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15290777 No.15290777 [Reply] [Original]

>ehhhhmm...Zizek.....you're so full of shit......

>My Gott it's like you've never read Hegel, Freud, Lacan *sniff* being full of shit is most rrrrrradically authentic position you can take *sniff* my stalinist instincts tell me that you should be in gulag...*sniff* that's where ideology enters...and that's why analytics are morons and so on..

>> No.15290791

who would win in a fist fight?

>> No.15290801

Chomsky does think Zizek is full of shit for talking about post-modern nonsense, which is the same qualm he has against most modern French philosophers. But Zizek is actually a big fan and supporter of Chomsky. Both are essentially libertarian communists, and are opposed to Leninism.

>> No.15290810

Dude have you seen Chomsky lately? He's barely alive.

>> No.15290824

Poor Chomsky, hate to see him old like this.
Also, what's it like living at the same time as a great philosopher? Now you know.

>> No.15290830

he can use Jewish Kabbalah Magick to have demons beat the shit out of Zizek.

>> No.15290910

He will be reborn as Chomsky the White

>> No.15290950

>use Jewish Kabbalah Magick
>I am a victim
won't make the stalinist stop.

>> No.15290951

Its like Chomsky hit the point where his cells are no longer splitting. All we see is him gradually degrading.

>> No.15290974

he can't get whiter than this.
>inb4 Ashkenazi jews aren't white

>> No.15290996

Man, he is literally the avatar of Odin nowadays.

>> No.15291850

they're both pseud nerds

>> No.15291916

Chomsky wishes to die, but he can't let Kissinger outlive him.

>> No.15292023

>Both are essentially libertarian communists

Zizek is essentially a Nazbol Lacano-Bordigist

>> No.15292433

reminder that Zizek, Chomsky, Foucault, Franfurt School and all assorted """rebelious""" intellectuals were BTFOed out of orbit by Ted Kaczynski

>> No.15292788

last thing I saw of him, he was saying Trump was worse than Hitler. poor guy is losing it, they need to stop putting him on tv

>> No.15293549

Zizek isn’t a communist

>> No.15293585

Hmmmm.... ehhh... vote for... Joe... Biden... mmmmmm....

>> No.15294458

I'm mean, Hitler is already dead so right now Trump is worse than Hitler. So are most people, to be fair.

>> No.15294572

>Jews telling teach other that they look white, to comfort themselves
Hilariously pathetic. How about you enlarge the image? Look at those small eyes and that huge beak (calling it a nose would be understatement)

>> No.15294606



>> No.15294611

Tedfags are the absolute worst

>> No.15296208

what the fuck happened to chomsky?

>> No.15296220
File: 2.02 MB, 3614x5149, Green Orange Ad v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. x1000.

>> No.15296601

>libertarian communism
Pick two

>> No.15297282

Chomsky got his soul swallowed by Micheal Foucault, on Televison, in 1971. That he still talks about it like he won is beyond embarassing imo.
I don't think Ziz would say he's libertarian, he's been very openly skeptical of horizontalist and distributed government type approaches

>> No.15297299

I got filtered by his fucking voice

>> No.15298332

all he said was that the atmosphere at trump rallies reminds him of listening to hitler on the radio as a kid, you dont need to play it up

>> No.15298440
File: 117 KB, 400x500, 1580511925238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Semetic people look very close to Europeans, but most of them also weren't hit as hard by Jewish inbreeding by having some European parents in their family and thus they don't have some of their Semetic features.
But Chomsky's giant shekel sniffing nose does give it away.

>> No.15298476

>I don't think Ziz would say he's libertarian
Only if he was trolling.

>> No.15298535

Chomsky is the archetypal definition of a Pseudo-Intellectual Rhetorician. At least Zizek acts like a weirdo while dancing around like a clown for money, Chomsky just vomits up whatever the Democratic Party's party line at the moment.

>> No.15298566

>and thats why analytics are morons
Zizek would never say something like this, the guy is too nice to be actually confrontative. I was heavily disappointed to see his cranky old uncle persona turn out to be a complete facade, he's neurotic communist Santa.