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15319002 No.15319002 [Reply] [Original]

Why is every great philosopher either German, French or Greek?

>> No.15319012


One of these things is not like the other, oone of these things just does not belong

>> No.15319014

What kind of stupid fucking comment is this

There are plenty of philosophers who are none of those nationalities

>> No.15319018
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>French philosophy

>> No.15319030

the extraterrestrial gods only mated with those 3 nations so all the best thinkers originate from there.

>> No.15319031

He said great philosophers, not just philosophers, though. Learn to read.

>> No.15319050

You're missing austria, poland, italy just in the west

>> No.15319061


>> No.15319065

name 3 GREAT philosopher from each of those nations

>> No.15319075


You forgot Indian

>> No.15319095

Austria, wittgenstein, weininger, ernest mach, freud I could literally go on forever
Poland, tarski, Łukasiewicz, Zabłudowski. Poland has a huge analytic philosophy tradition
Italy in modern era leonardo Davinci wasn't a philosopher per se but a definite edgelord and tried to contribute, there were a ton I just can't remember but this is the birthplace of the renaissance if you don't include roman empire itself

>> No.15319096


Remember Nietzsche was a Polish nobleman. He told us so himself. Y - you're not calling Nietzsche a liar, are you?

>> No.15319114

There's literally no one from Italy. Stop your nonsense.

>> No.15319281

Literally on par with Amerilels in Boston claiming they're Irish
>muh heritage
He was a fucking German

>> No.15319336

Austrians are German too retard.

>> No.15319365


>> No.15319397

Sure if you don't want to acknowledge the hard catholic-prot split. It's not huge but austria at the turn of the 20th century was a million times more exciting than any other country at the time

>> No.15319444

>catholic-prot split
Religion is dead today and there are a number of parts of modern Germany that were still staunchly Catholic after the reformation. Austria is literally just southern Bavaria in denial.

>> No.15319495

I mean as of post ww1 we're literally all the same country

>> No.15319523

there are at least 3 countries
1. US and friends
2. China
3. Russia

>> No.15319550

Literally all the same desu just different food desu desu due to different environments desu desu desu

>> No.15320461
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>Can't even pronounce those names right save for maybe one

How the fuck is anyone supposed to take this seriously?

>> No.15320554

Mirandola, Vico, Machiavelli, Bruno. The Italian states were France before France was France, and before that they were Rome. Not exactly irrelevant, nor are England and Scotland

>> No.15320565

I can't but I read about them a lot. They did a lot of work in analytic philosophy

>> No.15320703


Who did you read?

also, analytic>continental

>> No.15320750

Berardi, Virno, Lazzarato

>> No.15320778


And one of the most innovative mathematicians, Leonardo Pisano, was from Italy....and one of the greatest and most influential economists -- Vilfredo Pareto. :3

Stop being racist against Italians please.

>> No.15320794


>> No.15320822

Secondary on metaontology a lot lmc

I've read others but they're on my tablet. This too https://www.amazon.com/dp/0199241465/ref=cm_sw_r_apa_i_ss0TEbXQJTS7V

>> No.15320837

If the definition of great is independently ground breaking I would say it's china, india, greece, Aztecs perhaps others. Axial age hasn't been reconstructed or redeveloped

>> No.15320845

The Roman Empire was more than just modern Italy.

>> No.15320889

Germans are good at everything except war.
Frogs are bad at everything except bitching.
Greeks were good at everything, not anymore.

>> No.15320936
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>underrating anglophones

>> No.15321163

It started in and was centered on Italy tho

>> No.15321185


>> No.15321444

Like many things, philosophy is something you can focus on when times are good. It's unusual to focus on such a past-time when you are getting raped and murdered by barbarians.

Greece, France, and Germany, have all enjoyed eras of great prosperity and largesse while at the same time being highly interested in philosophy as an academic pursuit.