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15323283 No.15323283 [Reply] [Original]

Will accelerationism help us achieve a white ethnostate?

>> No.15323460

Possibly. Accelerationism describes the schizophrenization of modernity. What it gets wrong is that at the end of this process is AI destroying humanity. What it actually leads to is collapse. We’ve been collapsing for decades now and few have noticed. This slow collapse will continue for the next century. It includes governments destabilizing, resources depleting, technology becoming obsolete due to resource depletion, etc. Power will disperse from the mountaintops it’s currently held allowing for many smaller, disparate empires to rise. Some of them perhaps being white ethnostates.

>> No.15323551

a trannystate maybe

>> No.15323753

Nice misreading. That's not what accelerationism is.

>> No.15323768

No. Land thought white men were a danger and need to be wiped out for capital.

>> No.15323854

Absolute brainlet here. What the fuck is a "white enthostate" anyway?
I would assume it doesn't imply that Poles, Spaniards and Anglos can live in harmony together in one state. So why is it a "white" enthostate?

>> No.15323904

A state for anyone that is predominantly European ancestry I guess. I think it’s pretty dumb but a white Japan would be cool.

>> No.15324006

Where will this white ethnostate be based?

>> No.15324016

The Pseudetenland

>> No.15324027
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>The Pseudetenland

>> No.15324039

No, it will just accelerate collapse of the West and therefore whatever the whites still possess today.
White nationalism is nonsense, though. Instead of building something, they just stand on the sidelines and complain, or protest like a bunch of larpers.

>> No.15324045

It will be a number of American states that secede. It's not a European concept at this point.

>> No.15324093


>> No.15324103
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>> No.15324453

Does anyone have some reading for countering libertarianism?

>> No.15324694
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No, especially given that ethno-nationalism is actually a step backwards for capital.
Vulgar right-wing accelerationism is complete nonsense, and has little to do with Land's work other than in name.

>> No.15324720

Come to the Midwest

>> No.15324723

If you want a white ethnostate just move to a gated suburb in some rich part of America. For all intents and purposes you'll be living in a white only society. Oh, is it too expensive for you to live there? Then just work harder fool!

>> No.15324728
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>white ethnostate

>> No.15324730


>> No.15324762

Or just move to a state like Wyoming.
Right wingers need to just totally give up on city life if they have any actual interest in an ethno state. The city necessitates cosmopolitanism. It always has and always will.

>> No.15324773
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>white ethnostate

>> No.15324804

>The city necessitates cosmopolitanism
Why does it have to be non-white though?

>> No.15324850

because whites have ALWAYS been a minority

>> No.15324875

The historical trajectory of capitalism baby. Reliance on immigrants for low-paying work, the city as a means to internationalize the economy via trade centers, stock markets; the city as needed to commodify culture, is the center of the culture industry.
In any case, the city is in this sense just the vehicle for capital, which created it in the first place, and capital itself now requires cosmopolitanism in order to function. Barriers in race, culture, etc, stand now as barriers for the market. Globalization utilizes resources from everywhere, and these barriers now only have real function in imperialist ventures.

>> No.15324921

dude, land is a self-proclaimed right-wing accelerationist

>> No.15324933

I said vulgar right wing accelerationism, like the shit you see on /pol/, Eco-fash Twitter, and the New Zealand shooter's manifesto. Landian right wing accelerationism is a whole different zone, with incredibly different goals in mind. Land isn't interested in the ethnostate, he's not even interested in the state.

>> No.15325067

see even that doesn't work though because there are people from North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia who look white. No white supremacist is ever going to label them as anything but white. And there are people with pure European ancestry who look decidedly swarthy.

This is why creating concrete rules based on something as arbitrary as amount of melanin is a rather dumb idea. If you wanted to create a European ethnostate that's at least something you can concretely define and not have any confusion over. But "white ethnostate" is just a dumb concept.

>> No.15325166
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nick land is anti human, the nazis and fashies are still humanists. albeit white humans only.

What nick land wants is to summon the god AI to kill all humans

>> No.15325168

Would you say Land holds to an economic view of left-right (thereby agreeing with marxists), being for or against capital? Instead of a political/spiritual right (I've seen posts recently saying capitalism is not really right-wing)...

>> No.15325233

From what I've heard, Land is just fucking some chink in Shanghai. He isn't trying to do anything except his office clerk job. Fuck Land.

>> No.15325238

Land's conception of capital is as anti-left as it can possible be. You should read the Dark Enlightenment, he clarifies many points along the way and the way he conceptualizes capital becomes somewhat apparent. Basically it has to do with transhumanism and the synthesis of nature and technology (techno-capital). The white nationalist project is not necessarily opposed to this, but in Land's opinion a conception of "whiteness" or race will inevitably become obsolete, since technology will alter human genetics to such a degree to make any biological conceptions of race unnecessary

>> No.15325253

Capitalism as a system is not left or right wing. This is a mistake that a lot of entry-level leftists make. Marx doesn't even say this. What accelerationism does, in a certain respect, is reassert this and theorize that it may be utilized to bring about different realities through its own mechanisms (to either left or right wing goals).

Is Land for capital? It's hard to say, and depends what you mean by being "for" capital. I think he sees capital as a god-like force, that one can't really be for or against, instead you're just engaging in necessary worship (this may be where a lot of the Kabbalah and Gnostic studies come in for him, which have similar relationships to God.) In any case, what makes Land particularly unique is that he isn't interested in viewing capital purely as an economic system. For Land, capital presents itself as a schizophrenic ontological as well as theological system (and this comes from deleuze, but taken many steps further).

But Land is nonetheless in great debt to Marxist thinking, and that's something he's never denied and has no interest in denying. He's not even strictly anti-marxist. He instead just thinks the Marxist mission is completely and utterly obsolete. To a certain extent (as a Marxist myself) I agree with him.

>> No.15325260

What we need is forced miscegenation. That is true acceleration.
He's basically become an arm of the CCP propaganda industry; he writes travel guides and shit. Kind of a meme but also whaddya expect.
Literally one of the only thoughtful posts I've seen on this board today.

>> No.15325268

based Scratch poster

>> No.15325292

Does anyone have any of Land's travel guides? Are they incredibly weird?

>> No.15325305

It's more pedestrian than you'd think.


>> No.15325306

Is purchasing accelerationist books accelerationist praxis?

>> No.15325361


>> No.15325383

what a pseud.

>> No.15325385

>European ethnostate
Pretty sure white supremacists mean ethnically european when they say white.

>> No.15325399
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> /lit/
> calling someone a pseudo

>> No.15325419

Land thought anything resembling nazism was the worst thing possible.
>After all, lose control and you might end up fucking with a Jew, becoming effeminate, or creating something degenerate like a work of art. Does anyone really think that Nazism is like letting go? Theweleit's studies of Nazi body posture should be sufficient to disabuse one of such an absurdity. Nazism can turn you into a stiff before the messy passage into death.

>In the late 1970s, at a time when what is today called gender history was mostly conceived of as women's history, driven by the effort to make women—female agency, impact, and suffering—visible in a male-dominated world, the German literary scholar Klaus Theweleit drew attention to the emotional world and gendered “phantasies” of men. It was a special group of men that Theweleit examined, however: the German Freikorps soldiers who, in the aftermath of World War I, and in a spirit of authoritarianism, militarism, nationalism, and misogynistic resentment, fought a civil war against democrats, socialists, communists, Jews, and women. In Theweleit's view, Freikorps men radicalized common Western and German norms about male self-control and “hard” masculinity into a perpetual war against women and femininity. It was not least the femininity that existed within men, as a desire for domesticity, tenderness, and compassion, that the men of the Freikorps wanted to “defeat.” Driven by the loss of a firm identity and ubiquitous fears of sexuality and states of liquidity, these men and their “male fantasies” spearheaded the rise and heralded the devastating impact of the Third Reich, according to Theweleit. Although his work was empirically based on a limited number of autobiographical writings by the individuals he examined, Theweleit, inspired by post-Freudian psychoanalysis, understood his findings in a quasi-universal sense: masculinity, male solidarity, and, above all, the steeled, armored male body appeared as the engines of a patriarchal order, with “perpetrator-men” and “victim-women” juxtaposed dichotomously.

>> No.15325437
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Klaus Theweleit is unironically so fucking based. His book singlehandedly BTFO'd all fascists by exposing their ideology as a bizarre psychosexual roleplay in excruciating detail. Seriously, his book is fucking thicc.