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15314940 No.15314940 [Reply] [Original]

I'm finishing up my disgusting false philosophy BA with no real options about where to go next cause academia got raped. What do you fellow nonpeons do to live? Gimme ideas

>> No.15315138

I'm an about-to-be unemployed adjunct. I am losing at academia.

>> No.15315168

play saxophone in a cuban strip club

>> No.15315172

>doing philosophy in academia and then being unable to think your way out of your problems
why do philosophers suck at their perceived core competency? all we ever hear from philosophers is how everyone else sucks at thinking, yet their private and public lives are often a shambles. amusing tbqh. almost should give you pause to not do philosophy.

>> No.15315183
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Metaphysics != Worldy wisdom that converts into success
Good try tho

>> No.15315213

cope harder. metaphysics is inquiry into, and thinking about, reality. other parts of philosophy are also kinds of inquiry and thinking. how hard is it to shift your inquiry skills over into other areas? did you learn anything at all? why are you motherfuckers so stupid when it comes to thinking? an engineering or business major is better than you at this. they wouldn't complain about lack of options. they'd start problem solving. pathetic tbqh

>> No.15315235

>Metaphysics != Worldy wisdom
You call yourself a philosopher and yet you don't love wisdom. Shame.

>> No.15315241
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>> No.15315247
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Cringe brainlet board

>> No.15315258

Then head back to /v/. That should be more your speed.

>> No.15315319


Wait for real

>> No.15315322

I’m an aspiring singer-songwriter living in Los Angeles. I was gigging here and there before the virus, now I’m posting online and working on my first album.

>> No.15315348

I did a philosophy ba now I'm an uber driver.

>> No.15315352

I'm unemployed right now, corona ruined my country. No idea what will happen to me.

>> No.15315358

Post a link?

>> No.15315380

Modern philosophers don't care about wisdom though

>> No.15315408

Then they've clearly gone astray somewhere. Where does endless ontological wankery get us?

>> No.15315418

Most of it is basically just to justify having a lot of sex and doing whatever else you want , or to justify liberal capitalism

>> No.15315425

I'm living of benefits and my unfortunate parents.

>> No.15315426

"I hunt."

>> No.15315436

Been working as a datacuck for a while now, think a few people on /lit/ do this. Just data entry shit which goes nowhere, but still gotta be grateful in these times.

>> No.15315769
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Independently wealthy and ill, so I’ve pulled back a little, but i run a private library where through I recruit top students from a handful of schools and connect them to the right people.

At this point i cannot teach, though i would love to. So i try to do the next best thing and connect the most promising up and comers to real resources and opportunities.

>> No.15315916

Hey, real up and comer right here. Help ME out.

>> No.15315935

I'm in the same situation as you anon, about to spend a year living off the money i've saved. After that it's either hermeticism or suicide.

>> No.15315940
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Where do you study? What do you study/what are you interested in? What do you want to do?

I'm in quarantine, I've got some time, I'll bite for a bit.

>> No.15315942

my family supports me
recovering degenerate

>> No.15316004
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I drive.

>> No.15316058

Holy based

>> No.15316214

I’m a data analyst and consultant but mostly I work on finance so I’m more of a financial analyst. I have an economics degree but you don’t actually need an economics or finance degree to do this job. In fact, I’m the only one person in this role here who has one.

Why don’t you go teach english abroad or something? That’s one experience I wish I had done as a new grad.

>> No.15316662

I'm finishing up a PhD in Neuroscience. I study epilepsy but my real passion is writing and editing. Fucking hate research and want to move on to some kind of position in the latter. Currently at a pretty decent uni in New England (not Ivy though).

>> No.15316680

You need a teaching qualification to do that

>> No.15316686

What do you hate about research? Considering doing my M.phil

>> No.15316730

Software Engineer

>> No.15316732

There’s plenty of programs which don’t require it. Japan has the JET program. You just need any bachelor’s degree.

>> No.15316736

What type of writing and editing? Where roughly in NE—Boston?

>> No.15316800

I did an Eng Lit degree and I'm a police officer now

>Inb4 fuck da popo

It's fairly rewarding and I enjoy it. Taking detective exams in march so the hours will be better and I'll be able to focus on investigations, rather than turning out to shitty domestics every night. It allows me to practice my philosophy of active love and I feel a police officer is much like a priest in the sense that they both stand slightly outside of society and both function as an agent of a higher moral power (with the understanding that society's laws are based in essence on natural moral law)

>> No.15316861
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Taught English 3 years, worked in corporate finance 1 year, applied to McDonalds yesterday.

>> No.15316870

I could write an essay on the problems with grad school but I'll keep it short. The actual day-to-day benchwork is a slog. The rewards are too little and spaced incredibly far apart, so I rarely get any sense of genuine accomplishment. Yay, my experiment today powered my study to be .00005 more significant. That'll look great in the paper I published in 5 years.

I write creatively. I went to Breadloaf in VT awhile ago and got great praise but I haven't published anything yet. Trying to get a short story in Nature actually. Currently in Vermont. I edit papers coming out of my lab and as a writing consultant for graduate students at my university. As for future jobs, editing either sci articles for magazines/journals or texts for university presses or something would be ideal. Well, editing fiction would be ideal I guess.

>> No.15316944

Pretty based I think but why did you choose police over say military?

>> No.15316957

Quite the career path - what did you study in college?

>> No.15316981

based career path

>> No.15317035

I considered military but feel drawn to having a family and feel like police is more conducive to family life. I also feel passionately about prosecuting online paedo/child trafficking rings which operate on the deep web. It's always been my intention to become a detective --> join the child abuse unit --> join the specialist online paedophile investigation team --> transfer out to the NCA. (I'm in the UK).

Most of my colleagues who want to go the investigation route want to end up in Major Crime dealing with murders, but IMO there are far worse things to be than a murderer. Most murders are crimes of passion or criminal on criminal, whereas people who rape and hurt children do so systematically with planning. That's Evil with capital E as opposed to the banal evil of murder.

>> No.15317094

Based, anon. Won’t go into detail but I’ve seen what certain violent crimes can do to people and families. I have nothing but respect for people who fight that fight. Good luck to you.

>> No.15317152

Nothing, 99...% of Philosophy is entirely pedantic, irrelevant, useless, and a joke

>> No.15317190


Have you read Chesterton's Father Brown series? This is one of the ways Chesterton has him solve crimes (knowledge of supernatural evil, along with hearing the confessions of men gives him an intuition into human evil).

>> No.15317198

Truckdriver. The pay is alright, work is easy and I'm alone with my thoughts for most of the time

>> No.15317212

I used to work in intelligence now I’m a Syrian conflict researcher.

>> No.15317231
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My bachelors degree says liberal arts, but I got endorsed to teach high school English and mid-level mathematics, along with a TEFL certificate. Masters program was a 2 year masters in teaching program but stopped halfway. I always wanted to a be a teacher and had passion for learning. I had 3 years of success, tears of joy and sorrow with students. My fire and passion disappeared when I saw just how heavily infested American academia was with frankfurt critical theory and cultural marxism. I went to Evergreen State College so SJW politics tip of the umbrella. After a hurtful spontaneous breakup letter during finals week, graduate school burn out, family troubles, I decided to move and try something new. Passed finance exams, got licensed, starting advising clients, Jan 2020 hits, forced to quit really. I'll probably get back into middle school or high school math/english for teaching/coaching (cross country/basket ball/track) sooner rather than later. But for now, Mcdonalds, and I'll probably make a language/educational/jesus youtube

>> No.15317253

Based if real. Please say more: what type of students do you recruit? How? Where do you send them to?
>private library
What do you mean by this?

>> No.15317328
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This is the picture that red pilled me on Philosophy.

>> No.15317337

Same thing Pessoa did. I understand why he was so depressed.

>> No.15317351

is this real

>> No.15317369

unbased pig

>> No.15317408

No idea. I saw it another board, but the fact that you have to ask is telling enough.

>> No.15317412

I haven't, but thanks for the rec! I'll check them out.

>> No.15317421

Story time anon?

>> No.15317422


>> No.15317436

You have to be over 18 to post on this board.

>> No.15317449

I wish

>> No.15317511

an alternative would be to double down on higher education and get something in finance. You could always weasel your way into a mid-tier corporate job and do nothing for the rest of your life.

>> No.15317559

bootlickers tend to a bimodal distribution of braindead boomers and retard zoomers, so which one are you?

>> No.15317581

And people like you tend to be loser potheads or actual criminals, both of which should be hanged. Good luck fending for yourself when Tyrone breaks in to kill you

>> No.15317605

how'd you get a job in DA?

>> No.15317633

not even good at pretending to be a rightoid man. give some nuance to your shitposting

>> No.15317677

Is anyone here an english high school teacher in America? I'd like to hear what you have to say about your job,

>> No.15317812

I dropped out of my philosophy bullshit of arts degree and now I day drink

>> No.15317865

It wasn’t very difficult for me. Like I said, I got an econ degree and was a financial analyst job at a small bank after college. It was small so I did a bunch of things there and taught myself relevant skills. I only did that for about a year before I got the job I’m in now.

>> No.15317902 [DELETED] 
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i pretty much recruit exclusively from colleagues at MIT/harvard (i live in boston) who send me their absolute best students. i run a private seminar that itself operates as a type of high-end reading club (think of a self-conscious recreation of a darker dead poets society) and launching pad for professional connections. i send them all over the place: tech, biomedical, PR, politics; it depends on the skill set and ambition of the individual.

as to the library: i've been collecting books for a decade, and have amassed over 15k at this point. the library is highly-specialized and operates as the skeletal and material backbone of my overall intellectual operation. it's also excellent to retreat into viz. quarantine.

>> No.15317911

I genuinely believe that the ACAB crowd are either criminals or simps who subscribe to a particular ideology to impress ultra-left femtards

>> No.15318838

Acab is also a skinhead thing.