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15307392 No.15307392 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15307403


>> No.15307406

it's copy pasta words, used by people who haven't had an original thought of their own since childhood

>> No.15307415

Anything that comes out of that faggot kantbot20k's mouth

>> No.15307420
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> NOOOO language cannot evolve with the times
> NOOOO slang is devil speak and using it for fun is forbidden
> You can only speak formal English regardless of situation. I, OP, set this arbitrary command, as the world's largest faggot.

>> No.15307423
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>ITT: words that losers use

>> No.15307477
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>> No.15307483

get of lit midwit

>> No.15307488

pink ass bitch

>> No.15307506

do you fools honestly believe that your utterances are not contrivances of a similar variety?
at least with these words, there is no pretense of originality

>> No.15307516

>discord tranny
Because bullying a vulnerable group is only for the weak

>> No.15307525

Fucking disgusting

>> No.15307558

Dilate, tranny. You're disgusting.

>> No.15307575

People who are obsessed with trannies are just resentful because of their own private tranny fetish

>> No.15307807
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>> No.15307821


>> No.15307862

All of them. Real chads just grunt and club.

>> No.15307878

>discourse (as in public discourse, not as in Rousseau's Discourses)

>> No.15307977


>> No.15308028


>> No.15308038

Is bugman supposed to mean immigrants, like insect people? Or CIA and spooks?

>> No.15308054


>> No.15308059

dilate tranny

>> No.15308102

Very funny and original, good job anon.
Good addition to the thread.
Usually the word "bugman" refers to chinese people or generally people who, according to the user of the word, fail to reflect on their actions and environment - essentially people who the users dislikes.
Not a tranny.

>> No.15308145
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>king slang isn't redpilled


>> No.15308155

haha dogee go bork

>> No.15308180

As far as I'm aware of the king slang arose as a direct reflection of the left's "queen" slang that arose from the ideology of empowerment and contradiction of existant hierarchies. Basically, nobody needs to call a real queen (even in the metaphorical sense of the word) a "queen", because the whole point of the usage is to reverse, negate the actual order.

>> No.15308190
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>thinking this much about internet slang

>> No.15308204


>> No.15308211
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>> No.15308212

I didn't actively think about it when I saw it, it just immediately became obvious what it is and where it came from. I immediately realized that it's not a word I want to use or want my friends to use.

>> No.15308228

No, it refers to soulless and empty people. Like the people who collect Funko Pops and spend the rest of their money on OnlyFans.

>> No.15308241

This trend of starting a sentence with "so" when it's entirely unnecessary. It's usually done by mid-level career women who want to sound smart. A sentence is started with "so" to announce some revelation (e.g., so it was you who ate all the cookies) or to provide a direct response to a question that asks "why". I've noticed this more often over the last few years. I think the reason that "so" is being prefixed to sentences is because it acts as a speech softener. If you just respond directly, it's callous, but if you superfluate with "so" then you have this buffer word of friendly indirection.

>> No.15308240

'bugman' is colloquial for Nietzsche's Last Man

>> No.15308243


>> No.15308253
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I noticed that at work too. I now only start sentences at work with vowels or fricatives. Gotta have that strong attention grabbing start.

>> No.15308261
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Every word in pic related, which are all used by marxist tranny faggots on this board

>> No.15308268

based and truthpilled

Whenever I write more than 1000 words I'm struck by how much I rely on cliches. Unless you make a habit of frequent writing youre more than likely the same.

>> No.15308282

Excellent. Speak in a strong, purposeful, penile manner. Bitches love that.

>> No.15308288


>> No.15308458

I concur

>> No.15308475

What is a good word to replace it? What do you call a man who buys $200 for a girl streamer expecting her to fall in love with him?

>> No.15308487


>> No.15308525


>> No.15308535

A Bootlicker.

>> No.15308640

Hylic is a great word. It's just being misused

>> No.15308753

Crazy that the least sociable and likely to have friends board other than /tg/ is calling other people losers.

Someone not care about your reading of tao lin anon?

>> No.15308790


>> No.15308803

It's hard to play tabletop games without friends. Most people I've met who browse /tg/ are certainly nerds, but not the antisocial nerds who hate other nerds.

>> No.15308812

white privilege

>> No.15308855

Tranny cope. Join the 40%

>> No.15308860

Anyone who ever uses these words out loud in the real world is automatically a loser. On this site, who cares?

>> No.15308865

There is nothing worse

>> No.15308872

I'm not a tranny, and the reason trannies commit suicide is because people act cruel towards them. It's similar to mixed race people who grow up in racist environments develop mental illnesses

>> No.15308876


>> No.15308922

Mixed race people are far more likely to come from broken homes since interracial relationships typically don't work out well (and are likely to be between low-quality people).

But yes, trannies are mistreated, they should get proper care like anyone who suffer from severe mental illness.

>> No.15308967
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>Usually the word "bugman" refers to chinese people or generally people who, according to the user of the word, fail to reflect on their actions and environment - essentially people who the users dislikes.

>> No.15309107
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>categorical imperative

>> No.15309293

Using "no?" at the end of a sentence as a rhetorical question.
It's the faggiest fucking redditnigger thing I've seen

>> No.15309313

>mfw bitter wage slave is still assblasted about The Tunnel

Based af

>> No.15309334

>fire (adj.)
>yes (mispronounced so as to sound like yas)
>any contraction

>> No.15309361

>It's the faggiest fucking redditnigger thing I've seen
No it's not?

>> No.15309463
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>ok, let's unpack this

>> No.15309728
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>> No.15309993

Thats not what bugman measn here.

>> No.15311165
