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File: 297 KB, 681x1007, Pope_Benedict_XVI_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15292760 No.15292760 [Reply] [Original]

where to start with him?

>> No.15292792

Faith and the Future (1971)
Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week (2007)
Introduction to Christianity (1968)

These are timeless theological books. He did a few good ones during the Bush years about Europe/Christendom falling to Islam. Cassandrian reads at the time but out of date now as all of that has come to pass.

>> No.15292822
File: 72 KB, 575x269, 1881schalljesus_00000001116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding Jesus of Nazareth. There are actually three books and they're all worth reading. They feel like some lost treatise written by one of the Church Fathers, because of the way they mingle prayer, deep thought, and serious reflections on the Gospels.

>> No.15292899

Yes, all three are essential reads. It was good to have a pontiff that knew how to write and was well read. Francis is a mental midget compared to the man. My main issue with Ratzinger was his repeating the Vatican II line that what happened to Christ wasn't deicide by the Jews. I don't know if there has been a more destructive document that came out of VII than Nostra Aetate. What's funny is how liberal Catholics roll their eyes anytime Benedict is brought up because he's supposed to be the "conservative" bully when really he's just yesterdays progressive. He's been stubbornly all-in on VII since the 60s even though he occasionally admits he's silenced; there's a gay lobby in the Church; Islam is a threat to Europe. Almost as if he realizes what his generation has done but he can't admit his own role in helping pass it along to the Marxist/Masonic clergy that currently operates inside the Church.

>> No.15292917

His album

>> No.15292933

The Traddening can't advance fast enough. I remember sitting around with some fat old priest at my grandfather's house and he mentioned how he knew some younger priests who wore cassocks all the time. He said they scared the shit out of him, and all I could think was "Good."

>> No.15292939

any Catholics feel like he is 10 leagues above Francis? I think that's part of what makes him unpopular among modern Westernized Catholics, he's more of a scholar than an entertainer like JP2 were or activist/reformer like Francis. To someone who genuinely cares about faith beyond the rituals Benedict XVI should be an obvious choice over any modern Pope, the only person to actually tackle the problems of faith in the modern world.

>> No.15292953

start with his older friend who inspired some of his works: romano guardini

>> No.15292991

I'm Catholic and I do think this but I'm also not a Benedict apologist because he conceded to the modernists that wanted him out or he lacked the courage to stay pontiff. He clearly has his faculties enough to write and speak out on current events but it's just backseat driving at this point. He had his shot and blew it.

>> No.15292996

I don't think anyone on here would prefer the new one. Ratzinger is peak /lit/ life.

>> No.15293015

why do they always dislike the true intellectuals?

>> No.15293040

>that what happened to Christ wasn't deicide by the Jews
But Christ's sole purpose was to die for ALL men (meaning that every single person is technically responsible for His death); it is why He became flesh in the first place, so which group happened to nail him to the cross seems rather of secondary importance, no?

>> No.15293053
File: 74 KB, 690x504, sarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when this nigga gets in?

>> No.15293081

pretty much this, he had to somehow navigate the waters of contemporary Catholic Church which wouldn't allow him to make ultra-trad coming out but his own conscience didn't allow him to simply agree on religion being reduced to a matter of personal choice and entirely absent from public discourse either.

>> No.15293112


>> No.15293187

Have any of you read the book that he wrote with Habermas?
Would it be a good way to start if I am familiar with Habermas work but don't know much about modern theology?

>> No.15293497

This is right but the error/heresy that has been made from Nostra Aetate was that Christians should quit trying to convert Jews. This has opened up a relativism that makes the Catholic Church irrelevant because it puts all world religions on equal footing. It became such a problem that JPII wrote in an encyclical in the 90s that nobody comes to God except through Jesus Christ. Look up Gregory Baum--the converso homosexual priest that served as a theological expert on Nostra Aetate during the VII council. He openly admits a few years ago in his autobiography that he actively hid is intentions during the council to alter the teachings of the church as to not include converting Jews. The guilt tripping over the old Catholics was because of the Holocaust. In a way, the Holocaust was the greatest thing that ever happened to the Jews because they've used it as leverage against all the formerly Christian nations. When the Church is strong, Jews are weak. When the Jews are strong, the Church is weak.

>> No.15293520
File: 182 KB, 1600x1071, Next Pope Cardinal-Burke Cappa-Magna-Featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two best potential popes out of the entire College of Cardinals right now are probably either Sarah or Burke. Maybe Ranjith from Sri Lanka, he makes everyone in his archdiocese receive the Eucharist kneeling and on the tongue so he's probably pretty good also.

>> No.15293579

This is why they speak of 'Abrahamic religions' as opposed to 'revealed religions'

>> No.15294240

Well said, I have learned from this. Thank you, anon.

>> No.15294360

any pope who would actually bring back the Mass would be good in my book. i'm not gonna talk shit about the vicar of Christ, but for fuck's sake it's been two months and i'm literally on the verge of killing myself because going to Mass was the only thing that made my life bearable. how is this allowed?
>just watch a livestream bro

>> No.15294503

You have a great knowledge of Church history. How long have you been studying this?

>> No.15294513

I'm not even Catholic but I went to Mass on a whim and during the processional I wept for the first time in 5 years

>> No.15294551

Good Friday Mass hits you in the feels the hardest. i was so fucking bummed out that they didn't have any because i'd been looking forward to it since Christmas.

>> No.15294649

masses in the us are dictated by usccb, german masses are opening up again as of last week

>> No.15294678

Burke is great in terms of orthodoxy, but I wish he would tone down the clerical dress. It's like he does it just to piss people off

>> No.15294686

>i'm literally on the verge of killing myself because going to Mass was the only thing that made my life bearable
same, i miss it so much

>> No.15294741

have you also been drinking heavily to cope?

>> No.15294775
File: 48 KB, 772x373, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, at the USCCB...

>> No.15295277


The Infancy Narratives were great, first thing I read by him.

Had expected him to just be 100% shilling for the Church, it was refreshing to see him call out the date of Jesus' birth as being flawed.

He probably shouldn't have been Pope but he is a damn fine scholar

>> No.15295283

Probably 5 years. I'm one of those people that reads almost anything I can get my eyes on when I'm interested in a subject.

>> No.15295287

>I'm one of those people that reads almost anything I can get my eyes on when I'm interested in a subject
do you take notes?

>> No.15295289

Unironically expect prudent Traditionalist-leaning rule with stern reprisals against the lavender mafia

>> No.15295325

The entire secular world looses it's shit and a shit ton of lukewarm catholics become evangelicals. Also, all the people that actually hate blacks will leave. We'll be left with nothing but the true believers.

>> No.15295327

Good thread.

>> No.15295336

I have a few notebooks where I'll write down passages/ideas from whatever I read. Mainly I just underline with a pencil in the book itself and sometimes write in the margins. If you're interesting in Catholic theology it goes without saying the older the book, the better.

>> No.15295347
File: 78 KB, 960x640, m1iomzprjc621[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His holiness Pope Pius XIII will see you now, anon

>> No.15295380
File: 25 KB, 328x499, 41RsPE-BUhL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should look into Frank Sheed for more traditional Catholic writing. This one is a good start.

>> No.15295428

secondary importance but not a trivial fact.

>> No.15295457
File: 3 KB, 125x116, 1552881454819s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice post dude

>> No.15295491 [DELETED] 

if you get pissed about it maybe you should examine yourself first before wondering at his pride, which he surely has

>> No.15295500

Ratzinger is still pope as long as he lives. The council of trent discussed but did not canonize such an argument.

>> No.15295538 [DELETED] 

>unironically worshipping old farts with dementia who exclusively write about how their sky-daddy imaginary friend grants them first pick on pre-teen boipucci

>> No.15295557

Have you ever seen this video:
she puts froth an argument based on canon law about how his resignation was not valid because it was taken in error before going into the conspiracy theories about the subversion of the papacy by a cadre of freemasonic satanists

>> No.15295560

You need to get reprimanded for the sin of cancerous mass-replying, badly

>> No.15295568

get gassed, nigger

>> No.15295579

i actually hate blacks and i wouldn't mind if he were pope. tbf i mostly hate blacks living in america, actual africans seem alright if they aren't chopping peoples clits off and such.

>> No.15295599

>she puts froth an argument
lol don't care.

>> No.15295602
File: 110 KB, 650x840, crucifixion-of-saint-peter-1601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have probably never loved something so much you would die for it.

You should try it some time. There's no feeling like it.

>> No.15295603

SEETHING that he didn't get a (you)

>> No.15295607


He writes some really great stuff.

>> No.15295614

okay so you deny women can foster the spirit of truth when the greatest saint was a woman, that's sensible

>> No.15295621

>It's like he does it just to piss people off

That is probably the point.

>> No.15295622

>loving his pedophilic cult so much he is willing to die for it
keked and shreked, my dude

yes I am the ANGEREY!!!!!!111!! >:O
my precious (you)s!
they totally let me forget about this whole retard escapist fanatsy world you niggers love to dive into!!!!!!111111!!!

>> No.15295626

The heads of the liberal left in the media explode.

>> No.15295632

Just as Mark 12:31 says:
"Love your neighbor as yourself, except when his skin has slightly more pigment than yours."

>> No.15295633

If you're pissed about it maybe you should think about why you feel that way before questioning if he's too prideful or whatever. I feel like he thinks of it in those terms.

>> No.15295643

Niggers can't be pope, catholics are the most racist people in the western world.

>> No.15295655

ok dude if you're going to call OG christianity a pedo cult you need to have opened so many more books in the past that to start now might actually be pointless

>> No.15295658

i don't remember Mary putting forth logical arguments as to why her son was really the real God. personally, i'm not a fan of logic at all.

>> No.15295663

>b-but muh original desert cult wasn't about violating tender kid bungholes!

>> No.15295664

also i wouldn't touch sedevacantism or anything like it with a 10ft pole anyway. it just wreaks of satan to me.

>> No.15295668
File: 103 KB, 800x500, cappa_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, my repeated impression of Burke is that he's just a really nice guy. Have you ever heard him talk? He sounds like he comes from Minnesota and he is just about as pleasant in conversation. His aggression is confined to his writing.

Regarding his dress, one thing I think he does have is a flair for the dramatic, and this is something that I think badly needs to be recovered in the Church. The Church's aesthetics aren't just some fun little game, they have immense power, they're striking and vibrant, and they are so precisely because their ultimate goal is to lead the mind and the soul to God. All the incense, all the gold, all the hymns and the organ music, it doesn't exist for its own sake--it's to cause people sitting and kneeling at Mass to feel the power, the grandeur, the glory, the majesty, and the goodness and love of God, to be transported, in a halting and incomplete sense, to the realms of Heaven, and to the joys of Paradise. The Church's aesthetics are meant to echo Heaven on Earth, to be a dim shadow, a faint reflection, of Heaven's power, majesty, grandeur, and beauty. I feel like there's a ton of modern members of the hierarchy that don't understand this. But Burke does, and bless him for it.

>> No.15295679

>catholics are the most racist people in the western world
only the blue collar ones.

>> No.15295680

no way that's protties in a heartbeat but at this point the old prot/catholic divide seems pointless and is especially deemed so by white racists who tend to ascribe to more """""native european""""" religious outlooks if they get that far in their reasoning

>> No.15295687

So 90% of us?

>> No.15295695

based. i hate the whole modern bugman concept that you're not allowed to wear anything but a t-shirt and jeans or else you're a tryhard phony. its so degrading to mankind.

>> No.15295698

I mean I'm not telling you to become sede but if you trace things back to vatican 2 is it really out of the question that that these freemasonic cadres took the chance with relish to enthrone Satan on St Peter's chair? what could possibly earn you a higher rank in Lucifer's kingdom? Than to be among those ushered in the final kingdom of Hell on Earth as described by Revelation

>> No.15295706

The Catholic church has belonged to Satan since the Orthodox schism.

>> No.15295723

definitely not 90%. maybe in like ireland or poland.

>> No.15295738

if they did then its part of God's plan to have allowed it. the chair will get back under the good guy's ass some day, i'm not gonna throw the baby out with the bath water like everyone else did for the past 1000 years. i think the ples are just getting filtered desu

>> No.15295744 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 734x961, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worshipping a literal shitskin from some Semetic shithole country instead of of chad aryan Odin
The absolute state of (((/lit/)))

>> No.15295756

I mean that level of discord resulting in division could only be the result of supernatural powers, but the truth is the papacy has spent literal centuries mired in filth, for example in the 900s or during the high renaissance. The thing is we've beaten Satan back over and over and it's the rebirths of religiosity which have pushed the entirety of western culture forward

>> No.15295757

Jesus was a aryan Israelite, they all had blue eyes back then.

>> No.15295774

Man thanks for that laugh, I really needed that today.

>> No.15295786

>tfw there is probably going to be a huge rebirth and renewal in the Church in the aftermath of all the current scandals and corruption, just like there was after the 10th Century and also after the Renaissance and the Reformation

We're gonna get our own version of the Counter-Reformation. Imagine the incredible outpouring of holiness and beauty that will happen.

>> No.15295788

lol @ this post

>> No.15295796

yo pass whatever shit you are smoking, I want to trip balls too

>> No.15295799
File: 695 KB, 991x1535, The_Triumph_Of_Christianity_Over_Paganism.Gustave_Doré.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus would absolutely BTFO Odin 1v1, and actually He btfo'd the entire pantheon of greek, roman, and pagan gods like a fucking juggernaut.

>> No.15295806

imagine the liberal tears

>> No.15295820

also he gave a big thumps up for old men to diddle kids

>n-nu-uh my sky-daddy could totally beat up your sky-daddy!

>people are upset about our extensive kiddy-diddling and money grabbing!
>oi vey, must be the devils work!

>> No.15295825

>my desert man would be btfo odin
thats some next level cuckery, why don't you wear a turbin and start fully larping as a dune coon?

>> No.15295844

I'm not so sure I won't be counted among the wicked, but whoever's there after all this will revel in the glory. That's what "muh evil spirits" cannot ever entertain, the fact that their domain is rotten and passing and the things that last are the things that they've been forbidden ahaha

>> No.15295853

alright bro chill lmao

>> No.15295854

I don't think you're aware of the devil's special place in western cultural ideas, he's just a logical summation of many things, mostly pure negativity, some few having immense creative value

>> No.15295861

I think you should take your meds, schizo
or fuck off to >>>/x/

>> No.15295889
File: 1.13 MB, 1544x787, 1588738843485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the fanclub of the eternally merciful deity whose plan with this dude was to burn him to a blob when he was a baby in his cradle, then making sure his burnt nerve endings eternally torment him for the rest of his kissless life.

>> No.15295912

he is way better than francis. francis is very much action and gesture, he does a lot of stuff that looks good on camera or in the headlines, says some things that people like to hear, and has good pr with most westerners. he's not bad, he still affirms all catholic beliefs, but he's not firm on stuff, which really kind of sucks because that's what the pope should be. the church has always prevailed when it affirmed itself. the faith isn't a question.

>> No.15295916

he has a gf :^)

>> No.15295923

Start with Introduction to Christianity and then proceed to Jesus of Nazareth.

>> No.15295925

You're on the literature board, but, you haven't read very much. But it's me who is in the wrong place?

>> No.15295945

the only right place for retards like you is the inside of a locked gas chamber

>> No.15295947

he was a mexican. maybe if God didn't burn him he would've ended up raping a white girl or skinning some guys face off for not paying the cartel 5 pesos. you don't know.

>> No.15295960
File: 61 KB, 640x360, ap_vatican_christmas_tk_121225_wmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've gotten a bit off-topic, haven't we?

I really love the Jesus of Nazareth books, but I confess I've always wanted to dive into Ratzinger's deeper stuff. Supposedly he wrote a ton of interesting shit in the 60s and 70s. What's a good list of books to read from his earlier days?

>> No.15295967

So why does your "god" let other pedros do heinous acts to innocents?

>> No.15295978

to keep it balanced, for every 2 burnt mexicans 1 must remain normal.

>> No.15295995

because maybe those "innocents" deserve it, too. maybe that guy who got his heart cut out by homeboy was a child rapist, maybe that stacy who jose raped and killed was a giant cunt and/or advocated for open borders.

>> No.15296011

you're making your god look bad. but it's always fun to see the copes christcucks come up with, very creative stuff.

>> No.15296015

so let's see, your "god" knows these people will do sin in the future, so he lets them get punished before that happens.
no problem since he is omnipotent and can see infinitly far into the futue.
so why does he let these people be born in the first place?

>> No.15296026

and most importantly, he lets his divine justice be carried out by violent rapists and murderers, truly the chosen avengers of god's will.

>> No.15296042

what about the vatican? how come he doesn't send a mexican to slaughter a pedo priest? or maybe priests get a pass from god?

>> No.15296064

>also can we, like, get tax-exemption? this is totally not just some scam to profit off retards and their mass hysteria

>> No.15296066

Were the books Benedict wrote mainly for converts and people interested or would someone who has read a fair amount of other theology still get something from his books?

I would like to read something that gets me motivated about the faith again. Not totally related, but I would really like to read a book on a modern male saint if anyone has reccs.

>> No.15296073

sure thing bud, start here


>> No.15296074


>catholics doing compassionate things

do you want them to announce their support for trump or something? catholics do things like this. consider also the fact that they're trying to evangelize to asian and hispanic communities.

>> No.15296076

SEETHING providencelets

>> No.15296079

Raping kids is THE LORD's will, heathen.

>> No.15296086

>hmmm I got no counter arguments to defend my retardation
>better pull a 'no u'

>> No.15296102
File: 31 KB, 664x299, b-kolbejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a biography of Saint Maximilian Kolbe or Saint Padre Pio. Both of them are 20th Century saints who were incredible models of virtue and holiness. Both of them are very different from each other, but they are united to each other by their absolute devotion to Christ.

>> No.15296111

maybe something on padre pio? he was pretty based.

>> No.15296113

I was interested in Padre Pio, but I haven't had much luck with finding a good biography. A lot of people seem to have pretty strong feelings on him one way or another and reviews seem to be really polarizing on the books.

Do you know of any in particular?

>> No.15296126
File: 269 KB, 500x500, 1375196633058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15296128

The serious question is
Was he pushed out because he was diddling children?

>> No.15296145

Why is it only Americans that are pushing all of the schismatic movements?
Can you take the Protestant out of the American?

>> No.15296178

Someone hasn't the Holy Father. He's not a professional theologian, but the documents he puts out are largely very good. Laudato Si launched an entirely new venture in Christian thought on the scale of the Theology of the Body, Evangelii Gaudium and Christus Vivit include very comfy takes on modernity's absolute poverty, and Querida Amazonia literally weaves poetry throughout. Pope Francis is at least comprably as /lit/.

>> No.15296186

i doubt it. all the american trad e-celebs seem to be former prots who came to the church because of a "logical conclusion." and push an agenda of getting a trad wife and 10 kids (no i won't help you do it, but i'm gonna tell you you should do it and you're gonna pay me on patreon), where you can also see the american "fuck you, got mine" mentality as well. also they love to preach despite being laymen, which is another protestant "every man his own pope" thing. i don't mean to disparage them personally, but a lot of them are not advocating for the best possible things i think.

>> No.15296214

>Maximilian Kolbe
What an absolute Chad

>> No.15296218

America unironically needs to have its back broken, spiritually and metaphysically. The entire metaphysical and psychological framework of the United States is totally incompatible with being a good Catholic. This is why American Catholics are weird. The vast majority of them are trying to reconcile two things that simply cannot be reconciled. The American way of life and path of Catholic holiness are like oil and water. They do not mix and will never mix. You can be a good American or you can be a good Catholic, but you can't be both.

This is why if the United States is ever to fully be a place of great Catholic holiness something very fundamental about it has to change. Something at the very core, the very bedrock, if the "American way" will have to be altered. Because living as an American is so totally alien to the proper way of life in the Church that the only way to be a good Catholic in the United States is to become rabidly anti-American.

>> No.15296219

redpill me on kolbe. he's a martyr, but it seems like he wasn't kiled for his faith explicitly, more so that he was a political dissident and then gave his life for his prison bro. but also he was declared a martyr of charity, so i guess thats different from a martyr of the faith? are there also martyr's of hope? can someone give me a rundown on this?

>> No.15296238

you sound like a terrible person.

>> No.15296242

so true. i remember one time my priest was giving a sermon and he went off on how someone said something to him that was "unamerican" and he was saying how bad it was to be unamerican. and he's pretty based, too, he does some latin masses sometimes.

>> No.15296257

The "martyr of charity" label comes from the fact that while he was in Auschwitz he volunteered to be executed to save the life of a total stranger. Remember, "charity" in the strict sense of the term means "selfless love." Caritas. Loving in the self-giving way, the way that God loves humanity. Kolbe offered his life up in a self-sacrificing way, a Christlike way, and that's why he gets that label.

"Greater love hath no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends."

>> No.15296278
File: 413 KB, 903x1230, 3b0441139f1b131253c52df670af327b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite story about him is that he had a vision from the Virgin Mary in which she instructed him to build a monastery in her name in Nagasaki, the most Catholic city in Japan. The Virgin told him to build the monastery on the far side of one of the big mountains surrounding the city. This great distance made the construction of the monastery difficult and laborious. Additionally, all the local Shinto priests advised against building the monastery on the far side, because it was bad fortune and ill luck.

But guess what? When the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the mountain shielded the monastery from the blast. The monastery still exists, and is still in operation to this day. You can go visit it right now.

>> No.15296281

that makes sense. i guess i always thought that being a martyr meant that someone kills you just specifically because you're Christian. is there such a thing as a martyr of hope though? i don't even know how that would work but it sounds like it would be kino.

>> No.15296293

>Nagasaki, the most Catholic city in Japan.
>of all places in Japan, this got nuked

>> No.15296307

The Vatican wasn't subversted by freemasonic satanists. It's was satanic from the very begining.
t. former catholic.

>> No.15296310

>bad things happen to good people
>that means God doesn't exist
The absolute state of /lit/, this is embarrassing. Read the sapiential books and the church fathers, you're not the first ones who have thought of this problem.
If you're ignorant about the subject being discussed, stay away from the thread.
If you just don't want to read, stay away from the literature board.
As simple as that.
Are you roman catholic at all? If so, why are you giving them a protestant answer to a theological problem highly discussed by your own church?
Either you're ignorant about your own beliefs, or you're intentionally giving them an easy way to counter-argue your statements.

>> No.15296323

This was by design.

Jüri Lina - Architects of Deception.

>> No.15296326

Truman was a free mason

>> No.15296331

Are you talking about Taylor Marshall? lol

>> No.15296347

>bla bla bla let me try to redirect your attention while offering no meaningful answer
also you dumb nigger of course countless other people have questioned your hysteria because all it takes is 2 working braincells to poke massive holes into your delusions

>> No.15296353

What do you define as "The American way" or "being a good American"?

>> No.15296359

being a cunt, basically.

>> No.15296361

> " And the gates of Hades will not prevail against it

1. Christ said that the Church would not fall
2. The Church fell to evil.
Thus, Christ lied or is not god.

>> No.15296368

Funny, on the book I posted above you it mentions a thing or two about Truman regarding Nagasaki.

>> No.15296369

1. hamburgers for every meal
2. unwavering support for israel
3. degeneracy, rap, goblinos everywhere

>> No.15296372

is he a former protestant? i like him but yeah he fits the american catholic stereotype to a T. that reminds me he's also obsessed with the DR which is probably another american thing where they subconsciously are drawn to the KJV only position, but then just swap it out for the DR. personally after reading Knox, i think english translations are a meme anyway and no english translation will be perfect.
there are others also, for example jay dyer, who was a prot turned sede catholic, then ortho.

>> No.15296375

It seems that you are the one lacking brain cells for not understanding what The Problem of Evil is.

>> No.15296385

just because a ship gets taken over by pirates doesn't mean the ship sinks.

>> No.15296391

I'm a fairly thorough racialist and I feel like it would be half-way decent. Better than Francis.

>> No.15296392

You're missing my point, some of those "countless people" where saints of the church. Both the book of Job and Ecclesiastes deal explicitly on these subjects.
You, of course, haven't read any of this, nor have you quoted any sources of your own, so why bother on a religious thread of a literature board? It's painfully obvious that you're not even interested on the subject.

>> No.15296396
File: 47 KB, 645x729, brainlet-5a6217dcbd1c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u dumb cause bad thing happen! bed you din' know bad thing happen!

>> No.15296407

>Both the book of Job and Ecclesiastes
Jewish/Hebrew books, gtfo, stop larping and stop appropriating.

>> No.15296409

nigger your retardation got called out literally thousand years by greek philosphers before your bullshit desert myths were added to the infinite list of "TRUE RELIGION, TRUST ME GUISE"

>> No.15296421

Ok, you're either baiting or plain retarded. In both cases, you would fit a lot better on /pol/.

>> No.15296428

Dunno about his backstory, if anything I only caught glimpses of his stuff on twitter and briefly mentioned in leddit, but that was enough for my intuition, lol.
Regarding english translations, personally RSV-2CE was easier for me to understand rather than DRC, haven't read Knox though. Though I should stick to the spanish ones, Navarra comes to mind (which I own digitally) though this one is, in some way I assume, sponsored by Opus Dei *eek*. And now that I mention OD, was ever confirmed that EMJ was in cahoots with them?

Anyways, to sum up, I don't really know much about this T. M. guy, but as I mentioned, he seems sketchy and just another books peddler, that's all.

>> No.15296433

your kind belongs on >>>/x/ and not /lit/, simple as that.
if it were up to me I actually would prefer you get hit by a bus so you can get to your version of 72 virgins even sooner.

>> No.15296445

overeating and masturbating mainly

>> No.15296454

Sin of Onan, eternal hellfire for you.

>> No.15296453

The left would explode

>> No.15296464

not if i repent, which i have, simp

>> No.15296476

not really, they'd still hate him and call him an uncle tom or something.

>> No.15296480

Cool, cool.
BRB tearing the eyeballs from your mothers skull and fucking the sockets, I'mma repent later so we cool, ya?

>> No.15296481

Ok anon, whatever you say. God bless you :)

>> No.15296486

its so hard not to coom when you have literally nothing good in your life and an unlimited supply of porn. i think my brain literally just needs the dopamine/oxytocin fix or it'll start giving off kill myself signals. Mass prevents this.

>> No.15296488

>I'mma repent later so we cool
if its a genuine repentence, yes, that's how god works

>> No.15296494

>an unlimited supply of porn
i have so far resisted that temptation, but it is constant ... those images are burned into my mind

>> No.15296512

not him but I always wondered if this place, or at least the blue boards were just textboards

also check this, bro: https://pmohackbook.org/

>> No.15296517

yep. i blame kikes. 12 year old me never even stood a chance. i hope i can kill them all so no kids have to end up like me.

>> No.15296522

>i think my brain literally just needs the dopamine/oxytocin fix or it'll start giving off kill myself signals
sheesh no wonder the Catholic church is riddled with kiddy fuckers, you are a horny bunch with psychotic amounts of lust

>> No.15296527

i won't deny it ;__;

>> No.15296530

>also check this, bro: https://pmohackbook.org/
thanks for the reference, but i will admit that i have reached that point where i can resist the temptation with only a little willpower, its just that sometimes i dont want to resist, and the allure becomes so strong, but i can resist it relatively easily nonetheless, for which reason i am more culpable now when i do fall into it. ... havent for at least 6 months now

>> No.15296529

Jesus was a kike

>> No.15296537

>you are a horny bunch with psychotic amounts of lust
thats the whole human species really

>> No.15296569

kike comes from the word "kikel" which is the yiddish word for circle. when jews came over to america, most of them couldn't write in english, so instead of singing their name on their documents, the immigration officers told them to sign with a simple "X." This angered the jews because it "X" looks too much like Christian cross to them and they hate Christianity, so they signed with a circle instead, thu they started being referred to as "kikels," later shortened to kike.
so no, Jesus wasn't a kike.

>> No.15296579

Christians aren't Jews, anon. Let me explain:

Israelites = Chosen People (until they rejected God)
Judah = Of the Tribe of Israel
Benjamin = Of the Tribe of Israel
Jesus = Israelite who came from the Tribe of Judah
Saint Paul = Israelite who came from the Tribe of Benjamin
Spiritual Israel = Christ's Church (Christendom)
"Jews" = New catch-all term derived from Judah (Saint Paul cannot be a "Jew" under this term because he didn't come from Judah) that never appeared in the Septuagint and is used by a mystery meat, likely Turkic people, who RP as ancient Israelites despite having no priesthood, no prophets, and deny Christ
Christians = Chosen People (also composing early Israelities like Saint Paul who accepted Christ)
Talmud = Demonic book retaining the ideals of the Pharisees whom Jesus cursed as Children of the Devil and read by "Jews"

>> No.15296581
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the rest of us don't repress their nature just because some old book says so.
sexual child abuse is a mainly Catholic issue.

>> No.15296592

>worship a Jew
>claim he was the son of god
>literally copypaste the Tohra and rebrand it as Old Testament
you are worse than a kike, you are a kike in denial

>> No.15296597
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>> No.15296599
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x1080, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...we're getting raided by some discord retards again, aren't we?

>> No.15296602
File: 44 KB, 750x563, pope_davis_750-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ hates a lot of particular things about America, but these are just superficial things. The real dissonance between Catholics and Americans is quite a bit deeper than surface stuff.

One of the biggest things is that the "American Way" consists in rebelling against authority that you disagree with. This is literally the foundational ethos of the United States, and the spirit of rebellion, of resistance to authority we find odious, has persisted in the heart of America ever since. We believe rightful authority derives from "the consent of the governed," and when this consent is removed, the rightful authority of a power or institution or ruler goes away.

But that's not Catholic at all. There is a saying in the Church: "Rome has spoken, the matter is settled." This means that when the Pope and the institutional Church has weighed in and decided a dispute, that assertion has to be accepted. You don't obey. You don't decide that Rome is wrong and try to overrule them. You bow your head and obey, and submit, because Rome's authority comes directly from God. It's rightful and is not to be questioned. You have to have faith that Rome is correct, that God is with Rome, and because God is with Rome, Rome will not be steered wrong.

It's this rebellion vs submission dichotomy that generates so much tension between the "American Way" and the "Catholic Way." Catholics just aren't rebels. Period. The most famous rebel in the Church's understanding of the universe is Satan. To glorify rebellion, in other words, is to have, essentially, a Satanic spirit. Yet this is what America does.

>> No.15296603


>> No.15296611

Get off my board one-book tard

>> No.15296615

>sexual child abuse is a mainly Catholic issue.

Go tell all the Jew producers in Hollywood that.

>> No.15296626

sure lets count the MASSIVE amount of priest kiddy diddlers and the thousands at best,Hollywood ones and see which come up top (pun intended)

>> No.15296627
File: 596 KB, 1296x860, fuck this gay earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, you know what i meant
we were actually having a thread about literature on this board and you faggots had to ruin it

>> No.15296639

good post

>> No.15296645

YOU were having a thread about paranormal delusion on the wrong board.
this is /lit/, you belong with the other schizos on >>>/x/

>> No.15296648

teachers molest way more children than priests do.

>> No.15296653


>> No.15296660

ok, link me your data and I will link you mine

>> No.15296664

whatever you say anon. God bless you :)

>> No.15296666

i don't feel like it.

>> No.15296667

It's entirely fair when the narrative is "The vast majority of priests, historically and right now, are pedophiles." That's just flat-out not true, not even when the abuse crisis was really bad in the 60s and 70s and 80s. The rate of pedo priests never got above about 8% of the total clergy, and these days it's probably around 3%, the same or lower as other professions that work with children. It's entirely fair to bring up other professions when the narrative is that Catholic priests are particularly and especially prone to being child molesters.

>> No.15296674


>> No.15296676


>> No.15296684

>8% or 3% of the world'st most numerious religion
wew lad, I bet you thought that is exonerating

>> No.15296693

It's the same rate as schoolteachers and coaches. Every profession that has access to children has some percentage of pedos because pedos deliberately seek those professions out.

>> No.15296702

Well, this thread went to shit.

>> No.15296708

>literally citing some desert story book, with the oldest parts written 300 fucking years of telephone game after the fact at the earliest

>> No.15296713

it went just fine for a while, the fuck happened?

>> No.15296725

still doesn't justify catholic pedophilia, they're God's church on earth, the standard for them is much higher than some coach or teacher.

>> No.15296734

explain how God allows his mouthpieces to diddle kids

>> No.15296736

>desert story book
Yes. That's the difference, you're on a literature board and you've only been spamming wikipedia articles.

>> No.15296741

>waah waah people don't take kindly to our particular brand of delusion!
catholic cockroaches are almost as bad as the mudslime invaders

>> No.15296747

Lmao, you're definitely not from the west, probably some seething pajeet, post hand.

>> No.15296748

nigger I know reading comprehension is not your strong suit, that is why your clegy tried their best to keep your fairy tales in a language the common people didn't read, but you were the one throwing some apologies around how statistically your priests are just as molesty as everybody else

>> No.15296753

that passage means that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church on the offense. Hell is meant to be under siege there, it's saying nothing about the fallibility of the church

>> No.15296754

The first Pope of the Catholic Church lied about God and denied that he'd ever known him on the evening of His execution. The Church has never been made up of perfect men. It just keeps going despite all the shitty people in it, because God is with it.

>> No.15296756


>> No.15296757

some demonic sperg showed up

>> No.15296759

>what is the vulgata

>> No.15296764

>nah must be demons
like I said, >>>/x/

>> No.15296767

>he didn't do it
shitskin confirmed, kek, gtfo faggot

>> No.15296773

just stop giving him (you)'s please

>> No.15296774

>what is the vulva
should your priests be asking instead of putting their fists into boy's behinds

>> No.15296782

>worships literal desert shitskin semetic religion
gg no re kike

>> No.15296784


>> No.15296788

what a shitty cope, at least when allegations and even evidence is raised against some pedo coach or teacher, he immediately goes under investigation and gets what he deserves, that doesn't happen with pedo priests, the church protects them and covers up for them, meaning, God is covering for pedos

>> No.15296794

fucking sober up before you come on here next time you drunk idiot

>> No.15296797

I'm not a christian, you just make it obvious, pajeet. last chance post hand, faggot :^)

>> No.15296798

So do you actively read everything Francis publishes as he puts it out? Have you done this with other popes as well? Are they long enough to take up a good chunk of your total time spent reading?

>> No.15296806

>"we are the chosen people and this book proves it!
>"no us"
Christianity is just a cheap off-brand knock-off of Judaism, prove me wrong.

>> No.15296811

>at least when allegations and even evidence is raised against some pedo coach or teacher, he immediately goes under investigation and gets what he deserves

This literally does not happen, not most of the time. Especially if it's some beloved coach or old teacher who has a lot of institutional clout.

>> No.15296813


>> No.15296817

lol @ u brah.
grasp at straw harder my dude.

>> No.15296822

he's just a drunk shit poster let him wank off in silence

>> No.15296823

u first :^)
or too scared?

>> No.15296845

you're the one who is worried about the west falling to semites, so at least prove that you're from the west, the burden of prove is on you, I can understand if your camera is covered up in poop from your last street shitting session. :^)

>> No.15296854

>you're the one who is worried about the west falling to semites
nigger where the fuck did I write that, ease off the meth

>> No.15296861

What exactly is your goal here man? Do you think adults discussing Catholicism on /lit/ haven't heard these arguments for at least ten years?

>> No.15296865
File: 105 KB, 1200x1639, IMG_8107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actively read encyclicals and exhortations, which are addressed to the a wide audience. They're not very long at all, and published infrequently(http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals.index.html and http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations.index.html ). I read some of Benedicts as they came out, and frequently go back to earlier popes for reference. I also read his other things when interested, but not as much(as example, https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2020-03/urbi-et-orbi-pope-coronavirus-prayer-blessing.html is a very good one). Reading the letters of bishops is a good practice, including those in the Bible, and those of your local episcopacy.

>> No.15296869

Yep, that is what I thought.

>> No.15296874

I actually heard that the exhortation that came out of the Amazon Synod was really good. I'm seriously thinking of reading it. I read Laudato Si and loved it and supposedly the Amazon Synod exhortation was along those lines too.

>> No.15296875

here >>15296741, you're worried about catholics and muslim invaders, now pls post hands even if you have some remaining shit on them, I know toilet paper is very rare in india.

>> No.15296883

should be easy for you to answer then if you have to deal with it all the time for a decade :^)

nah I am not a kid anymore, I have nothing to fear from you.
also, again, u first brah :^)

>> No.15296885

/b/ is probably more your speed.

>> No.15296889
File: 1.23 MB, 3222x4618, APTOPIX_Vatican_Pope.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, since I forgot to answer OP, Jesus of Nazareth is obviously a good one, but I like the Regensburg Address as an introductory piece.


>> No.15296896

>still stalling
>I-I'm not worried
alright, can you at least take a pic of your 12 hands poop elephant God statue?

>> No.15296897

Actually /b/ would be more fitting for you since your book is nothing but random garbage either.

>> No.15296904

no u :^)
also post pics of ure mom's feet pls

>> No.15296911

How do you think they genuinely feel about each other, deep down

>> No.15296928

>literally asks for feet and bob
you're not even trying to hide it, sad. we'll see a lot of pajeets pop up here in the upcoming years, tell me, when did they install wifi in your village? can't you ask them to install toilets as well?

>> No.15296937

How many indulgences do you think I should buy?

>> No.15296948

yes also pls post your email adres and pasword so i can delet viruse from your computer

(btw still waiting for proof of your skin color)

>> No.15296953

Depends, how many cocks did your mother fail to repent for before she choked to death on them? The post-mortem ones don't count, I know it's tricky to piece it all together after the fact.

>> No.15296965

as I said earlier, the burden of proof is on you, since you're soo mad about the west. I know it's hard to focus, recite one of your poop god focusing chants and then post a pic of your hand, thats all it takes.

>> No.15296966

I think they actually really love each other a lot. The Church doesn't operate by our standards of friends and enemies.

>> No.15296971

I dunno, like 1000 cocks at least?
Doesn't matter, all-loving all-forgiving god and all that jazz, she is safe in heaven with the other harp-players, life on earth is a hellscape compared to that anyway right?

>> No.15296977

Yeah Querida Amazonia is /lit/(too /lit/ if you want to view the church as political actor).

You're in luck, they're really easy to come by in this time of plague.


I don't know, I think Francis quite likes Benedict, and they're both deep down Guardini fans, but I think Benedict's heart is absolutely broken by the ongoing crisis, and Francis hasn't done enough yet.

>> No.15296984

>literally claims I am some designated shitter while citing burden of proof
can I get an F in chat for my boi here, died from an irony overdose

>> No.15296990

alright, then prove you're not a shitskin, should be easy, right? :^)

>> No.15296991

Wow you weren't kidding, you people still love the coin.
Kinda like your messiah when he set up a donation stand in that temple of merchants.

>> No.15297004

no man you are 10000000% right I totally apologize.
the burden of proof on your end since it is your claim, you are right in that.
unless... you can't?
wait, you aren't some kind of non-white yourself overcompensating, right?

>> No.15297022

>4 lines of cope

>> No.15297026

post pics of your skin

>> No.15297044

porri puttta lakshmane hee? picu hand, designated poopoo?

>> No.15297045

In Catholic countries there has been way more mixing between races. Look Brazil.

>> No.15297050

Since this thread has gone to shit, add me on Discord if you want to chat:


>> No.15297065

are you having a stroke?
and I am not talking about your crippling porn addiction.

>> No.15297081

wait... how did you know about muh porn addiction? you didn't use your indian java hacking skills, did you?

>> No.15297094


>> No.15297110

kek, alright man, have a good one, bye :)

>> No.15297119

cya, thanks for the lulz, nothing like a good spergout between shitposters

>> No.15297123

Thoroughly mixed countries still tend to vehemently hate their blackest people and any blacker countries. Latinos are incredibly fucking racist, way more than Americans. They literally still have a semi-rigid racial caste system.

>> No.15297128

The II Vatican Council itself states that there is no salvation but through the Church. You're making up controversies that don't really have basis.
>The Second Vatican Council's Decree on Ecumenism explains: "For it is through Christ's Catholic Church alone, which is the universal help toward salvation, that the fullness of the means of salvation can be obtained. It was to the apostolic college alone, of which Peter is the head, that we believe that our Lord entrusted all the blessings of the New Covenant, in order to establish on earth the one Body of Christ into which all those should be fully incorporated who belong in any way to the People of God

>> No.15297218
File: 93 KB, 640x1035, 3f8f2013767ef06af99e0640135af2aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only because the clever elites are whites. But they don't have problems nor racial tensions as you think. Racism in LATAM is healthy, people joke about blacks being dumb while being mulatos themselves, etc. That kind of stuff. Catholicism really made the difference, segregation has only happened recently in protestant countries like USA or South Africa.

There's a book called Black Like me where a Catholic man turns himself black for doing a sociological study about the segregation laws' effect on the black population. In the middle of the book the guy goes to a monastery and he talks with the monks about how certain Christians (Protestants) twist the Bible for making racist claims.

You clearly don't understand Catholicism. Another thing is that you may be a snowflake and consider racism whatever bullshit you might have heard from a Catholic, such as "Chinese people have small peepe hehe".

>> No.15297242
File: 405 KB, 1080x1920, door.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the sperg left?

>> No.15297243

Child sexual abuse became prevelant because society "didn't repress their nature". And do you really believe pedos are only in the catholic church and didn't ilfiltrate higher levels of society? Heard of a guy called Jeffrey Epstein? or Joe Biden?

>> No.15297246
File: 60 KB, 400x603, 95f31289a0afa2b1256aa20ce6a3bf12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the real face

>> No.15297251

Seeing as he is a huge cuckold and traitor to our religion maybe you start by sticking a few needles in a voodoo doll

>> No.15297268

unfortunately dogs dont leave thier vomit

>> No.15297283

no, the problem with catholicism is that it was becoming more and more unpopular, losing lots of religious people to the christians

francis brought tons of people back from agnosticism or evangelical churches, mostly in latin america, africa and SEA

people who give a dam will remain catholic anyways

>> No.15297290

>posts proven fake relic

>> No.15297321

Is churches closing during corona not a sign that god does not want a single man to claim to be her chosen representative on earth?

>> No.15297445

Bait's getting better.

>> No.15297461

2028 homeboy. Just keep the faith until then.

>> No.15297494

What happens then?

>> No.15297698

Read your own fanfic dumbass

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. "

>> No.15297744

>do material analysis of repair work not original garment
>conclude this is a forgery from the 1600s
try harder

>> No.15298604

there is no conclusion concerning the date of the shroud you idiot, have you read anything about it?

>> No.15298626

>One of the biggest things is that the "American Way" consists in rebelling against authority that you disagree with. This is literally the foundational ethos of the United States, and the spirit of rebellion, of resistance to authority we find odious, has persisted in the heart of America ever since. We believe rightful authority derives from "the consent of the governed," and when this consent is removed, the rightful authority of a power or institution or ruler goes away.
>European history greatly shaped by power struggles with the Church since the 1000s
This is hardly an American phenomenon mate. If anything the mentality of the American Revolution is just an outgrowth of ideas developed (to a large degree but not entirely) from power struggles with the Church. I'm fairly sure that the Church even taught at some point that rebellion against bad monarchs was justified. Of course this changed later when the Church faced the Revolutions of 1848, Risorgimento, loss of the Papal States, etc.

Even the modes of thought we now call "Traditional Catholicism" are largely just a return to the 19th Century.

>> No.15298758

wasn't the bomb aimed at a church directly

>> No.15299052

I dunno, Burke looks like a bit of a fag dressed up like that. He reminds me of Puff Daddy.

>> No.15299062

Introduction to Christianity is well-written but you really feel the 60s V2 modernism in it.

>> No.15299099

enough to fund a cathedral

>> No.15300167

a mans maturity is marked by how he deals with faith and the devil. you just embarrassed yourself

>> No.15300464

Absolutely blessed post

'Fun' clerics cracking jokes during Mass and wearing normie clothes should be excommunicated, they cheapen the Faith

>> No.15301648

Jesus said, "Do not be concerned from morning until evening and from evening until morning about what you will wear."

>> No.15301941
File: 25 KB, 323x499, 41CAFKFAn6L._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone interested in the roots of modernism should give this one a look.

>> No.15302321

>What's a good list of books to read from his earlier days?

I don't have a list, but I second >>15292792's recommendation of:

Introduction to Christianity (1968)

Serious, but not stern or forbidding. Reasonably accessible, but it goes deep.

>> No.15302551

big if true. anyone have sauce?