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15313424 No.15313424 [Reply] [Original]

Pride is clearly a sin. But what about being proud of/for other people? Is that fundamentally different? Is it a narcissist way to link yourself to other people's accomplishments?

>> No.15313457

Yes. Take White Supremacists for example. They are "proud" of their "race" despite not having achieved anything in their lives that would deem them worthy of the great Europeans. They appropriate an entire civilization's achievements merely because they have similar genes. Most of the times they don't even share nationality nor language with the greats but yet they have no shame in their appropriation. That's peak sinning.

>> No.15313510

There is a difference between the kind of pride that God hates (Proverbs 8:13) and the kind of pride we can feel about a job well done (Galatians 6:4) or the kind of pride we express over the accomplishment of loved ones (2 Corinthians 7:4). The kind of pride that stems from self-righteousness or conceit is sin, however, and God hates it because it is a hindrance to seeking Him.

Psalm 10:4 explains that the proud are so consumed with themselves that their thoughts are far from God: “In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.” This kind of haughty pride is the opposite of the spirit of humility that God seeks: “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). The “poor in spirit” are those who recognize their utter spiritual bankruptcy and their inability to come to God aside from His divine grace. The proud, on the other hand, are so blinded by their pride that they think they have no need of God or, worse, that God should accept them as they are because they deserve His acceptance.

Throughout Scripture we are told about the consequences of pride. Proverbs 16:18-19 tells us that “pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.” Satan was cast out of heaven because of pride (Isaiah 14:12-15). He had the selfish audacity to attempt to replace God Himself as the rightful ruler of the universe. But Satan will be cast down to hell in the final judgment of God. For those who rise up in defiance against God, there is nothing ahead but disaster (Isaiah 14:22).

Pride has kept many people from accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. Admitting sin and acknowledging that in our own strength we can do nothing to inherit eternal life is a constant stumbling block for prideful people. We are not to boast about ourselves; if we want to boast, then we are to proclaim the glories of God. What we say about ourselves means nothing in God’s work. It is what God says about us that makes the difference (2 Corinthians 10:18).

Why is pride so sinful? Pride is giving ourselves the credit for something that God has accomplished. Pride is taking the glory that belongs to God alone and keeping it for ourselves. Pride is essentially self-worship. Anything we accomplish in this world would not have been possible were it not for God enabling and sustaining us. “What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” (1 Corinthians 4:7). That is why we give God the glory—He alone deserves it.

>> No.15313527

Incorrect. Having pride in being part of a tradition is the flip side of the coin of taking responsibility for tending that tradition.

There are no white supremacists except maybe some skinheads who are really just thugs looking to beat people up. Most white nationalists are simply people looking to protect the organicity of their community.

>> No.15313547

The sin of pride is more nuanced than the way its commonly used in conversation. The sin of pride isn't feeling accomplishment in your achievements or belonging to a great group, it is quite specifically placing yourself higher than you ought to be and not being charitable to others. Satan was one of the highest angels and is called the most beautiful, was he ignorant of these qualities he possessed? of course not he knew his station and the privileges and responsibilities that came with it. The sin of pride attributed to Satan which caused rebellion in heaven is the sin of trying to make yourself greater than you are and ought to be. "I will raise my throne above the stars of God." The stars of God are metaphors for angels, so Satan intended to unlawfully ascend past the bounds of angels' places and thought of himself as God.

>But what about being proud of/for other people? Is that fundamentally different?
A parent being proud of the achievements of their children or a friend being proud of the successes of their friends is not a sin obviously.
>Is that fundamentally different?
Yes because pride(in the sinful sense) is egotistic, pride(in the common sense) in others is more selfless than selfish
>Is it a narcissist way to link yourself to other people's accomplishments?
To link yourself to their achievements? maybe. To recognize the greatness of your family, friends, or countrymen? absolutely not, just look at how many times the Israelites invoke Abraham, Moses, or David, or how Christians glorify the righteousness of the saints.

stfu you mong

>> No.15313555

>Having pride in being part of a tradition is the flip side of the coin of taking responsibility for tending that tradition.
Yes. Except "white" is not a tradition. There are English, Irish, Danish, French, Germans, etc. Even in every tradition there are individual subtraditions. So white supremacists are appropriating a nonexistent monolithic culture. A pipe dream. Either way, a white supremacist's principles are fundamentally anti-Christian, hence, the resurgence of neo-pagan religions in such a demographic.

>> No.15313566

European Christendom is a tradition and European Christendom encompasses exactly what is called 'white' today

>> No.15313586

...except for being christian, which is replaced with an ahistorical american-friendly color-term

>> No.15313596

Plenty of nonwhites in European Christendom, then. White Supremacists only label "white" the Nordic subtype of the Caucasian race. So if you aren't Nordic, you aren't white for them.

>> No.15313652


At any rate, white is whatever people who think of themselves as white decide it is. I don't have to run the essence of my ethnos by some faggot on the internet to see if he agrees with it. White Europeans are clearly becoming conscious of themselves as such. A hundred years ago, this might not have included Irish and Slavs, or even Italians, but today it does, possibly because whites are more and more swamped by nonwhites.

The test of whether white identity exists won't be whether you say it does on some messageboard, it will be the increasing upsurge in nationalist reaction against racial engineering policies by capitalists in Europe. A healthy respect for European whites' rights to self-determination now will prevent much uglier reactions from them down the line.

>> No.15313667

The question in Europe is necessarily not one of whiteness but one of immigrants belonging to the culture or not. Of course the Americans will try to spin everything on race since that's how their shithole works.

>> No.15313669

>Plenty of nonwhites in European Christendom, then. White Supremacists only label "white" the Nordic subtype of the Caucasian race. So if you aren't Nordic, you aren't white for them.
White supremacists are numerically and culturally irrelevant. Nordicists are even more irrelevant. European Christendom is when its Christian and its in Europe so for example, Italy, Cyprus, Russia, Georgia, Hungary are all a part of this group.

I don't particularly like the term white and the fact that american race thought, which is totally out of place outside of america, is constantly shoved down my throat, that said, up until WWII america seemed to be in the process of legitimate ethnogenesis. The European nations which left the old world and came to the new were assimilating with each other and creating a new folk for the new world. This was halted partway through by the adoption of melting pot theory in the civil rights era where the project of ethnogenesis was stopped in favour of multiculturalism. The Europeans who were already in America had already lost their old world identity and were being assimilated into the new one when they were suddenly told that America is multicultural and their new world identity as Americans (ethnically European of course) was illegitimate. Of course if you take the majority of the population and tell them that their traditions, history, and identity as whole is illegitimate, they will in a reactionary and dialectical way, take on the opposite identity of those who are clearly other. That's why 'white' is the only viable identifier for white Americans. Because the Anglo/German/Scot/Irish core which makes up the founding stock of the nation ha already lost their Anglo/German/Scot/Irish identity.

Besides, why should 'whiteness' not become a tradition of its own? Why shouldn't those who mutually identify themselves with each other be allowed to do so? I know you are entirely inconsistent because you are either a non-white person acting in your racial self interest or a white person who has bought into critical race theory and the guilt complexes that media and education forces, but why do you people become so essentialistic when it comes to whiteness? What is more legitimate about being English, Irish, Russian whatever than being white? There was a point in time when you would have said that "English is not a tradition, you can be Northumbrian, Mercian, Wessexian, etc but not English"

>> No.15313687

Depends on what you mean by "tradition." Lumping together millions of people with different languages, nationalities, values, history, etc. just because they share genes seems nonsensical. Might as well lump together all tall people as a "tradition."

>> No.15313714

>The question in Europe is necessarily not one of whiteness but one of immigrants belonging to the culture or not.
No, it's a question of whether they are ethnically compatible. A huge part of ethnic cohesion is the subjective belief in common ancestry. A people that look and act like each other see themselves in each other and the individuals become an organic whole. Someone who is visibly dissimilar, despite any cultural similarities (which do not actually exist lmao) will never be able to integrate into the majority population because the myth of common ancestry is not sustainable.
>Of course the Americans will try to spin everything on race since that's how their shithole works.
That's how it works in multiracial places with no clear majority and no ethnic centre. The less racial coherence, the more racial consciousness.

>Depends on what you mean by "tradition." Lumping together millions of people with different languages, nationalities, values, history, etc
All major European languages with the exception of Hungarian, Estonian, and Finnish have the same origin, same goes for the traditional pagan religions of Europe. nationalities is meaningless in your sentence because we have no consensus on what makes a nation anymore. Is it genetics? Then Europeans share that in common. Is it religion and geography? Again, Europeans have that in common. values is a secular abstraction of religion, and all of Europe, while it was united, was united by Christianity. And of course Europeans share the vast majority of history with each other, certainly more than we share with anyone else.

>Might as well lump together all tall people as a "tradition."
Tall people is not an organic whole. Tall people exist in every race and country and have nothing in common except for height. Genetics (which is just a gay abstraction for ancestry) is the most unifying thing there is. What makes you united to you family?

>> No.15313723

Different methods for different peoples. I find race fetishism vulgar, but it's easier and easier to understand its appeal in an era when brown Muslims are beheading white people (variously self-identifying, but noticeably all white) in Paris and London.

The key term here is "seems." Seems implies a person to whom it seems the way it does. It seems nonsensical to you. It doesn't seem nonsensical to me. I don't think it seems nonsensical to the families of the beheaded, or the fathers of the children abused in all those sex scandals in the UK - every single one perpetrated by nonwhites.

>> No.15313729

>No, it's a question of whether they are ethnically compatible. A huge part of ethnic cohesion is the subjective belief in common ancestry.

Agreed again (I'm >>15313723). Carl Schmitt talks about this a lot, so does Heidegger. Founding a "people" is a dialectical process that begins with some kernel of some group seeing itself as precisely that, A PEOPLE.

In this age of deracination and active promotion of degeneracy, you have to take what battle lines you're given. I'll take a Polish or a Panslav ally over a Muslim any day.

>> No.15313731

I think pride when connected with vanity is certainly a sin, yes. In fact, pride when connected with anything, other than divine faith in God, is sinful.

But damn if being proud of being faithful in God isn’t empowering. Read some Kierkegaard bros and take over the world with Allah.

>> No.15313749

Carl Schmitt talks about this a lot, so does Heidegger. Founding a "people" is a dialectical process that begins with some kernel of some group seeing itself as precisely that, A PEOPLE.
Have you read Dugin? He has two books on ethnosociology which give a detailed account of ethnic/folkish/national interrelations and he uses Schmitt and Heidegger Schmitt as the basis of his geopolitics and Heidegger as the basis of his whole political project

>> No.15313771

Sure. Bearing that in mind, 'black' is not a tradition. There are Kenyan, Tanzanian, Somalian, Congolese, Zulu, etc.
I find it very interesting that your kind never applies such talking points universally.

>> No.15313776

>Christian thread
>thread becomes a /pol/ circlejerk
like clockwork

>> No.15313787

to be fair OP was baiting it with >Is it a narcissist way to link yourself to other people's accomplishments?

>> No.15313796

>Sure. Bearing that in mind, 'black' is not a tradition. There are Kenyan, Tanzanian, Somalian, Congolese, Zulu, etc.
Of course, that's obvious.
>I find it very interesting that your kind never applies such talking points universally.
What do you mean "your kind"? I do apply it universally. It's mostly in American culture where people are submitted to the meat grinder to become a dull formless mass. Anywhere else it's different.

>> No.15313812

what does BAME stand for and why is it used in Britain, which does not have America's history of racial tension

>> No.15313830

>No, it's a question of whether they are ethnically compatible.
After thousands of wars and many armed conflicts do you really think Europeans are ethnically compatible? Come on.
>All major European languages with the exception of Hungarian, Estonian, and Finnish have the same origin
So? If we go far enough all of humanity has the same origin. Doesn't mean shit. People are different regardless of origin.
> Is it religion and geography? Again, Europeans have that in common
Not really. Europeans have different religions, and geographies. If fact this has cause great conflict in the past. Take a good look at history.

>> No.15313834

You know perfectly well what I mean when I refer to your kind, and it's disingenuous of you to behave otherwise.
International capitalism makes the whole wide world a meat-grinder. If you consider America alone to be in the meat-grinder, it's because you're still at the top of the funnel and it has not begun chewing at your toes.

>> No.15313845

Brothers fight all the time, they don't cease to be members of the same family though.

>> No.15313880

>You know perfectly well what I mean when I refer to your kind, and it's disingenuous of you to behave otherwise.
I literally don't know what you mean. I'm all for Europe for Europeans. French, Germans, Spaniards, English, etc. all in their fatherland but it's this nonsencal idea (bred in America) of "white" as a culture and as a tradition that I'm against. American imports tend to be quite retarded but this one wins the prize.
>International capitalism makes the whole wide world a meat-grinder.
More recently, it was in America that people --because they were cultural bastards without roots-- started taking on "white" and "black" as legitimate identities, though.
> If you consider America alone to be in the meat-grinder, it's because you're still at the top of the funnel and it has not begun chewing at your toes.
If only you knew how bad things really are...

>> No.15313891

Same could be said about the entirety of humanity. Brothers fighting yet never ceasing to be members of the same family.

>> No.15313904

If you had given the origins of White identity in the United States even an iota of thought, let alone genuine research, you wouldn't be insisting on this gay and asinine line of argument.

>> No.15313931

They were bastards who shared genetics and little more. America did her thing to pass them through the meat grinder designated to their "race." White Americans share more with African Americans than they share with non-Anglo Europeans.

>> No.15313947

That's a bold claim. If you intend to continue pretending that your involvement in this conversation is a matter of good faith, make clear your ethnicity and nation of residence, preferably accompanied by a timestamped photograph of your hand.

>> No.15313956
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kek suck my dick, American. You lost this one. Get over it.

>> No.15313957

Bait thread to begin with but lefties got BTFO.

>> No.15313964

In your dreams. The burgers got their ass handed to them.

>> No.15313972


First sentence is clearly false, thread is void.

>> No.15313985

Now the real question is whether you're Jewish or simply brown-skinned.

>> No.15314001

It's all contextual; the word pride can be used in at least two ways. If I say I am proud of being x, or doing y, that is the sin of pride, but if I say that "I'm proud of you" it is I think an exception simply because it doesn't mean the same thing. It's more like well-wishing than pride. It's kind of an empty phrase though so I don't tend to use it.

>> No.15314005
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1587788980228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't argue any further
>now let's try the ol' /pol/ ad hominem

>> No.15314011

It’s idolatry

>> No.15314040

Any argument of a racial nature postulated by an inferior is a giant with feet of clay.
Ethnicity and country of residence. I already know you're a non-White of some stripe and I'm only giving you an excuse to post another smug pepe, but I don't have much better to do.

>> No.15314088

You only got this salty and triggered after I said the truth: White Americans share more with African Americans than with non-Anglo Europeans. It's the truth. Sorry to break it to you if you thought you were some universal missing piece. Don't be petty and accept your Negro bothers. After all you brought them there yourselves.

>> No.15314110

Once again, ethnicity and country of residence.
Your statement has no basis in fact, it's just an argument-baiting provocation traditionally advocated by Jews, murderous mentally ill metalheads, and non-Whites in primarily White nations who would prefer their betters sit down with them and sing Kumbayah. Culture is the flower that sits atop the root of biology.
Also, I'd be happy to hear you try and couch this retarded point with regard to a white South African or Algerian.

>> No.15314196

Ethnicity: Rent free
Residence: Your head.
White Americans and Black Americans have grown up very tightly closed together. Ever since the Negro arrived to America (by the hands of the White American, I might add), he has influenced many areas in the nation: music, language, cuisine, literature, film, politics, etc. To the point where you can't quite tell where Black influence ends and where White one begins. They have formed a unique massive culture nowhere to be found around the world. Such is their closeness that the White American has much more cultural things in common with the Black American than with the non-Anglo European.

>> No.15314267

Ethnicity and nation of residence. Your non-answers are almost as clear as actual answers.
You recite the same vague assertions and provocations, and you continue to provide no actual evidence, just vague, masturbatory waves of the hand.
You are not a person, just a person-shaped hole.

>> No.15314288

>the truth is a "provocation"
kek you know I'm right and you can't refute this. All the thinkers of our time were right, the American is a glorified Negro, not a real European. You're in the denial stage, just accept it and move on. Everyone in Europe already knows this.

>> No.15314306

More baseless assertions? That's great, buddy. Name five (5) of those 'thinkers of our time,' and make plain your ethnicity and nation of residence.

>> No.15314355

Carl Jung, Jean Baudrillard, Julius Evola, Herman Hesse, Karl Marx.

>> No.15314386

Two proto-ironyboys of Swiss make, a worthless frog postmodernist, a fish-faced depressive, and the world's most lethal Jew? That's great, buddy. Make plain your ethnicity and nation of residence.

>> No.15314419

It's all it takes to BTFO America as a """"European"""" nation. Americans are glorified negroes, pal. Just deal with it. Nothing wrong in being a glorified Negro. Do you really think you can live 200+ years alongside Negroes and not be like them? Why do you reject your obvious nature?

>> No.15314449

>there's nothing wrong with this statement that I have been treating as intrinsically wrong on a moral level so as to use it as an emotional bludgeon this entire time
That's great, buddy. I'd ask for your ethnicity and nation of residence again, but I already know what you are.

>> No.15314458

I'm glad you're finally accepting your nature after a lengthy process of denial. Coming out as a Negro must be considered quite satisfying in American culture.

>> No.15314479

And I'm proud of you for admitting you're a Jew. That's great, buddy. Took a lot of guts. Though they would never admit it, your death will lift just the slightest amount of weight off of your family's shoulders.

>> No.15314494

Yes, I'm an evil Jew from Tel Aviv. I control your country and your life. Nice to meet you. Now answer this:
>Do you really think you can live 200+ years alongside Negroes and not be like them?
>Why do you reject your obvious nature?
If you are a true European, you can answer them without major difficulty.

>> No.15314541

Your pseudo-ironic candor is appreciated.
I do, yes. Imagining that the typical American genuinely lives alongside negroes is reductive and the domain of the brainlet- the cultures are kept distinct from one another by the intrinsic biological differences between the races. This reflects itself in the cultures' physical segregation (except in urban centers, where such a thing is unavoidable, whites and blacks do not voluntarily live or work together) and in the deep revulsion exhibited by each group towards intrinsically White or negro behaviors and cultural standpoints.
Do your parents know you're gay?

>> No.15314566

>-the cultures are kept distinct from one another
That's not true. You literally can't tell where the Negro influence ends and where the White begins. Modern America is the result of Negro and White influences. Like the middle part of a Venn diagram.
>Do your parents know you're gay?
Does your mother know your a Negro?

אתה כושי מרומם.

>> No.15314589


>> No.15314606

The difference is extremely easy to discern, you disingenuous parasite. If you were an American, you would know why. As a foreigner, more specifically a non-White foreigner, you never received the array of racial antibodies all well-reared Americans possess- your lack of parallax causes two distinct objects to blur into one indistinct object. Also, I can't imagine your ethnepotistic attitude on race is conducive to telling the rest of the world apart properly, Jew.

>> No.15314633

>The difference is extremely easy to discern
Was*, not anymore.
> If you were an American, you would know why.
If you were a Glorified Negro*.
>As a foreigner, more specifically a non-White foreigner, you never received the array of racial antibodies all well-reared Americans possess- your lack of parallax causes two distinct objects to blur into one indistinct object.
Just like you don't have the True European vaccine. You clealy misundesrtand Europe.
> Also, I can't imagine your ethnepotistic attitude on race is conducive to telling the rest of the world apart properly, Jew.
You should followed your own advice, Glorified Negro. The lack of self-awareness is ridiculous.

אמריקאים לבנים ואמריקאים שחורים גדלו זה לזה מאוד. מאז שהכושי הגיע לאמריקה (בידי האמריקנים הלבנים, אני יכול להוסיף), הוא השפיע על תחומים רבים במדינה: מוסיקה, שפה, מטבח, ספרות, קולנוע, פוליטיקה וכו '. עד כדי כך שאתה יכול אני לא יכול להגיד איפה מסתיים ההשפעה השחורה ואיפה הלבן מתחיל. הם יצרו תרבות מסיבית ייחודית בשום מקום שלא ניתן למצוא ברחבי העולם. כזה הוא הקרבה שלהם שלאמריקה הלבנה יש הרבה יותר דברים תרבותיים המשותפים עם האמריקנים השחורים מאשר עם האירופאים שאינם אנגלו.

>> No.15314657

Yes, I'm sure you're just posting in Hebrew ironically. If you tried to hold this conversation with me in person, and I could reasonably expect to escape the legal consequences of doing so, I would beat you to death.

>> No.15314679 [DELETED] 

>pride is obviously a sin
Another mentally ill believer agonizing over a rulebook from a sick desert society. Religious people should be euthanized

>> No.15314702

>and I could reasonably expect to escape the legal consequences of doing so, I would beat you to death.
I wouldn't expect any less from a Glorified Negro. Thank you for giving us conclusive proof of your Negro genes. Much appreciated. Unfortunately for you the (((Law))) exists and (((we))) own it. Have a lovely day.