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15321801 No.15321801 [Reply] [Original]

How did christianity and the corpus of christian literature go from being the most respected institution in Western civilization, to being the punchline for anyone intelligent enough to graduate high school?

Was it one big cataclysm, or a gradual process?

>> No.15321863

Geez I dunno maybe if you stopped LARPing and actually read a book for once in your goddamned life you'd actually have a clue

>> No.15321893

In thinking fast and slow the author said that we usually replace a harder question with an easier one when we want to answer it.
In this case it seems like they dislike christianity because of the rituals/dogma. So they aren't ever trying to disprove christianity just disprove the rituals or dogma. Idk if I blame the church or what because Christians usually do a bad job of funneling the whole point that we accepted jesus or religion to begin with.

>> No.15321905

What is Christianity without rituals/dogma? If I don't have to go to church and I don't believe I'll go to hell for sinning am I still a Christian?

>> No.15321912
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Christianity is a true slave religion. It will subvert its masters until it becomes the master, then it will subvert itself.

>> No.15321956

Christianity is an answer it's a metaphysics. It's a metaphysics you can derive truth from and it's more full than the philosophies that it supplanted

>> No.15322002

This is a cope from coomers. Scratch the surface of literally anyone who objects to Christianity and you will find a coomer underneath their lofty attacks on the religion. It always, ALWAYS comes down to them wanting to masturbate/have gay sex/have sex outside of marriage and Christianity won't let them. There's never anything deeper to it when you poke even a little below the surface of most people against Christianity.

>> No.15322011

when people realized its main doctrines are nonsensical (trinity has been btfo by logic, scripture)
when people realized its just greek paganism copy pasted onto the torah

>> No.15322018

not gonna make my own thread

If i wanted to read the bible from a canon point of view, is KJV the choice?

>> No.15322032

>It will subvert its masters until it becomes the master, then it will subvert itself.
this is literally how the sith in star wars operates lol

>> No.15322051


>> No.15322054

no. its made more difficult to read for fancy purposes. catholic bible (nab) is good, readable, has excellent footnotes and annotations

>> No.15322056

Yes. It's the version that impacted the canon. It's language influenced all later English language literature

>> No.15322061

No one asked for your opinion you man looking fucking dyke.

>> No.15322079

Christianity was originally Unitarian

>> No.15322110

yes but all that has been ruled heretical. dont mind that jesus never spoke of the trinity and never claimed to be god

>> No.15322135

extremely true

>> No.15322157

>christianity is the only value system that opposes coomers

The sith subvert each other, Christians subvert themselves.

>> No.15322180

>muh trinity false
this is quite literally the dumbest meme floating around about Christianity today and quite frankly it’s evident whoever parrots it has no fucking idea what they’re talking about

>> No.15322218

>dude they didn’t use the word trinity so it’s not real
>what is genesis 1:26-28
>what is John 1
>what is John 17:1

>> No.15322296

Are you saying being made in God's image implies we are him? Colossians 1:15 says jesus divinity is made in God's image

>> No.15322307

Also John 1:14
>came from god
Just as much as John 3:16. In koine it says Jesus was generated. This is to say Jesus was created

>> No.15322329

People have been ripping on Christ since before he was crucified, they hate him cause they ain’t him

>> No.15322335
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The word was god and in 14 it says god created jesus

>> No.15322341



>> No.15322878
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Absolutely a process

>> No.15322901

Religious academia stopped adapting. Most of the good theological works to come out post-20th century aren't mainstream and aren't really talked about by the modern clergy. Also, the Evangelical Right in the USA is fucking retarded and after 1980s they completely discredited Christianity in the eyes of, like, everyone.

>> No.15322981

>Evangelical Right
why did this happen? They litterally became the posterboy for christians. And the thing is, they are actually kinda getting popular among immigrants.

>> No.15322984

Protestant "every dumbass can interpret the 100% correct Bible if they have the holy ghost" reform. Where people have an issue it's the lack of nuance in interpretations that are meant to convince people that would have sub 80 and even sub 60 IQs today.

>> No.15323000

This, christianity became too pluralistic particularly with the mishandling by prots of their new freedoms.

>> No.15323016

They have a lot of money and they shout really loudly? Also, the Evangelical Right took an openly combative tone with everyone else which doesn't help their notoriety.

>> No.15323030

>the Evangelical Right took an openly combative tone with everyone else
Show me where they object to the Jew.

>> No.15323053

They did throughout the nixon era etc but that's rubbish still. It doesn't address the issue w prot dying off. You can't grow something by the denaturing of something else. Some argument of similar caliber will bring up the inconsistencies again

>> No.15323065
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u r retard

>> No.15323103

>They did throughout the nixon era
How about in modern history?

>> No.15323113

> the nixon era
> not modern history
are you eight years old?

>> No.15323188
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As a Catholic I'm just about ready for us to go back to hating Protestants again. Ecumenicalism was a mistake.

>> No.15323218

> the nixon era
> modern history
That is literally from the Space Age - the era trailing behind us. When was Nixon booted? 1974? 1975? Show me a recent example of institutionalized Evangelical anti-Semitism, not something from 40 years ago.

>> No.15323226

How about all the fuss about George Soros in the American Right circa 2016 - present? That's a classic Jew canard -- the stereotype of the rich, liberal, urbanised Jew controlling secular forces to his own ends.

>> No.15323237

>literally anyone who objects to Christianity
>most people against Christianity
moving the goalposts within a single post, good example of Christian pilpul

>> No.15323241

Religion depends on faith

Now we have very reasonable arguments to doubt it, so faith isn't as strong

>> No.15323249


>> No.15323275

Yeah, I should've known better than to actually engage with a smooth-brained muh Jews idiot. You dumbasses are all the same.

>> No.15323289

>That's a classic Jew canard
If so, then it would reveal itself in talking to these people - and it rarely does. They have been brainwashed to forget Jesus opposing the Pharisees. I have doubly never heard the Jews criticized from the pulpit. The last time I named the Jew the, other person tried to change the subject by raising issues about Soros and Bloomberg - and I had to inform him that he was not changing the subject because they were both Jews. His objection to them was completely devoid of an objection to Judaism. The time is perhaps ripe for a split, but it is not yet afoot in any great degree.

>> No.15323297

>Evangelical Right

Redpill a europoor, please.

>> No.15323310
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>a smooth-brained muh Jews idiot
That was not me, retard.

>> No.15323313

Has it? I take Christians more seriously than fedoras.

>> No.15323320

First of all, shut the fuck up. Second of all, stereotypes often function best when the users are only subtly aware of the stereotype they're proliferating. This is how a lot of stereotypy about blacks work -- you can perpetuate lies about "urban" people and then avow against racism. Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion deals with this subject in depth.

Sorry for misidentifying you. You're still on some dumb shit, though.

>> No.15323325

Not him, but the like of Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson, or Billy Graham. He may disagree and that may prove to be a distinction that sheds light on his take.

>> No.15323334

Falwell especially. He set the intellectual tone for the degeneracy of modern American theology by opening that goddamn university.

>> No.15323353

>when the users are only subtly aware of the stereotype they're proliferating
Demagoguery - just blatant and out in the open.
>Walter Lippmann
>Lippmann was an early and influential commentator on mass culture, notable not for criticizing or rejecting mass culture entirely but discussing how it could be worked with by a government licensed "propaganda machine" to keep democracy functioning. In his first book on the subject, Public Opinion (1922), Lippmann said that mass man functioned as a "bewildered herd" who must be governed by "a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality."
Anyone stating that Jews hold these views is regarded as an anti-Semite.

>> No.15323355

Stop stereotyping me.

>> No.15323359


>> No.15323362

Oy vey I’m calling the ADL

>> No.15323371
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Ronald Reagan Destroyed Whole Generations Of Anything Right

>> No.15323377

And I'm calling yo momma... Yo momma so dumb she be staring at a carton of orange juice cos it says "concentrate"

>> No.15323381

I'm not even religious but why do these pseudy, feral atheist takes trigger me so hard?

>> No.15323387

What exactly is this take?

>> No.15323396

They're lazy, they're arrogant and they make us look bad.

>> No.15323423

>What exactly is this take?
That an elite group should manipulate the state propaganda organ to maintain (subvert) democracy.

>> No.15323430

Clinton may have turned a blind eye to the cocaine running through Mena but it was Ronnie's boys that were actually doing it.

>> No.15323431

Both. Religious sentiment has been on the decline ever since the Enlightenment; however, the spark that triggered the fire that resulted in your pic related was the emergence of New Atheism in reaction to the actions of the Bush presidency.

There's a lot more to it but I'd say this is the very brief gist of it.

>> No.15323435
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That is the entire purpose of the hot take. Pic related.

>> No.15323438

And so...? What is your point exactly? This view was in line with its times, and was not dissimilar from a lot of elitist hysteria about "the masses".

>> No.15323470
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>What is your point exactly?
He is Jewish and he is openly stating things that would be considered anti-Semitic if they came from a non-Jew.

>> No.15323474

>muh science
After Enlightment (+Descartes) science become the "new religion", sure new discoveries were made but right now people blindly believe science and medicine without knowing a lick of it, it just become "b-but muh science / muh medicine" when back then was "muh religion". Scientists and medics are humans therefore they make mistake too, normie people shield themselves behind science but they are too stupid to even answer why the science can answer this and that. Religion had (has) morals and teachings that go beyond numbers amd economic profits that's why it's so important, modern people have lost their compass and that's why religion is so important nowadays: just read the gospels and learn some moral lessions from Jesus and try to improve as a person, leave the whole dogmas nonsense behind. XXIst century people are a bunch of brainwashed degenerates who need to go back to their spiritual roots.

>> No.15323480

> but he's a Joo!! a Joo, I say!!!!!
Again, this kind of view is not too dissimilar to the view of his contemporaries. In addition, it was one of the first real pieces of work on the mass media, so its unsurprising that Lippmann's proposed solution is somewhat odd. The 1920s had a lot of elitist hysteria as the electorate expanded. The anti-Semite's selective reading of history only exposes their retardation.

>> No.15323488
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>selective reading
>making note of hypocrisy

>> No.15323492

Don't forget :
>what is epistemology / ontology
>what is the replication crisis

>> No.15323494

> being (((clever and edgy)))
> actually be retarded

>> No.15323514
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Is that all you have left as an argument?

>> No.15323517

Correct, Christianity is just a metaphysical answer to the platonic question. The ethics and rituals are sometimes useful but they're not the main point.

>> No.15323530

Not only did you not really engage with any of the points I raised at any point, but you reduced your entire argument down to a bad Stalker meme with a triple bracketed JPEG name, so yep. My argument has been reduced down to just calling you retarded.

>> No.15323596
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So you will not address the issue of Jews stumping for control of the propaganda organ for their own interest in their host nation? It was never my retarded idea to raise Lippmann. You also fail to address the demagoguery of labeling someone an anti-Semite for merely opposing things that are supported by Jews. Of course, I would agree with this denotatively - but the term "anti-Semite" generally carries the connotation of prejudicial regard that is not necessarily present.

>> No.15323672

I addressed that pretty explicitly by noting that that sort of rhetoric was not uncommon for the time -- Jewish or Gentile. For the third time: elitism hysteria about the "masses" was very common, anxieties about the expansion of the franchise led many of the elites (Lippmann, being educated and upper-middle class, fits this mould) to express such anxieties.

Moreover, if you want to get specific, Lippmann doesn't advocate for control of the press by the Jews. He didn't even advocate for the press to by monitored by the government per se, but by an independent arm similar to the Fed. Now, I brought up Lippmann to begin with merely because he has written a great deal about the form and function of stereotypes, and because that might be of interest. It's rather clear to me that you're so far down your own rabbit-hole that there's really no point trying to convince you of anything, but to any observers whose world-view isn't dictated by the Protocols of Zion, the Lippmann text is useful. I actually don't espouse Lippmann's particular point-of-view regarding press censorship, in fact on this point I strongly disagree with him, but you merely put those words in my mouth by quoting the Wikipedia page at me. That is demonstrably retarded.

Also, these word games around "anti-Semitism" are stupid, despite the fact that you use the word "denotatively" (nice word, by the way), your prejudices are rather evident even if you might care to dress them up with academic verbiage. These kind of tactics might work on /pol/ or /b/, maybe you should give those boards a go?

Also: "wypipo.prollems.jpg"? Really?

>> No.15323838

Indeed, the Man of Jesus was created, just like Adam. The God of Jesus is uncreated.

>> No.15323920
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>similar to the Fed
Which presidency has been dominated by Jews for ages. You are feeding me bait at this point. it is a total analog to what I have been saying all along. He may not have been open about stating that he desired the organ to be controlled by Jews, but that is the likely outcome.
>he has written a great deal about the form and function of stereotypes
So he may have, but the presence of stereotypes does not negate the presence of genuine patterns.
>but you merely put those words in my mouth by quoting the Wikipedia page
I was not familiar with his work so I read the wiki and that item really caught my eye. I am not going to read the book in real time for you during the thread.
>these word games around "anti-Semitism" are stupid
I agree, but they are jewish games - not mine. If I do not nail the word to the floor then people dance around with it a lot.
>your prejudices are rather evident
I was a philosemite until 2015 when I stated a factual matter and got roundly lambasted for anti-Semitism. My questioning the matter of the gross mischaracterization of what I had stated sent me down this road. What you see as unfair prejudice is my sensitivity to the neglected biases and the repetitive rhetoric through which I have found myself wading ever since my break with the Jews. If you were arguing in good faith then I apologize, but quoting such biased sources and using other rhetorically teetering analogs such as The Fed. make it appear that you are not arguing in good faith but that you are unironically shitposting. Regardless of my bias, shoving another Jew in my face during a discussion that already angles on the Jews only muddies the waters and smacks of shitposting.

>> No.15324031

Maybe people would believe in you a lot more if you stopped raping kids.

>> No.15324042

You're are quite literally attacking a strawman in your continued interrogation on Lippmann's opinion on censorship, as you continue to substitute a line from his Wikipedia for my own views. For the second time: I did not espouse this particular viewpoint of his, I merely pointed out a book of his as a useful source on stereotypy. Furthermore, as I have now stated for the fourth time, if you examined the historical context of that particular view with any real estimation of rigorousness, you would find that such viewpoints were not uncommon amongst the elites in general. I stand by that, his book is a good source on that particular subject. Now, you've patently ignored everything else that I've said except to cling fast to two things:
1) the fact that Lippmann, a source I used for a book he wrote on a specific subject, happens to be Jewish. Big whoop.
2) this line you've pulled from Lippmann's Wikipedia article regarding his views on censorship.
It should be noted that neither of those things bear any relevance to my original point of discussion, which was the nuanced and subtle ways that stereotypes can function in response to your assertion that the canard of Soros is not anti-Semitic because it doesn't explicitly say that it is. Notice how you have been able to direct the discussion to subjects that explicitly concern Jews, and when you haven't, you aim to conjure the Jew out of thin air like some sort of spectre, as in your invocation of "Jewish control" of the Fed (which I used as an example for an ideal type not as a real world example) or the original invocation of Lippmann's Jewish descent (which bears little relevance to his writing on stereotypy), these things are largely irrelevant. But no, the anti-Semite must direct the argument to the bottom, sinking all those with it. You can find a Jew finding behind every nook and cranny, you can find a Jew hiding underneath your bed and between your floorboards, if you put cardboard cut-outs there to scare yourself when you turn off the lights. I feel stupid for having continued to engage in this discussion, especially when you're obviously so far gone its not really worth it.

>> No.15324055

White evropeans reject the rehashed Judaism because it contradicts their nature.

>> No.15324066

Okay. Goodbye.

>> No.15324072

Go in Peace, brother, and may you find Allah's mercy one day.

>> No.15324086

The most common criticism I see on /pol/ of the Christian worldview is that is promotes racemixing and that the concept of love and forgiveness creates a culture where sexual deviancy can thrive.

One reason many people want to return to a prechristian era where people would unashamedly burn the witch and drown the faggot.

>> No.15324087

bro in the prechristian era people were slamming cock and race didn't exist fuck you mean

>> No.15324119

>bro in the prechristian era people were slamming cock and race didn't exist fuck you mean
Nice, are you going to apply the same logic to Christian society of the last 2.000 years?

Because homosexuality and racemixing was tolerated most of the time in Christian society and if you disagree, please show me something done by Christian society that comes closes to the persecution against the Jews, Cathars or Waldesinians perpetrated against homosexuals by the church.

>> No.15324121

>Go in Peace
I will probably take a break and tune my rhetoric a bit.

>> No.15324126

>Nice, are you going to apply the same logic to Christian society of the last 2.000 years?

>> No.15324128
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While Christianity has always been a part of the US's history, the Jews created the current evangelical right as a political force. Anyone denying this, or thinking it's the american right pulling the strings on their own, is an idiot. See pic related for history of this.


Bet you are one of those guys that got real uncomfortable with the Epstein thing, the Weinstein thing, and the continuing wars in the middle east for the support of our "greatest ally". It's amazing how you delusional fuckheads can talk about stereotypes and racism but ignore jewish group nepotism at the heights of power that likely include pedophile blackmail networks, assassinations, bribery, and other acts. The absolute mental gymnastics to complain about wypipo while jews dominate financial, political, media, and other forms of power is incredible to watch. You're either brainwashed or defending your ethnic kin.

>> No.15324139

That is fine by me. I just hope you will work towards creating a society that has actual moral values.

>> No.15324142

>That is fine by me. I just hope you will work towards creating a society that has actual moral values.
What sort of moral values?

>> No.15324156

Maybe if American Christians (The baptist ones) weren't basically legitimate cults masquerading as the Christian religion, people wouldn't have such a bad view on Christianity.
That and the fact that the Catholic church tries to hide the truth, deny any wrong doing and protect them from the consequences of their actions. Maybe if the church started excommunicating and/or disavowing these people instead of protecting them, they wouldn't be so hated.

>> No.15324163

Christian literature essentially doesn't exist. All of the works which still hold up by today's standards are in a large part inspired by ancient greek and Roman classics, the occasional mention of random saints is only highlighted briefly and apt to appease the kiddie diddling priests alive at the time. Notice how the enlightenment and neoclassical movements disproportionately rely on pre-christian mythology. Those authors loved the Gods and would have willingly chosen to practice hellenism like their ancestors if freedom of religion had been a thing back then. It is a proven fact that no one wants to live under the rule of Christianity except bitter losers who wish to enact their own version of the sharia law. Christians and Islamists are two birds of the same feather, two tumors that plagued europe for centuries and that must be rooted out by means of violence, the only language that the jew worshipping Christians and islamists understood throughout the ages.

>> No.15324172

No, what is truly amazing is how you guys will conjure a whole host of spectres in order to assert that a tiny minority and an equally tiny nation-state is pulling the strings in America. You guys can't take the blame for your own fuck-up (the neocons), and so now you blame the Jews. Also, this Sniegoski guy is a fucking nobody. Pic related my ass.

The neo-conservative movement is a uniquely American admixture of neoliberal economics and paranoiac Christian moralism that emerged largely as a mechanism for neoliberal economics to reconcile its own predilection to consume and destroy moralities and cultures. When neoliberalism wrecked the economies of the Rust Belt and the Deep South, two areas with a history of Christian strength in the United States, the result was to subsume these Christian moralities in the service of economics. This is why Falwell and his ilk has an active hand in denigrating the theology of his own religion and why prosperity gospel has emerged.

> the Epstein thing
> the Weinstein thing
This is even less secure as an argument as pointing to the rampant, widespread, and systematic child abuse in the Catholic Church and then asserting that the Christian religion as a whole is a cult of child abuse.

>> No.15324180

counter culture, kids raised on religion becoming le rational thinker after high school as you said.
I think its changing though religion is the new counterculture, whether its Christianity or university kids getting into yoga and spiritualism.
Ive just finished reading all of Dostoyevsky and im writing my dissertation on him so maybe im bias, but theres just so many parallels to be drawn between his work and todays society, so much so its backed by evidence.

>> No.15324204
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The neocons were majority jewish, they originated from jewish intellectuals in nyc, and material like the "clean break" plan show that they had connections to Israel at the highest levels.
Ignoring the ethnic and political connections is dishonest you fucking rat fuck.

The catholic church as a group aren't running a powerful ideo-cultural weapon like hollywood and also running a child sex network that is connected to mossad via epstein's gf and has two fucking presidents and captains of industry in it. If you were looking for a concrete example of a secretive jewish control network that spread its tentacles into american power, you wouldn't get a better example than the Epstein stuff. Now factor in your kin's control of the media, academia, finance, and you are looking at not so much as a "canard" but an actual truth.

>> No.15324211

Can you fucking stop posting. I'm sick of seeing your shit threads on the boards I frequent

>> No.15324218

This is such a bullshit, eurocentric piece of crap propaganda. Thank God for fucking islam, where religion isn't a buffet where you can pick the things you like and discard the rest.
I'm not even disputing the philosophical teachings that came from christianity, or rather christians, but this isn't the 19th century anymore.

>> No.15324231

Then please enlighten us anon

>> No.15324243

>these people
Noticed I dropped the word out of my reply
Of course, I'm referring to pedophiles here

>> No.15324252

more books we should read?

>> No.15324292

This is such a crap piece of rhetoric. At least the other guy had style and poise. I miss him already. T

he only piece of this hack-job that is really addressing is bit about the clean-break plan. I agree, its a terrible plan. But it functions first and foremost as an instrument of imperialism more than it does anything else, and the primary focus of the neoconservative agenda was American power projection above all else. The collusion with Israel is an unfortunate byproduct of a large effort here, and here, we might agree that Israel is a particularly egregious example of American efforts to prop up dictatorships -- but this is the same as they've done elsewhere, in Chile, in Central American, in Zaire, all over the globe.

You know what's fucking dishonest? The selective historical reading of the anti-Semite, which props up a few Jewish names and the be-all and end-all of evil, ignoring the vast tide of historical realities. What was the function of neoconservatism? As mechanism for neoliberal economics to save itself by infusing Christian moral themes into itself, to project American power politics across the globe, in other words: things that not only make logical sense but have historical and material precedent? Or was it a bizarre coup by a handful of people that against all odds has survived over 40 years to illogical ends? Cheney, Bush, Clinton, the entire apparatuses of the State Departments and the Military and the CIA; all of these people nefariously duped in what would be the most watertight coup d'etat ever executed in the history of mankind for not a single explicitly incriminating primary source to emerge somewhere, at some point, over 40 fucking years? Or is it the case that you're a moron, your friends are morons. Shucks man, if I were the other dude, I'd be ashamed because you're making the more intelligent sounding anti-Semites look bad!

> your kin, you fucking rat fuck
I don't even have an ounce of Jewish descent in me, I'm just not a moron, you son-of-a-bitch, you scabrous, brain-dead, community college-going motherfucker

>> No.15324351

Shut up Swiss fag

>> No.15324353

Fuck you kike

>> No.15324358

Oy vey! The goyim know!

>> No.15324383

The short answer is Jews .
And it's only a punchline to them, bit because they have power over Hollywood and all that production they push it so it looks like everyone is agist Christianity.
And yes it was a gradual process starting from the French Revolution.

>> No.15324397

Christianity is a jewish religion

>> No.15324400
File: 875 KB, 616x1290, it's da empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mistake you are making is that you are embedding the jews in a larger empire narrative trying to downplay their role in elite decision making, when the ""Anglo-American"" empire has been a jewish-run empire for awhile (probably a few centuries). See pics related. The Neocons are just another instantiation of that. You're just defending an ethnic group that regularly cover up for their pedophilia. The Catholic Church might get busted for being pedo rapists, but your ethnic kin have a cultural norm that includes killing someone should someone report a jew for such things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesirah

Again, to me that sounds like something similar to the opsec of a secretive network, which is what rumors, conspiracies, and folklore about the jew has said for centuries. Why would a network of people that have historically have been accused of sex slavery and killing children, have a social norm like Mesirah that works to cover up their most despicable acts? Pretty suspicious that a culture would have an evolved norm like this, and one that continues to the present day.

>> No.15324503

Abismaly week take.
Talmudisum is younger then Christianity

>> No.15324528

All abrahamic religions originate from the proto-judaism the jews preached. Christianity is not and will never be a western religion.

>> No.15324571

>Abraham if religions
What a way to expose yourself as the biggest psued araund. Im not here to defend random bullshit you are trying to put me together with.
>Western religion
Yea a religion in Europe for 2 milienium is not western but your dead trees sure are kek. Varg tards are the dumbest people.

>> No.15324612

Polytheistm has been around longer than Judaism and Christianity together. Your argument is bullshit.

>> No.15324651
File: 1.06 MB, 500x5002, the hibernian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you haven't taken the Green Pill?

>> No.15324686
File: 651 KB, 1273x1640, popepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the punchline for anyone intelligent enough to graduate high school
it's because the youth of today don't do any critical thinking of their own, they've merely been conditioned to accept the "sciences" as the solve-all to all of life's ;problems, many going so far as to make it their philosophy when it is in fact nothing more than an imperialistic method that cannot prescribe moral doctrines or rules.
Liberalism and the "sciences" have taught the youths of today that their feelings and fleeting personal happiness are the highest possible end, rather than something inherently more important and powerful than them and their feelings. It's why our generations are becoming more and more sexually deviant, less faithful in marriage, less appreciative of the importance of the family unit to the good of our communities and mental health, and more likely to commit suicide.
The sexual revolution and rise of leftism has taught us that "freedom" good, because freedom to do anything and pursue individualism is what will flood our system with the most endorphins, and so liberal hollywood and media ridicules Christianity, thinking they have the high ground and know what's best for the species, and our youths are buying it.
The reality is that mankind attains the most long lasting happiness by devotion to a higher purpose that is transcendent of ourselves, whereas the youth of today believe themselves to be the highest possible end. It's why we're lonelier and less happy than ever before.

>> No.15325569

και θεος ην ο λογος does not mean the word was God, when translating Greek you put the subject first, which in this case is ο λογος since it has the definite article and so its to be rendered "The word was" but we cannot say capital-G God since the θεος has no definite article, so we are to translate it as "The word was a god" and or "The word was divine"

>> No.15325612
File: 109 KB, 538x810, Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah bro, you gotta read Greek mythology! It's packed with all this cool and useful stuff and the myths are all super deep! Zeus fucks everything LMAO
>Pffff! Christianity? The Bible? Yeah, it's thousands of years worth of mythological stew and the single most influential text in the history of your civilization, but it's got all this dumb shit in there about Sky Santa and guys living inside whales.

>> No.15325639

Public education.

In order to be a good practitioner of any religion, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, etc. you have to have some sort of faith in the grounding principles. If you don't trust in them everything that is built upon them falls apart.

Public education in the west discourages any sort of disciple/master relationship and democratizes everything. The sacred is revealed before the profane and everyone is taught and doubt and denial is stronger than faith and affirmation.

The ills of modern public education have now spread to religious schools, forcing them to adapt or close, thus bringing an end to any sort of autonomy.

The most important part of anyone's life are undoubtedly the first 10 years. If you force a child to go to a school 5 days a week that actively preaches against faith and humility in the face of tradition, you will soon be left with an adult who simply does not even understand what it means to be religious.

>> No.15325835

you really are one of the most boring tripfags jesus christ why do people not bully you more

>> No.15325847


>> No.15325999

Appropriation from televangelists and American Protestants

>> No.15326161

His divinity it says was created in his image, Colossians 1:15