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/lit/ - Literature

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15294743 No.15294743 [Reply] [Original]

Start with the Americans.

>> No.15294754

The only American book you need to read is The Based Art of Washing Your Penis

>> No.15294757

why is this type of "stoicism" being pushed so hard

>> No.15294769

why are americans so degenerate?

>> No.15294780 [DELETED] 

They got kiked hard in the 1960s.

>> No.15294782

You should judge books by their cover, actually.

>> No.15294785

The 1860s

>> No.15294790

it obviously sells

>> No.15294791

Kek so this is the high culture of Amerimutts

>> No.15294793

Why is this board so obsessed with Americans? I don't get it.

>> No.15294803

What happened of America? Longest period, it wasn't any swear. Breaking Bad, Battlestar, no swears. And now - it's too many, all over and no discretion. Music, movies, but why?

>> No.15294807

Everyone is degenerate, Europeans aren't an exception

>> No.15294815

It's the slave mentality and the mental colonization of people by comparations. Society will is constantly shamming you to do 130% of better line your boss' pockets and people buy into that, so they want to become more productive and shed all the actually human parts of their lives. This pseudo-stoicism accomplishes that while also giving them some semblance of guiding principles (important to keep them from killing themselves). It's why most popular "philosophies" you can find in bright colored books in prominent places on bookstores exist.

>> No.15294820

Most users in this site are Americans, being interested in your country is natural

>> No.15294822

why are americans so prudish as to censor mundane curse words?

>> No.15294826

Lowest common denominator shit sells. It always has. In every country. In every language.
And it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Fu*k Cancer!

>> No.15294830

Like Faulkner? Don't mind if I do.

>> No.15294841

>Americans prudish
Have you ever seen American television?

>> No.15294842

Fuck, I fucking love fucked up curse words because they fucking enhance the fucking sentences, know what the fuck I'm fucking talking about, fucker?!

>> No.15294856


Quite contradictory.

>> No.15294867

Japanese censor their porn, do you suspect this was based on American puritan influences?

>> No.15294870
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I heard Fuck Feelings was actually good though.

I don't know. I've tried everything to improve my life and nothing has worked. I'm at the point of declaring myself mentally retarded and giving up. I can see myself reading that as a last resort.

>> No.15294871

How much money do these kinds of authors make?

>> No.15294882

Americans literally forced the japs to pass a porn censure law during the occupation

>> No.15294884

there are good self improvement books.
go try Hyperfocus and Atomic Habits.

>> No.15294895

>not the Hyperboreans

>> No.15294908

Because they are fat fucking slobs

>> No.15294922

have you ever seen Italian television?

>> No.15294927

They are the locus of many societal ills worldwide

>> No.15294935

heh, that's cute. when someone says 'start with the Americans,' I listen...
>Ralph Waldo Emerson
>Herman Melville
>O. Henry
>Stephen Crane
>Jack London
>F. Scott Fitzgerald
>William Faulkner
>Ernest Hemingway
>JD Salinger
>David Foster Wallace

Just to name a few.

>> No.15295109

thanks but No thanks.

>> No.15295118

If you think thats vulgar you should hear casual european speech. Europeans think we're prudish puritans, even as vulgar as we are.

>> No.15295130

lol, no. and i never will. there's a reason for that.

>> No.15295131
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>American literature is only mass market paperback garbage

>> No.15295132

The whole world has a freudian daddy complex with America

>> No.15295148

inferiority complex

>> No.15295192

It bolsters capitalist ideology by telling workers that the misery imposed on through exploitation can't be fundamentally changed and must be dealt with through individual practice of indifference to suffering.

>> No.15295201

Never thought of that. Thanks anon

>> No.15295306

I don't understand why he has The Artist's Way in that pic, that's actually a quality book. It's more psychological than practical however.

>> No.15295324

Agree that it perpetuates capitalist hegemonic structures, but it doesn't necessarily entail that the authors intend that

>> No.15295334

right on the buzzer

>> No.15295403

>type of "stoicism"
That's not Stoicism. Where do they talk about virtue being the sole good? Good character? Dichotomy of control? Discipline of assent? Desire?

>> No.15295618

where did white american men go wrong? no other woman does this they don't watch day time television either

>> No.15295625

Yes it does

>> No.15295749


>> No.15295808

Reading in of itself is a healthy habit, regardless of if it’s self-help material or not. Just sitting down and committing to it for a couple hours every day refreshes you and adds structure to your routine.

That’s one of the common personality traits of miserable anons, especially ones on /lit/ — they’re too lazy to even read.

>> No.15295832

There arr god tier American authors and you put shit like DFW, Hemingway and Jack London as your examples? Your list is mostly mediocrities and outright bad writers, only good ones are Faulkner, Melville and Crane.

>> No.15295848

It literally was you mong

>> No.15295857

No. That is our garbage. The bookburnings will clear the dross for us.

>> No.15295894

>can't decide between comparison or corporation because both work
laughterstops. jpg

>> No.15296221

You're right, ideology can sustain itself without the people communicating it being aware that they are ideological. I don't even necessarily think stoicism or self-help things like that are all bad or useless; they can help people deal with difficult personal situations. But they are deployed by mass media in a way that ensures compliance with the system.

>> No.15296856

he is right

>> No.15296908

these books are on the front tables of every major bookstore in the world. bad thread.

>> No.15296926

mass literacy was a mistake
this point is irrefutable

>> No.15297325

Some of the best books I've read were written by Americans.

It's a shame their culture contains so much degeneracy.

>> No.15297374
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give it a few centuries amerilards will create something worth reading

>> No.15297382 [DELETED] 


So the works of Edgar Allan Poe? They say that you read his works in high school, but I was reading Herbert's Dune books and Tolkien's LoTR trilogy and only ever started reading Poe in college because he was required reading.

>> No.15297399


So the works of Edgar Allan Poe? They say that you read his works in high school, but I was reading Herbert's Dune books and only ever started reading Poe in college because he was required reading.

>> No.15297551

For better or worse America is now the centre of mass (lol) for the Anglosphere.

>> No.15297656

unironically americans are the main driver of humanity being reduced to pen animals, socially-speaking.

>> No.15297660

overcompensatory marketing which the populace will eat up with artificial enthusiasm

>> No.15297997
File: 495 KB, 1399x1600, The_fox_and_the_grapes_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sour Grapes.

>> No.15298004


>posts american shitcore trash books
>leaves the Bible out

Where is the Bible, anon?

>> No.15298685

Vulgarity by an European makes for a top connoisseur in America. We're the pearls, they're the pigs.

America will always be America, north, central or south. Does anyone really think they're above Europe? lmao

>> No.15298919

Porn censorship is mandated by Article 175, passed in 1907, so this isn't quite true.

>> No.15298988

don't you mean st*icism

>> No.15299018

People want to get help without having to make themselves vulnerable. Adding lots of swearwords makes it sound TOUGH and BADASS.

>> No.15299034

>Quit Being Such a N*gger!
>A Guide to Making and Keeping Friends
>by Anne Coulter

>> No.15299167

I've never read any of these books so perhaps the titles don't relate to the content of the books, but I get the impression these books are about being more self-centered, not letting things get to you, and f*ck other people.

If you want to be a decent person, I think you really ought to give a shit about other people and you'll improve yourself more and feel better by adapting your behaviors rather than your mentality.

Perhaps I'm reading too much into the titles, but it certainly seemed like the type of thing you'd expect to be produced in a very individualistic and egocentric society like that of contemporary American capitalism.

>> No.15300507

Had a good jej

>> No.15300518

DFW writes great non-fiction so fuck you.

>> No.15300571

t. pseud that totally read his books and definitely loved them

>> No.15301003

>vulgarity is elegant when we do it
Typical European delusion. You're not fancy or cultured, you're just a vulgar plebian surrounded by history. You're like barbarians marvelling at Rome and claiming it is you own

>> No.15301027

Have you ever been to South America? Daytime television is massively popular

>> No.15301040

Europeans are more sophisticated than Americunts. I was born in the shithole called America, and I know 100% Europeans are superior. However, there are some parts of USA that are more European spirit. The Deep South has both trashy whites and blacks though. They can't see the world beyond muh Jewsus.

>> No.15301054

That is false.
You should check the libraries in Mexico City.

>> No.15301083

Oh so you're just a self loathing american who fetishizes europe. Pathetic

>> No.15301085

Thus is the burden of the world's master.

>> No.15301093

And you're a descendant of fanatic Christcuck peasants thinking he's hot stuff because he made a Faustian pact with conniving Jews.

>> No.15301143

Varg and Evola would have you genocided regardless of how hard you ride their cock.

>> No.15301149

>thinks he knows what I am
Evola and Klages would love me, but Varg would have me genocided, yeah.

>> No.15301350

United States is better connected to the whole internet, that's why more fails of idiots from North America posted than South American or African ones.

I am aware that it's not polite to call people from far away lands idiots just because you don't understand their culture.