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/lit/ - Literature

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15299551 No.15299551 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread
Let's see some nice collections
Pic related, not mine but cozy blog:

>> No.15299558

I'm sorry but if I see Christian and religious stuff on your shelf, it immediately tells me you are a midwit.

>> No.15299631


there's a lot of good critical lit you'd be missing, then
weird standard to just hold and universalize

>> No.15299912

Is there a book that will make me believe in god?

>> No.15299928

tip your fedora harder

>> No.15299955

Someone, post your shelf

i wanna look at your books

>> No.15299995

>yes, my favorite website it reddit.com/r/atheism, how could you tell?

>> No.15300009

Jesus Christ spiritpleb
Someone post something good

Whats rapture been up to? Anyone got pics of his collection? Seen mention of him lately, haven’t seen his stuff in a while

>> No.15300267

You're an idiot.
I don't follow any Semitic religion, and I find their literature relevant. You miss the point of literature, retard.

>> No.15300297
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rapture is LARP.
i have a unique perspective on this, followed it from the beginning years ago, happened upon insights throughout. trust me, this 'rapture' figure is an amalgam of one guy pretending and a splintered set of people responding and trolling.

here's a random past thread for old time's sake, though. had fun in those:

pic related/unrelated. nice collection, not mine.

>> No.15300359

thank you for posting

>> No.15300517

thats generous, dont you think?

>> No.15300534

but i will anger the pop history gods if i do so

i will burn in eternal fires for having a book on the fall of Constantinople or a biography on napoleon

>> No.15300555

Wtf is this quasi “I know something you don’t” bullshit
If you have info on rapture share it
Last thread about it said he lived in Boston- I’m around there. Would love to get real information and hook up with him if possible.

>> No.15300582
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>> No.15300646

>Paradife Loft
>The Divine Comedy

Seethe harder, midwit

>> No.15301258

but anon if you post, you will make me very happy

>> No.15301974

great shelf

>> No.15302586
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I can post a list if you guys want. Camera is too shit to grab them properly.

>> No.15302627

Post it

>> No.15302657
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Rapture is pure LARP
Real library is of some wealthy patrician in Cambridge, Mass.
Don’t think he’s actually affiliated with any formal institution
Positive he does not post on here

>> No.15302666

Adams - The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Adams - Watership Down
Aeschylus - The Oresteia
Aesop - Complete Fables
Aristophanes - Complete Works
Aristotle - The Nicomachean Ethics
Asimov – Foundation
Augustine - Confessions
Aurelius – Meditations
Austen – Pride and Prejudice
Balzac - Pere Goriot
Banks - Consider Phlebas Trilogy
Banks - The Wasp Factory
Barnes - The Sense of an Ending
Bellow - Herzog
Bernhard - Correction
Boccaccio - The Decameron
Bolano – 2666
Borges – Ficciones
Bradbury – Fahrenheit 451
Bronte – Wuthering Heights
Buck - The Good Earth
Bulgakov – The Master and Margarita
Burgess - A Clockwork Orange
Burroughs - Naked Lunch
Calvino - Invisible Cities
Calvino – If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller
Camus - The Plague
Camus – The Stranger
Card - Ender's Game
Carroll – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Celine – Journey to the End of the Night
Cervantes – Don Quixote
Chandler - The Big Sleep
Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales
Chekhov - Selected Stories
Clarke - Childhood's End
Clarke – 2001: A Space Odyssey
Coelho - The Alchemist
Conrad – Heart of Darkness
Dante – The Divine Comedy
Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
DeLillo – White Noise
Diamond - Guns, Germs and Steel
Dick – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Dickens – Great Expectations
Dostoyevsky – Crime and Punishment
Dostoyevsky – The Brothers Karamazov
Dumas – The Count of Monte Cristo
Dumas – The Three Musketeers
Eco – The Name of the Rose
Ellis - American Psycho
Ellison – Invisible Man
Epic of Gilgamesh
Euripides - Ten Plays
Faulkner – The Sound and the Fury
Fitzgerald – The Great Gatsby
Flaubert - Madame Bovary

>> No.15302679

Gibson – Neuromancer
Goethe – Faust
Gogol - Dead Souls
Golding – Lord of the Flies
Grass - The Tin Drum
Haldeman - The Forever War
Hamsun - Hunger
Hardy - Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Heinlein – Stranger in a Strange Land
Heller – Catch-22
Hemingway - A Farewell To Arms
Hemingway - For Whom The Bell Tolls
Hemingway – The Old Man and the Sea
Hemingway – The Sun Also Rises
Herbert – Dune
Hesse - Steppenwolf
Hesse – Siddhartha
Homer – The Iliad and Odyssey
Hosseini - The Kite Runner
Hugo – Les Miserables
Huxley – Brave New World
Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go
Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day
Jordan - The Wheel of Time
Joyce – Ulysses
Junger - Storm of Steel
Kafka - The Metamorphosis
Kafka – The Trial
Kazantzakis – Zorba the Greek
Kerouac - On the Road
Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness
Lee – To Kill a Mockingbird
London - The Call of the Wild
Lovecraft - The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories
Lowry - The Giver
Lowry - Under the Volcano
Machiavelli - The Prince
Mann – The Magic Mountain
Marquez – One Hundred Years of Solitude
Marx - Capital
Mccarthy - The Road
McCarthy – Blood Meridian
McCullers - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
McEwan – Atonement
Melville – Moby Dick
Miller - Tropic of Cancer
Milton - Paradise Lost
Mishima - The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
Mishima - The temple of the golden pavilion
Murakami - The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
Musil - The Man Without Qualities
Nabokov – Lolita
Nabokov – Pale Fire
Nietzsche – Thus Spake Zarathustra
Orwell – 1984
Orwell – Animal Farm
Ovid - Metamorphoses
Pessoa – The Book of Disquiet
Plato – The Republic
Proust – In Search of Lost Time
Pynchon – Gravity’s Rainbow
Rand – Atlas Shrugged
Remarque - All Quiet on the Western Front
Robinson - Gilead
Roth - The Human Stain

>> No.15302696

Saint-Exupery - The Little Prince
Salinger – The Catcher in the Rye
Saramago - Blindness
Sebald - The Rings of Saturn
Seth - A Suitable Boy
Shakespeare - Complete Works
Shelley – Frankenstein
Sophocles - Antigone, Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus
Soseki - Kokoro
Steinbeck – The Grapes of Wrath
Stephenson - Cryptonomicon
Stoker - Dracula
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Swift – Gulliver’s Travels
Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Tolkien - The Hobbit
Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings
Tolkien - The Silmarillion
Tolstoy – Anna Karenina
Tolstoy – War and Peace
Toole - A Confederacy of Dunces
Twain – The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Updike - Rabbit, Run
Verne - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Virgil – The Aeneid
Voltaire - Candide
Vonnegut - Cat's Cradle
Vonnegut – Slaughterhouse-Five
Wallace – Infinite Jest
Wells – The Time Machine
Wells – War of the Worlds
White - Charlotte's Web
Wilde – The Picture of Dorian Gray
Williams - Stoner
Wolfe - Shadow & Claw
Woolf – To the Lighthouse

>> No.15302699

what are some good bookshelves to order online? preferably wood/oak.

>> No.15302737
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Any thoughts?

>> No.15302765

It is ok, but seems pretty vanilla to me desu

>> No.15303035
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>> No.15303137

Not bad

>> No.15304108

How are the basic works of Aristotle ? I'm considering getting it but I've heard that most of the works are abridged , so does that affect the reading experience ?

>> No.15304189

thanks for posting
but consider pastebin next time bro

>> No.15304206

is the lovecraft collection any good? I've been looking at picking up one but the price makes me hesitant.

>> No.15304224

Try eBay or Craigslist or something like that. Often you can find a decent one for relatively cheap.

>> No.15304245

Not him, but if you're reading Aristotle for the first time I think that abridged editions are probably better (politics and ethics might be exceptions). Unless you have a prof directing your attention to certain selections, it's very easy to get overwhelmed.

>> No.15304468

i bought an older edition of that mh abrams glossary of literary terms because i hate all that new crap. you know what i mean.

>> No.15304947

Yes, I think so, it has a lot and cool extras. Nice book and nice pages

>> No.15305320
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>> No.15305324
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>> No.15305328
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>> No.15305337
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>> No.15305343
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Books without spine text (3 are self bound)

>> No.15305361


>that jewish Tractatus

I must insist that you remove that volume from your shelf, friend. It contains nothing of value.

>> No.15305365
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Ya I recently found that out for myself

>> No.15305405


You seem to be slightly branching out into (((opposition research))). In that case, all you have to do is to turn on a television or read any modern bestselling political book (if you want to subject yourself to that type of thing), it would be more useful.

>> No.15305417

If you mean researching the left, then yes; I’ve been ordering a fuckload of communist/socialist literature as well as a lot of prominent philosophy leading up to those sets of beliefs.

I don’t own a tv

>> No.15305458


>> No.15305620
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unironically this is a nice but small library

>> No.15305627
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>> No.15305640

>candle next to paper

>> No.15305726
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Sup 1/2
Read Clark Ashton Smith and Jacques Futrelle.

>> No.15305738
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I have 2 books without spin text, I hate it.

>> No.15305767
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I’m sorry, but if you don’t see the cultural and literary value in religious texts of every sort you’re a fool. Comparative religion is one of the easiest ways to study existential attitudes and gain insight into how narrative shapes sociological systems.

>> No.15305795

i guess the shelf needs atmosphere for the purpose of hospitality to non-gfs, or something

>> No.15305922
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Stack for the next two week's aha kill me

>> No.15305938
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>> No.15306029

The worst part about this is that the file name indicates that it’s a mobile upload. I sincerely hope you downloaded this and it’s not genuine. For your own sake.

>> No.15306079

Are you new?

>> No.15306122

the worst part about covid is that thrift stores are closed and i havent bought a cool book in months

>> No.15306661

lol newfag

>> No.15308075

/lit/core: the shelf