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15315835 No.15315835 [Reply] [Original]

>But in the wearing of the swift years of Middle-earth the line of Meneldil son of Anarion failed, and the Tree withered, and the blood of the Numenoreans became mingled with that of lesser men.

t. Elrond

How can Tolkien claim that he wasn't a white supremacist, with all this talk about the blood of Numenor being superior and all? From Gandalf to Aragorn, people are routinely lamenting that their ancestors racemixed.

>> No.15315846

You're not even trying. Go back to /pol/ retard, it's obvious you don't read.

>> No.15315855

I literally quoted the book for you.

>> No.15315982

Read about the events of the first and second age and you will find out that everything is above honor and not race.
Long story short: 3 houses of men helped the elves and valar to defeat Morgoth. These 3 houses were blessed with longer lifespans than those of normal men, and went to live to Gondolin. Centuries later they showed the middle finger to the valar, corruption, greed and jealously made them a shadow of their former selves. This, plus mixing with the humans that were not blessed by the valar because they didn't lent their aid, it's the reason why the bloodline failed.

>> No.15315990

He married a jew. That's how.

>> No.15316006

why are all you /pol/tards here today? is blacked offline?

>> No.15316008

>This, plus mixing
So, either better blood makes you superior, or being superior gives you better blood? I guess it was a different time...

>> No.15316057
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>The race of Aryans is blond and beautiful because in the past they've been blessed by God for their deeds. The negros were always vile, primitive satan-spawn. Do not taint your blood with that filth!

What did Tolkien mean by this?

>> No.15316131

Because those lesser men are white, retard.

>> No.15316144

Ahh, so just like the Aryans are superior to the Slavic races?

fucking americans I swear, no identity beyond mac-white with extra fires on the side

>> No.15316606


>> No.15317010 [DELETED] 


>> No.15317066
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>OMG! Trump is just like Voldemort in Harry Potter!
>OMG! The “white race” are just like the Numenoreans in LOTR!

Literally the same thing

>> No.15317312

except that Tolkien was unironically a racist

>> No.15317410

Its an allusion to old poems and folk lore like Beowulf

>> No.15317471

>"Thank you for your letter. I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects.
>"But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject—which should be sufficient.

>> No.15317480

Because Tolkien was extremely anti-racist and always opposed racism fucking idiot. Stop cherry-picking

>> No.15317496

You people are dense. Physically mixing was a side-effect, not the cause. The fact that they involved themselves with the less honourable humans made them degrade in honour over time as well. Nothing to do with race.
Beren and Lùthien race mixed and it was fine, especially from the way the author told the story. They're basically the greatest power couple in fantasy and managed to accomplish the most big-dick quest in all 3 Ages, while also spawning the half-elves which fully intermingle with regular elves for all of history.
If Tolkein's saying anything about the quality of genetics and bloodlines, he's saying that people can overcome any inferiorities related to that. Mankind has a natural slant toward the seductions of evil, but that doesn't mean they aren't capable of rising above evil and saving the world, as they did on multiple occasions. But the inverse is also true; even the most good-hearted aren't perfect, as we say Elves fuck up everything for themselves constantly during the Silmarillion because they couldn't follow God.

>> No.15317817

>Physically mixing was a side-effect, not the cause.
Race mixing is a side effect of sin? You don't say.