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/lit/ - Literature

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15307452 No.15307452[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I currently have a good job with good prospects but not very high pay right now. But the past 5 years have been mostly a waste.

I'm a 29 year old ugly beta charismaless meek blackpilled loser with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, and I've never been to a pub, club, or party, even through university. I know that Chads and women have lives on easy mode and that success depends on a large extent to fitting in with normies.

The past decade has involved me getting various jobs and a degree but it is clear that I am a social failure who has no passion about anything or any motivations. I simply don't currently have the initiative to do anything productive in my free time.

Apart from reading and the gym, my trademark hobby in the past few years has been driving or walking around the city, feeling sad about life, hoping my 20s spontaneously stop feeling wasted, drinking coffee, and browsing 4chan on my phone. Of course, this was all aimless and pointless.

There have been a few positive developments, such as my recent job, which gives me some pretty good responsibilities, and I recently learnt some stuff in my free time without any external pressure, which is a large step for me, but the main theme has been my totally isolated existence and lack of motivation. When I heard about the blackpill after Elliot Rodger's death in 2014, the reasons for my nofriends position and loserdom became clear. I haven't been enlightened further since.

Binging on junk food and coffee have been my main pleasure in life in the past few years. Again, I do it less than in the past, and waste less money (at one point I would repeatedly phone my parents to ask for money because I lived away from home in London and would run out) but I don't really have anything else, apart from internet time wasting.

Time passing sucks. I am not young anymore and I am behind in life. My job is ok but even 21 year old graduates are in it. I am jealous of young people.

>> No.15307458

Why do you care about something so part of the normie mindset like having a 'good job'. It's just cope on wagies part anyway, you haven't taken the blackpill far enough.

>> No.15307460
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This is a literature board. Therapists exist. Your attitude will get you nowhere. Improve yourself or go to r9k and accept oblivion.

>> No.15307486

Have you read Mars by Fritz Zorn?

>> No.15307671

A very personal post by LF. I feel like I read something I shouldn't, as the intimacy between us grew with how you laid your soul bare for us, and on the other hand I'm glad that you did. It was very inspiring. Let's have a nice weekend and follow it up with a creative and constructive week, LF.

>> No.15307688

Therapists are fucking worthless in my experience and are nothing but money sinks. Only antidepressants help and even then they just mask the problems instead of solving them.

>> No.15307696

Don't have anything to say but I feel for you.
What country are your parents in?

>> No.15307708

You feel like you have wasted your life, so what would you have rather done?

Social stuff? Try meetup.com. Its worked for me and I'll say that theres a reason that the people who come are coming. Often they are in a similar boat to you anon.

Instead of constantly thinking about how you've wasted your life, why don't you try to do whatever u want to do and see what shit happens lol. Surely it will be better than whatever u have now

>> No.15307721

Fuck the past. Fuck comparing yourself to others. The only person or entity who gets to define you, for you, IS you. Enjoy your life. Try to make it better for yourself and those around you. Fuck man, you're going to die some day, then reincarnate and live the exact same life again and again ad infinitum, you may as well have a good one.

>> No.15307725

>then reincarnate and live the exact same life again and again ad infinitum, you may as well have a good one.

>> No.15307728
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>> No.15307747

I can relate.
Perhaps you should stop respecting the rules of the society that will never give you what you want.

Make of that what you will.

>> No.15307755


>> No.15307762

Is it possible to ever stop being a midwit, or am I cursed for all eternity because of my shit tier genes?

>> No.15307778

>Apart from reading and the gym, my trademark hobby in the past few years has been driving or walking around the city, feeling sad about life, hoping my 20s spontaneously stop feeling wasted, drinking coffee, and browsing 4chan on my phone. Of course, this was all aimless and pointless.
This is pretty normal, except for the 4chan part. You're like most people.
>I'm a 29 year old ugly beta charismaless meek blackpilled loser with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, and I've never been to a pub, club, or party, even through university.
Most people don't have charisma, most people have very few friends, and most men don't get much female attention. You don't need to go to pubs, clubs, or parties, and you obviously never really wanted to. If you've spent any time around women, you know that most of them are quite lacking in any kind of charisma and are also not particularly active, at least not in the sense that you seem to think they are.
OP, you're okay. You now have a good job with decent prospects. The next step is for you to keep working hard, to keep working out, and to save up money. Since you now have a decent job, you should be able to start looking for a decent woman to marry. Think about your own values and the way you'd like to raise children. If you don't care about race, consider going to an East Asian country to look for a woman. Under no circumstances should you go looking in bars, pubs, clubs, or any other den of degeneracy. You do not share the values of the people who frequent those establishments, and you are unlikely to be able to start a successful marriage with the kind of woman who goes there looking for men.
Everything is fine. Just keep going, figure out what works for you, and eventually, you will be able to start a family. Spend less time on pozzed media and you will realize how absolutely normal you are.

>> No.15307785


>> No.15307868
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Devoting an hour every week to consistently try to figure out how to help yourself in front of another person is not a waste of money. If anything, I appreciate being able to talk to somebody openly.

Antidepressants should only be used as a temporary measure to get you on your feet.

>> No.15307885

>Perhaps you should stop respecting the rules of the society that will never give you what you want.
The retard just wants to be a great writer or something like that. Somehow I doubt SOCIETY is to blame for his personal ineptitude.

>> No.15307893

Nice post to gently introduce newfriends to londonfrog, a poster of extreme basedness

>> No.15307906

the frog is literally trapped inside an existentialist novel and doesn't realize it
living the dream

>> No.15307918

>When I heard about the blackpill
What the fuck is it with people and "the blackpill" like it's some kind of objective truth or well-fleshed out philosophical position? It's literally an informal term given to unfortunate truths. By subscribing to "the blackpill" over all other "pills" you are DECIDING that all truths are unfortunate. My guess is that you have also deliberately sought out depressing literature with the goal of internalising, patholigising and endlessly agonising over the "revelations" therein.

Read some uplifting stuff like Kipling, Twain, Tolkein or Tolstoy. These people knew about the darkness in the world and their stories respect this without becoming paralysingly hopeless.

>> No.15307921

Is this London Frog? He doesn't normally impart this much

>> No.15307930

But he hasn't said any such a thing.

>> No.15307931

Good post.

>> No.15307936
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>> No.15307942

yes, and yes, he does

>> No.15307944

Find a tribe.

You think that society will one day give you the support and guidance of a father and the love and compassion of a mother but this is wrong. The technoindustrial society we live in is the World Serpent from Nordic mythology; technology is literally the bringer of light (Lucifer). You must find a community of people to whom you can dedicate yourself (to them and only them. Fuck everyone else).

>> No.15307969

So I'm fucked. Great. Can't make a "positive" out of it either when I'm a complete failure who hasn't had a victory in his life, lol.

>> No.15308000

I would suggest stop masturbating unless your significant other allows you to. Most people wouldn't give their consent for you to masturbate to them even porn stars would find you creepy. Then use your money to amass a library. Non fiction (history books and philosophy) should be your main focus since they provide the most utility. Read fiction only to amass a vocabulary. After you've done those two things you should on your way on getting a girlfriend.

>> No.15308006


>> No.15308087

londonfrog truly is an hero
i hope he gets better though despite the stories coming to an end then.

>> No.15308107

If this thread is staying up, xant it going to be a general depression thread?

I could use it. I haven't left my bed for like 2 days now.

>> No.15308110

>meditating on wojak

>> No.15308272

>I haven't left my bed for like 2 days now

I feel you, anon. I used to be like you. I'd spend literally 5 days in a row just drinking, eating shit, sleeping and masturbating in my room. I wouldn't leave my apartment even to take the trash out. Then one day I fucking left the house, no shower, nothing but my wallet and phone in my pocket. Went to the nearest gym, paid the fee for the month, and started immediately. I felt GOOD AS FUCK (and I hated exercising). When I went back to my apartment I could feel a lot better. I spent a week going to the gym. The only reason I didn't keep going was the freaking lockdown (I plan going to the gym for ages and when I finally decide to, a fucking virus takes over the world). I am not exercising anymore because of that, but as soon as the gym reopens I'll definitely go there. All it takes is one act of courage, one act of FUCK I'M NOT THIS SHIT I'M CHANGING RIGHT NOW, and you're done. That one week changed me totaly, and to undermine my anxiety levels I started meditating, which is helping me greatly. I don't know who you are, but I wish you the best. I'm telling you what I'd tell to my past self. Read the pic from >>15307460.

>> No.15308283

what is it about this board that attracts all you fucking pussies?
also if you want to post off topic bollocks you have to put "books for this feel" or something

>> No.15308286


>I used to be like you
>I'm telling you what I'd tell to my past self

I'm not saying I'm a sage or anything, far from that. There's a fuckload to improve. All I'm saying is what I wish I had heard in moments like that. I hope you're still around.

>> No.15308293

>dude just wage slave even harder it'll be okay lmao
imagine being this obtuse.

>> No.15308346
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It's you again

>> No.15308396
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I hate you. Fuck off.

>> No.15308439

fuck off newfag

>> No.15308456

>fuck off newfag youre just not in on our epic londonfrog culture!
>londfrog so epic
>londonfrog not a whiny fucking cunt at all!

>> No.15308472

imagine being so retarded you can't differentiate between wanting to help someone in despair feel connected and normal vs. being obtuse

>> No.15308476

>Time passing sucks. I am not young anymore and I am behind in life.
Escaping online to fill your mind with self-defeating garbage (muh blackpoll) isn't going to help one bit. Make some serious efforts to wean yourself off these dependencies and find some rewarding offline activities (hopeful social to some degree) or you're going to make a post here in 10 more years feeling even worse.

t. 34 year old who's been turning this shit around

>> No.15308492


>> No.15308529

You're a weak man

>> No.15308534

a blo bloo

>> No.15308539

The blanket statement of it being useless to everyone is incorrect, but the thought of having to pay someone to listen to my problems makes me want to shoot myself.

>> No.15308550

picrelated is the most reddit post I’ve ever seen on this board

>> No.15308802

yes retard

>> No.15308814

Do you have any better advice or are you just going to screech at anyone who threatens your habits?

>> No.15309005

Ehyyyyy. I got them feels. I've lost my job with the quantine. Between that and other fuck ups of mine I've moved back in with my parents.

I'm on like day 3 of a bad disassociation or whatever. All of this feels, wrong in some way. It's like how in The Man in the High Castle, the metafictional book is the more "true" history.

I'm caught up idealising suicide desu. I'm not there yet, but the idea of just not feeling any sort of bad emotions. Sounds nice.

On the bright side, I watched Evangelion for the first time since highschool. It mostly clicks.