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15308014 No.15308014 [Reply] [Original]

Any books for some neofolk/trad feels?

>> No.15308042

that shit is so cringe.

>> No.15308048

Growth of the Soil

>> No.15308136


>> No.15308138

neofolk is such an oxymoron
2020s internet kids larping as trad is an insult to the traditions they're aping and their own

>> No.15308142

>guy who larps as communist

>> No.15308143

it's the inevitable reaction to vaporwave though innit

>> No.15308152

>not knowing that neofolk as a genre predates vaporwave by like 30 years

>> No.15308158
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Facism the Total Society : Codex Fascismo (parts 2 and 3)

>> No.15308164

As an old millennial I don't know what the fuck neofolk is but based on picture I would say Seven Years in Tibet for my book recommendation.

>> No.15308177

LARPy as fuck and the whole concept of "trad" is modernist bullshit.

>> No.15308179
File: 171 KB, 600x788, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"trad" aesthetic is divine, but it is what it is - just an aesthetic, the quintessence of all the good things, the cherrypicked selective reality.
it's comfy to look at and read about, but doesn't adequately represent the actual life of people and periods you larpers worship.

you basically believe the propaganda posters. great pic though, saved

>> No.15308184

Don't infest /lit/ with this shit. I tried to make these threads a thing on /fa/ for months and once it began to stick it all turned to shit, now I can hardly even stand the music anymore. We already have enough Evola-fagging by people who don't actually read books on this board.

>> No.15308203

Everyone larps in some way and there is nothing wrong with the concept of trad

>> No.15308208

It's alright that it's infested with 30 threads a day about Marx

>> No.15308232

>modernist picture

>> No.15308236
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i'll be frank, tradtards at least have an actually cool visual.
soviet aesthetic ≠ lefty aesthetic, the former is largely made of people going against the system in some way. and beloved russian village is indeed "trad".

>> No.15308245

Don't have any problems with beloved russian village

>> No.15308246

don't tradpeople worship the 50's? how deep trad are we talking?

>> No.15308255

The 1850s

>> No.15308257
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same.. it's actually apoltical in nature. many types of poltards in history tried to claim the Village, yet it stands serene and untouched by their faggotry.
you can't convert what's so close to nature, and can't claim nature as a part of your party.

>> No.15308278
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I'm well aware - the question is why does it see a sudden resurgence in the form of online Heinrich Harrer cosplay in 2020. only /fa/ knows the answer.

>> No.15308380

Trads are often environmentalists though, and they convinced that progress - the progress that the left condemns that is - goes against nature

>> No.15308402

People of Hemso

>> No.15308411


>> No.15309412

bump cant wait for butterfly to write some dumb 10 iq take and then not respond to anything

>> No.15309461
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Just eat your pita bread lad, ye need no books. Books come from the people who destroyed your traditions after all.

>> No.15309956

in his defense, a flat piece of bread isnt really tied to one ethnicity or region. still a funny autist though

>> No.15309982

Its trendy word that is thrown around needlessly

>> No.15310028

growth of the soil
Arbeit macht frei
Mein kampf

>> No.15310671

Imagine if the Japs attacked right then and they had to spring into action naked as the day they were born and dripping with soap suds

>> No.15310682

i don't larp as anything I just comment my first thought on threads, /lit/ is my rorschach rest
what's the trad music? Gems on vhs and stuff?

>> No.15310703
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>hahah fucking larping faggot, nothing more cringe than trying to get in touch with your roots. just consumer capitalist pig slop and cut your genitals off like a normal person!

>> No.15310772

Cringe-shilling is their latest tack

>> No.15310916

No trad music is like Gregorian chants but I like gem on VHS I like that one country girl she is so cute even though she has face tattoo

>> No.15310939

>Your roots
>A culture that your people stopped practicing over a thousand years
>Your roots

>> No.15310946

The whole concept of "trad" is completely modernist in essence.

>> No.15310951

bro everything having to do with the way you think and act comes from the previous generations.

>> No.15310970

Roots are a spook. Also take your meds, schizo.

>> No.15310984
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damn I didn't know that kikes astroturfed /lit/ THIS hard! shouldn't you be getting ready for the Shabbat?

>> No.15311874

you know what's trad? reading to actually learn things and not just larping

>> No.15311916

ah yeah man me too, somebody should rustle up her nudes I do not doubt their existence somewhere