysticism could not say (at the moment it began to pronounce its message, it entered it – entered its trance), eroticism does say: God is nothing if He is not, in every sense, the surpassing of God: in the sense of common everyday being, in the sense of dread, horror and impurity, and, finally, in the sense of nothing ... We cannot with impunity incorporate the very word into our speech which surpasses words, the word God; directly we do so, this word, surpassing itself, explodes past its defining, restrictive limits. That which this word is, stops nowhere, is checked by nothing, it is everything and, everywhere, is impossible to overtake anywhere. And he who so much as suspects this instantly falls silent. Or, hunting for a way out, and realizing that he seals himself all the more inextricably into the impasse, he searches within himself for that which, capable of annihilating him, renders him similar to God, similar to nothing.

>> No.15328161

That's like asking Mickey to define walt disney

>> No.15328178
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"Thomas Aquinas, while proposing five proofs of God's existence in his Summa Theologica, objected to Anselm's argument. He suggested that people cannot know the nature of God and, therefore, cannot conceive of God in the way Anselm proposed.[54] The ontological argument would be meaningful only to someone who understands the essence of God completely. Aquinas reasoned that, as only God can completely know His essence, only He could use the argument.[55] His rejection of the ontological argument led other Catholic theologians to also reject the argument."

>> No.15328183

The problem is that any proof of God ultimately rests on the ontological argument.

>> No.15328921

He does. You'd be surprised to find out that consciousness, or Spirit, can blossom out of neural networks, culture, its laborious emergence, God himself is a reflection of our psyches and vise versa. The two are co-dependent, as God, his residues, the divine through the kingdom and void, are all one Being.

>> No.15329000
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Now that's a complicated question. It depends on what you mean by God.

>> No.15329043

Yes the first 1000 years of Christianity proved He does. Don't listen to agnostic tards like >>15327637 and >>15328148
>Using normative logic to claim agnosis for God

>> No.15329427

Not Jupiter but there's one in Uranus lmao

>> No.15329437
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