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/lit/ - Literature

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15303796 No.15303796 [Reply] [Original]

>girl gets bullied and kills everyone with her telekinetic powers omg!!
>dad goes crazy in empty hotel and wants to kill mom SPOOKY!!!
>little girl sets everything on FIRE!!!!!!!!
>car drives on it's own!!!! CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!!
>evil clown watched little kids have S*X!!!!!
king of horror my ass

>> No.15303817

i thought the king of horror was hitchcock

>> No.15303820

Nah that's suspense

>> No.15303825


>> No.15303837

yeah you can do better, go make 20m or whatever he has, should be easy right?

fucking incels man..

>> No.15303849

guess how I can tell you're am*rican

>> No.15303853

>only 20 mill
should have bought in

>> No.15303857

>man goes back in time to stop JFK but actually wastes 20 years of his life!

>> No.15304003

>king of ... my ass

>> No.15304155

I'm an aussie actually

>> No.15304733

>What if... cellphones are BAD?

>> No.15304737

Unironically based

>> No.15304877 [DELETED] 

this is why I hate my country

>> No.15304986
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King touches the mediocrity in us all. The bottom line is he is able to fathom the surface not depths of the American psyche, and what he found was its banal horror, its quiet modes of desperation and fear; that hauntings of the untutored mind. The truth is that the vast majority of Americans are not great readers, and for the most part fear intellectuals – the anti-intellectualist tradition and all that blather etc. But hey he has the genius to touch that dark corner of our society with an acumen that few before or since can duplicate. Maybe his banal horror is the true genius of the American psyche rather than all our hypercritical elitism put together…

I don’t read King because he brings us the latest philosophical fad, nor that he intellectualizes over the world’s pain, but rather because he is able to bring to the fore the lost souls of the American psyche, to put them on a page as banal as they are and make them live, love, dread, kill, maim, horrify, etc. It’s the ugly ducklings that cannot represent themselves that King lifts up and exposes to the mesh of his fevered mind. King has no pretenses to literature, but is and has always favored the pulp traditions of our country. Too many of our supposed cultural elite seem to see in this something beneath their reading habits. So be it. For me King brings to us the haunted inscapes of the real America exposed in the frying pan of pulp. And, yet, those who love the noir narratives of the great detective and crime fictions of the last century can understand King as one of theirs… even Lovecraft and Jim Thompson would have accepted this latter day pulpist against all the literati in history.

>> No.15305061
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try the bachman books

>> No.15306605

>Not reading lovecraft

>> No.15306635


>> No.15306706

idk mate, those sound pretty spooky ngl.

>> No.15306733

>Who is HP Lovecraft

>> No.15306750


>you can only criticize things when you can do them better

Dumbest take ever

>> No.15306764

Yeah, it's an American kind of horror.

(Cute factoid: people outside of the USA view King as the quintessential American author, the guy you need to read to really become American in your mental frame.)

>> No.15306770

Bulllshit, I only know of Kingay because Kubrick adapted one of his shitty books.

>> No.15306785

I fail to see your point.
This guy gets it >>15304986 , he said as much in more words.

>> No.15307355

>net worth estimated to be 400 million

>> No.15307359

Yeah, that's a YouTube/Facebook comment tier take.

>> No.15307369

Being american was an excuse anon. Now everyone knows you're an actual idiot.

>> No.15307417

> the real America exposed in the frying pan of pulp
I love this, especially if you mean to say King's pulpiness makes him all the better as an American aesthetic event

>> No.15307613
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you're aware you can deconstruct and ridicule any novel ever written this way anon?

>> No.15308301

yes and?