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/lit/ - Literature

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15311450 No.15311450 [Reply] [Original]

It has been a tradition here to create a list of /lit/‘s favorite novels, but what about characters?
I feel like it could be fun

>> No.15311469

1) Me, star of My Diary

>> No.15311498

Glazunov's illustrations feel kinda meh to me.

>> No.15311628 [DELETED] 

For me, it's Dingdong of Taillebourg.

>> No.15311758

I wasn't even that into the book at the time I read it, but Atticus Finch was instantly one of my all time favorite characters

>> No.15311827

Julien Sorel
Ursula Brangwen
Lieutenant Glahn
Prince Andrei

>> No.15311844
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Patrick Bateman from American Psycho

>> No.15311875
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>> No.15311921

porfiry petrovich

>> No.15311928

Julian Sorel
Edmond Dantes
Sensei from Kokoro
Prince Myshkin
Judge Holden
Robert Jordan

>> No.15311939

im guessing thats Raskolnikov?
do u mean Glazunov the composer?

>> No.15311968

lee harvey oswald
stepan trofimovich
prince myshkin
dimitri karamazov

>> No.15311974

Yes, Pacкoльникoв

>> No.15311985

i dont understand russian mate

>> No.15311989

1. Sancho Panza
2. The rest

>> No.15311992

im enjoying ahab

>> No.15311997

Don Quixote
Sancho Panza
Jean Valjean
Pierre Bezukhov
Edmund Danté
Konstantin Levin
Julien Sorel
Humbert Humbert

>> No.15312005

Learn the letters. It’s really easy and makes it fun when you can sound out words in Russian even if you don’t know the language

>> No.15312025

Edmund Dantes
That guy from Demons (came to town with Kirilov)
That pagan dude on the Pequod (based af backstory)
The girl in East of Eden (she burns down the her parents house--really turned me on)
Alyosha's girls (not Grushenka, the other two who werent a slut--god I wanted to cum all over their dresses)

>> No.15312038

You could at least learn the alphabet you actual brainlet.

>> No.15312057


>> No.15312087
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Um... meant for>>15311985 haha. LOL

>> No.15312093

Holden Caulfield

>> No.15312118
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Your sins are absolved

>> No.15312123

whos the brainlet now, dont ever call me a brainlet im actually really smart probably one of the smartest people to ever live im serious ask me any question right now and ill tell u the answer go on try me infidel

>> No.15312172
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Nu uh, I can do 25+ pushups so im definitly way samter than you. Okay, here's a question: where's this quote from, 'He opened the door' (paraphrasing btw) You have one guess.

>> No.15312214

finnegans wake

>> No.15312239
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>he thinks I'm quoting a book

>> No.15312417

but stubb is better tho ?

>> No.15312585

Ignatius Reilly
Don Quixote
Humbert Humbert

Leaving it at five cause I've only read five books in my lifetime (70 years)

>> No.15312608


>> No.15312619

Prince Myshkin is unequivocally /ourguy/, can't be bothered to see if anyone already posted him.

>> No.15312648
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Gene Harrogate

>> No.15312794

The Savage in Brave New World

>> No.15312913

He's a good soul, that's true, but he has no spine, no care for his own being. He's loyal, but unthinking. A dog is you would

>> No.15312947

Are there many cases in which you love the character but not the book?

>> No.15313092

the unnamed narrator

>> No.15313109

I can't think of any. If I love a character I'll probably love the book too assuming it doesn't have any glaring shortcomings.

>> No.15313124

Robert Shaftoe

>> No.15313134

I remember really liking Boris in The Goldfinch and really disliking just about everyone else. Particularly the narrator.

>> No.15313143

the underrated Etienne Lantier
and Severine

>> No.15313168

I loved Babel in Tales of Odessa and disliked the book except for the stories he appeared.

>> No.15313244

Ahab reminds me of Tony Soprano. You arent supposed to root for him but you do.

>> No.15314234

Pontius Pilate
Franz Biberkopf

>> No.15314268

Sherlock Holmes

>> No.15314280


>> No.15315457

Orin incandenza, Meyer landsman, bam sloccum

>> No.15315740

Who this?

>> No.15315772

Gene was a crack up

>> No.15315788

>Ursula Brangwen

>> No.15315830

Could Ellis get away with a book like this in 2020?

>> No.15316753

yes because freedom of speech

>> No.15316845

Well when some of AP was leaked he got a lot of hate and threats for the "misogynist violence" of his soon to be book

>> No.15316864

Jane Eyre of Jane Eyre :>
Nicholas Higgins of North & South
The Fool of King Lear (maybe)
those I rate quite highly

>> No.15316965

Gregory Berrycone

>> No.15317985

>girl in East of Eden
The girl who gave birth without any sound or facial expression?
Truly a haunting and awesome character

>> No.15318058
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Pretty fond of the Alice's Adventures books. Alice is pretty well-written character, I feel.
Also maybe Willy Wonka from the Charlie Bucket duology.

>> No.15318074
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Holy based.
Patrick Bateman is THE shit.