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15289130 No.15289130 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15289198

There's like another aspect to this, that the only good white person is a self-deprecating but nonetheless male, rich and in power. If you're white and poor, especially, fuck you.

The biggest taboo in US culture is economic class, not race, not sex.

>> No.15289229

more like
The biggest taboo in world culture is economic class, not race, not sex.

>> No.15289283

>The biggest taboo in world culture
I think it's going that way for sure. In Britain I think it was still an issue but wasn't taboo or trying to be made taboo until recently. There are some people who will not talk about racism towards other white Europeans who are economic migrants but only towards BAME or whatever the mot-de-jour of the nomenclatura is right now, even if they're from extraordinarily affluent backgrounds. There's also a worthy discussion around the poorest in the developed world being poorer in many cases than the many in the developing world, we live in a world with a great deal of overlap now.

>> No.15289517

>(((white liberals)))

>> No.15289524

>The biggest taboo in US culture is economic class, not race
That's just bullshit. Being a white nationalist is pretty much career suicide and gets you banned from most platforms.
There are no such repercussions for being a socialist.

>> No.15289527

literature board

>> No.15289535

Has Corona put a stop to Clown World SJWism? Or will normal service resume once we get a vaccine and people can start worrying about trivial stuff again?

>> No.15289548

Calling SJWs/progressives liberals is retarded too. I can understand some dumbfuck MIGAfag doing it, but Zizek should know better.

>> No.15289550

The US doesn't spend billions trying to take down your regime if you are merely a racist dictator. As long as you play ball with transnational corporations and the global ruling class, you are not a problem.

>> No.15289556

>Being a white nationalist is pretty much career suicide and gets you banned from most platforms.
>banned from most platforms.
This is perhaps the most middle class of problems, oh no you can't get fulfill your need to get up on a stage and perform. For the vast vast majority of working class people and those in poverty in developed countries "having a platform" might as well be going to the fucking moon.

>> No.15289557

>Calling SJWs/progressives liberals is retarded too.
No, it is accurate.

>> No.15289560

SJWs are literally neo-liberals though which is his whole point.

>> No.15289570

They did to suth effrica and rhodesia. But it's not like they like commies either. Inside the US though being a fascist is clearly worse than being a commie

>> No.15289573

I don't mean just platforms as in Twitter or Reddit. People got their bank accounts closed.

>> No.15289583
File: 143 KB, 500x500, Slavoj-Zizek-57859411a44f817186f2c66c2f28ccfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People got their bank accounts closed.
Name them.

>> No.15289592

>They did to suth effrica and rhodesia.
The ANC was branded a terrorist organisation by the US, they loved racist S Africa and aren't that keen on post-apartheid S Africa either.

>> No.15289601

Richard Spencer did. A few others associated with him did too, after Charlottesville.

Most payment processors (Paypal, Mastercard, Visa...) banned white nationalists.

>> No.15289605

Oh no. Not poor Richard Spencer. Oh no. :(

>> No.15289606

the ANC quite literally were terrorists, and the part of the US that actually matters all hated SA.

>> No.15289617

Everyone note that this poster is avoiding admitting he was wrong about there being consequences by now implying that the person deserved them and mocking the notion they didn't. Common pattern.

>> No.15289620
File: 243 KB, 800x1071, 800px-Richard_b_spencer_cropped_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, famous working class, blue collar Richard Spencer with his working class, blue collar suit and tie and cufflinks, and his his working class, blue collar doctorate from Duke and his working class, blue collar ophthalmologist parents and...

>> No.15289626

Right, showing that being a WN is even more important than class in the US in terms of getting unpersoned

>> No.15289627

>the ANC quite literally were terrorists
According to the US yes, my point still stands that the US supported the racist regime in S Africa.

>> No.15289631

He has institutional power already. More than any working class man has....

>> No.15289641

Those poor middle class, affluent white nationalists not having perfect job and income security. Certainly a more persecuted group of people than the American poor, who are well known to have perfect financial and job security.


>> No.15289642

They were terrorists by any definition and they ran the country into the ground in a hilariously short time period after gaining power. The US state department, their media and academia, were all shitting on SA

>> No.15289647

So much institutional power that banks turn them away for having opinions.

>> No.15289649

>I was wrong
Yep, you were.

There are working class white nationalists too.
Just stop it man. You were wrong and you should pay more attention to what is happening from now on. You don't have to become a poltard to do it.

>> No.15289675

>They were terrorists by any definition and they ran the country into the ground in a hilariously short time period after gaining power.
If you really look at any metrics I've ever seen brought up they did as well or better than the apartheid regime, stuff like increase in unemployment comes from more white people being declared as unemployed when before they were like landlady/housewife type hybrids. I don't know about the new guy and Zuma was corrupt, but it's still better than apartheid and it's still going. I have no idea where this idea that S Africa was this amazing prosperous place during apartheid comes from, it was a total shithole then.

>> No.15289690

>Just stop it
Ah yes, the argument of the strong.

You cannot name a working class white nationalist because you don't care about the working class, it's taboo to even mention them. Working class people are turned away from banks and finance all the time in the US but it's rarely talked about in polite society, and you can't handle that it's a far bigger issue than if you're a racist or not.

>> No.15289693

Do you think the apartheid regime had constant rolling blackouts? Do you think you had to hire armed guards to visit Johannesburg?

>> No.15289703

the NYT did some piece on a working class WN(bizarre thing for them to do) and he did lose his job or something.

>> No.15289717

>There are no such repercussions for being a socialist.
Yes there is if you're an actual socialist and putting it on display. Try unionizing at your job/agitating and see what happens for example. I get your point in you're some bluecheck twitter socialist who uses it as an sham identity then there might not be any repercussions ect

>> No.15289735

>Do you think the apartheid regime had constant rolling blackouts? Do you think you had to hire armed guards to visit Johannesburg?
That happens more as a place develops and you get more burden put on infrastructure by industry, you used to see them a lot in India for this reason too. That said they also did happen a lot in the 70s and 80s there. On armed guards, that's also a yes plus you had to have enforcers to whip and maim naughty people that wanted to also be like whitey.

>> No.15289800

>and he did lose his job or something.
Really good bit of half remembered evidence.

The thing is you're talking about some extremely racist people, and you wouldn't even have to be that racist for it to be an issue if you're working class or even lower middle class. It's one rule for the economically privileged, and another for the life blood of the country.

>> No.15289812

the guy he's talking about is Tony Hovater.

>> No.15289815

>rolling blackouts happen as a place develops
lol. Ok man, when it turns fully into Zimbabwe 2.0 just make up some more reasons

>> No.15289835

It says in one article he's a welder, but in the article about losing his job he works in a restaurant. Bit weird.

Anyway, between him and >>15289620 that guy, how many times was Richard Spencer outed as a white nationalist before he was cancelled? Was it once and done?

>> No.15289842

Based leftists SHITTING on liberals

>> No.15289849

>Ok man, when it turns fully into Zimbabwe 2.0
That's been about to happen for how long now? It's been over a quarter of a century since the ANC came to power there.

>> No.15289860

Idk does this talk about taking the farmlands from the whites not ring a bell? If they're smart enough to not do that, then sure they can continue to function a bit until the whites all emigrate anyway.

>> No.15289864

>that guy, how many times was Richard Spencer outed as a white nationalist before he was cancelled?
That took about 2 decades.

>> No.15289886

It sounds like a more justifiable version of what Israel have been doing to Palestine. I'm not saying it's a well planned thing, but I don't have that much of an issue with wealthy landowners not being able to hoard fucking land like they're feudal lords.

>Nearly 80 of the farms in Stellenbosch sit on public land. Most of them are locked in 50-year leases that local authorities signed with white farmers in the early 1990s, right before the end of apartheid, in exchange for private investments in water infrastructure, according to confidential municipal audits obtained by the New York Times.
This shit happens in a lot of places and it pisses a lot of people off. It's something that a lot of British Conservative politicians do, and it's another way of grabbing public money for themselves. Fucking rich people gibs.

>> No.15289900

>It sounds like a more justifiable version of what Israel have been doing to Palestine.
A more direct comparison might be what happened in Denmark in the 70s and 80s, and that's an amazing country because of that today.

>> No.15289920

>"They treat us, he hold me, like children. We are not even allowed to be evil. If we are evil it was because of colonialism and so on and so on..."
As has been said many times before, it's just the post-Holocaust version of "The white man's burden".

>> No.15289989

I'd like a burden that doesn't require me to live around non-whites, personally.

>> No.15290003

Move into your own place then, stop living with your parents.

>> No.15290029

I don't think you understood what I meant, friend.

>> No.15290041

He’s calling you a shitskin
Now I’m calling you a brainlet

>> No.15290045

Adding on to this, a lot of cultural dynamics in the US can be understood through the lens of viewing the religion as a generalized form of antiracism and the sacral institution as the school. Imitation is a fundamental characteristic of humans. Naturally, the people in power take on the personality of the schoolmarm. Upper-middle class Progressives become teacher's pets, etc. the whole world starts to feel like a fucking school. But of course it does, since the US is the world's major power.

>> No.15290049

Calling me that makes no sense in context.

>> No.15290055

He doesn't deny it.

>> No.15290377

And that's why Trump won the election, and why I'll vote for him in 2020 all the same. The fact that Sanders lost again and was replaced by Biden just shows that liberals have no desire to find a universal antagonist among the identities. Their goal is to make sure their identity politics persists to such an extent that particular identities clash with and struggle against each other, with their favor always being given toward minorities and women. It's a tiring and oftentimes bitter struggle that I'm hoping they'll lose, that they'll lose entirely, because they are truly the worst people. They're disingenuous, uncaring, and loathsome, and their moralizing is simple posturing to appeal to the particularities of identity while protecting their own hierarchies and positions of power

>> No.15290501

I don't know if they realise this is the problem. It looks like it might be that Biden is going to step down and potentially Hillary is going to take the reigns again, and lose again. The higher ups will refuse that it was anything to do with not backing Bernie, it'll be because no one was ready for Hillary or some nonsense.

>> No.15290521

American "conservatives" are a joke, what exactly have they conserved? What has Donald Trump conserved besides Israel? Voting doesn't do anything besides give you a new Zionist that doesn't care about America, voting right only slows down the decline into a decadent Weimar like society that America is heading to.

>> No.15290524

I think it's more likely that they know they're going to lose so they're taking advantage of a senile old man that they can easily pin the blame on, as opposed to their actual political policies.

>> No.15290530

He's made the people I hate seethe uncontrollably for four years straight, so I can't be too upset.

>> No.15290540

He'll replace RBG and make radlibs scream about guns and abortions for 20+ years

>> No.15290749

What is RBG?

>> No.15290774

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a really old and progressive supreme court justice. Literally the only argument radlibs have for Joe votes is that Trump might replace her with somebody who would kill Roe v. Wade (which will never happen because Republicans would lose voters once they killed it)

>> No.15290995

but Trump at least is hilarious, i agree that Biden rambling on camera would be fun too, but they barely let him get on air and Hillary will probably murder him after he wins the election to take over

>> No.15291484

Also known for refusing to step down under Obama when he could safely replace her because she wanted to make sure a woman got to handle it

>> No.15291494

literature board

>> No.15291517

>which will never happen because Republicans would lose voters once they killed it
I wouldn't put too much faith in the rationality of the Supreme Court Justices. I listen to Oyez, I have heard them argue about feeling up a rucksack, there's some sort of thinking going on but it's also fucking nuts.

>> No.15291658

alt-right has so much more interesting criticisms of liberalism. this is just fucking boring.

>> No.15291729

What gets your peepee hard for the alt-right?

>> No.15292336

zizek is a literary figure

>> No.15292411

Think honestly about the problem he's referring to instead of nitpicking the picture he paints.

From first-hand experience assisting coworkers with union organizing I do know that actual direct action is dangerous, and friends of mine came very close to losing their jobs.

Meanwhile, a woman at the same company lost her position immediately for saying "nigger" on her own time. White race-consciousness is an order of magnitude more taboo than socialism. I don't think the two are comparable.

Amazon wants to prevent unions from organizing. How do they do it? Keep the workplace too "diverse" for the workers to present a unified front. This is company policy. Racism is not the source that divisiom, it is *caused* by the division.

>> No.15292458

Got you schlomo. Your day is coming

>> No.15292473


>> No.15292480


>> No.15292543

>Try unionizing at your job/agitating and see what happens for example.
Not much

>> No.15292570

Pure divide and conquer tactics from the powers that be. Leftwing eating itself and crumbling due to infighting, while the privileged classes laugh all the way to the bank.

>> No.15292594

>The ANC was branded a terrorist organisation by the US
Because they burned people alive to intimidate their political opponents. You can find necklacing videos on live leak, the ANC invented this particular form of torture

>> No.15292633

Andrew Anglin, Andrew Aurenheimer, richard Spencer, Mike Penovich. They also shut down the accounts of people who were adjacent, like Enrique Tarrio (a ledader of Proud Boys).

Those were the names of the top of my head, the list is much longer. The consequences for engaging in marxist terrorism is trivial in comparison to just talking about these position with you name attached to it in public.

>> No.15292665

>that the only good white person is a self-deprecating but nonetheless male

Where do you honestly encounter this line of thought unless your spending stupid amounts of hours reading new york times opinion pieces or willingly associating with the most pathetic of city dwellers? And for someone who lives in rather upper middle class suburb i've encountered maybe one tranny in my entire life.

If you just live your life and not read stupid shit this shit literally doesn't come up,

>> No.15292689
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, opposites-attract-comic0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread confirms what everyone knows, commies are mostly just radlibs. Notice that Sizek doesn't say the narrative is really wrong, but says it's "over simplified", silly and in some way self-serving.

Every commie we have seen in this thread loves the censorship of right-wingers, despite the fact that it aligns them with megacoprs. They couldn't be happier with how things are going.

>Leftwing eating itself and crumbling due to infighting,
How? The chapo guys are going to vote for Biden, as will the Bernie bros on reddit. Their complaint that Biden isn't really progressive is a complaint his own base has made, but that it is necessary to defeat Trump. The same thing the radlibs say, but with less temper tantrums.

>> No.15292707

>If you just live your life and not read stupid shit this shit literally doesn't come up,
That is true of almost anything. It's true of poverty, crime, genocide, war etc.

>> No.15292723

I wanted to make a dignified counter to this post but I’m not going to. Shut the actual fuck up retard

>> No.15292935

>There are no such repercussions for being a socialist.
Yeah, let me know when the government treats you dipshits like they did Fred Hampton, and the BPP, who may I remind you, UNLIKE you people, did not break laws. You get mad when one of you shoots up a wal-mart and then are surprised when you're banned

>> No.15293494

Fred Hampton lived like 60 years ago kek, also the critical difference is that badly-behaving blacks could easily become agents of a foreign power (the USSR) and cause problems for the US. Inciting a minority group in a rival nation to chimp out is like, geo-strategy 101. Furthermore, the 60s radicals are the ones in government now.

>> No.15293624

The people banned for being racist or nationalist didn't break any laws, let alone "shot up a wal-mart". Just saying.

>> No.15294032

just say the word union out loud at your job and see how few repercussions for socialists there are

>> No.15294081

and lying for years about retiring when she was still healthy rather than clinging to the seat in total decrepitude

>> No.15294092

you will get fired

>> No.15294097

the bernie bros probably aren't going to vote at all, because that's what most of them did in 2016 too

>> No.15294187
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>> No.15294451


It's funny how many replies this post got and none really understood the point it was trying to make. I'm willing to bet most replies were done by pighead Americans kek.