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File: 187 KB, 1200x914, decon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15322312 No.15322312 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a more midwit foundation for writing than deconstructionism?

>> No.15322326


>> No.15322430

There's midwit 'deconstruction' but then there's 'deconstruction' that puts Derrida as exit-level philosophy

>> No.15322457

The proper term should be differance. He even says that Deconstruction is something he borrowed from Heidegger

>> No.15322489

the worst thing about 20th century philosophers was unironically their gay photos where they all try to look brooding and edgy.

>> No.15322493

disassembly would be more fitting, with the dissimulation/assessment/breaking down for inspection & repair resonances; 'deconstruction' foisted by mostly anglo spheres is too purely negative and as far as this has created the industry of literature scholars and its inane discourse since his death -- yes, absolutely.

>> No.15322502


>> No.15322512
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>Deconstructing is a weak form of thought, the inverse gloss to constructive structuralism. Nothing is more constructive than deconstruction, which exhausts itself in passing the world through the sieve of the text, going over and over the text and the exegesis with so many inverted commas, italics, parentheses and so much etymology that there is literally no text left. There are only the remnants of a forced organization of meaning, a forced literalism of language. Deconstructing is as interminable as psychoanalysis, in which it finds a fitting partner. Deconstruction has something of the homoeopathy of difference about it; it is an analytics of trace elements.

>> No.15322537


>> No.15322567

Where do I start with deconstruction?

>> No.15322590

Is this guy mad because his philosophy is very obviously a metaphysics of presence?

>> No.15322600

Can I get a quick run down?

>> No.15322652

Everything is a meaningless social construction except Marxism for some reason

>> No.15322724

Watchmen by Alan Moore

>> No.15322725

Based Retard

>> No.15322734

Marxism don't work in the realzies.
So we gotta prove realty isn't real
And everything is constructed
So we can construct a reality in which Marxism works

>> No.15322759


>> No.15323233

The most concise example of Deconstructionism I've ever seen was when Derrida snarked about all the commentators who had been declaring the "death of Deconstruction" for decades. And I'll paraphrase him, but he said words to the effect of
>is something still dead if the eulogies are still being written for 20 years?
Anyway, long story short - Deconstructionism is a process without a set methodology that tends to revel in the fuzziness and ambiguous territory that lies in the shadows of Western metaphysical assumptions. It shouldn't be mistaken for a kind of "destruction" or "un-construction" where a structure is taken apart, but rather be seen more like an x-ray that allows you to see how the construction was constructed. Oftentimes this unseats metaphysical dualities like the idea of 'center' being a imprecise and relative spot, or how "now" is constantly becoming "then" because of the unstoppable arrow of time, that "invention" is not a thing so much as it is a milestone upon which something that was thought impossible or illegal to known laws of science is made possible.
Where the x-ray analogy is most apparent is something like Plato's Pharmacy where "drug" is an ambiguous term - both for healing and intoxication - that love and rhetoric are "drugs" of the soul. And that Plato was very deliberate when he smooshed these seemingly disparate topics into the same dialogue.
Does that help?

>> No.15323623

is it true that derrida placed ghosts in his writing and if i flip through his books a spooky skeleton will pop up and scare me?

>> No.15323660


>> No.15323771

>Everything is a meaningless social construction except justice in liberal democracies for some reason

>> No.15323821

If you don't read Derridas work on phenomenology , stop trying to "get" deconstruction, because its not what you think it is.

Derrida always said his two biggest influences are Husserl and Heidegger.

>> No.15323834

no, destruktiontest

>> No.15323873

Literal retard. How many times does sniffy have to say that Marxists and these faggots mutually despise each other?

>> No.15324025

Hegel was a close third.
Honestly, if you think Derrida is just nonsense, you were probably just filtered. He's exit tier philosophy, and requires an accordingly exit tier dedication to understand him.

>> No.15324145


>> No.15324402
