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/lit/ - Literature

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15318386 No.15318386[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Found this today. Browse any profile and it's loaded with this crap. At least 90-95% of agents are female. There is overwhelmingly, absolutely overwhelmingly, requested a certain brand of manuscript, and I strongly feel agents and the literary establishment are becoming more and more divorced from reality as they seclude themselves in their political echo chamber of increasingly edgier and edgier neoliberalism. Marx himself would take a step back over this.

What do normalfags like to read? Game of thrones type stuff. What do agents push for? Endless whining crap about POC queers, trannies, stronk wimminz, feminism, critical theory, and other insanity. (And of course the third faction--quality literature--has no representation at all.) Pop politics has completely taken over the publishing establishment like a metasticized cancer. And no, for the love of god I'm not /pol/. I don't want to read about ANY politics in my literature, left or right, you're all kooks and I don't give a damn about any of this circus act, this debate of clowns. I'm really, really tired of having this crap pushed down my throat.

When I talk about blue haired agents, I'm talking about this. But don't take my word for it.
This is why books worth reading aren't being published.

>> No.15318403

but Game of Thrones got published...

>> No.15318412

look at agent wishlists. you're more likely to find them asking for the next 'the hate u give' rather than the next GoT.
(and yes, not that GoT is a measure of quality literature, but rather what actual human beings want to read.)

>> No.15318441

>American gods from a poc perspective
...shadow is very clearly described as black or native, are these people that retarded?

>> No.15318467

Don't pull the apolitical card bullshit on us, it is obvious from your post that you are a slimey fascist

>> No.15318478

> I don't want to read about ANY politics in my literature
What a cuck

>> No.15318481

You're completely right. Story and character has been sacrificed not because there aren't good writers anymore but because agents are all SJW pseuds with no regard for the canon

>> No.15318485

the comedy of this post

>> No.15318500

the hate u give sold truckloads and was made into a film. of course they all want the next one of those.
if you want to get published with the sort of thing you are talking about, look up who the agents are for grrm, tom clancy, stephen king, dan brown etc etc etc and target those. king is 72, patterson is 73, clancy is dead. of course they are also going to be looking for the next versions of those writers too.

>> No.15318508

Those guys all started being published before this stuff really accelerated to present levels

>> No.15318509

This reminds me of this:

>But is Lucas correct? Are contemporary National Book Award (NBA) winners and nominees a more diverse lot than those of previous eras? Actually, no, not unless your only criterion for diversity is skin color or ethnicity. By any other measure, the authors honored by the National Book Foundation over the past decade are a surprisingly homogenous group. Almost all of them are products of what has come to be known, among supporters and critics alike, as America’s “MFA Industrial Complex.” They all tend to matriculate at the same elite colleges, acquire advanced degrees in English or Creative Writing, and then go on to teach in the same circle of elite schools.

>> No.15318519

They are ideologues, they are not in it for the money. They believe themselves to be the "guides of mankind" who will lead us to a better, more diverse world.

>> No.15318532
File: 83 KB, 740x1035, __ooi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rui_shi_rayze_ray__533665b4c29fd7a1dee4b839600dd7d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must you hate on trannies when we don't even have any tranny literature?

>> No.15318552

they focus on superficial checkbox diversity (gender, skin color) like a create-your-own-manga-character generator where you swap out haircolor and skincolor and presto chango you have an OC, instead of anything harder for peanut brains to quantify like diversity of ideas. It feels like the same books are published over and over because the same books ARE published over and over with surface details changed around a little bit.

As you said, all that gets published is bougie ivory tower neomarxism. For a people that love diversity so much they're all a singular walking stereotype in flesh.

>> No.15318554

>but Game of Thrones got published...
In 1996. 24 years ago.

>> No.15318557

You forgot to include your point in the post cretin

>> No.15318559

homosexuals are ~4% of the population and trannies are inclusively ~1%. Why do >50% of agents specifically want LBGTQ narratives?

>> No.15318565

Another good example is how the NBA bills itself as one of the most diverse organizations in the US when it's mostly black. Very disingenuous. Why can't we just say "we need more blacks" instead of "we need diversity"? I suppose they don't want to be honest about the fundamentally paternalistic character of their worldview. To impose "diversity, equality, and inclusion" from above affirms relations of inequality.

They probably get grants from NGOs for it.

>> No.15318566

>why must you hate on the psychopathic janissaries of woke capital
Because you want to kidnap my kids and mutilate them.

Because outrage sells more than quality. Duh.

>> No.15318569

The OP describes a set of hysterics who demand that you constantly affirm their dogma or be ostracized and you promptly appear to ostracize OP for not affirming their dogma.

>> No.15318580

Harold Bloom was right, yes. He talked about this in the last chapter of The Western Canon. You should give it a read, OP. The cancer started in academia and then spread to publishing.

>> No.15318586

>Because outrage sells more than quality. Duh.
I don't think this is accurate. If you look at it, the 3 biggest literature franchises are not on SJW topics.

ASOIAF is degenerate, but it is mostly popular because it is political intrigues + fantasy
Twilight was written by a Christian and is pretty clean. She refused to write the characters having premarital sex.
Harry Potter was written by a progressive, but it is not SJW in essence.

>> No.15318592

>Harry Potter was written by a progressive, but it is not SJW in essence.
It's a morality tale about anti-racism.

>> No.15318594

>Why can't we just say "we need more blacks"
Because it's about getting rid of White people, anon. None of these people actually give a shit about Blacks. It's never been about actually caring about diversity, inclusion, different opinions, [enter buzzword here], etc.

This is Empire 101: Denigrate the Founding Stock, and control them via janissary classes in order to extract as much profit from the Founding Stock as you can. When they're sucked dry, discard them and import foreigners to continue the process.

>> No.15318596


Alright here, I clicked an agent at random. Let's take a look.
>Give me your angry unlikable heroines
>Fiction: Historical, LGBTQ, Literary, Middle Grade, Mystery, Romance, Young Adult
>Non-Fiction: Biography, History, Illustrated, Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, Science, Sports
>I am particularly looking for Own Voices authors/manuscripts of any kind.
(note to the uninitiated: own voices means brown people, but americanized ones, nothing TOO ethnic for little peabrain americans to understand.)
>I'd like the next...
>The Hate U Give/All-American Boys/Conviction/Picture Us In The Light/Moxie--books focused on the legal system, Black Lives Matter, feminism, and other timely political issues.

Holy buzzwords, batman!

>> No.15318602

If someone resurrected Tolstoy and he wrote a book similar to Anna Karenina but in modern times, would they publish it? The characters are mostly Russian aristocrats. Anna is an adulteress and adultery is seem in a bad light (slut shaming, they would say).

>> No.15318603

yes, and? king's the outsider sold 97000 copies in its first week. it basically stopped everything else dead. it was adapted for tv. publishers want a guaranteed source of income. king will work until he drops dead but there's no telling how long that will be. 10, 15, 20 years? you think there aren't people right now looking for someone whose book will have a sticker on the cover saying "the next stephen king"?

>> No.15318611

Good fucking riddance. You're a blight on the world.

>> No.15318617

JK Rowling worked on International Amnesty tending to torture victims from authoritarian regimes. She was doing real SJW work and that's why "SJW" hate her

>> No.15318625

Any ideas of how to do something about it?

>> No.15318628

Mocking the rich would very much get published.

>> No.15318629

Apparently, no. That's OP's point. They are not looking for the next GRRM or the next Stephen King (who sell millions). They are not looking for the next Twilight.
They want their SJW crap.

>> No.15318638

Isn't that a good thing? It aims for neutrality of sorts.

>> No.15318642

It would not be published. I can't think of any of the classics that WOULD be published in modern times.

Besides the political shit, the agents all want ACTION HOOK SPUNK within the first 3 pages or you're dropped. anything with a longer setup, anything nuanced, quiet, that unfurls over the book, anything delicate or multi-faceted, they aren't interested. if there isn't a brown woman in a "then they all clapped" situation or assassinating some evil chauvinist within the first 3 pages, they will have nothing to do with you. That's harder to make into a convenient image for you guys, but that's the situation on the ground. Any classic I can think of would be discarded as "problematic." the OBSESSION with politics has superceded everything else.

I am angry. Angry about books. All I want is to read good books and publishing has stagnated for the past ~20 years as increasingly deranged and hysteric hyper-leftists have taken over all gatekeeping. the only way to get past it is to have connections or to already have been established (which is why you have so many legacy writers like stephen king, etc who can seem to get away with anything, stagnated old boomers writing cheap shit because their audience is established. new blood can't get through the gates.) I WANT TO READ BOOKS.

>> No.15318652

Ah, yes, the world famous Chiara Literary Agency. https://www.jdlit.com/clients-1

>> No.15318663

They would complain about the lack of diversity in Anna Karenina and about how it is conservative in morals.

>> No.15318665

Just write something from the POV of some Jap or some faggot. Who gives a shit.

>> No.15318668
File: 351 KB, 808x895, 2020-05-09_2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alec is on our side

>> No.15318669

>implying SJWism isn't deeply conservative
It's Victorianism but for race. Even the stuff about "LGBTQ affirmation" really sees these people as effectively a race.

>> No.15318674

The percentage that doesn't want SJW shit is pretty small.

>> No.15318688

Yes, that's why it would work. If you make an scenario of rich white snobs being shit, it would appeal to the whole woke agenda

>> No.15318693

I understand and agree this is a problem but all kinds of critics (many of whom are insufferable progressive types) agree that the main publishers don’t release aesthetically interesting stuff (generally speaking). Which is why there have been tons and tons of spotlights on many smaller presses. You can complain that there are many who are also filled with progressive dummies, but especially now, there are more ways than ever to publish and get stuff out there.

>> No.15318695

>The cancer that is killing the gatekeepers of literature
I mean is it? There are plenty of popular authors of yesteryear (and current year) that we never hear of because they were popular schlock for the time. This person is looking for the next Danielle Steele, not Margaret Atwood.

>> No.15318696

Then, do me a favor and write a book with conservative themes.
Suppose you write a book where the guy marries a thot while his brother marries a Church girl. Then the guy who marries the thot ends up miserable, while the other one has a healthy family.
Even if you write it masterfully and with the same level of insight as Tolstoy, see how well the SJW are going to like your book.

>> No.15318702

This guy sees it.

>> No.15318704

Of course they wouldn't - Christianity is just a prefiguration of Nazism to SJWs.

>> No.15318706

Well, try doing something like this and see if it is going to be published.

>> No.15318710

>our side
>I'd like ... the next Stephen King
How dare you even considered posting here, fuck off to reddit.

>> No.15318711

Sounds a bit like Atomised but a bit more religious. Could work.

>> No.15318719
File: 660 KB, 1796x983, mental illness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one. me me me, i want books written about me and my culture and my views, appeal to me, me me me.
Am I mistaken in thinking agenting was supposed to be about what was marketable, not what sucked your personal ego-penis? the audacity of these thots.

don't post my boy here, I was about to send him a query soon. Please notice me, senpai.

>> No.15318728

>Even if you write it masterfully and with the same level of insight as Tolstoy, see how well the SJW are going to like your book.
Not the same anon but, so what? Not everyone liked Tolstoy in his time. Hell, I would think that scenario you described would have a better reception than what Tolstoy had. We all like to believe we live in a dystopic shithole but most of you don't really know what a true shithole is like. We all fell in the SJW scheme of seeing everything as black and white.

>> No.15318732

Also, the first Game of Thrones was published in the mid-90s when this stuff wasn’t completely pervasive. Times have changed since then.

>> No.15318733

If you tried to publish it in the middle 90's, yeah.

>> No.15318736

In terms of brainwashing these times are pretty bad. That's mostly just down to more sophisticated technology than anything particular to these ideologies though.

>> No.15318742

>Why do 50% of agents specifically want LBGTQ narratives?
Because tranfic is hot

>> No.15318751

>Not everyone liked Tolstoy in his time
He was able to publish his books and even got famous.
Do you think that those agents would really like to publish something with conservative morals? It could have the best prose in English of all time. A psychological insight that would make Tolstoy say "Shit, this author is much better than I am". They would still throw it into the trash and say that it is "alt-right crap".

>> No.15318752

In that I do agree. I want to think this is because our cultures have not adapted yet to the new technologies and prepared counter-measures to keep the shit at bay. This will be a couple of very shit decades but I don't think it's a dead end scenario.

>> No.15318768

>a study showed that viewing images of homosexual acts evoked the same reaction of disgust as viewing maggots crawling through rotten flesh, even in people who had responded favorably to homosexual equality

>> No.15318787

That's the magic-curse of the literature. It would get famous and respected as it deserved, but probably after the author is dead. It happened a shit tone of times through history and will happen again. What you don't like is that the author wouldn't get insta-famous with a best-sellers.
We ain't (yet) on an Soviet scenario where writing something contrary to the official policy would get you a ticket to the gulag, but I do agree with you that things are not right.

>> No.15318793

But muggles were clearly depicted as being inferior to wizards by the narrator.

>> No.15318799

It is not even about being famous, he wouldn't even get published.

>> No.15318801

muggles arent nonwhites, they're uneducated white trash

>> No.15318816

Muggles are a biologically distinct group that are unable to channel magic. Never in the story is the tension between them conceded.

>> No.15318827

You look like a man and everyone can tell you are a man.

>> No.15318840

>he wouldn't even get published.
In life. Or maybe for the next 20 years, but if it's good, it will go out.
I'm not arguing that the current state of affair is shit, you are absolutely right about that, but good literature will survive, but we might need to go a lot more underground.

>> No.15318846

he sounds bro tier.

>> No.15318849

This has already happened....

>> No.15318863

I wonder if something could be done.

>> No.15318879

>roughly 80% of the audience is female
>durr why do they want stuff with female voice
You guys are morons.

>> No.15318897

Can you even fathom how much despair an author like that would suffer? Spending your whole life mucking around in poverty, scraping by, being spat on, going insane as everything you put forward to agents gets rejected, feeling increasingly isolated, self-confidence eroding under your feet, panicking over your work, rethinking everything you have done, being pressured to submit to popular ideas at the cost of your soul and the stories you really wanted to write, feeling like an idiot or a lunatic and being pushed out of society, being consumed by the kind of despair that drives your hand to grab a gun... and you are like, that's okay, because maybe 20 years after he kills himself he might finally be acknowledged and his work released to the public. That's a tragedy across every measure. That you think that's JUST FINE shows what a god damned sociopath you are. That's an egregious breach of justice, that's a god damned shame. You would have the man spend his life being tortured in body mind and soul, and your response is, 'lol but if i get to read his shit someday it's just fine and dandy.' Have some empathy, show some humanity. What an all around deplorable state.

>> No.15318960

So what? Seriously. I didn't debate the humanity or true justice of the whole affair. I KNOW is not right. I FEEL is not right. But that won't fix a thing. You know, it's funny, I absolutely love the triumph of the hero of the sentiment in literature and in my own life philosophy, yet, I reason that he wouldn't be the right hero for this moment.
I could change key words on your text and it would be a classic SJW Woke paragraph. They are as right as you. They make good points, they feel something is not just and is not human, yet, what they are doing isn't solving things adequately. I can only hope and trust humanity in that we will able to divert from this scenario.
People will die, people will be driven to suicide, people will suffer in ways you can not even fathom. It's been the story of humankind and it will still be. I fight against that, in whatever means I have, but I know that too is part of the risk of being alive.

>> No.15318975

>lol the corruption in the industry is just a part of life, deal with it

>> No.15319004

Very VERY interesting what you just said. The corruption of industry is truly indeed a part of life and one must deal with it. And you said no. What is the negation here? What are you negating?
If it's the state of the industry, well you are right, we must device and implement ways to change it for the better, but I fear that is not what you meant.

>> No.15319027

Serious question, Op. would you read a self-published book? In order for literary agents and the publishing industry to be phased out, it’s important that the readers approach to choosing literature adapts. We have to be willing to read things that aren’t by well known authors with the industry behind them. All the tech and skill needed for the residents of /lit/ to write and publish their own work is right at our fingertips. But would anyone read it? If /lit/ had its own publishing entity, would litizens themselves read it?

>> No.15319066

The function of the litierary establishment, including agents, was that there be quality control. With self publishing you have an ocean of piss with no signage, no guidance at all. Most people do not have the time to sit around digging through 100,000 different novels to find one that is actually good. If the establishment has been corrupted to pandering for political insanity instead of quality control, it is no longer serving its function, but self publishing as it currently is has no merit.

>> No.15319077

Except there is no such thing as implicit or systemic racism. But there are poor people who suffer and die. So only one side is based on anything.

Don't we have a bunch of books? (I've never read them but I haven't read anything from the 21st century.)

>> No.15319089

Just get some reviews on Amazon and goodreads. What person of quality buys off the nyt best seller list?

>> No.15319107

>and then the man, using a rusty pocket knife, sliced off his cock. The pain was great, but the promise of soon becoming a pretty little girl - although he was 6 foot 3 and 200 lbs - helped him to push through.
Wow. So hot.

>> No.15319130

That I somewhat agree. I think there is some kind of systemic racism but it's nowhere near as bad as classicism is, and I'm not even marxist.

>> No.15319248

>A man in a suit that was black vs. The black gangbanger
Technically I only mean there is not sufficient evidence for any scientific belief in systemic racism. But I expect you are correct at a minimum. No one crosses the road when they see Oprah roll up.

>> No.15319367

Is there an actual statistic for that? I'm genuinely curious, anon.

>> No.15319406

Based as fuck Roald Dahl, Cringe Stephen King.

>> No.15319417

All this YA/genre and 'contemporary' fiction is dreadful looking at. All the "what we're looking for" (identity politics pandering or no). Where can one find agents invested in literary fiction (and more the avant-garde kind that mild mfa shlock)? I'm sure they have to traffic in genre stuff too to make money, but I don't think someone who mainly judges genre fiction has the expertise to judge literary fiction (yes, high art, excuse me!)...

>> No.15319572

If you assume that men are more likely to read non-fiction or classics, 80% probably isn't too far off.

I would also point out that OP is misunderstanding what literary agents do. That website, like many public-facing agent directories, is aimed at amateurs. Those agents specialize in helping people with interesting stories become authors. There's always demand for poorly written memoir bullshit if the subject is culturally relevant.
If you want to write specific genre or literary fiction, there are established outlets for that who don't need to shill themselves on Twitter.

>> No.15319656

>If you want to write specific genre or literary fiction, there are established outlets
And those outlets would be...?

>> No.15319665

also want to know.

>> No.15319684

Let's be honest, most people and most books aren't very good (on the canonical level), so what gets published will either be ideological service to the ruling elite, or crappy fantasy fiction that can be digested cleanly by a 30 year old retard in a polycule

>> No.15319720
File: 271 KB, 1748x2480, 81DqUv7IzXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this

>> No.15319739

There are hundreds of magazines and non-Big 5 publishers that take submissions. Find one that prints stuff similar to your manuscript, follow the instructions, and send it off.

>> No.15319859

You will always be held down to the lowest common denominator in this day and age. Those of excellence will only be dragged down, and any attempt to do something will be shot down. You can't even make the gaming press more accountable, so what makes you think that something like this can be changed? lol people think they have control over the world around them until they actually don't like something. It's already set in stone.

>> No.15320435

short answer yes, Long answer yeah leftits female queers are fucking turbo retards, but easy to manipulate if you want advancement in academia

>> No.15320488

>Endless whining crap about POC queers, trannies,
You know there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but just with the quality of the shit they push. I can name dozens of palatable homoromantic/homosexual novels published before the 90s which make contemporary gay novels look like poorly written and forgettable industrial products. If you unironically believe homosexuality is to blame for the current state of literature you're officially a total fucking idiot who shouldn't be allowed to read.

>> No.15320499

read The City and the Pillar

>> No.15320519

i can relate better to Giovani's Room.

>> No.15320525

in 1996 you fucking retard

>> No.15320531

>unironically believe homosexuality is to blame for the current state of literature
no homosexuality
state enforced homosexuality

>> No.15320538

there is no such thing, man is by nature bisexual

>> No.15320540

Doesn't count

>> No.15320573
File: 300 KB, 1560x534, Screen Shot 2020-05-09 at 4.27.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsed for a few minutes, it doesn't take a high IQ to observe that most of these people are JEWS and their lackeys (people of "color").
The cancer that is killing everything is international kikery and bluepilled people who won't name the nose.

>> No.15320582

Being Jewish doesn't invalidate the woman's natural instinct of ruining everything she sets her eyes on.

>> No.15320651
File: 108 KB, 591x462, 1588069218354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alec shane majored in english at brown university, a degree he put to immediate use by moving to los angeles after graduation to become a professional stunt man

>> No.15320680

this person would despise an actually "angry unlikable heroine"

>> No.15320696
File: 51 KB, 600x600, 5b3499e455c0446cac4284dd-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of anglo-american litrachure

>> No.15320721

It helps, women are the Jews of humanity.

>> No.15320797

>Find one
But how?

>> No.15320808

do the work bitch. that's what all these authors you like to dunk on did

>> No.15320810

Being against this is reactionary.

>> No.15320825

Gay dollar is worth more. More disposable income. If they can convince you to be a straight anti-natalist or celibate then that might change.

>> No.15320838

Google. It's never been easier.
The fucking New Yorker takes short story submissions. Almost everyone takes submissions, just not the big book publishers.

>> No.15320842

I think everyone on the board has read Dorian Grey. the problem, dear tripfren, is that they specifically want HOMOshit and not just "anything of good quality." the key is what quality they place their emphasis on desiring. they want homo because it's trendy and panders to sjw worldview, not because they're interested in homoerotic literature like l'immoralist or dorian. bloody hell you're quick to call other people idiots when you're the biggest retard on the board setting up strawmen to knock down and declare yourself a victor over. now go screw off.

>> No.15320844

>white as all hell
>I want my inclusion
White peoples who pretend they’re people of color is the worst cringe

>> No.15320851

>the homo hates women
did your mother touch you as a child?

>> No.15320874

"white" is a ridiculous term as it is. imagine lumping together armenians, tunisians, british, irish, serbian, swedish, german, portugese, catalonian, australian, hungarian, etc. peoples into one category. holy fucking hell. what a meaningless term and we have entire legions of retards foaming at the mouth over the evils of white people. most of the evils committed by whites were against OTHER whites.

>> No.15321016

>Dorian Grey
hardly a gay novel, for fucks' sake Dorian would fuck anything that made his cock hard.
>they want homo because it's trendy and panders to sjw worldview
Yes, but that doesn't mean those horribly written faggot novels aren't used as fap fuel by women or that all women write gay novels only to comply to a sjw world view. The majority of the LGBT authors are exactly middle aged, single cat ladies who write fanfic-tier shit to appease themselves and their fellow perverts who fantasize about being men in homosexual relationships. I myself haven't ever heard of a single gay person who is into reading, let alone reading actually good literature because their tastes and opinions are so entrenched in their fag-inclusive pop culture trash that anything written prior to the birth of woke culture is regarded as oppressive and toxic according to their NPC mindset.

>> No.15321024
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1528360214203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the slimy, corpulent whale of the land, heaved her rotting mass of flesh upon the quivering man. the smell, reminiscent of that musky smell that endures the deepest bogs, pervaded his nostrils, it's strength almost managing to overtake his terror of what was to come. this beastly woman; now atop him, began to pant voraciously with the wild eyes of a swine, and with a great struggle, tried to seat the decomposed remnants of her womanhood upon the shivering, flaccid male member...
I made heterosexual intercourse look disgusting now let me corrupt your children into taking female hormones so they can dress up as anime girls

>> No.15321048

>homosexual mad he can't get any woman but an obese eatbeast, so he turns to getting fucked in his blown out hairy asshole as a cope

>> No.15321067

Imagine bothering to distinguish Portuguese folks from British people when they're capturing and selling you as a slave. While they rape you, do you deem the term "white" ridiculous? Or are you just glad to know the difference between Monet and Manet?

>> No.15321114
File: 53 KB, 366x263, 1376172450561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single agency is like this. Every single one.
>looking for diversity of all kinds, including (but not limited to) race, gender, sexuality, and ability, in both characters and worldbuilding
>especially interested in supporting marginalized writers.
>looking for queer historical fiction
>looking for feminist themes
>trans men, trans women, mm, bi/multiracial, indigenous, or black ownvoices
>Bonus points if its queer!
>LGBTQIA+ always welcome!
>queer and diverse
>actively seeking minority writers
It's literally every single one. I now understand why women in the 1800s pretended to be men in order to get published. I have to pretend to be transgender just to not be discriminated against.

>> No.15321121

>white people bad because africans sold rival africans to jewish merchants to work on jewish plantations

>> No.15321127

Being embittered doesn't excuse you from being stupid

>> No.15321129

Thanks for your advice shlomo, now fuck off

>> No.15321142

>heterosexual mad that a woman won't fuck him, so he tries to fuck a tranny but they won't fuck him either. eventually he gives up on relationships and turns inwards. even now he has the childhood innocence of someone who wants so desperately to be loved and held, to feel the warmth of unconditional care. he starts to hate those who have achieved this, making up coping mechanisms to deal with the fact that these people also have desires and are humans with the same desires as him. he forgets that we were all once children that used to have dreams of a world full of love and hope, and grows to assume a new mantle devoid of feeling, just so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong.

>> No.15321157

Well finally someone gets me. /lit/ seems to think I'm crazy when I talk about the blue haired cancer being so prevalent. Yet every time I go to browse agents it's diversity this, feminism that, queer gay POC ownvoices diversity marginalized brown brown brown. It's exhausting. It's literally every last one. Some, okay, I get it, there's an audience, but it's just a relentless flood of the shit being forced down my throat, and for what reason? normalfags don't care about this shit. it's not pushed for the sake of marketability. they let personal politics take priority over everything else, and no matter how many books about gays and browns and wimminz they get published they're insatiable for more. it's at the point where that is ALL that is being published. other than a handful of sffg books to appease neckbeards and drain them of their simpbux it's 100% political pandering and I'm about damn sick of it. they make absolutely everything in the universe out to be about racism and sexism. it's like being hit over the head with a mallet every single day.

>> No.15321183
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well nat socialism is making a comeback. It'll probably go full swing by 2030. The sooner it happens the sooner we can oust these clowns from their positions in society.

Imagine it. Every agent looking for books extolling the virtues of the motherland.

>> No.15321206

...i don't want to live in nazi germany either, anon. you go from one extreme to the other. i just want people to get tired of this sjw insanity, find their ballsacks again, and say, "enough." though if pressed, i prefer the nazis to the queers.

>> No.15321241
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We'll see what tune you're singing right after we gas the kikes and their disgusting tattooed, blue haired filth. Soon the day when we bring morality to this world gone soft will come. Whether or not we have to drag it kicking and screaming into this world, it makes no difference.

>> No.15321245

Hopefully the French will be exterminated due to this comeback.

>> No.15321255

The more prevalent something is ideologically, the harder the swing in the opposite direction is going to be. Buckle up.

>> No.15321303


Not the person you're responding to but it's interesting because over the last few days I've been thinking a lot about poptimism. I'm going to assume you're familiar with the concept - basically an attempt since 2005 to try and legitimise pop music as high brow and just as good as anyone music, that's why you have editorials on Taylor Swift beating the patriarchy or Beyonce worship disguised as something intellectual... it's corporate politically correct progressive very American ideology masquerading as music journalism, essentially. And as far as I'm concerned, it's really fucked up the concept of music and how it will remembered because it's completely changed the way music is marketed, usually giving more advertising space to already established pop giants and letting smaller acts (jazz, rock, whatever) fall by the wayside. it's awful.

anyway, the reason I bring it up is because it sort of mirrors what's happening in the literary industry right now, which to me is the falling of standards as a result of the art forms being reduced to political conduits rather than art for art's sake.

so why is this relevant to what you were saying, what am I trying to get at? basically the reason this has been so successful is because the people in control have managed to control the narrative. people now buy pop music because the New Yorker profiles lady gaga not just as something progressive, but as something high brow.

let me ask all of you something. I've never seen this mentioned on /lit/ or /mu/. but don't you think it's interesting Conde Nast bought over the New Yorker AND pitchfork within the same timeframe of a few years and then started pushing these narratives? am I the only one seeing a connection here? what we are seeing is the finishing of a culture war, and outlets that acted as taste makers were bought over and used as instruments in legitimising poptimism and overtly political progressive "literature", all while pretending they are just as high brow as any of the classics that came before.

it's disingenuous at best, and dishonest at worst, because the vast majority of people either don't care enough or don't have the time to research how their art consumption patterns are being monopolised for politics.

>> No.15321317

Is that Guenon getting his hat slapped off?

>> No.15321318

>Conde Nast bought over the New Yorker AND pitchfork within the same timeframe of a few years
The people who own Conde Nast also bought Reddit around the same time lmao. Advance Publications

>> No.15321325

also no points for guessing who founded and still runs AP

>> No.15321331


do tell. this is a level beyond what I knew myself.

>> No.15321336

of stop being a faggot. write well and self publish. have your writing set a better example for normals. they arent going to stop being obsequious worms in order to follow a weakling who complains about the sjws.

people like kantbot and BAP, who have no mainstream appeal, make easy six figures from esoteric shitposting. complaining that you can't beat the blue haired competition is PITIFUL.

>> No.15321337
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Based OP.
Dilate and seethe you will never be a woman

>> No.15321343


I don't recognise any of the executives listed on wikipedia. I'm not American though.

>> No.15321349

Why are we letting a small fraction of the population ruin everything? There is nothing fags and trannies aren’t trying to hijack and destroy right now.
Books, video games, the Internet, government, athletics...I could go on. We need to reopen insane asylums

>> No.15321419

There's a book about him if you're interested, called Citizen Newhouse. Though it's not likely to be that edifying given who wrote it. Still shows how a media mogul is created though.


>> No.15321438

Excellent post. I'm not familiar with the music scene but I can certainly see that pop idols are being paraded as intellectuals even from my post as a musical hermit. And yes, that's exactly in step with the literary scene. You have objective trash which happens to hit the right pandering notes being pushed by very, very big money, given heavy marketing, and toted as something highbrow. Not truly highbrow, but the midwit everyman's notion of highbrow. So while normalfags boast that they listen to Kanye West they likewise boast that they read the hate u give and rupi kaur, and they are equally vacuous and equally disingenuous, and I swear this type of thought should found a blog to detail the culture war from a non-/pol/tard perspective. the alt-right is simply cringe at this point.

So yes, everything you say is spot on. That is precisely what is happening. You can see it most strongly in literary awards--we've had many threads. You can see 100% of the awards are given based on who pushes the narrative the hardest. And, while these sjw think themselves valiant defenders of some noble enlightenment, they're nothing but unwitting corporate stooges. After the failure of occupy wall street everyone became, and quite purposefully, entangled in race and gender relation identity politics. It's 100% artificial, pushed by a small ring of big money, and made to hoodwink the masses into expending their energy not tearing down the rich to eat or pulling the curtains off shadow money, but rather pointing fingers at other equally poorfag normal pedestrians. "Oy, you there. That monkey is cream colored and he is responsible for your chestnut monkey troupe being impoverished. Not me, him, go after him." And just absolutely TRIPPING over themselves to go virtue signal, the useful idiots went and shouted gladly about their mission. And since then? the rich have gotten richer. All according to keikaku.


>> No.15321452
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Every time I go into a Joanne's fabrics the employees are surly and grumpy. So they only hire grumpy people? No company would do that. Upper management is creating the surly atmosphere, probably by their incompetence. And so it is here, upper management has directed this from above. But who runs the publishing companies? Why would they did this?

>> No.15321509

That's one of the best posts I have read on /lit/

>> No.15321537

How hard is it to become a publisher? I always wanted to run my own.

>> No.15321542

Men looked so dignified back then. Healthy. Even that boy has a natural pride about him.

They hadn't a clue where the world was going.

>> No.15321624
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I knew all about the subject of this thread. I used to follow a lot of literary agents on Twitter, back when I was actively querying a fantasy novel series I was writing. But it's still so depressing to have this put into such stark relief, especially because the awful identity politics seems to have gotten EVEN worse in just the few short years since I stopped being as plugged into that world.

It's very depressing for me, especially, because as a writer I feel I have grown and developed and actively become the sort of writer than these agents pointedly are not looking for. Not only am I white and male, but even when I write genre fiction these days it tends to be slower-paced, character-driven, and more densely written. I'm actually working on a novel right now that even has lots of poetry in it, which I can blatantly tell that none of these agents would be interested in.

>> No.15321654

Feel free to post stories.
>checking agents out to see if they would like my crap or be a waste of my time
>go on their twitter (by god they all have a twitter)
>nothing pertaining to their work, just rehashed facebook memes, wokeshit, sj warriorism, and whinging
>gets like 0-1 likes/retweets every time but they endlessly put the shit out
>have to sift through 100 comments on blumfpth to find even one thing about their actual profession (agenting) or literature at all
>close tab
they're positively deranged.

>> No.15321674

wow dude you've like totally seen the light dude while we're all down here flinging poo at each other

>> No.15321690


>> No.15321694

Are you the resident Pagan Greek pederast/homo?

>> No.15321705

thread theme

have you people just tried sending your shit in anyway or are you just gonna whine on 4chan for the rest of your days

these """requirements""" are like the ones in 90% of all want ads. if you're any good you'll slip on through

>> No.15321708
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>> No.15321736

>go to genres
>select literary
>scroll down a bit to the first man on the list
>no mention of Diversity, POC, LGBTQ+
That wasn't so hard.

>> No.15321741

And naturally, since we are all natural bisexuals and pederasts, we should molest such little boys and argue against the Jews invading our little 4chan through mouthfuls of other men's cocks.

>> No.15321754

Do you trust the taste of the gatekeepers? Or do you just agree with their politics so you are fine with what they are doing?

>> No.15321779

Well, prove him wrong.

>> No.15321797

> he doesn’t want... straight sci-fi
Oh so that’s what sci-fi without homosex is called nowadays. Good to know.

>> No.15321799

How the fuck is the publishing industry even still relevant when the internet is still a thing? Because all the money they make goes into sustaining the meme that publishers are even necessary.

Reject the system, man. Publish your magnum opus on wattpad. They won't edit it your work or reject it for not being black enough.
>but then nobody will read it
Nigger how many books published in 2020 are actually gonna get read by more than like ten people?
>but then I won't make any money
Oh well that's too bad, kike. I thought this was the thread about how greedy Jews are destroying art?

>> No.15321804


Two decades ago.
I believe this cancer started in earnest about ten years ago.

>> No.15321847

based and adornopilled

>> No.15321859

No one wants to be the next Tao Lin.

>> No.15321867

reminder there was a /lit/ soiboi arguing a month ago that social justice crap had disappeared from the literature world and would never come back after coronavirus and that YET AGAIN we shouldn't worry about it lmfao

always a new excuse

>> No.15321869

I can only find the version from 2016 on bookzz. Any major difference?

>> No.15321882
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I was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe they mean not witten by a white guy?
Although rude, I think these two have a point. There will always be political commentary in books. It's a question of wether the whole plot is subordinated to the message, Cultural-revolution style, or if there's some possibility of working around it. Also worth noting that it's always the same politics that gets published, which is galling. If I read one more strong brave half-filipino half-Caribbean gay female rocket engineer/navy SEAL in SF, I'll lose my fucking mind.
This is silly. It may be easier to corner the pink dollar market, but no way is it worth more. I think this is fundamentally ideological.
This has always bothered me, too. I grew up in the GDR, and let me tell you, I have a refined ability to distinguish between slavs, germans, nordics, gypsies, etc. It's absurd to lump us all together. Wars have been fought over less. "white" is a fucking spook.
Out of curiosity, can you just lie about this? How traceable is it? Can you just pretend to be Laqueesha or Carmen?
I wonder how hard it is to start a publishing company that just treats applicant submissions equally, without considering who they like to fuck or who their great-grandmother fucked?
Pretty interesting. I guess it's capital subsuming ideology, as predicted by hungry Santa himself. I have to say, I've developed an actual allergy to the propaganda at this point. Some stories will launch into "Janiqua DeLaFlores was the most brilliant nuclear physicist in the USA. She slapped away the hand of the dirty white man. "Let me handle this.": etc., and I just have to put it down. It's just too thick, too heavy. I'd like my propaganda a little subtler.

>> No.15321886

>If I read one more strong brave half-filipino half-Caribbean gay female rocket engineer/navy SEAL in SF, I'll lose my fucking mind.
I feel this in my fucking soul.

>> No.15321895

Usually "social justice is not that prevalent" posts are intellectually dishonest attempts of silencing criticism of "social justice domination". They don't really believe SJWs are weak and harmless.

>> No.15321903
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The Jemison edited "Best of American SF and Fantasy" editions are uniquely bad about this. Random stories will just pause for three paragraphs for the characters to explain their ancestry and sexual preferences, and to brag about their competence. Everything is either a power fantasy, a revenge fantasy, or a jeremiad about victimhood. It's overwhelming.

>> No.15321915

This is my experience as well. When they do end up admitting it they switch to "well actually it's good".

>> No.15321932

That's my experience too.

>> No.15321941
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Yeah I think it's quite corrosive, and not to be underestimated. The astonishing dominance of this SJW stuff in academia, in bureaucracy, in admin, and even in some parts of the political system is no joke. The fact that it's dominant in the arts is also genuinely troubling.
Right-wing or anti-censorship liberalism is the new counterculture, but with the marketplace of ideas colonized by Twitter, Youtube, etc., it's got very little room to breathe.
Sad times all around. Samizdat when?
>Tfw fourchan is the samizdat, and if anyone knew we posted here we'd be doxed and lose our jobs

>> No.15321949

It does make a difference if you're not historically illiterate. The ways Lusos and Anglos colonized the Americans and the ways they did and did not integrate natives and Africans varied drastically. Otherwise Brazil and the US would be the exact same country.

>inb4 they are

>> No.15321976
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Excellent article, thanks for sharing.

>> No.15321978
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My biggest story, I guess, is that there was a time when I actually got one of those agents, believe it or not. It was with the same fantasy series I mentioned before, an earlier variant of the first book that I think was not as well written as some of the later variants were.

But I participated in one of those Twitter pitch contests, PitMad I think it was, and got an agent's attention with one of my tweets. She asked for the first fifteen pages of my book. Then she went back and asked for the first fifty pages. Then she asked for the whole thing.

But THEN she rejected me, saying something I forget now, something about how the book "wasn't quite what she was looking for." It's still the most devastating reaction I've ever gotten. I'm used to getting rejections for stories and poems, but to get so far and not make it across the finish line really hurt.

In the long run, though, I think it was for the best, because that earlier fantasy novel draft was really not good. Not compared to how I write these days. I was actually on /lit/ at the time this was going on, too, and this was back when /lit/ was first exposing me to writers I wasn't familiar with, like Borges and Pessoa and Gene Wolfe. So the rejection plus my time on /lit/ spurred me to make improvements to my writing ability, to strive to become, not just a writer, but a great writer, someone capable of writing great literature. I think my efforts at improvement have actually paid off. I've become a poet, too, which I wasn't before. If that agent had actually accepted me, and that earlier fantasy novel had gone on to be published, I might have become, you know, somebody like Brandon Sanderson or Glen Cook. Maybe financially successful, and well-known, but not a truly great artist, which is what I want to be now.

>> No.15321985

*there was a time when I actually ALMOST got one of those agents

>> No.15321998

I've send queries if multiple novels to hundreds if agents. 95% of them ignore you entirely. A couple months ago I got a bland form rejection email to a query I submitted... 5 years ago.

I didn't start out hating this industry but frustration as steadily turned to spite.

>> No.15322022

SUPER cringe

>> No.15322028

that's everyone's experience dude. welcome to showbiz

>> No.15322031

Interesting thread. Anyone have that similar project that traced all the corruption in painting?

>> No.15322045

You guys should browse the top corporate or boutique websites for the publishing world and read the profiles of people who work there. Try find their twitter, instagrams, and medium blogs from the information provided. I've done this for several non-writing industries I've looked into for work over the last year. No sour grapes, but if you look at them honestly much of the top-line corporate world is mediocre. Not saying I'm great either. Part of the reason I do it is to work out how the "best" work so I can gain employment, but you would expect more of them to better than they are. It's quite depressing. As an example here's the founder of one of the major "innovation management" firms that was acquired by Boston Consulting. The video starts reasonable enough, but then moves quickly into Michael Scott from the Office territory.


These are the people running things.

>> No.15322066

I've been trying to pitch my most recent novel. I got one guy who liked the sample and requested a full manuscript. A month went by and he didn't get back to me. I sent him a follow up email. Waited a week, sent another. And another. No reply at all.

But that's par for the course. I've had people ask for manuscripts or longer samples before but only one of them ever bothered to give any feedback/explanation for the inevitable rejection.

>> No.15322071

>yoda said do not try
LMFAO this is like a Sam Hyde parody.

>> No.15322080

I know, and if I lived in NYC I'd seek out some arthoe lit agent and suck her clit for a publishing contract. But I don't have the luxury of doing that, or quitting my day job to network at a big name MFA. So I don't know what other options I've got.

>> No.15322097

they're harvesting your shit. cherrypicking ideas, themes, plots and passages and giving them a slight twist before handing them over to figureheads (essentially actors playing writers). only ~30% of all active "authors" in america write their own books

>> No.15322104

well one thing's getting increasingly obvious: you're not getting published anytime soon

>> No.15322170

It's a sad realization, that those at the top are as pathetic and stupid as those at the bottom.

>> No.15322181

Where have all the smart people gone?

>> No.15322193

yikes. i'm glad i never had the absolute pleasure of reading that crap.
>my pride comes from who my parents fucked and who i prefer to fuck
imagine being such a husk
kinda wanna be your fren. yeah, the first round of my other novel (still not published) got solid rejections, and i really stepped back and looked at it. afterwards i've done so much editing that it's elevated to a new level and i've improved as a writer immensely, imo still have a long way to go, but at least i see the path i want to walk now. god, i just can't stand twitter.
only 50% of mine have ignored me. select your agents better, make sure your material matches their interests at least a little bit. although it's a shame we have to suck their dick on their personal pet interests when this should be a professional job. if i only did the accounts at work that i personally liked i'd be out of a job...agents are incredibly unprofessional and self important. but moreso, the sjw fascination really gets old. i'm so fatigued on wokeshit i'm getting a bad kneejerk reaction to anything even moderately identity politics now, i'm just so damned disgusted with the shite. every day, every moment, every media form, constantly constantly constantly obsessing over it and hammering us over the heads with it.

>> No.15322249

The Hate U Give was good, and it's good to have real conversations about race relations and police violence, the problem is that everyone sees that the conversation needs to be had and tries to hijack it for financial gain or to supersaturate the market with a specific view rather than to have the discussion or anything. It's never art, it's either for money or to push a view.

>> No.15322253

They are very carefully staying out of the public eye as much as possible.

>> No.15322316

HR departments don't let them near the public eye. They only want outgoing guys who know all the latest pop culture references and techniques for dealing with social media taboos; most smart people aren't neurotic messes, but they don't do very well at being the agreeable and focus tested face that HR departments want.

>> No.15322334

I'm glad you're here to tell me these things. What would I do without you?

What's your genre? I'm trying to sell literary/historical fiction which isn't a brimming market.

>> No.15322386

>it's good to have real conversations about race relations and police violence

>> No.15322392

>I wonder how hard it is to start a publishing company
It would be extremely easy. There's no difficulty in finding submissions, you'd be buried in them. It's also extremely easy to get in reach with a printer. The difficult part is turning a profit. The big five ship their books to brick and mortar retail stores, but if those books don't sell, the stores send them back to the publisher.

Imagine a new publisher sending out their first publication, and most of the copies get sent back unsold. Only so many times a new business can take a hit like that without some Rockefellers in the bullpen.

>> No.15322400

historical fiction. it seems pretty in demand though.

>> No.15322465

Yes. The sooner we can deal with the systemic issues that cause all of this, the sooner we can deal with bad cops and people chimping out.

>> No.15322481

What areas/topics?

>> No.15322503

let's leave it as saying, NOT the celtic highlander lord/american southern "cozy"/pioneer woman/ tudor era/victorian era/WWII type shite they want. like holy fuck don't we have enough books about brave jewish womenz fighting ebul natsees in ww2 yet? it's all so tiresome. if anything is even set anywhere near ww2 i can't read it, i have holocaust fatigue. maybe sjw and leftism is all just autism--they get fascinated with one subject, never shut up about it, and want to apply it to everything and compare everything to it and shove it everywhere.

>> No.15322638

nah it's about power and domination. most people don't have any and having it is intoxicating to people that are bullies and sociopaths. they'll never be politically or financially powerful (too deranged for long term planning), but social justice ideologies divide the world up into enough categories (white vs non-white, male vs female, straights vs lgbt) that give them enough power in every day life to exercise their power on an hourly basis. the idea of "microaggression" is just projection on their behalf, it's them that are aggressive and get off on the aggression. probably why so much of the left are into dom/sub fetish, their sexual fetish is not just domination and oppression but also their living culture, while hiding it behind anti-oppression slogans. they are very much like some sort of camouflaged predator.

>> No.15322822

If Japan has doujin circles for publishing music/manga/video games why can't America start having these publishing circles. I hate that corporations are so dominant and I'm not even a marxist.

>> No.15322844

You'd think in an era where people can just post their things online for the world to see this would be more common

>> No.15322872

I mean even beyond that and having writers' collectives for publishing under a single umbrella. Printing can be done by third parties, but writing/editing/revision surely can be done within a group and the avocation done typically by an agent replaced by the group's brand/identity/influence.

>> No.15322885

it’s 2020
u can self publish now

>> No.15322920

>alec is on our side

>> No.15323114

Aren't you glad we spent the last 70 years deplatforming anybody who might oppose this?

>> No.15323129

>I wonder how hard it is to start a publishing company that just treats applicant submissions equally, without considering who they like to fuck or who their great-grandmother fucked?
Yeah thats called a nazi publishing company, you fucking fascist

>> No.15323186

Good, insightful post.

>> No.15323259

This is a shitty post and you should feel bad about it. Poptimism isn't about being corporate politically progressive. It's a corrective against the bias in music journalism that thought the only music worth taking seriously was rock music. You're pretending like rock music wasn't marketed like pop is today by corporations and magazine conglomerates of their day (do you think Pitchfork is a recent phenomenon?). You have such a myopic sense of history that I can't even call you a dumb boomer because at least they wouldn't have written something as ahistorical and stupid as what you wrote.

>> No.15323265

I thought it was common knowledge that the emperor has no clothes. What will really disturb you is when you find out it's the same way with surgeons and people working at nuclear power plants.

>> No.15323324

Look at the "early life" sections on their wiki pages and you'll understand.

Every. Damn. Time.

>> No.15323357

Are you retarded?

>> No.15323422

>it's a woke capital bugman whose mind has been cordycepted and wiped clear of any string-pullers

>> No.15323425

God, please be true.

>> No.15323441

You're assuming they'll stay the course instead of going in the direction the wind is blowing. The old roster is dead, the new roster is designed to subvert the existing societal order, not organically as an evolution, but by design, as implored social constructivist thought.

Post-modern thought, in all its variations on endless power struggle and the supposed moral responsibility of everyone involved to change the power dynamics in society, has absolutely infested academia and it shows in the gatekeepers of textual communication everywhere in the western world.
That being said, I'm not entirely sure what OP's problem with this is exactly. Is he butthurt nobody is going to publish his work? Is he angry that the plebs aren't reading his approved work?

>> No.15323449

Who told trannies not to write books? Go write a book faggot, I'll read it.

>> No.15323451
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>> No.15323455

Neoliberalism is a long running phenomenon. Pinning it down to poptimism is a bad reading of music history and is just rockist nonsense. You have the political and historical nuance of Kafka's beetle.

>> No.15323465

The example given was the NBA. I'm pretty sure the NBA isn't predominantly black because they're trying to push the white man out of basketball.

>> No.15323473

sensible chuckle

>> No.15323483

You're a retard from /mu/ that can't actually read. It's no wonder you buy into music criticism. He's not saying that poptimism is the main causal factor. He's saying there is a surface appearance of criticism that is driven by deeper ideological and economic factors and is downstream from these. You're a cordycepted retard, and if you were as sophisticated in your historicist reading as you think you were you'd interpret what he is saying better.

>> No.15323508

>They probably get grants from NGOs for it.
This is something I wonder about because I feel like there absolutely need to be some hardnosed incentives for this stuff to grow so dominant.
Also a good post. There's a good essay out there that argues that "SJW" phenomenon is just treating the emotion of "hate" with the same hysteria and hypocrisy as the Victorians did with "sex".
Slightly too snarky and resentful post but it is true that homosexuals made significant contributions to literature in the past. The issue today is that left wing views of literature as a mere instrument for social change turn a once vital and profound group of outsider authors, poets, thinkers into the rank collectivist mouthpiece of a banal political consensus that ironically has much more to do with maintaining control than anything revolutionary. Additionally, in any highly left wing political system or empire, there is usually no great art because the criteria for art to exist is so weighed down by political imperatives, censorship and checkboxes that "great art" is defined as merely compliant with the ideology. No one is going to remember this stuff because nothing truly lasting will be created (outside of mediums like film and music where there are so many variables outside of the group think that there is some scope for technique and fashion to evolve). I would really challenge anyone to name the masterpieces of fiction or poetry that simultaneously "agree" with this ideology while also being a great work in themselves. I'm convinced that they don't and probably can't exist because part of the point is to laud weakness.
Someone should do an actual analysis of publishers.
Usually they are either naive or intentionally trying to muddy the waters. No one intellectually honest can avoid the abject dominance of this phenomenon in powerful institutions.

>> No.15323521

>tfw an anime porn website is the only place where you can really speak freely on the internet

>> No.15323592


>> No.15323610

So when has this happened to you?
Have you reported these white men of indeterminate origin that have kidnapped you to the authorities? Are the authorities in the western country you now reside in, and use the internet from, assisting you with your pursuit of justice and rehabilitation?

>> No.15323670

It's always fun to be reminded that, at the heart of it all, lit users are no better than "rational" anti-sjw types. Shit fiction has been published for centuries, clearly this website is FOR shit fiction. Minorities have been ignored in this tier of fiction for most of its history, so their cultures are easier to mine for original content (like that new Netflix show, Never Have I Ever. It's garbage, but it is one of the only garbage TV shows about pajeet-- there are lots more shows of the same quality about white teens.) Minorities are more likely to buy books purely because they're about them because of the historic dearth.Basically, muh diversity will stop being an issue once the market for shitty diverse stories is just as oversaturated as the market for shitty wypipo stories. In the meanwhile, if you want your story to be published, write a good one and take it to a good publisher.

>> No.15323676

You've just listed the only narratives that are deemed moral in postmodern thought. The postmodernist cannot see narratives that are devoid of oppressor-oppressed dynamics and so every possible narrative about the hero becomes one of those variations: oppressed, fighting oppression, overcoming oppression. That's it. That's all there is.

This is a serious problem in psychotherapy that is inspired by postmodern philosophy because the only narrative that the therapist offers the client is that of a man oppressed by the oppressor (evil patriarch). It's the black and white that makes everything so God damned flat it enough to scream.

>> No.15323689
File: 2.80 MB, 2000x4858, ghostbusters before it tanked in the box office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It's not about quality, it's not about originality, it's not even about making money, it's about fuck white people.

>> No.15323697

It's definitely about making money. White women (and upper class minorities) do have an oppression fetish, but in my opinion, publishers only cater to it for $$$. There are literary publishers out there that won't.

>> No.15323706

Come on man you know how hard this lgbt shit is pushed through media it looks like they want everyone to be like them

>> No.15323711

>It's always fun to be reminded that, at the heart of it all, lit users are no better than "rational" anti-sjw types.
/lit/ users don't have a large presence in corporations, the universities, global ngos, political parties, mainstream media, and other parts of major institutions that influence society in a major way. These "/lit/ is the same as sjws!" posts are always stupid.

>> No.15323717

you are but a side effect of neo liberal capitalism

>> No.15323730

> "rational" anti-sjw types.
>"/lit/ is the same as sjws!"
can you read retard

>> No.15323739

If it was about money why did the CIA and KGB during the cold war push these ideologies? Seems odd for a communist intelligence agency to push it, if it is about money. Also seems odd for an intelligence agency in a liberal-capitalist society to push something that market incentives should have selected for in the first place.

>> No.15323760

>In the meanwhile, if you want your story to be published, write a good one and take it to a good publisher.
way to ignore the issues in this thread

>> No.15323791

>There are literary publishers out there that won't
Feel free to post them. If you do post them, it should be easy to investigate the background of the people involved with the publisher and show that they fit the profile of what people here are complaining about. If I were a betting man, I'd say you won't be posting them in response to this post.

>> No.15323864

>Marx himself would take a step back over this.
Marx was the anti-neoliberal. Are you american by chance?

>> No.15323882

Well, the solution is pretty easy. Run your own editorials. It's not that complicated. Conservatives do it. Esoteric types do it.

What's stopping you?

>> No.15323883

That's why the characters feel so flat, they are only as deep as their flavor of oppressed: how has the group(s) that the protagonist is identified with been wronged by the representation of the evil patriarchy. That is all that is left to explore with the character. It always feels bland and familiar because the moral imperative to tell this one singular story of simple power dynamics precludes the author from painting the oppressed character as essentially flawed or making it responsible for their failures and shortcomings.
The range of protagonists, despite being from different backgrounds and set in different scenarios (black, brown, yellow, Jewish, trans, gay, mentally ill, physically handicapped, fantasy, sci-fi, history, autobiography) always tell the same story with the same limited cast of archetypes that cannot deviate from the mold: the protagonist is oppressed and there is an oppressor responsible. There is no deviation from this because it would run against the only morally accepted position a protagonist can occupy in postmodern thought, which is oppressed.

Now the reason why people who subscribe to this philosophical framework are so dead set on shoving it down everyone's throat is if you subscribe to these ideas the only moral position you can occupy are oppressor or oppressed, if you have any power or influence (you're a literary gatekeeper) it is your moral obligation to align yourself with the oppressed minorities and join them in their morally justified power struggle. The writers and agents and people in academia refuse to see themselves as aligned with the oppressor so they play out their moral imperative to fight on behalf of the oppressed in every area in which they have influence.

This results in only carefully curated and moderated opinions being allowed into the public space. The ideas that are allowed into the public space are so narrow that they make for bland and repetitive reading, regardless of how nominally exotic the characters or background or even claimed genre are.

>> No.15323883,1 [INTERNAL] 

interesting that the assblasted mods deleted this thread

>> No.15323883,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to repost it. Fuck the police.