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File: 32 KB, 460x378, thug academic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15295846 No.15295846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

First entry:

Big K: "Fuck nigga who think nigga perfek know" (original: "Critique of pure reason")

"Yo, Nigga know wif da eye and dick, then nigga know wif da brains, an' ends wif watcha know. Dere iz nuttin' better than wat nigga know.” (original: “All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.”).

>> No.15295871

Step one: End capitalism

>> No.15295876

what's wrong with capitalism.
no other system could feed 7B people every day

>> No.15295878


What kind of accent were you going for?

>> No.15295883

Have you ever heard a black person speak?

>> No.15295886


>no other system could feed 7B people every day

why would you limit whats possible in your mind that much?

>> No.15295891


>> No.15295899

explain yourselves

>> No.15295909
File: 81 KB, 712x1000, 05D29421-088C-48A1-BFF8-518E06C12FB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s slated to starve them, poison them, infect them, drop bombs on them, and keep them from pursuing philosophical thoughts

>> No.15295919

yeah like pretty much any other system that has ever existed

>> No.15295937

>Awww, c’mon man. Don’t pick on capitalism. It’s trying!
>What do you want, godless satanic communism! You’ll kill us all off with plague and famine with that!
Why are you so liberal?

>> No.15295942
File: 415 KB, 999x925, Beja man - Sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you whites are pathetic.

>> No.15295946


almost 10,000,000 people die to hunger every year under capitalism

aside from that why would you limit your intellect by thinking "this is the only system for me"

there's so many different ways for humans to organize themselves, so many different ways to be. i don't understand limiting your mind like that

>> No.15295955

>calls crackers out
>uses photo of black man with anglo facial features


>> No.15295985
File: 108 KB, 1500x1125, 534534635354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anglo features
derp derr

>> No.15296010

Check out the ethnicities of Africa sometime.

>> No.15296013

Hey butterdyke. We know you live in the left coast.
These posts have a lot of information. I had been collecting information of you.

>> No.15296036



>> No.15296050
File: 144 KB, 1300x720, Socrateeez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So ya see, muh nigga Creeto, I tacitlee be agreein to follow dem laws on da erf, and dem laws have niggas down below. Tough, hard-hittin niggers dat puts with up no bullshieet

>> No.15296057

So his ancestors where of the type that first (or last depending on perspective) left Africa perhaps. Way way waaaaaay before there was such a thing as Anglo

>> No.15296059

>Sudanese Man

lmao i was like lmao.

>> No.15296068


i understand what you're saying, but do you understand that phenotype is statistically measurable?

>> No.15296083


>> No.15296094

i feel like you're being deliberately obtuse

>> No.15296185

California. Beverly Hills

>> No.15296230

You want me to be more specific?

>> No.15296254

I told this was coming butterdyke

>> No.15296297

Anyone wants the specific coordantes?

>> No.15296300

So Anglos have Sudanese phenotypes?

>> No.15296327

Idk if "whatcha know" is the best translation for Reason, and could l we to confusion down the line. Otherwise doesn't seem bad.

>> No.15296377

Again butterdyke. I know you are reading this. Give me a good reason why I should not dox you? If you do not respond I will post all info I got.

>> No.15296390

>implying anyone wants to pay a visit to the tranny's layer.

>> No.15296393
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 453345345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15296399

There are several people that want to dox this bitch. We could get rid of her.

>> No.15296411

If butterfly do not respond. I will post everything. You have 2min.

>> No.15296422

>butter is supposedly a poor wagie
>but somehow she lives in beverly hills

>> No.15296443


City:Beverly Hills

>> No.15296444

It's been longer than 2 minutes larper

>> No.15296455

Date/Time2020-05-07 15:41:04
IP Address34.74.116.12
CountryUnited States,
Browser Chrome (61.0.3163.100)
Operating System Windows 10 x64User AgentMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36Referring URLno referrer
Host Name:

>> No.15296466

Here you have.

>> No.15296470

This is a larp

>> No.15296473

Extra facts
*She is a lesbian
*Age between 40-50(closer to 50)46
*Failure in art collage
*"artist" aspired filmmaker
*Interested in literature
*Raised in christian conservative family

>> No.15296474

how are you supposed to enter these into google maps? i want to see butter's mansion.

>> No.15296484

Check this

>> No.15296492

What do you plan on doing with this information? Sending her pizzas?

>> No.15296496

1109 Coldwater Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, United States of America
Check this

>> No.15296497

rape and dismemberment, cartel style

>> No.15296501

Do you realize autists here really hate her? There maybe one that will stalk her IRL.

>> No.15296507
File: 8 KB, 225x225, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15296508

>she's living in the middle of the street
that would explain a lot

>> No.15296510

>has a mansion

>> No.15296515

Mean to this>>15296492

>> No.15296521

This thread is a huge womp, bait OP, fake dox, autistic dialect

>> No.15296523

That is an approximate location. She live really close there.

>> No.15296524

her papa is probably rich or something, every marxist/leftist fag has some rich upper class background

>> No.15296538
File: 895 KB, 480x317, 786559BC-B054-4277-BAE1-0721712E6D83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15296545
File: 60 KB, 1080x225, 20200506_225735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really?
>inb4 Nerwark
I used other tools to determine the exact location

>> No.15296552

are you scared?

>> No.15296566 [DELETED] 

someone inform the cops about the potential bombs in butterdyke's house.

>> No.15296575 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 950x724, 1588550164282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the power of the intellectual right

>> No.15296580
File: 104 KB, 500x375, B8C61DA1-579E-46C3-B46C-35B40DD3AEFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempted doxing ought to be bannable too

>> No.15296590

lock your doors, faggot.

>> No.15296591
File: 328 KB, 1329x1429, 1587810399157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prepare :^)

>> No.15296598

based brasilero

>> No.15296620



>> No.15296643


lmfao there are probably a quarter million people that live in a mile radius of those coordinates

>> No.15296652


>> No.15296665

There are only a few blocks of difference. I use this tool with my self and is quite accurate

>> No.15296687

The guy who doxed butterfly, his name starts with an M

>> No.15296698

No. We are several anons working together. Non of us have the intial M

>> No.15296704

It ends with an S

>> No.15296718


>> No.15296728
File: 499 KB, 286x457, No one there to help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15296729

He lives in San Diego

>> No.15296739

You want to post all possible coordantes?

>> No.15296740


>> No.15296743

Nope. Canada actually.

>> No.15296778

are you not scared?

>> No.15296785
File: 972 KB, 500x269, Kiki laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not.

>> No.15296793
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15296801


>> No.15296810

RIP butterfly

never made a post worth reading, won't be missed, but hopefully she's at peace so she doesn't haunt this most sacred of message boards

>> No.15296816

screenshot this post, for when she gets curb stomped.

>> No.15296828


If a black guy has those features, doesn't that make it not only an anglo type?

>> No.15296833

It means Anglos mutated from black people

>> No.15296834

>never made a post worth reading, won't be missed

I'm going to chisel this on her tombstone myself

Fuck you Shitterfly, you've literally never made a single post anybody liked, you come across as a smug clueless cunt every time. I will piss on your face at your funeral.

>> No.15296852

fuck, that explains a lot.

>> No.15296860

>implying there would be a anything left from the body for a proper funeral.

>> No.15296871
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1584306754292s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a*glos are the original n*ggers

>> No.15296894

>butter retard is from california

>> No.15296923

You don't need to make philosophy available to black niggers. Their instinct distills and understands in an instant what western civ takes 3 books to fart about.

>> No.15296939

Are you gonna cry about it?

>> No.15296952

Hey butterfly. How do you feel that someone will try stalk you IRL?

>> No.15296993


>> No.15297001


>> No.15297002 [DELETED] 

discord . gg/mVNUytg

>> No.15297008
File: 1.49 MB, 180x135, Agent Smith happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite safe

>> No.15297019

Oh really then you don't mind me if I go and kill you?

>> No.15297025

wow, what a gentleman, he asks first.

>> No.15297046

Making threats of violence is illegal, anon.
Shame on all of you.

>> No.15297056
File: 52 KB, 244x284, 1587771103361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Butterfly finally got hers
Feels good bro. I'd typically oppose a dox on anyone but she's pretty consistently been the most toxic part of this community for a long time now. You went way too far threatening to beat people up that disagreed with you, Butters. Seriously.

>> No.15297062

Kek. Do you know in which site you are? Also, I live in Canada, I would not go that far away just for her. However, I am more than sure that couple /lit/zens would like to visit her.

>> No.15297109
File: 484 KB, 390x219, Darla mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagreed that they'd be able to beat me up

Which province?

>> No.15297118

Try to figure out :^)

>> No.15297129

I dox you so figure where I am from?

>> No.15297133


>> No.15297135

Strawpoll: should butterfly leave lit forever?


>> No.15297140
File: 124 KB, 974x538, Bloom close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is why culture has been strangled to death

>> No.15297145

Do mine :3


>> No.15297158

>I’d crack your toilet up with your head

>> No.15297166
File: 75 KB, 400x541, whats_going_on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are getting squirrelly, being locked up by their benevolent rulers to protect them from the flu...
Really, some people here need to smoke some weed and relax,,,

>> No.15297180
File: 115 KB, 599x603, Lizzer - RELAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15297187

Did you or did you not vote on my strawpoll about me fucking you? You voted for doggystyle, yes? :3

>> No.15297189

Please. I know that you are on edge, everyone is. Capital is simply one small part of our system of productive enterprise. It is part of our culture, not the other way around. But if that is all that you focus on it simplifies things a great deal, yes. And it can become, like fire, an unstable and destructive force when it is focused upon as an end in itself, whether it is Communists trying to harness capital for the State or Bankers trying to harness capital in order to become the State...

>> No.15297195

She and you are the only people who think she should stay in the original poll

>> No.15297200

I wonder if you are going to relax as much when some autist from here rape you.

>> No.15297208
File: 148 KB, 1018x1795, FOTO_20200507_013045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO ONE likes you lmao

>> No.15297320
File: 407 KB, 610x615, 1585334297209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lads. My job is done here. Is somebody needs something tell me before I leave. I will leave in 5min. I will the rest to you.
-Based Anon

>> No.15297326

will leave the rest to you*

>> No.15297336


goodnight anon

you made a really shitty thread and have obviously never met a black person, but thats ok

sweet dreams

>> No.15297366
File: 62 KB, 566x800, 1552527272801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not OP. I am just a simple poster. My intention was never to debate, but to dox butterdyke. Anyways goodnight everybody and fuck you butterdyke.

>> No.15297385
File: 99 KB, 377x350, A0B1F2FA-DC03-4C81-84D4-2FF953B4B246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which you obviously failed to do.
Retarded smug pepe

>> No.15297388

Oh really. then what I did wrong?

>> No.15297395

You want me to post the other possibles addresses?

>> No.15297409

Do your fucking job mods

>> No.15297420

That's because the Beja are Semitic.

>> No.15297421

Name a single other system of organization that actually exists

>> No.15297433

What would you like to name it?

>> No.15297439

Hey butterfly. Are you scared? This anon really destroy you.

>> No.15297490

I got more info right now. I will post it tomorrow. Goodnight.

>> No.15297517

eat shit butterfag

anyone who has a problem with capitalism...propose a better system and fully detail the workings of it...I’ll be waiting here for eternity for an answer...cuz I’m sure none of you have one (I’m not saying it’s impossible to create a better system, just that I’m 99.99% confident that retards on 4chan - and especially in this thread - certainly don’t have the answer to one of the biggest issues in the world today)

>> No.15297562

>Le ebin 4chan army.
Get a grip anon. Only schizos get this upset about a shitposter.

>> No.15297596

You literally have nothing. You will never find her, and she will continue to laugh at your retarded posts, incel.

She won. You lost.

>> No.15297648
File: 141 KB, 798x797, 8B58B791-BA2E-40E4-B6B5-9B30B71474BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been reading up on the alternatives, brony. It’s been possible to replace this rotten system for a long time.

>> No.15297681

Wow this is the gayest thread I’ve ever seen and I feel like a total fag for even going on this website. The whole lot of you should be ashamed of the utter cringefest that just happened

>> No.15297757

Fuck off. Butterfly is genuinely the worst poster on this board. She’s clearly an evil, demented person. If someone decides to kill her they should livestream it.

>> No.15297789

based I says

>> No.15297808

>Leftist commie
>Rich Beverly Hills kid
Every time

>> No.15297824

Yes, communism. The Soviet Union should've nuked the US. Would've saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide.

>> No.15298011

Cringiest thread i have ever seen lol if you actually get this fucking angry over some random namefag that shitposts on a indonesian yak milking churning img board that you are willing to dox them (real or fake) and incite violence you are the lowest scum of the earth

>> No.15298031

Yo God iz dead, an' we's ganked him you know das right!

>> No.15298043

well this one's not even doing that. One in 5 kids in the US aren't getting enough to eat

>> No.15298130

Get out of here with your cancel culture bullshit. The worst poster on lit isn't bad enough to justify doxing.

>> No.15298141

Yes, we still don't have a solution to the bigger problem. What really can we do with our hands tied behind our back? They're hardly American, but they've been gone for so long they're not culturally African nor will they be accepted culturally by Africans either. So what? Do we just kill them?

>> No.15298152

How can one in five children in the US have food shortages when more than half the country is obese and a decent portion of the rest is just overweight

>> No.15298165

That 80% took their extra food from the 20%. Agriculture is a zero-sum game.