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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 200x266, Pessoa_Portgual_Lisbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15311964 No.15311964 [Reply] [Original]

>"It should be pointed out that Pessoa smoked 80 cigarettes a day." -New York Times

Surely this is bullshit. Anybody have any source about this fact? How the fuck could he even afford to smoke 400+ cigarettes each week?

>> No.15311969

It’s Portugal money or something. The person making them probably earned like $2 a day

>> No.15311973

back then you could buy a pallet of smokes for a nickle

>> No.15311978

most people that claim to smoke even 40 cigarettes a day, aren't smoking every single one to the filter

If he smoked "80 per day", total cigarettes smoked, adding the partial and half cigarettes, is closer to 30-40

>> No.15312000

because he only imagined smoking them

>> No.15312008

in his time the taxes on cigarettes were not that high
fucking kikes ruing everything

>> No.15312017

He had a decent job, never travelled, had no women, he rolled his own cigarettes, tobacco was cheaper back then... He only spent money on tobacco, books/paintings, food, and alcohol.

>> No.15312028
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>Its estimated that Nietzsche ate eight to twelve apples a day

>> No.15312041
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Have you SEEN German apples? They're maybe a quarter the size of normal people apples. And the worst part is when you try to confront a German about this, they get all defensive and start trying to say how their apples are perfectly normal, perfectly fine

>> No.15312068

it's true and it's also the reason why went insane and died

>> No.15312085

>How the fuck could he even afford to smoke 400+ cigarettes each week?
Tobacco is only expensive because of taxes.

>> No.15312090

Well, in actuality every single cigarette he smoked counted as multiple cigarettes, to account for his heteronyms.

>> No.15312098

A twenty pack of cigarettes here is around £6-8. Even less if you roll them yourself. I don’t think the price is unfeasible.

>> No.15312106

Look how much well-dressed the people behind him are.

Fashion has truly degenerated. You may like Pollock and Andy Warhol. You may even like Le Corbusier. But there is not excuse whatsoever for contemporary fashion. People dress like dirt. (I am referring to average people, not to dandies, which still exist.)

>> No.15312112

I go through 100mls of 0.3% ejuice. Am I gonna be the next Pessoa bros?

>> No.15312120

Which country?

I'm in the UK and a pack of 20 costs me £12.50 each, sometimes more. Smoking 5-8 of these a day already feels like too much.

>> No.15312140

Smoke rolls lad. I pay about £14 a week for one 30g pouch. They don't make you feel anywhere near as shit either.

>> No.15312153

The price of tobacco today is pretty significantly inflated due to taxes.

>> No.15312174

How many cigarettes do you get out of that?

I will certainly consider this.

>> No.15312215

I used to smoke around 20 a day, going up to 40+ in a bad day, usually to the filter.
Is that really unusual?

>> No.15312268

Not sure exactly but I smoke 10-20+ a day and lasts up to 5-7~ days. I use extra slim filters so they're usually thin. Amberleaf tastes the best imo.

>> No.15312330
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>> No.15312337

3 inches is average

>> No.15312659


I'm australian and a pack costs no less than 43$ now if u want smth good like a marlboro red :(

>> No.15312671

ausfag here, get a pipe. Cheaper, tastier, healthier

>> No.15312675

So he was on datura?

>> No.15312680
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>he doesn't know what spliffs are

>> No.15312715

In their back of their mind everyone knows this when looking at portraits of episode or videos from the turn of the 19th century. There’s just absolutely nothing that can be done about it, and the most degenerate decade, the 60’s, was the death knell for proper shirts and jackets. For me personally it’s the 30’s where real life looked like film noir

>> No.15312717


>> No.15312731
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European cigarettes are often tinier (see pic related). And tobacco was cheap back then.
Kill yourself, weedfag degenerate. You have to go back.

>> No.15312735
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>sobriety is the only route to enlightenment

>> No.15312760

>afraid of the irrational world that lives beneath the perfection of RATIONALITY

>> No.15312776

Spook, even worse street shitter spook.
I said you're disgusting for smoking weed. I believe in moderate drunkenness. Weed isn't a literary drug, however. It's literally a nigger drug that's spread alongside with the negrification of our society. It's make you stupid, ineloquent and forgetful. Enjoy trying to write anything interesting on the drug. The only truly literary drugs are tobacco, alcohol (and only certain kinds), and opium (especially in tea form). Perhaps absinthe too a là Rimbaud, if you're a madman. If you're an adult smoking weed, you're either puer aeternus doing a teenager's drug or a spiritual nigger.

>> No.15312780

That’s a cigariorillo

>> No.15312782

Yeah, you don't even know what you're saying, mate. You're an idiot.

>> No.15312786

>400+ cigarettes each week?
There are different types of smokers, and even at this rate he could be lackadaisical about pulling on them in favor of the room note/taste intermittently, i.e. not primarily going for the nicotine

And this

>> No.15312809

Sounds as if your vocabulary and experience of spirituality is restricted to A*glo terms ; however I forgive you. When the Kali Yuga no longer has influence over your psyche, seek the eternal truth found in Platon (pbuh).

>> No.15312993

Fuck you you unknowing pseud. Weed opens portals in your mind that causes creativity to flourish. Are you really that ignorant to how much music and art was created while people were smoking. If you smoked before and it made you stupid, you probably smoked some weak shit or you just weren't used to the effects yet.

>> No.15313003


Get a load of this guy

>> No.15313066

>Sounds as if your vocabulary and experience of spirituality is restricted to A*glo terms
I speak five languages fluently. My vocabulary is most likely quadruple the size of yours, perhaps even larger. And Plato would've despised weed, though to be fair I don't think he would've cared much for tobacco either.
Weed might be good for making nigger music, no doubt. But the greatest music of all time was made before weed was even known to Europeans. And also, weed makes you ineloquent, it infantilizes your linguistic faculty. You can't write if you're addicted to weed, sorry. The exceptions are few and far between. Maybe one in a thousand people can smoke weed without immediately sounding like a brain dead nigger. Also I laughed when you said "weed opens portals in your mind"; maybe if your IQ is below 90 you'll feel like weed is somehow some magical experience. Anytime I've smoked it I felt it brought down the general level of my thought, my clarity of mind, etc.

If you really want interesting brain states I would recommend:
1. Engaging in intensive exercise daily.
2. Taking freezing cold showers (this will purge most of your base and unworthy thoughts).
3. Beginning a robust meditation routine.
4. Not taking nigger drugs like weed and crack that lower your IQ and turn you into an apathetic borderline faggot.

>> No.15313074
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>> No.15313123

the new york times is an absolute rag

>> No.15313129

new copypasta

>> No.15313261
File: 189 KB, 800x450, Rasta-and-white-woman-smoking-weed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copy this, nerd: Weed is a gateway drug to black cock for white women. Weed is a gateway drug to low T, faggotry and liberalism for white men. Weed is the most liberalizing factor today, and the least commonly acknowledged as such. Weed is literally niggerhood incarnate in a drug. "Muh weed, muh great and amazing nigger beats and raps, muh interracial porn!" - the motto of sissified white male whose T levels and IQ were ravished by the consumption of intelligence reducing, liberalizing, and niggerfying drugs. Hedonism for weak-willed faggots.

>> No.15313290
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Smoked and smokepilled.

>> No.15313316

wow a talking rat posting on /lit/

we're rich!

>> No.15313317


>> No.15313335

>It is estimated that Voltaire drank 40 to 50 cups of coffee a day
How? Coffee gives me the shits, surely he was pissing out of his rear all the time?

>> No.15313358


Something something Asian penises

>> No.15313361

no, I go to a university where smoking is normal and 40 is above average but not shocking

>> No.15313367


I been thinking of it but honestly mate im too big on durries. its bc when im feening the most its when im on the go n i think a pipe doesnt rlly cut it especially if ur in the cbd or smth.

>> No.15313371

I was in the London last year and basically every brand I tried was £7-10

>> No.15313373


nah man i just wanna crunch durries as i go about my day at work n shit. Im not looking to get fucked up 24/7

>> No.15313382


what the actual fuck

>> No.15313414

Balzac drank over 50 cups of coffee a day and would often masturbate right up to the edge of orgasm, stop, and immediately begin writing. This is how he sometimes managed to finish entire novels in a single day.

>> No.15313455

I drink about 20 double shots of espresso a day, it's not that inconviable. Coffee doesn't give me the shits either. I always theorized that people affected by it are usually weaklings with high pain sensitivity, the kind that complain about the simplest things. "Ouch". "Waaah". In other words, cry babies and sois. Much like their brain can't handle pain, their GI track can't handle coffee. The common denominator in that equation is opioidergic signaling in the negative precipitating both scenarios. The oral MOR antagonist laxatives further prove my point.

>> No.15313468

The question is: how do you sleep? I love coffee, but I had to switch to green tea in an effort to improve my sleep.

>> No.15313477

Coffee doesn't even wake me up or cause a laxative effect.

>> No.15313478

Nietzsche chewed all the apple seeds (which contain cyanide) and went insane.

>> No.15313573

I knew a dude that would drink coffee specifically right before going to bed, lmao. He was a freak of nature in general though, think the type of person that will get shot like 10 times and just walk it off lol

>> No.15313598

Why do you drink coffee then if it doesn't enhance your mental energy levels?
Fuck man, that would ruin me. Pretty cool though.

>> No.15313608

I drink it because I'm more creative on it and my sex drive is lower. Most effective with espresso, warm water extraction, and Turkish preparations.

>> No.15313609

what a dream

>> No.15313618

friendly reminder that "the book of disquiet" is for free on audible in Portuguese. Take your copy and read it together with peak comfy audio

>> No.15313621

Literally me.

>> No.15313626

Eww. Why would you mix tobacco with weed?

>> No.15313637

You realize that there is a variance in biological and genetic makeup that makes more succeptible to things than others. That's like getting angry at someone for being too tall or getting cancer or disliking a certain food or being lactose intolerant.

>> No.15313866

>That's like getting angry at someone for being too tall
Is this manlet cope I see?

>> No.15313905

the first cigarette of the day with a chemex-brewed coffee >>>>>>>>> sex

>> No.15313969


>> No.15314505

Apparently Houellebecq was at 4 packs a day.

>> No.15314513

Recently I always get so dizzy smoking the first cig of the day.

>> No.15314530

>"It was rumored that Herman Melville ate five entire carrots before every meal"

THIS ONE. This HAS GOT to be bullshit.

>> No.15315494


>> No.15315566

>This spook is the spook to this other spook

>> No.15315586
File: 208 KB, 924x892, 2020-05-09_1100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, i had no idea cigarettes were so expensive now. i thought a pack of 20 was like £3-4.
i've never actually bought any, though. serves you stinking fuckers right.

>> No.15315602
File: 23 KB, 296x249, cafpep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda hardcore.

>> No.15315615

That sounds horrible.

>> No.15315665

I will try to emulate him.

>> No.15315685

>It's another zoomer insect thread wondering about why normal life was allowed to go on before globohomo society came into full effect

>> No.15315688

It's not our fault tho

>> No.15315700

cigarettes were practically free up till recently and still cost pennies in many countries

>> No.15315705

That's because American apples are genetically modified to be bigger.

>> No.15315873

>often masturbate right up to the edge of orgasm, stop, and immediately begin writing.
He's pretty smart, he knows that if he actually coomed he wouldn't have energy to do any shit.

>> No.15315901

Guyotat used to masturbate while writing, it became so bad that at one point he just did nothing except masturbate and write, didn't even eat, he lost half his body weight and wrote himself into a coma.

>> No.15315907


>> No.15315933

i used to pick cigarettes out of ashtrays and off the ground, maybe he did that

>> No.15315948
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That's because it appeals to aesthetic bliss and meditative pleasure instead of DUUUUUDE COOOM. I was watching an Italian singer sing a christmas carole and he was in such a visible state of ecstasy and joy that you could see it on his face and enjoy it as a listener. Contrast this with sex. While you get a fun sensation and feel good feeling, it is rather cheap by comparison and you can't tell in the moment because that other part of your brain shuts off. Sometimes in the post nut clarity (I resent this term as you're really more clear after a good week of abstinence and all day not for a moment so it shouldn't be considered good or desirable any more than the post ringing of the plunging of a syringe), as I was saying, sometimes past the 'post nut clarity', when you've just watch porn and observe the actress and actor you see their faces. They do not look happy. They look hypnotize and at the level of animals. You mention simple pleasures to the carnal man much less say they are superior, he looks at you as if you are mad.

>> No.15315966

MAUL! Unsere Äpfel sind die besten.

>> No.15315998

I'm from Portugal and used to be a heavy smoker until 2years ago. Smocked a minimum of 1 pack since I was 18 until I was 36 (started at 16) and about 2 packs a day since I started making my own money, and smoking has only became expensive in the last decade or so because of taxes. I remember filling my lugs with tobacco because it was cheaper here than anywhere else is Europe.
To be fair we always had a somewhat big tobacco industry (for our country's size) so it has always cheap. Even nowadays Philip Morris makes most of their tobacco for Europe here iirc.
Anyway, 80 cigarettes is a lot, but not if your work/hobby allows you to smoke. When I went out with my friends and go to a football match I sometimes smoked 6 packs that day. Also it's not like you'll be smoking them until the filter when you're chain smoking, you'll smoke half of it at best.

>> No.15315999

> porn and masturbation is sex
Holy cow, we're approaching levels of incel previously unknown to man!

>> No.15316015

It's fairly similar. The only difference is having a woman you love beside you distracts from the reality of the situation and makes you unreceptive and uncaring to such analyses which usually results in post nut warmth and actual sleep. If you don't find them similar, it's probably you that's never copulated.

>> No.15316024

how the fuck are you still alive
i smoked from 16 to 22 and mybody rejects it, can't handle it anymore

>> No.15316032


>> No.15316070

ppl are diferent, my dad smoked even more for 50 years until he quit this year and the doctor said his lungs are fucking fine
shits crazy

>> No.15316227


>> No.15316283

>globohomo society
What exactly is globohomo society?

>> No.15316297
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>> No.15316326

What's life life in Portugal these days?

>> No.15316430

I'm surprised to not see anyone mention that James Joyce was addicted to breast milk to the point that he could get no sleep if he didn't do shots of boob juice before bed.

>> No.15316436


>> No.15316443

*tips fedora*

>> No.15316444

That’s stupid. I don’t smoke, and I understand government tax on them, but still.

>> No.15316450

Absolutely based brother.

>> No.15316464


>> No.15316465

Teach me your ways, master. Stick your foot in my mouth, honestly.

>> No.15316561

Things I don't like.

>> No.15316591

Not nice, but not Africa tier I guess.

>> No.15316599

Lmao I'm getting my european citizenship just to move there what the fuck

>> No.15316602

Hallelujah Brother.

>> No.15316608

t. hue

>> No.15316609

Amen to that.

>> No.15316712

if you're from Brazil it's much much better. I actually used to go to Brazil a lot, have lots of family there and there's no comparison imo.
Portugal w crap by euro standards, but it's got its charm I guess. But it has a small sized economy that depends too much on tourism and construction so it really isn't easy to have a decent life sometimes, specially for a foreigner. There's a reason why a lot of our educated youngs got emigrated recently
On the other hand we really don't care if you're a nigger or a faggot if you don't bother anyone.

>> No.15316939
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Can I go to live there if i'm mexican? I don't bother anyone, I just want to work, play vidya and when the time finally comes kill myself at home

>> No.15316943

Bom saber, meu irmão tuga. I'm getting my law degree as soon as the fucking lockdown ends, and moving there next year - at least that's what I'm expecting. We have too much lawyers in BR, and by having a portuguese citizenship I could work in a law firm in Porto or Lisbon. I've been there once in my grandparents hometown and it was the loveliest place in I've seen.

>> No.15316946
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These cost about 1€ per pack. It's more of a time concern at that point since you have to pretty much chain smoke for at least 12-16 hours to inhale that much smoke

>> No.15316972


your spliffs look awful. learn to roll.

>> No.15317538

>And the worst part is when you try to confront a German about this, they get all defensive and start trying to say how their apples are perfectly normal, perfectly fine


>> No.15317598

"If you can't sleep at night, it's not the coffee it's the bunk."
- Preston Sturges

>> No.15317646

never heard that but he used to have his wife chain him to his desk and lock the door to his study, then he had her refuse to bring him any food until he finished the alotted work for the day.

>> No.15317721

t. hohol

>> No.15318215

Natural apples are this size. Your GMO American cancer apples aren't "normal"

>> No.15318230


>> No.15318253

Cigarettes were like 10 cents a pack back then when it was just tobacco. Now with all the additives and that they are expensive

>> No.15318323

Those are pretty racist opinions.
The idea of literary drugs is a delusion. There is literature, and men who participate of it, and men who uses drugs to try to find alternative paths to expression, or just to think.

>> No.15318354

muh weed elitism

>> No.15318378

And Sartre did meth, Freud used to be a cocain addict. Shit is crazy.

>> No.15318549
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>Those are pretty racist opinions.
You have to go back.

>> No.15318567

Christ I live in the midwest and pay $6 for a pack of reds

>> No.15318574

buy a box of them and sell them in strayacunt for a nice profit

>> No.15318600

I prefer unfiltered

>> No.15319606

Rimbaud smoked hash and the beatniks smoked plenty of weed. Being unproductive on marijuana is incidental to an unproductive mindset. Anyways, marijuana use will be more and more normalized in the near future, so expect your position to become less tenable.
And good luck finding opium, it hasn't existed in the West for 60 years and virtually the entire world supply is processed into heroin. You would have to grow your own to make opium tea, which would ultimately land you into federal prison for 20 years.

>> No.15319670

>Rimbaud and the beatniks
Not the sort of people you should look up to anyway.

>> No.15319766

> "Some sources state Yukio Mushima drank perfume to mask the smell of european onions, which he consumed wholly & raw after every workout"

>> No.15319781

google translate
actual kraut

>> No.15319837
File: 3.91 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200508_193147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> horse anon consumes an average of 5 plain sugar cubes a day as a quick snack
well they're right in my pocket and the cruch is delightful, usually i bite off about 1/3 and give the rest to the horse. enriched with pocket dust and horse hair

>> No.15319867

its a known fact that grass increases creativity from eight to eleven times

>> No.15319904

Very carefully

>> No.15319909

I need to get me a lady like that.

>> No.15319913

How do you measure creativity

>> No.15319919

you're supposed to reflect while high and use whatever insights you've gained or interesting states experienced in your sober writing. of course constant smoking will ruin you.
it's like saying acid is bad for creative writing because it's hard to write while peaking on it.

>> No.15320045

Yeah, Rimbaud is not a great standard. Great poet, but definitely an exception. He probably could've done meth and still been a good poet. The beatniks are trash. I couldn't give a fuck about them. Their works are vulgar and unremarkable. I'm not surprised they were stoners. Their works stink, smelly people. You can smell them when you read them. Unpleasant smell.

>> No.15320211

Kind of off-topic, but today if someone would do something similar to Rimbaud he would not be popular.

>> No.15321326

That's true, at least for literature. The only domain where extreme drug addiction is celebrated in probably music. I guess art as well. But literature seems to have lost its edge. I do think Rimbaud was pretty special. He seemed to be able to do pretty hardcore drugs without diminishing his talents (as far as we know). But most people if they did what he did would probably end up brain dead or artistically stunted. Pessoa seems similar. Special physiognomy.

>> No.15322452
