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15325357 No.15325357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on actual devil worship, in both the past and the modern day cults? LaVeyfags need not post

>> No.15325438

There was a kino thread here a few weeks ago on this sort of thing and I remember some anons talking about how Savile and his degenerate friends were in some full blown satanic cult which linked in with all this nazi and fascist shit
I didn't screencap the posts but it was 10/10 interesting read

>> No.15325446

La Bas

>> No.15325464

Devil worship is just a counter larp to Christianity

>> No.15325470

Children of Lucifer: The Origins of Modern Religious Satanism - Ruben Van Luijk

>> No.15325477

Look up order of nine angles on waruso. It was indeed the best thread on /lit/ this year. Think you can find it by filtering on "any lit on these guys". Follow it up with "Beyond the Dutroux files"

>> No.15325485

I don't know, the "edgy atheist" types are 100% this, but it seems like a lot of those devil worshipping cults have stuff coming in which goes back to gods like Moloch which predate Christ

>> No.15325489
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Savile was allegedly a part of one of the various temples that merged to create the Order of Nine Angles.

>> No.15325498

Just watch Midsommar

>> No.15325503

Theistic Satanists don't view the devil like Christians do, they think of him as an acausal being that exists outside of reality that can warp causal existence.

>> No.15325507

>Look up order of nine angles
Judging by OPs image he's already familiar with them, because I'd recognise their tarot anywhere

>> No.15325520

>several mentions already
>casually dropping references to the acausal realm
damn these guys have dominated modern satanist thought

>> No.15325562

I'm reading about this right now and it seems extremely dweebish

>> No.15325573
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It was a great thread. Feel free to suggest to me more links and reading with more spooky government, satanist, elite connections.

>> No.15325576

It would be completely ridiculous if they didn't have actual real life influence

>> No.15325615

It didn't happen. Up until (((((LaVey))))) came up with what is essentially Religious Liberalism there was literally zero reason to interact with Satan, as far as a Westerner was concerned. He loses in the end, your soul goes to hell, and you won't even get what you're trying to get out of it because, SHOCKER, an entity of chaos and malice isn't actually bound by petty things like contracts and deals (Faust and similar things are literary references to Jews, not demons). Demonology and such were always fringe importations from Judaism far away from the concerns of the average Christian (the average Christian was not reading anything about demonology).

If you're on about Modern stuff, like pedophile cults, then no, 99% of the time they're just pretending. This is a known trick, wherein theatricality makes victims completely unbelievable (to this day small-time pedos use aping Satanism as way to pre-preemptively discredit their victims). The theory behind why types like Savile, Abramovic, the Podestas, etc do this shit is just Oy LaVey's dribble (MUH RITUALS MAKE MUH ORGASM BETTER).

>> No.15325660

Theistic Satanists argue that there is no merciful God in heaven that will reward good people, it was all a cope by "mundane" people who wanted to stamp out the rightful Darwinian chaos from society because they wanted to protect their weak friends and family that should be culled instead for the sake of advancement of the species. Being pious and righteous earns you nothing while being sinister and evil earns you power and immortality among the dark gods that actually exist. Or some will say that the Christian God was the evil one all along while Satan was the good guy trying to give us knowledge to free ourselves, aktuyually, and the Bible and all that stuff was just a big scam to distract people from true salvation.

>> No.15325706
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Are we in for another great thread, or have we exhausted ourselves from that last one?

>> No.15325707
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>This is a known trick, wherein theatricality makes victims completely unbelievable

>> No.15325742

Shallow understanding, this would only even seem reasonable if you ignore the fact that satanism was actually a distinct thing with its own traditions separate from Christianity

>> No.15325746

Basically. Some creepy dude kidnapping a little boy and assraping him? Entirely believable. Four dudes abscond with a youth, tie him to an altar, slaughter a ram to the DARK LORD BAPHOMET, paint the child with the blood, sodomize him while speaking in tongues, before slaughtering another goat and drenching themselves in the blood? Get the fuck out of here with that schizo shit lmfao.

And all of that is 19th century at latest. Absolutely nothing of the weird Gnostics survived.

>> No.15325765

Could you cite evidence of this that doesn't come from LaVey?

>> No.15325778

>And all of that is 19th century at latest. Absolutely nothing of the weird Gnostics survived.
Except >>15325660 is referring to shit which is actually active in the 20th and 21st centuries though and has become a serious pain in the asshole

>> No.15325785

Moloch wasn't Satan though. He was just another pagan god that kikes got particularly salty over, like Baal (who is literally just zeus) or Beelzebub

>> No.15325811

>muh kikes
People are pretty obviously talking about satanism more broadly as a distinct thing, which it has actually become, so if you're going to just argue "oh well that's not literally satan as defined by the bible and the church, also Jews are gay" then you've already said all you have to say.

>> No.15325827

now that you've expressed your distaste for the kike word, are you going to offer a real counterpoint?

>> No.15325865
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Since this is once again turning into an ONA thread, I'll just leave their books here: https://archive.org/details/TheBigAssOnaCollection

>> No.15325920

Nicolas Goodrick-Clarke's Black Sun is quite well researched.
Yeah, the Noctulians, and they merged with the Camlad if I'm remembering the name right to become the ONA. I think the Noctulians also went by Temple of the Sun, and that picture is him in their robes.
The only thing I'd say is avoid Monette. I thought Monette reported on the ONA almost like someone sympathetic to them, and while that isn't necessarily bad, it just didn't dig deep. It was recommended in that thread but I found it no more insightful than wikipedia.
I think the point is you seem to have misunderstood or ignored what most people are talking about in the first place. You're the only one discussing the Christian devil, so it's just talking past most of the thread. I'd agree that some of Satanism seems to tie in with Judaism to some extent, but interestingly that does seem to share symbolism with Moloch worship (the owl symbolism for one, which was apparently a medieval slur for a Jew), and the Savile family used the owl a lot around Leeds, and you can tie them to real satanic cults.

>> No.15325931

I was hoping there would be more lol but they're the dominant group now I guess
Also possessing their stuff might be illegal soon or so I heard

>> No.15325953

Not a book but look up The Finders police report.
They were literally breeding women to take the children for these rituals, and the police report explicitly mentions evidence of these rituals in an apartment or something. You could say it might be a larp but when you've got women literally breeding on demand, that's a lot of effort to go to for a larp

>> No.15325993
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I actually have the news article about them

>> No.15326000
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oh, I also have the report

>> No.15326009

I highly doubt it. It would just show that those who bring such decisions have no idea what they're doing.

>> No.15326068

Stanisław Przybyszewski?

>> No.15326101

SPLC and hopenothate have been pushing for it for quite a while and supposedly the UK at least is considering giving them a formal designation

>> No.15326105
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Unfolding of Physis by Beldam is probably one of the most recent advances by a lone French practitioner of ONA literature.

I'd look into Ixaxaar publishing and Martinent press and research their catalogs. I'm going to make a blanket statement that is books full of sigil and alchemy are meant for that people or others within group that have developed the symbology to understand things in an abstract way - stick to philosophical works.

>> No.15326144


>> No.15326314

I wonder if Myatt is really Long. It seems to be the most likely thing, but he ardently denies it despite owning up to plenty of other fucked up things.

>> No.15326349

He's a smart guy for sure but they shared an address at one point, before he realised he blew his secret identity.

>> No.15326364

What other Satanic cults are interesting, I know the Temple of Set is weird

>> No.15326390


>> No.15326499

Reminds me of Heaven's Gate

>> No.15326721

What inspires somebody to become a devil/chaos/evil worshiper given that every other religion says they're gonna fuck themselves over?
And why do so many of them hate the current neoliberal world order, given the conspiracies that it's run by people like them?

>> No.15326750

So they see him as God
JFL at satanists

>> No.15326764

Most are larps.
Theistic Satanists tend to be legitimate schizos.
ONA doesn't believe in a christian cosmology and has their own for which satanism was mostly a recruitment tactic.
The vast majority of LHP occultists are unironically just watered down Neoplatonism with Gothic aesthetics.

>> No.15326774

No, there are multiple acausal deities. Satan isn't even the most important one, Baphomet is a distinct female deity and she is regarded as better than Satan.

>> No.15326812

>Unfolding of Physis by Beldam
cover for this looks spooky
what's the spookiest grimoires or magical texts that satanists have?
feel like there is an audience for grimoires or working magical texts filled with horror and surreal gothic imagery for people to peek into a world they don't understand and regret buying the book because it might be a portal to demons

>> No.15326820

Ah, so it's sonichu the religion, got it

>> No.15326828

Not really a text, but Moult's Sinister Tarot is a pretty infamous art collection

>> No.15326916

That thread was shit. The same guy spams every O9A thread about links with Savile, but has no definitive proof

>> No.15326955

That thread was a terrific read, but suut yourself

>> No.15326971

Well they obviously don't believe in those other religions, and now that you mention it I really don't see why anyone at all from any religion would like neoliberalism to be honest

>> No.15326994

It had some interesting things in it, for sure, but the Savile stuff doesn't interest me as much as the O9A does.

>> No.15326997

But a lot of esoteric people hate the current order because they think it's run by baby eating Moloch worshipers, so I don't get why these people also hate it given that they explicitly condone baby eating and pursuing the darkest metaphysical evil through sinister action. Logically, shouldn't this be the best society for them, because the masses are ground into soulless paste while the elites do what they desire?

>> No.15327037

Not really following your logic. Firstly they despise all aspects of neoliberalism for I think pretty obvious reasons, it's just a really pussy way of running the world, and secondly even if it were run by demons they'd probably still want to actually be on top anyway.

>> No.15327093

The O9A really is hard to put down b/c it's a decentralized belief system that people are supposed to navigate through to discard old beliefs. If one took a look at the surface material, it's satanic. If one looks past that, to the additional materials, they find a more pagan system mixing all sorts of beliefs together. They look past that, and the writings actively tell them that the O9A beliefs at its core are meant to be discarded and reformed by the individual

>> No.15327138

I'd be half interested if they didn't have cuck shit in their rituals

>> No.15327148

>Four dudes abscond with a youth, tie him to an altar, slaughter a ram to the DARK LORD BAPHOMET, paint the child with the blood, sodomize him while speaking in tongues, before slaughtering another goat and drenching themselves in the blood?
Literally all of that is documented and true events, kikes just start whining and crying blood libel when you mention it