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15308053 No.15308053 [Reply] [Original]

>Q: That thing that has to be discovered each by himself is God or enlightenment, is it not?

>U.G.: No. God is the ultimate pleasure, uninterrupted happiness. No such thing exists. Your wanting something that does not exist is the root of your problem. Transformation, moksha, liberation, and all that stuff are just variations on the same theme: permanent happiness. The body cannot take that. The pleasure of sex, for instance, is by nature temporary. The body can't take uninterrupted pleasure for long, it would be destroyed. Wanting to impose a fictitious, permanent state of happiness on the body is a serious neurological problem.

Benthamists, utilitarian bugmen and A*glos eternally BTFOed out of orbit by U.G.

>> No.15308115

didn't he effectively become a hedonist post calamity?

>> No.15308128

Damn... So a crypto-Buddhist?

>> No.15308171

Actually all theists BTFO.

>> No.15308235

>being a hindu poo

>> No.15308252

Absolutely based

>> No.15308258

He didn't have sex post calamity, he said he couldn't after it

>> No.15308298

????that fits perfectly with any theistic doctrine, even crypto-theistic philosophies like advaita and buddhism

>> No.15308317
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U.G. points out that the roots of the present ecological crisis lie in the Judeo-Christian belief that the human species is superior to other species because it alone was created for a grand purpose, and that, therefore, it had the privilege of dominating and using the rest of nature. Hinduism and Buddhism also share a variant of this belief, the idea that birth as a human being is the most precious and highest form of birth. It is believed that in order to attain enlightenment or moksha even the gods have to be reborn as human beings. U.G. completely rejects this belief in the special status and superiority of the human species. He observes that the human species is not created for any grander purpose than the mosquito or the garden slug is. Our erroneous belief in our own superiority has been used to justify our extermination of other species, and has led to the environmental problem. What is in question is not just the kind of technology and the economic system we have, but the structure of belief and values which drive the technology and the economic system

>> No.15308319

Bro we're literally out here emulating a man who was crucified.

>> No.15308327

>more supposition
>flawed understanding of theological concepts

>> No.15308356

my friend, i don't give a single fuck about what he thought about the exoteric aspect of these traditions. my point is about what what he said in the op.
by the way this is a very very naive and childish vision of how these traditions regard all creation and the relation between created-uncreated, in the case of christianity it is even the opposite.

>> No.15308390

>wahhhh religion bad

so is he supposed to be a genius or something? everyone already said the same thing.

>> No.15308400
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Anything that is born out of this division in your consciousness is destructive, is violence. It is so because it is trying to protect not this living organism, not life, but the continuity of thought. And through that it can maintain the status quo of your culture, or whatever you want to call it, the society. The problems are neurological. If you give a chance to the body it will handle all those problems. But if you try to solve them on a psychological level or on an ethical level, you are not going to succeed.

If you are freed from the goal of the "perfect" ,"godly", "truly religious" then that which is natural in man begins to express itself. Your religious and secular culture has placed before you the ideal man or woman, the perfect human being, and then tries to fit everybody into that mold. It is impossible. Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals, whereas culture has invented a single mold to which all must conform. It is grotesque.

Political institutions and ideologies are the warty outgrowth of the religious thinking of the man; in a way responsible for the tragedy of mankind. We are slaves to our ideas and beliefs, and we torture ourselves in the hope of achieving something. All our experience, spiritual or otherwise, is the basic cause of our suffering... The body is not interested in anything "you" are interested in; that is the battle that is going on all the time.

>> No.15308498

literally hedonism, so what?

>> No.15308519

Reddit atheism for orientalists.

>> No.15308532

What do you mean? He defined God and then said no such thing exists. Theists BTFO.

>> No.15308561

exactly no such thing exists in corporeal nature

>> No.15308735

>Wanting to impose a fictitious, permanent state of happiness on the body is a serious neurological problem.
Neurasthenic coomers will never recover

>> No.15308809

how can the guy say some nice things like
> that which is natural in man begins to express itself
>Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals
(even though i have a problem here with ''nature'' i'll ignore since what is implied is more important than nuanced terminological distinctions),
and some parts in the op, but right after come up with some revolting, clichéd stupidity like muhhh religion muhhh culture
btw what a fucking manlet

>> No.15308856

How can one misinterpret dukkha so completely and still be considered an intellectual? Riddle me that.

>> No.15308946

how can anon view sections of content distinctly and critically but right after attack a man's height?

>> No.15308971

Why exactly? Drugs work for a little time and kill you, but what prevents inventing a drug with a permanent effect in a future?

>> No.15309028
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the generation of all being is the birth pang of the sublime

>Then seeing all the worlds proceeding from the true supermundane abyss, we give that abyss the title of hidden world, since it has concentrated all the worlds in itself, as if it were the world of every world, or rather the undifferentiated birth pangs of all worlds, not yet attached to the cosmic form, but nevertheless giving birth to it prior to any manifestation of any world. For it is, if it is permitted to call it this, the single common and undifferentiated labor pain of the cause of all things and is before all things, stationed prior to the universal worlds that are from it and all the intelligible worlds that are born, which we say is the unifi ed boundary of the worlds, however many there are, and of the pleromas that are contained in them, and viewed from above, is the single transcendental simplicity.

>> No.15309065

i dont know but i have an uncontrollable urge to act like an idiot and give the most dumb and low retorts to anything related to U G, maybe this is just the natural reflexion of UG’s spammer