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/lit/ - Literature

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15322318 No.15322318 [Reply] [Original]

Is your writing career over the moment you aren't born into aristocracy?

>> No.15322387

These days its over if you're not born as a brown woman with mental health problems

>> No.15322397

If you want to be anything great you have to be born to an elite family but ALWAYS with some twist. You have to be rich but gay in a time when it was not accepted. This combination has made the greatest philosophers and authors

If you are a poorfag write YA.

>> No.15322407

If you're a true high-caste Aryan you WILL NOT work for a living no matter what, it's just not done. You would literally rather die than do a day's labour for somebody else, that's what women and niggers are for.

If you aren't independently wealthy you go NEET, if NEET isn't an option then you commit seppuku rather than accept the dishonour of being a wagecuck.

>> No.15322673

Not if you write YA fantasy romance about queer protagonists of color.

>> No.15322683

>tfw brahmin caste aryan and being forced to become a doctor by my parents
i just want to read guys

>> No.15322826

No, but you still need to have a bunch of free time and a way to support yourself. Leisure is a privilege often only granted to the wealthy. To be a great author, you need time to reflect and write. Writing is also not a guarantee of success, even if your writing is good, so only the wealthy can take a chance on something that quite frankly has a low chance of panning out.

>> No.15322915

Become an aristocrat of the soul

>> No.15322925

>giving up on writing because you probably won't make money off it

never going to make it

>> No.15322999

Tolstoy and Doystoevsky both wrote because they didn't have to worry about finances; both were born into nobility. If they didn't have connections and wealth, they almost certainly would have picked a different path. There are poor people that have the talent that Tolstoy and Doystoevsky had but they almost always use it to chase after wealth, power and connections. A keen understanding of the human condition is useful in many more ways than just literature and philosophy.

>> No.15323066


Sad to see good trips wasted on such arrant tomfoolery.

Tolstoy didn't have a care in the world but D. constantly had money worries (and not just because of his gambling). Most of D.'s books were written because he needed money, and he often had to rush a book to meet a deadline and spoil it (The Gambler for example). He was quite resentful of T. because of this.

>> No.15323099

What's your take then? Just noble blood? I probably should have looked into Dostoevsky's background more but, yeah, he was born into a noble family line.

>> No.15323107

No, you can still get into an MFA program. If you don't do that, you're fucked.

>> No.15323978

The upper class are bad writers because nothing is forcing them to do it.

The middle class are bad writers because they don't do anything worth writing about.

The lower class are bad writers because they aren't well educated.

IMHO you see really good writing from people who cross these boundaries, for example an aristocrat forced to work, a scholar forced into the real world, or an average Joe given an unwelcome education.

>no matter what, it's just not done
This is not how the upper class thinks, anon.

>you still need to have a bunch of free time
You're on 4chan all day long, idiot.

>> No.15325103

>If you are a poorfag write YA.
WTF is YA?

>> No.15325117

>mfw I'm a black dude from a very wealthy family who wanted to be a writer but my artho gf told me I could never be one because I'm too disconnected from the real world and anything I write wouldn't be authentic so I gave up

>> No.15325120

Young adult fiction fucking moron

>> No.15325130

How is a demography any important? Young Adult doesn't mean shit. Is not a genre.

>> No.15325137

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Writers are known for going through financial struggles in order to pursue their passion. Very few writers lived comfortably, in fact most of them were dirt poor, died nameless, and were only discovered after their deaths.

>> No.15325185
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>be me
>be junior at Harvard
>faux aristocracy all around

The real aristocracy has retreated from the world. What’s ironic is that the wealthiest man i know is also the most educated, by a long shot—but he isn’t affiliated with any institution, he just hangs out around his private libraries in Boston and the Tatte near Harvard square. Chill dude, usually wears sweat clothes. Has read more at 30 than i can comprehend.

The aristocracy exists, they are educated as fuck, they have real plans, but they are not the optically aristocratic you would think.

>> No.15325219

based department?

>> No.15325252

OP, I agree with you 100%. I’m a rich guy(to the point that I don’t work aside for non-profit organizations stuff that I don’t get paid for) with connections and it definitely has made my life easier. Now, I’m not a professional writer but I would assume if you’re like me- having tons of free time to focus on your hobbies- it makes developing writing easier. The connections are also nice (but they don’t help if you have no talent)

>> No.15325263
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>OP, I agree with you 100%. I’m a rich guy(to the point that I don’t work aside for non-profit organizations stuff that I don’t get paid for) with connections and it definitely has made my life easier. Now, I’m not a professional writer but I would assume if you’re like me- having tons of free time to focus on your hobbies- it makes developing writing easier. The connections are also nice (but they don’t help if you have no talent)

>> No.15325342

young adult (twilight for example). Nobody will take your autistic tractatus seriously if you dont have any family connections in academia. Also if you are a poorfag you probably lack the delusions of grandeur and the self confidence needed to seriously believe that your work is important. Class is very important in literature.

YA can be written by a poorfag though. It follows the rules of free market economy more than it follows nepotism. But even here some jewish blood might be helpful

There are exceptions to this rule. Kafka was not rich but he was not an absolute poorfag either. You can try maybe times have changed

>> No.15325387

Anglo elite universities are such a meme. I looked at your CS program and it is so much easier than the average german university. You literally pay for your degree so they make sure you dont fail. German state university is so much more advanced in theory and mathematics it is not even funny. Your other departments are overhyped as well. It is more of a connection hub than a place for great education

>> No.15325743

>they don't do anything worth writing about.
terrible statement

>> No.15325764

Why is your writing shit then?

>> No.15325774

> Now, I’m not a professional writer
To be fair, he literally said it.