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15318861 No.15318861 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to find an author someone mentioned on here a few years ago.

>/Lit/ thread on horror fiction
>Anon posts a picture of a disheveled Asian woman sitting at a desk. Pic looked like it was from the 80’s or 90’s
>Anon also posts her name. Find a short wiki article with no pics
>Article implies her writing is more Kafkaesque then straight horror
>Pretty sure it said she was born in China but immigranted to America (Not entirely sure)

Does anyone know who I’m talking about? I might not have gotten all the details right.

Pic unrelated, I’m hoping some Ligotti fans might know her.

>> No.15318916

I dont know lad but have a bump

>> No.15318968

Thanks, I’ve been searching the archives for it but can’t find anything.

There doesn’t seem to be a page on Wikipedia for Chinese-American women writers (And the Chinese women writers page I checked already, no one matching my description).

>> No.15318985

Most asian women know their place and don't write books. That is for men

>> No.15319003

I don’t really care. I’m just really trying to see if this particular author does exist.

>> No.15319021

And if anons want to dive into the archives, I believe this thread happened somewhere in 2016 to early 2019 (I know, that’s big span of time).

>> No.15319044
File: 56 KB, 454x564, 山本侍ぺぺ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious too, bumping
Cringe. Also incorrect, you've never seen a henpecked man until you've seen the husband of a Chinese or Japanese woman.
Such a huge span. I'm monitoring the thread to see if anyone comes up with this. Do you know anything more about her?

>> No.15319074

Admittedly, I think 2018 to 2016 is a better timespan.

No, I really don’t. But I just have that memory of that pic that looked cursed of a middle aged, disheveled looking Asian woman sitting a desk (She might have been writing).

I think it implied her work was published in small presses but did get some attention.

>> No.15319085


Actually, thinking about it now I believe she was still Chinese because the article mentioned translations if I’m remembering more correctly.

But if any anons know of Asian-American female authors that kinda fits the description please don’t hesitate to post.

>> No.15319120

why don't you just look into your browsing history and find the wiki there?

>> No.15319123

I’m pretty sure the wiki article said she wrote in the style of guys like Kobe Abe & Kafka.

>> No.15319125

This is might have up to 4 years ago. I clear my browser everyday.

>> No.15319141


>> No.15319170

I can't stand abe kobo, so I hope not.

>> No.15319178

If anyone wants to help me search the archives, I’ve been searching OP posts with the word horror in them.

Again, pretty sure it was a thread about for horror literature or asking for horror recs.

I really wish I could also add something so that threads with only 10 posts or more pop up.

>> No.15319187

Well, who knows until we figure out who she is and read her.

>> No.15319259

who keeps history in the day and age? mine clears everything as soon as i close it

>> No.15319264

Hoping people who are fans of the Dark/Disturbing Lit chart can chime in if they know anything.

>> No.15319275
File: 37 KB, 400x300, cx-photo-at-iowa-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stretch, but female Kafkaesque Chinese author sounds like Can Xue.

>> No.15319323

>Can Xue.
do you have a link to a pdf of any of her work? I'd like to give it a gander

>> No.15319368

Have you tried just googling 'female Chinese American horror writers'? I found this blogpost with a list of Asian American horror writers
>Rena Mason, William F. Wu, James Wong, Jennifer Hiller, Shane McKenzie, Sam Sisavath, Aurelio Rico Lopez III, Paul Loh, Wesley Chu, Kristine Ong Muslim, Rissa Cortez Alcantara, Saymoukda Vongsay, Marjorie Lu, Burlee Vang, and Teresa Lo.

>> No.15319673

>Can Xue


Looks like wiki page has gotten bigger since I last found it.

Hopefully I can find some of her work translated.

>> No.15319765

For such a relatively obscure author, there's actually a ton of stuff in translation. What I read was a bit too ethereal/dreamy for me, but there's a great piece of nightmare imagery that sticks in my mind where a character reaches out to touch her sister's face in the dark and her sister's skin inexplicably lets out the sound of rustling dried leaves.

There's one on b-ok.

>> No.15319842

Looks like I’m not the first anon who tried to find her: >>/lit/thread/S7282998#p7283735

Can’t seem to find that thread where that pic >>15319275 was posted. Swear it was a horror rec thread.

>> No.15319886

Also, her name isn’t added to the list of Chinese women authors. Someone should fix that.

Reading her bio wiki, man her early life sounds horrific. Glad she can use memories for good use. It looks like she can win a Nobel Prize for Lit.

It looks like she can speak English https://youtu.be/ulFdr8WZl44
(She’s the second reader at the event at the 1 hour mark).

>> No.15319961

Thanks for that website also anon, didn’t know it existed.