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15326886 No.15326886 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15326908

If you are a pattern of atoms just kill yourself. Why does one pattern matter more than another? You've spent about 20 years living, why is dying for one moment so bad?

>> No.15326921

What you view as mundane I view as a miracle so profound that it fills me with profound wonder and is itself an affirmation of God

>> No.15326939

What are you talking about?

>> No.15326950

Being a pattern isn't "depressing", I think it's rather beautiful. You are an arrangement of particles that is particular to you and no one else. Doesn't matter what particles they are or where they came from or what they passed through in order to finally you, but what matters is that they fill YOUR form. Matter is subordinate to the immutability of self

>> No.15326956
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>> No.15326969

This line of thinking, if followed honestly and fully leads to the absurdity and arbitraryness of everything. including the act of killing yourself.

>> No.15326977

Yes. So just have fun bro.

>> No.15326987

But fun is just as arbitrary, and the meta-fun which prompts me to think of this is as well, and so on and so on.

>> No.15327033

Nothing wrong with the quote unless it's taken in the eliminative reductionist sense where we're "nothing but" a pattern of atoms.

>> No.15327041

>If you are a pattern of atoms just kill yourself
I don't follow

>> No.15327073


>> No.15327095

Same. Talk about pleb filter. So sad.

>> No.15328122

So.. don't have fun then? No one is forcing you to, and no one cares either way.

>> No.15328143

>just kill yourself lol
Why is this the dimwitted response to so much stuff, as though suicide ever followed from what is being talked about, and as if people were able to just rationally enact the apparently logical outcomes of their premises.

>> No.15328219

But if we're something more, that means we're more than elementary particles, not entirely physical. Materialism is nonsense.

>> No.15328221

how is that pattern arranged though

>> No.15328230

and by whom, or what

>it's random

no it isn't; if it was there would be no pattern to it

>> No.15328245

A little geometry and theology can rid a man of this line of thinking.

>> No.15328295

A good, strong monarchy helps, too.

>> No.15328308
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>> No.15328322

>geometry + theology
>heraldry + divine right
This checks out

>> No.15328326

Prove it. Show me an atom right fucking now, i've never seen one

>> No.15328351


>> No.15328636

Everything is a pattern of atoms. No fucking wonder, atoms are defined this way.

>> No.15329472

It's a good line of thinking though: forces a confrontation between empiricism and life itself. Let those who choose empiricism self-destruct.

>> No.15329489

brainlet interpretation

>> No.15329491

some taste and decency as well

>> No.15329522

becuase this specific pattern of atoms ( = me) make itself tend to conserve itself as much as it can ( = enjoy living)

>> No.15329525

10^27 atoms may get replaced over a year, it's not a lifo system though so 98% of your atoms don't get replaced.

>> No.15329526
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Ask me how I know you haven’t read the Bible

>> No.15329529

when is won't to live anymore, it will mean the atomic pattern is changed.