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15304556 No.15304556[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Joe Rogan is 127 IQ

>> No.15304561

He an author?

>> No.15304563

Where does he stand on the JQ?

>> No.15304568
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>tfw same as me
>tfw I would be more if not for my borderline retarded spatial intelligence due to dyspraxia
feels bad man

>> No.15304570

I would have guessed like 115, he probably acts sort of dumb to be more likeable though

>> No.15304579

>The Demo IQ Test is offered free of charge, the Certified IQ Test Results cost $19.99
its just kike bullshit. nothing to see here.

>> No.15304581

I foresee a lot of seething in this thread. Luckily I'm in the 135-140 range so my ego remains entact :)

>> No.15304583

so fake

>> No.15304590
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>mfw joe "fuck a stool" rogan is smarter than me\

damn bros what do

>> No.15304592

IQ doesn’t matter dipshit, its pattern recognition. :P

>> No.15304598

I had mine done a few years ago in college because the Disability Resource Center flagged me after tanking a whole semester of courses. I only scored two points higher than Joe Rogan. I don't know what's worse missing 130 by one point or this fucking God damned horse shit.

>> No.15304603

/lit/ - e-celeb IQs

>> No.15304607

does that make it hard to use the computer? what difficulties do you have from it. pardon my ignorance

>> No.15304610
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>I foresee a lot of seething in this thread. Luckily I'm in the 135-140 range so my ego remains entact :)
oh its funny you should say that because my IQ is 141-150 so suck my ass faggot

>> No.15304617

Mine was the exact opposite. Dismally above average in most catagories and almost max value for spacial intellegence.

>> No.15304625

Woeful spatial awareness and hand eye co-ordination basically. In practical terms, I'm very clumsy, my handwriting is awful, and I play sports and video games like a fucking retard. It also affects organization and memory too so my room is a mess and I keep forgetting to clean it.

>> No.15304630

Tell me an IQ test you would believe the results of
>inb4 none
>implying you don't flaunt your IQ despite it only coming from an online test

>> No.15304638

Shit, 2 points below me. The question is: did he do the test while on DMT?

>> No.15304645

>IQ doesn’t matter dipshit, its pattern recognition.
Yeah, and intellect is pattern recognition. If you see IQ tests and think "uuuuh it's just shapes lol?" you're probably low IQ.

>> No.15304649

so a literal midwit

>> No.15304661

probably a big blow to people who base their self-worth on their meme number, unfortunately

>> No.15304664

>google the test he took
>answer all 20 questions because I need to mog Joe Rogan
>Have you pay to get your results
This dude paid $19.99 to be told he's a midwit

>> No.15304683

>Spatial-reasoning and pattern recognition tests give me midwit 125
>language heavy and verbal linguistic IQ test are 143-151
Am I one of them idiot savants? Should i start writing poetry stat?

>> No.15304706

If you have to ask then the answer's no.

>> No.15304713
File: 166 KB, 750x750, 1571678535429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, report in
1. have you ever taken an actual in-person IQ test by a licensed psychologist?
2. How old were you when you did it? (this matters a lot)
3. what was it?


>> No.15304715

Imagine caring about useless numbers

>> No.15304719

Why? Is Joe Rogan supposed to be stupid? He's a self-made millionaire. You don't actually think the persona he puts up on his show is real, do you? He's probably a sociopath playing the "relatable average Joe" character.

>> No.15304722


>> No.15304742

>idiot savants
you're one of these things. care to guess which?

>> No.15304745

no, i agree with you. i'm simply saying that the average person here probably sees themselves as being above joe intellectually, so now they must cope

>> No.15304749

Is this a mental illness or retardation or something else? You probably get asked this a lot but is there any way to make it better with practice or physical therapy?

>> No.15304750

>muh IQ
Imagine this being your only vindication in life. Your brain will rot all the same, your fruits should be what give you worth, not a number

>> No.15304755

Joe Rogan is an FBI informant. That's how he fails upward and stays connected.

>> No.15304759

>1. have you ever taken an actual in-person IQ test by a licensed psychologist?
>2. How old were you when you did it? (this matters a lot)
>3. what was it?

>> No.15304767

Imagine believing in pseudoscience

>> No.15304771

He fucking destroyed the whole idea of "Noah's Ark" in one of his routines. Good shit.

>> No.15304772

Tbh Rogan is actually pretty sharp. An asshole who makes me cringe from time to time, but definitely not an idiot.

>> No.15304784


link if anyone's interested

>> No.15304785

Lmao @ online tests and all the faggot that consider them.
If you pay for an online IQ test you must be under the 85 quotient.

>> No.15304793

It's a developmental disorder akin to dyslexia. Practice does improve it but not to the extent where I would be on the level of a normal person.

>> No.15304795

lol the 140 IQ genius who can't spell

>> No.15304796

Aren't you cool

>> No.15304801


the most high iq man in the world works as a bouncer for night clubs for a living.

>> No.15304815

t. shlomo

>> No.15304817

God I hate dyspraxia. It's like a sick joke.

>> No.15304824

yeah but that guy is such a little bitch emotionally, literally the equivalent of 'you guys just don't get it, you're too dumb, i'm gonna retreat from the world now and live on a faaarm'

meanwhile the other most high iq man in the world works as a math professor at UCLA. go figure.

>> No.15304827

If you like Joe Rogan, you are a midwit and you have a chode.

>> No.15304836
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>> No.15304838

whichever one isnt being shilled by ecelebs

>> No.15304840

>the most high iq man in the world works as a bouncer for night clubs for a living
The fact that you believe that (namely, Langan crackpottery) only proves your embarrassingly low IQ.

>> No.15304843

It's a fact.

>> No.15304844


>> No.15304848

getting some douche chills on this, maybe it's just showing its age

>> No.15304849

What book is this in reference to, you fucking phoneposting /pol/ refugee

>> No.15304854

It would be better if people weren't allowed to know their IQ. People need to stop obsessing over their number and the numbers of others. By their fruits you shall know them etc.

>> No.15304857
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>The fact that you believe that (namely, Langan crackpottery) only proves your embarrassingly low IQ

>> No.15304859

It's pretty revealing how few people are pointing out that this thread is hardly related to literature. Makes you wonder how many posers hang out on the literature board because they think reading makes them look "high IQ"

>> No.15304860

it would be better if you weren't allowed to post but such is the price of freedom

>> No.15304862

You are a midwit and have a chode.

>> No.15304863

what made you mad?

>> No.15304866

i'm >>15304824. what's conjecture? i was repudiating the idea that meme man langan is le secret misunderstood genius with my second sentence.

>> No.15304868

Comedy ages like milk. It's a fact of life. Still a solid bit, regardless.

>> No.15304870

The fact that you are a midwit and have a chode.

>> No.15304871

He almost reached the minimum to not be a brainlet (130). So close, yet so far.

>> No.15304876

Conjecture is an opinion without evidence.

>> No.15304880

anyone with real intelligence would know lit is only Good for book recommendations, anything else is ego stroking

>> No.15304883

Intellect isn’t pattern recognition fucking moron. There are plenty of high IQ people with no intellect, go to university if you don’t believe me, and if you can’t tell then YIKES i got some bad news for you

>> No.15304890

>he doesn’t know about g
Based brainlet

>> No.15304891

not him but the bell curve i'm guessing

it definitely is showing its age, this bit is from early 2000s if i remember correctly, comedy was less glib and more yelly. even a lot of dave chappelle's bit are kinda questionable looking back

>> No.15304895

He’s not an idiot, i more think of him like the leader of the idiots (an idiot prime more like)

>> No.15304896

Anon, do you feel ashamed of your lower than average sized penis, is that what this is all about?

>> No.15304904

t. chode-having midwit

>> No.15304909

yes. what is conjecture about what i said aside from me calling him a little bitch? he was repeatedly rejected from academia, he does live on a farm, and the other highest iq man in the world does work as a math professor for UCLA

>> No.15304910

at least my dick is thicker than a pepsi can

>> No.15304917

g is another made up bullshit thing for you autistic morons who are grasping at straws to try to understand the mind with your little systems of thought. listen to me buddy, you are a fucking retard and no amount of books will change that, and your meme number doesn’t change that either.

>> No.15304920

king of the brainlets

>> No.15304922
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>guys he lyk totally rekt christianity epik style what a based atheist lolololol
you have to go back to r*ddit, fucking nigger

>> No.15304927

Why do allegedly non faggot men have such an obsession with the size of other men's penis? What brings this on?

>> No.15304932

competition, knowing girls like big dicks

>> No.15304933

i love it when atheists can’t tell that they are the christians too, the irony is grand

>> No.15304934

i'm so glad i wasn't raised christian

it's like you people have a sword stuck in your chest and if you pull it out you bleed out and die

>> No.15304939

>what is conjecture about what i said
almost everything really.

>> No.15304940

>Langan told Muscle & Fitness magazine that "you cannot describe the universe completely with any accuracy unless you're willing to admit that it's both physical and mental in nature".[15] He says that the CTMU "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase".[17] He calls his proposal "a true 'Theory of Everything', a cross between John Archibald Wheeler's 'Participatory Universe' and Stephen Hawking's 'Imaginary Time' theory of cosmology".[8] In conjunction with his ideas, Langan has stated: "You can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."[6][9]
>Langan does not have any children, which he describes as a conscious decision based on his "intellectual ability to foresee the continuation of [his] own chronic low income status and rising affirmative-action discrimination against [him]".[16]

>> No.15304944


>> No.15304949

Do you feel insecure about how women view you?

>> No.15304950
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>> No.15304954

Do you?

>> No.15304957

are you upset?

>> No.15304958

dude seriously go back to r*ddit.com
I'm not a Christian, but thinking that some guy epicly btfoing a clearly impossible, allegorical story with facts and logic is 'cool' then you've got some issues.

>> No.15304960

Depends what you mean, sexually no, but as a person yes.

>> No.15304962

i just don't get it.

he literally can't just use his high IQ to go do some high IQ bullshit like learn to code really well, ace a bunch of interview questions, and work as an overpaid software engineer in SF?

>> No.15304963

>totally rekt christianity
Too drunk to follow the thread? The topic was Joe's approach to the JQ. His Noah's Ark routine makes it clear.

>> No.15304965

No, not at all.
What are you insecure about as a person?

>> No.15304966

didn't watch the video
fuck off nigger

>> No.15304968
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>> No.15304972

Take a hike, Shlomo.

>> No.15304973
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>> No.15304974

Online IQ tests are meaningless

>> No.15304980

Basically, yeah the memes are pretty good too

>> No.15304990

what are you upset about?

>> No.15304991

>I'm not a Christian
Exactly. You're a Jew, and you are offended by any criticism of Jewish mythology. Fuck off.

>> No.15304993

>What are you insecure about as a person?
Im a complete disaster of a person. If anything women judge me more kindly than men though.

Why are you quizzing me anyway, I was just answering that question about men obsessing over dicks.

>> No.15304997
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150+ boys represent.

>> No.15304999

Awww shucks why you gotta be so mean, anons? Who shit in your soup?

>> No.15305003

It seems that his high IQ was paired with a massive ego. He never learned how to be humble and learn from others. I'm guessing that he also knows how to play the social game and win other people over, so he's never really faced a serious challenge to his abilities in real life.

>> No.15305009

Curious. What makes you such a disaster?

>> No.15305012

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Joe Rogan Experience. The humor is extremely subtle, and without multiple trips on DMT most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Joe's MMA background, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Joe Rogan Experience truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Joe's existential catchphrase "It’s entirely possible," which itself is a cryptic reference to traditional elk hunting literature. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Joe Rogan's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Joe Rogan-chimp hybrid tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.15305038


Assuming the test itself was broadly accurate within 5 IQ points, this gives me an IQ between 135 and 160. Tests at age 11 have a .95 correlation with adult IQ.

If it was accurate within a point then between 139 and 155.

>> No.15305055

yes, 15 y/o, 136

>> No.15305067

> 17 (but 18 in a few days)

>> No.15305074

why do you want to hear about it dude, who cares?

>> No.15305077

are you really 15? how’s that going?

>> No.15305078


>> No.15305110


>> No.15305113
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>> No.15305116

schadenfreude really.

>> No.15305129

Wow, my wife's is 137! My wife is smarter than Joe Rogan!

>> No.15305130


>> No.15305135
File: 215 KB, 2178x1032, vocab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I was absent from school that day, they promised to reschedule another test for me but never did, so I never found out. I do have a good vocab, though...

>> No.15305169

how does one go about getting such a good vocabulary?