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/lit/ - Literature

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15314285 No.15314285 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15314287

The same as masturbating

>> No.15314301

Nabokov is garbage. Of course you think fiction is pointless if you read Nabokov who saw aestheticized literature immensely while simultaneously depriving it of any of its spiritual and philosophical potential. Read better writers, not mere aesthetes. The best writers maximize the beauty of their works on several levels, not just the linguistic, but also the philosophic, moral, spiritual, etc.

>> No.15314309

What's the point of not reading it?

>> No.15314453

>For me a work of fiction exists only insofar as it affords me what I shall bluntly call aesthetic bliss, that is a sense of being somehow, somewhere, connected with other states of being where art (curiosity, tenderness, kindness, ecstasy) is the norm.

>> No.15315648


>> No.15315679


>> No.15315692

Try "Three Men in a Boat" and just be entertained.
Lots of it is just circle-jerk masturbating by wanna-be poets who cannot rhyme, true.

>> No.15315730

Literature is a zombie-scripture. It is supposed to fill you with behaviour patterns of how to react to moral problems. And it does so better than a plain boring instruction, because you're a storytelling animal, wired to live in a virtual reality of meanings and social constructs.

>> No.15315734

I mean, philosophy, morality and spirituality all have their own place in literature. If you base your concept of Nabokov purely on Lolita you might be correct here. If you've read 'Pale Fire', 'Laughter in the Dark', or 'Speak, Memory' you'll find elements of these levels. Come off more like an elitist though.

>> No.15315800

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.15315826

> muh prose
Praising a work of literature for 'le prose' is like praising a painting for its even coat of paint.

>> No.15315833

Read the defence of poesie by Sir Phillip Sidney

>> No.15315850

At a minimum to do it you should get some pleasure out of it. It's easy to imagine a bunch of miserable fucks forcing themselves to read a bunch of shit they don't like with the hopes of bettering themselves and staying relevant. Most writing stinks, most books are shit. Most non-fiction turns out to be wrong and poorly thought out. Tyler Cowen post about this.


>> No.15315898

>a bunch of miserable fucks forcing themselves to read a bunch of shit they don't like with the hopes of bettering themselves and staying relevant
we call it ”/lit/”!

>> No.15315926

What's the point of doing anything beyond fulfilling basic biological needs?
The anwer to that will be the same as to your question.

>> No.15315997

this; aka literature sucks because it teaches you folly and delusion; entirely dependent upon the author's capacity to teach you quality behavior; every author is a delusional narcissist, hence delusional luciferian humanist society that believes humans are "godlike" rather than 100% animals that need to be treated and managed in the same manner as every other domesticated animal in order to produce the optimum results

>> No.15316034

> believes humans are "godlike" rather than 100% animals that need to be treated and managed in the same manner as every other domesticated animal in order to produce the optimum results

You haven't read D.H. Lawrence, have you?

>> No.15316056

Americans need to learn that just because someone wrote it in a book it doesn't mean it's right.

>> No.15316062

Ultimately its just hearing thoughts of great, interesting men who lived perhaps thousands of years ago, presented in entertaining manner. I see literature as simply that, a conversation taken to its most intimate point. Two friends in a pub can only communicate with their words, two lovers in a bed can only communicate with their genitals, but a writer and his reader talk with their minds in pure silence.

>> No.15316071

If you want spirituality read theology
If you want philosophy read philosophy
Fiction is for feels and nothing more

>> No.15316076

Americans know that better than anyone else.

>> No.15316077

>fiction can't be theological
>fiction can't be philosophical

>> No.15316103

It can but it's infinitely inferior to non-fiction in those respects as it can basically just thematically re-state a dumbed down version of the arguments.
See: the shitty doomer novels this board likes.

>> No.15316127

Then you've never been in a European circle

>> No.15316203
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when it is, its in sevice of the feels, or its bad
>deprived of spirituality
only beauty brings you closer to god.
>It is supposed to fill you with behaviour patterns of how to react to moral problems
storytelling is a tool like you said. this is only one disgusting use of it. the value of storytelling, why we enjoy them, still come from the beauty of narrative

>> No.15316204

damn bro are you really an epic chad???? Chad Chad Chad cHad cahd cahd cCHad kill yourself faggot I fart on your soul

>> No.15316893

>believing what a creative writer has to say about literature
>not seeing philosophical within his works
I wonder what do authors of good posts on 4chan forget here amidst a plethora of posts devoid of any independent reasonable thought