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/lit/ - Literature

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15290091 No.15290091 [Reply] [Original]

I made this list of books for a girl about a year and a half ago, and gave it to her as part of a birthday present. The second half of that gift was me picking about 6 books from the list I thought would be good for a girl who wanted to get into literature. Each book included a heartfelt, cringeworthy written note explaining why I liked the book and thought she would like it. It's a pretty all inclusive master list for literature. It comprises books I was interested in reading or books I thought were worth reading by an author. Enjoy, and laugh at me for doing this for a piece of pussy I never got anywhere near seeing.

>> No.15290103

LMFAO jesus christ dude please take a good hard look at yourself

>> No.15290106

I did. This happened a year and a half ago.

>> No.15290111

Why even posting this? I don't even want to mock you. I'm sorry OP

>> No.15290112

Bro she didn't read even one of them and got fucked by an illiterate Chad lmao at your life
She probably didnmt even read the list

>> No.15290118


>> No.15290128

If you're going to post anything, post the cringeworthy written notes, come on.

>> No.15290130


>> No.15290138

>alleman urs
You can’t be this fucking clueless anon, holy shit that’s hilarious

>> No.15290139


>> No.15290149

Anon sincerity is only cute if you're equally cute looking. I don't have to give women presents since my looks are a gift from the heavens that all can appreciate.

>> No.15290151
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Just pay a whore

>> No.15290164

There are over 1000 books on there. No way you’ve read all of them unless you’re middle-aged and have been an avid, consistent reader since childhood. I’m assuming you’re not, so why did you recommend a ton of books you’ve never read?

>> No.15290178

>recommending books that you haven't read

aight nigger. aight

>> No.15290194

come on op. we're already laughing at you, might as well let us laugh louder

>> No.15290195


>> No.15290196
File: 35 KB, 326x301, 1541187292316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'am so glad i don't respect women and only see them as a nuisance so i would never be this pathetic.

>> No.15290204


>> No.15290206

I don't have them because she is in possession of the books, at least I hope she still has them. One of them ran something like this probably

Dear -------,
I hope when you're reading this that things are still ok between us and that you aren't mad at me or hate me. Anyways this is one of my favorite books which I think you will really enjoy. I first read this on my own, but then took an English class on modernism where we read this book. Reading it again in the English class was very beneficial and I got so much more out of it. What I really love about this novel is the first chapter. In it we see Stephen experience the world and get to see how he makes sense of it. All the sensory descriptions and associations with colors, light/dark, hot/cold are beautiful. I really enjoy the part where he describes the comfort of the whistling and the candles in the halls of Clongowes, or the awful feeling of the dirty water where the rats crawl. What I really enjoy is getting to watch Stephen understand what art is and how to make sense of it. There's a part where he scientifically categorizes his place in the world. Then a friend writes a childish limerick that has the same effect. Stephen realizes you can read the scientific one top to bottom or bottom to top and it still makes sense. But then he reads the limerick bottom to top and it's no longer art. It doesn't make sense. I really loved this about this book and its "call and fall" structure. Each chapter Stephen has some sort of epiphany. Then at the beginning of the next chapter, the epiphany is dashed to pieces and he spends the rest of the chapter working towards a new epiphany. Well I hope you enjoy this and we can discuss it soon!


Yes I managed to fit all this on a fly leaf.

>> No.15290213


>> No.15290215

>it includes books I was interested in reading

>> No.15290228
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cannot be real

>> No.15290235

I guess this whole experience finally lead you to the epiphany that women don't fucking care, and this epiphany is the one that will last, I can assure you that

>> No.15290237
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>> No.15290258

Don’t laugh at OP, everyone has to learn the nature of women on their own at some point.
Now, with the illusions shattered, go and fuck some hoes

>> No.15290259
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OP do you look anything like pic_related?

>> No.15290264
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I assume she never read the books and if you scour America's used book stores, you may find that copy of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. It's the bantam books edition with this cover.
Also that's somewhat how it read, but not it exactly. I can't exactly remember, but each of them read something like that. They all took up the entire flyleaf.

>> No.15290278

Lmao dude how about a boucet of flowers or some chocolates.
This nigga gives her a written and signed declaration of his virginity lmao

>> No.15290279
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I'm really sorry man, I did some cringy shit too regarding women, but at the end I hope you learn that it's not worth it, women don't care at the end of the day and she probably left the book forgotten on a shelf

>> No.15290283

Audibly kek'd

>> No.15290299
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This nigga thirsty lmao

>> No.15290329
File: 513 KB, 860x900, pepelaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this beta shit my nigga

>> No.15290363

You fucked up by putting too many books on the list dude
Should have kept it at 10. Enough to show that you’ve read a lot but few enough to show that you’re not dedicated to her

>> No.15290374

Don't listen to the guys in this thread OP, there's a reason they're virgins. I think you're sweet.

>> No.15290376
File: 158 KB, 1024x683, 0jlweba0h7r11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I feel bad for the guy, he clearly loves literature and wants to share that with someone. He didn't know that women really don't care.
Tell her to read Deleuze then call her a pseud for not making it through A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.15290395

It really seems you love literature and thats awesome anon! But please understand women really dont care about your passions

>> No.15290415

You write like a faggot

>> No.15290425

I don't usually say this but.... "cringe"

>> No.15290431

Holy reddit

>> No.15290450

How much does ur mom charge?

>> No.15290451

I posted it because I thought some anons might enjoy having a master list to consult for books to read.

>> No.15290534

Lmao not even the whore you liked wanted to read them, why do you think /lit/ will care, cope

>> No.15290543

dont kick him while he's down

>> No.15290557

Niggas need to learn not to be retarded the hard way, doesnt mean we dont love OP

>> No.15290584

Why do you talk like a nigger? It's incredibly annoying

>> No.15290585
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Include Greta in the screencap.

>> No.15290591

Seethe harder nigga

>> No.15290603
File: 40 KB, 601x508, soycry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seethe harder nigga

>> No.15290619


>> No.15290627


>> No.15290635

Seriously, does it make you feel more manly? Or are you really black (and I don't think so)? Either way its embarrassing

>> No.15290658

Niggas trippin cuz, why you fuck wit tha homie like that. You white boys hella funny on god

>> No.15290669


>> No.15290674
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>> No.15290709

Thanks for sharing this anon, I feel much better about myself now

>> No.15290711


>> No.15290716

It'd be cute if you did this for your sister, not some unrepentant whore.

>> No.15290725
File: 1.27 MB, 214x214, 1578728965948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude rub one out and get some post but clearity.
You cared about her too much. Just like Patrice o Neal said. Women are like sneakers.

>> No.15290733


>> No.15290738

No. They're only good at your feet

>> No.15290809


>> No.15290821

reminder that you make her book lists while he makes her scream

>> No.15290839


>> No.15290881

I scream.
You scream.
We all scream for icecream.

>> No.15290894

They’re way to expensive and will just get stolen by some n-word?

>> No.15290900

Thank you anon, it's much appreciated
It's a shame this board has so gone to shit that people are shitting on you for sharing literature
I'm sorry that you've learned the hard way that women dont care, but I hope you know that some of us here still do

>> No.15290977

i just saved it, thx anon, don't listen to those bitter losers, they're poltards who don't read

>> No.15291678

what book was this written in?

>> No.15291718

Lol. Based and mixtape-pilled. Live and learn, my dude.

>> No.15291749

'The Deerslayer' should go under James Fenimore Cooper, not Defoe.

>> No.15291778

Anon, we are brothers.

>> No.15291795

Want to know how I know you have a porn tab open right now?

>> No.15291830

Yeah dude if anything this probably solidified in her mind that she's never gonna want to go out with you, you have my sympathy
It's really counterintuitive how most media romanticizes the large, thoughtful gesture without emphasizing that context is the most important thing in romance. A gift like this probably turned her crotch into an arid wasteland, but had she recieved it from a boyfriend of several years it would have been an incredibly sweet and thoughtful gift. We've all had to learn this lesson the hard way, cheers lad

>> No.15291843

This is so fucking reddit

>> No.15291858

Need to be thrown over a telephone wire?

>> No.15291876
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>> No.15291882

Virgin here. Do women not care at all ever about these type of romantic attempts? (Never done soemthing like it btw)

>> No.15291934

bruh didn't you read all the threads concerning them on /lit/? I am not even laughing at this anymore this is just sad y'know?

>> No.15291937

I did this too anon. Even recorded myself reading poetry and gave it to her. In hindsight it's pretty funny now, but for a long time the mere thought of it made me want to die.

>> No.15291960

This is so cute.
Please keep this innocence OP.

>> No.15291984
File: 58 KB, 512x351, 1EE0907B-3722-4D75-AC77-959C7DE5526D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sympathetic cringe. I’m sorry OP.

>> No.15291991

No, it is counterproductive. "Romance" is for when you're already in a relationship for 5 years and you want to give it a little jolt.

>> No.15292034

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.15292043

They will essentially never change a girl’s mind about you. Plenty of girls have the capacity to appreciate shit like that, but only if they already find you attractive.

>> No.15292045

>"Romance" is for when you're already in a relationship for 5 years and you want to give it a little jolt.
That's all you need to know.

>> No.15292055

>I made this list of books for a girl
> picking about 6 books from the list
>Each book included a heartfelt, cringeworthy written note

why not just gift the Western Canon by Bloom?

Also, that was too much effort for getting pussy. That should have been a big red flag.

>> No.15292057

Dont listen to this faggot OP

>> No.15292071

>I hope when you're reading this that things are still ok between us and that you aren't mad at me or hate me.

Dude, haven't you learnt ANYTHING from the books you've read???

>> No.15292120

It will certainly change their mind in a negative way.

>> No.15292131

You got it

>> No.15292133

She didn't deserve the OP's glorious autism. Pearls before swine.

>> No.15292136
File: 41 KB, 576x768, Rqe6aXsCQnXXUWtpv4ueRTzSmRCehs2DnTF2Z8r7pqE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. The man wasn't after pussy he was after l o v e

>> No.15292140

Our relationship (friendship) wasn't going bad at the time of these gifts...It's just I started getting this feeling. I always get in when I'm interested in a girl. After a while I just get this feeling, and it tells me about a month from now she won't be interested in you anymore. I can't really explain it, but I felt it at the time and hoped I was wrong.

>> No.15292168

Any gift that begins "I made you this database of..." will never be a panty-dropper. Cope.

>> No.15292201

anon I don't normally recommend self help books and seduction books, but you clearly need to study them

if you are still "interested" in a girl a month later and not having sex thrice a week with her then your as good as fucked - metaphorically of course.

>> No.15292207

Women are not intellectual. Women only feign interest in intellectual pursuits to get Chad's attention. All women want Chad. Chad always wins. If you are not Chad (and if you have to wonder whether you are, you're not), it's over, and you should resign yourself to a life of celibacy or prostitution, and loneliness in both cases. Never forget this. Never stop cringing at this memory. It will be a reminder. The sooner you accept this, the better.

>> No.15292211

More likely than not.

>> No.15292263

Can someone explain to me what was so cringe about this? As a guy if a girl did this to me for say film, or art museums, or music I would really appreciate it. It would show that she cares about me and wants to build something we can have a mutual interest and discourse over. Why was this cringe? I would love this for a birthday gift.

>> No.15292406
File: 185 KB, 600x600, 3gnqzq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP here, why are you all ganging up on him? Why was he supposed to act in a cold manner like he doesn't care about her? I'm a KHHV and the girls who rejected my advances invariably said that I'm too clingy, romantic and care too much. What the fuck is wrong with me? Should I change? Books that discuss this?

>> No.15292436

Is this the male equivalent of my ex-girlfriend giving me love notes for my birthday with each note having instructions on when to open it. e.g when I'm sad, my birthday, when I had a good day etc.

I never opened or read any of them and she won't read what you wrote. I've written cringey things for girls too; thanks for the laugh.

>> No.15292438

That's such a self centered gift bro

>> No.15292440

Only good in pairs?

>> No.15292443

You this kind of thing for a gf, not random girl.

>> No.15292453

They're best tied up?

>> No.15292465

Its not that OP should be cold. Its that OP is just plain retarded. Like how tf do you actually send that to a girl and think it will work? How far off reality do you have to be?

>> No.15292470

It's very presumptuous and kind of narcissistic. He wants to come across as well read so he sends her a list of all the books he thinks she should read. I'm sure the heartfelt notes spoke much more about him than they did about her. The film and the art museum and music examples you raised are all things you guys could do together, and presumably something she knew you were interested in, instead of her forcing her personal interests onto you. The sheer mass of books and some of the edgy inclusions are also really autistic.
rule of thumb- don't recommend Irene's Cunt to anybody who you don't already know very well would appreciate it

>> No.15292486

>1130 books
>6 gifted

this is more like shoving down your interests the other person's throat while she only wants your dick in that place

>> No.15292503

Nothing wrong with you: eventually you will find girls that don't think you are too clingy/romantic/caring.

Women have preferences too but keep in mind they falsify preferences for all sorts of reasons.

>> No.15292518

He already did act in a cold manner that showed that he did not care about her. This whole gift is one big "look at me look at me I'm so well read and presume that I have a lot to teach you about literature pay attention to my interests"

>> No.15292768

Nah, that's you projecting your insecurities on someone who actually enjoys and appreciates literature. If you did this, yeah sure. But not from OP. OP was sincere

>> No.15292774

sincere in his desire to manipulate this chick's perception of him yeah

>> No.15292779


>> No.15292890

You recommended 1200 books but a single Murakami one?

Dude, bitches love Murakami.

Didn't even include Harry Potter, what the fuck man.

>> No.15292902

No one's saying you should be cold and robotic, but it's important to have some respect for yourself, and have the good sense to know what counts as too much effort for getting a woman. As counterintuitive as it may seem, women enjoy mystique and playfulness in a relationship, not some guy giving her a note that says "I like you pls date me check the yes or no box" like kids in middle school. You can't win her heart with a big gesture like some romantic comedy, you talk to her and get her interest in a way that preserves your dignity, nobody ever got the girl of their dreams by being an overeager fool and bending over backwards to please her

>> No.15293557

Even if you're dumb enough to believe in reciprocity as a governing principle of intersexual relations in AD 2020, this isn't truly a reciprocal exchange because there's vastly more effort on his side. In theory if she did reciprocate with something of similar effort, it would establish a relationship. But by unilaterally generating this signal, the OP has given her the choice -- the power -- of whether and in what way to reciprocate and escalate the relationship. And what kind of a man gives a woman that much power? A fucking loser, that's who.

>> No.15293565

He's a virgin too, retard

>> No.15293670

>I'm a KHHV
> the girls who rejected my advances invariably said that I'm too clingy, romantic and care too much

why even post this? you answered your own question

>> No.15293699

No, you just weren't attractive enough. How would you feel if a morbidly obese girl did the sorts of things in the OP to you?

>> No.15293715

You actually read all these books?

That's actually very impressive anon, good job

>> No.15293748

Anon don't listen to the faggots in this thread, this is really sweet and wholesome. You're not a beta, you're clearly passionate about literature and one day you'll find a girl who you can share this passion with. I know I did. Just because this one girl was not interested doesn't mean you should give up on yourself or what is important to you.

>> No.15293803

The first conversation I had with my gf of three years now was about Lermontov's Hero of Our Time. She deeply identified with Pechorin and his fatalism, she could relate with his feelings of apathy for the world, of not belonging and not wanting to be here and so on. She sees the world as vain and imperfect, she still refuses to see the good.

I talked to her about the great Russian novelists and she's Russian herself and has read them in her native language, but she slowly learned to hate them too. She laughs and Tolstoy and calls him pompous, Dostoevsky for her is boring and attention seeking. She hates literature although she is well read and now refuses to touch a book. I still make her listen to the things I read though, when I was reading St Augustine she would get incredibly angry and call him a hypocrite and insult philosophy and call it nonsense. I'm not sure what to think of it any more, she is intelligent and is well educated but where did this hatred of literature come from?

>> No.15293806

I fucked one who did and I don't regret it one bit.

>> No.15294075

she's gonna kys herself on a year tops.

>> No.15294099


>> No.15294135 [DELETED] 
File: 961 KB, 2500x2649, 1517085463638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren

>> No.15294145 [DELETED] 
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thanks fren

>> No.15294188

Well you shouldn't throw everything on top of another person like that

Even if a qt girl was into you and really enjoyed literature, something like this would scare her off for sure

Why do this instead of just giving her your favorite book with a short, thoughtful text? To do this you have to be completely detached from reality, that your delusions of love are more real than reality itself.

>> No.15294455

all nice

>> No.15294555

Don't read seduction books would be my advice but generally don't be too worried about timing and weird internal insecurities (easier said than done obviously). Try to be a bit more extroverted in your daily life, not just around women, make the effort to talk to people more. Also try to only proposition people you can be reasonably confident of not having to see regularly after the fact, friendly enough that you can talk to them but not so much that losing them as a platonic friend is a serious blow.
It's complicated and all you can really do is get lucky but you never know. Chin up.

>> No.15294685

The first present I bought my girlfriend was a Swedish children's book called Kulla Gulla because she was learning the language and it cost like 40 kronor. It was a little thing early in the relationship that wasn't too over the top but personal, and if not then unique then at least special. Sending someone a list of a thousand books to read as well as six actual, physical books which would take an average person over a year to get through if they were even interested is just overkill and, although undoubtedly done with good intentions, is just a very poor way to start off any kind of relationship. Nobody wants to be given a large gift and show of affection for no immediately obvious reason because one naturally assumes they will be expected to pay it back in some way- even if that isn't actually the purpose.
I suspect you don't need telling this though OP. A year and a half is a long time to carry around memories like that, I hope this flagellation was cathartic for you if nothing else.

>> No.15294722

You cannot make big gestures to near-strangers, especially women. If you make a big gesture, and expect a big response from someone back, this will be impossible if the person you are giving to is a coward, which all women are by necessity since those who were brave and corageous got fucking massacred by wildlife in evolution, while the cowardly attached themselves completely to a man and depended on him.